Poll: Independents Will Soon Outnumber Republicans and Democrats combined!


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Now, I know many of the partisans get newsletters emailed to them. Well, we independents have resources too. I get newsletters from a group called "The Independent Voter". I also use "Project Vote Smart" and "FactCheck." In other words no indoctrination by opinionated facts.
Anyways, the largest and fastest growing segment of American voters is the Independent voter sector.
We are really tired on a do-nothing, constant bickering, constant political game playing and just plain stubbornness of both political parties. Neither does a good job of being in touch with America's pulse, they are too busy bowing to the needs of their financial backers.
The more both parties are marginalized the better. A majority of Americans are experiencing taxation without representation and they are realizing it. Thus the growth of the strength of the independent minded voter, who also prefers to think for themselves.
Poll Independents Will Soon Outnumber Republicans and Democrats Combined - IVN.us
Personally I'm sick of the Right and the Left, and wasting my vote on any of their candidates is a waste of time.

Both parties are tearing the country apart.
there will always be right, left, middle.

The parties are only concerned about getting votes for their party, what happens to America vs what they can make it look like what happened is what's doing the most harm.

plus it's way easier to bribe a party vs a group of like minded people that are basically not connected.
I'm no rino or prog dem , registered independent , maybe libertarian . Main thing with me is that I am my definition of Conservative so I pick and choose . I support gop Trump and Cruz , probably will throughout the duration of this presidential run . Maybe gop Carson or Scott Walker depending on how things go .
No kidding. It is not surprising since the two major parties are busier with their power struggle than accomplish anything beneficial for the whole country. In their blood shot eyes they lost the sight of the Constitution and sell out principles for power.

But they'll keep voting for Republicans and Democrats so what difference does it make?
A good trend imho. Thanks for the post.
I agree. Let the parties compete for the independents' votes.

Let there be an Independent Party based on a compromise of conservatism, liberalism and moderate thought.

Yeah...what about the folks who don't care about hot button social issues like gay marriage or abortion (I don't, and I am fine with gay marriage) yet are fiscally conservative and hate all the race baiting?

Where do people like me go?
Now, I know many of the partisans get newsletters emailed to them. Well, we independents have resources too. I get newsletters from a group called "The Independent Voter". I also use "Project Vote Smart" and "FactCheck." In other words no indoctrination by opinionated facts.
Anyways, the largest and fastest growing segment of American voters is the Independent voter sector.
We are really tired on a do-nothing, constant bickering, constant political game playing and just plain stubbornness of both political parties. Neither does a good job of being in touch with America's pulse, they are too busy bowing to the needs of their financial backers.
The more both parties are marginalized the better. A majority of Americans are experiencing taxation without representation and they are realizing it. Thus the growth of the strength of the independent minded voter, who also prefers to think for themselves.
Poll Independents Will Soon Outnumber Republicans and Democrats Combined - IVN.us
It doesn't matter if Independents outnumber partisans if the Independents don't bother showing up at the polls.

In particular, at the primaries.

The thing about zealots, they show up at primaries in numbers out of proportion to their percentage of the populace and thus have a disproportionate influence on who you have to choose from on Election Day.

And that is why the partisan media outlets manufacture so much bullshit. They are manipulating the rubes who have zero critical thinking skills, influencing them to vote the way their media masters want them to. They keep the rubes energetic by constantly infusing them with fear and panic and pessimism.
The two parties are really one party. Just a small private elite club. Most are Big Government Globalists out for themselves. I will never consider myself a member of either party ever again.
But they'll keep voting for Republicans and Democrats so what difference does it make?
probably true , course I know nothing about the actual party , have to check it out I guess . Maybe I just recognize the word and so I vote and support INDEPENDENTLY 'Bro' !!
A good trend imho. Thanks for the post.
I agree. Let the parties compete for the independents' votes.

Let there be an Independent Party based on a compromise of conservatism, liberalism and moderate thought.
The monolithic coalition of Repubs and Dems (THE ESTABLISHMENT) would not allow that to happen. We, as a nation, are in a dying agony with no principles anymore. What is better, slow "death" or coup de grâce? Maybe it would be better the hand the power to the Libtards in order to ruin the country to wake up the sleeping giant, then we could start afresh returning to Founding Principles.
I've recently heard a proposal that voters NOT register affiliation or membership in any political party, and that voting becomes an open and nonpartisan affair. I think that would be an excellent start . . .
Personally I'm sick of the Right and the Left, and wasting my vote on any of their candidates is a waste of time.

Both parties are tearing the country apart.

The only problem with the right and left is that we are allowing both of them to dictate the political dialogue in this country, while most Americans are somewhere in between. This includes most Democrats and Republicans. What too many people get confused with is the idea that all Democrats are on the left and all Republicans are on the right. Hell, talking to a lot of the conservatives in this forum, they will tell you that a lot of Republicans are on the left. This is because they are so out of touch with reality, yet the entire Republican Party bows to their idiocy. From the Democratic side, left means people like Bernie Sanders, and there are many of those out there, but Obama is not on the left. He is center left, but that is much different than a Bernie Sanders.

So it's not the parties tearing the country apart; it's everyone who puts up with the nonsense from the far right and far left who allow these imbeciles to constantly dictate the conversation.

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