Independents Now Largest Voter Group in United States

Oh, I know. You dumb motherfuckers are undermining our entire nation - and frankly, you need to be taken down.
A winger's biggest enemy (they do love to have enemies, don't they?) isn't a winger from the other end, it's someone who can think for themselves.

Wingers don't like being exposed like that. So they have to attack and pretend that you're a winger from the other side.

The two ends deserve each other.
Great piece from last year on the rise of independent voters:

Disillusioned With Dems and GOP, Independents Now Largest Voter Group in the US

“Independents began to see that the control of the electoral process by the two parties was fused with the larger economic and social circumstances in the country,” said Jacqueline Salit, president of

“They began to feel that this was a country being run by a set of insiders, that the insiders had control over the political apparatus, and that unless and until we could change and transform the political apparatus, we weren’t going to be able to address issues of economic instability.”

I’m endlessly disappointed by both parties, from the untouchable .1% who answer only to the rich, down to the rank and file who keep them in power, so completely identify with the disillusion expressed in the article, and have been an independent for years.

“There is a consensus that people are tired of polarization and tired of the sort of politics where you’re always voting against something and never for something.”

The endless angry bickering on this site - and on every political site I’ve ever observed - exemplifies the self-defeating behavior independents seek to leave behind.

Can the bitterness, hysteria, ignorance, bigotry, greed and dysfunction endlessly exhibited by both major parties ever be disrupted by independent voters, or are we all trapped in an endless cycle of lesser evil voting?

An independent candidate quoted in the article says:

“Life is going to be difficult for the next generation. We’re not addressing climate change. We’re not addressing inequality in any meaningful way. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin and neither one of them is paying the bills."

"They have created a system that blockades anyone who doesn’t fall on one side or the other. And the best thing that I can do for my kid is do whatever I can to change that outcome.”
I agree with you and this thread will descend into the usual finger pointing.

I could say which party is worse or better but there is plenty of people here that have opinions here...

What US needs is ( how real of achieving it is not factred in):
  1. Enact the Fairness Doctrine or something very similar. We have clear media bubbles and people are not getting the same news. News Organisations are claiming to be entertainment channels so they don't have to report the facts.. We see it here daily, people living in an alternative media universes.
  2. Change the voting law to:
    1. Congress : Multi-seat preference voting
    2. Senate : Multi-seat preference voting (with larger states to get more seats, it is far too undemocratic)
    3. President : Popular vote with preference voting
  3. Constitutional changes can be done with a referendum of 50% plus one vote with a turnout of 50%+...

This would be a start and very unlikely, it is comparable style to most democracies... There is also a big problem that large minority of country don't want the country run by the duly elected majority, they want their(minority) rule...
A winger's biggest enemy (they do love to have enemies, don't they?) isn't a winger from the other end, it's someone who can think for themselves.

Wingers don't like being exposed like that. So they have to attack and pretend that you're a winger from the other side.

The two ends deserve each other.

You are right but I struggle to see any real far Left winger here.. Maybe I missed them...

Universal Health insurance isn't far left
Free Third Level College isn't far left...

I these items were far left then all of US allies are far left. But the problem is that economy like Germany has out performed US in the last few decades... With all of these 'far left' policies which run on the premise that the economy(Market Economy) is there to serve the people and not the other way around..

So they regulate the market to perfom best for the citizens of their country. Do they get everything right? No... But there is intension and they get more rights than wrong...
This system is called 'Regulated Capitalism' OR 'Social Democracy'.

Be careful not to mix Social Democracy with Democratic Socialism (which a good bit different)...
Let me make this as plain as day to you. I, along with every other REAL AMERICAN are not interested in unity, we want the enemy, which is the Left, to be defeated and permanently marginalized away from politics in general.
That won’t happen in a two party system, we have over 200 years of elections to prove that.
That won’t happen in a two party system, we have over 200 years of elections to prove that.
Each "side" has that at their goal: complete domination of the other. And they're stupid enough to think that winning an election will let them do that ("Elections have consequences!"). But the half of the country who hates them is still out there. Still unwilling to play along. Still stubbornly resisting. Waiting for their turn to yank back the reins and push things in the other direction. Rinse, wash, repeat. Empty thrashing that does nothing to effect good government and only undermines our society further.
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The problem with independents is that they still usually vote for the corrupt duopoly
Each "side" has that at their goal: complete domination of the other. And they're stupid enough to think that winning an election will let them do that ("Elections have consequences!"). But the half of the country who hates them is still out there. Still unwilling to play along. Still stubbornly resisting. Waiting for their turn to yank back the reins and push things in the other direction. Rinse, wash, repeat. Empty thrashing that does nothing to effect good government and only undermines our society further.
Better that than sitting in a big circle jerk and singing kumbayah while the enemy stabs you in the back.
You are right but I struggle to see any real far Left winger here.. Maybe I missed them...

Universal Health insurance isn't far left
Free Third Level College isn't far left...

I these items were far left then all of US allies are far left. But the problem is that economy like Germany has out performed US in the last few decades... With all of these 'far left' policies which run on the premise that the economy(Market Economy) is there to serve the people and not the other way around..

So they regulate the market to perfom best for the citizens of their country. Do they get everything right? No... But there is intension and they get more rights than wrong...
This system is called 'Regulated Capitalism' OR 'Social Democracy'.

Be careful not to mix Social Democracy with Democratic Socialism (which a good bit different)...
No difference Communism is Communism no matter how much you want to dress it up.
Each "side" has that at their goal: complete domination of the other. And they're stupid enough to think that winning an election will let them do that ("Elections have consequences!"). But the half of the country who hates them is still out there. Still unwilling to play along. Still stubbornly resisting. Waiting for their turn to yank back the reins and push things in the other direction. Rinse, wash, repeat. Empty thrashing that does nothing to effect good government and only undermines our society further.
Way too theoretical.

The only real question is, whose hands do you want on public money?

A bunch of business men, or a bunch of social misfits?
Better that than sitting in a big circle jerk and singing kumbayah while the enemy stabs you in the back.
That's not what I'm talking about. Consensus isn't compromise and it doesn't entail that we all magically get along. It's not so much about what we agree to do, it's more about what we agree not to do. If there isn't solid agreement on a social issue, we shouldn't force the issue with legislation. We should leave people free to work it out on their own.

Back when Republicans pretended to lean libertarian, they understood that. They used to argue against the social engineering ambitions of Democrats. But now they've joined Democrats in their zeal to make social issues government issues. They don't have a problem with government dictating culture, they just want to be in charge of the dictating.
That's not what I'm talking about. Consensus isn't compromise and it doesn't entail that we all magically get along. It's not so much about what we agree to do, it's more about what we agree not to do. If there isn't solid agreement on a social issue, we shouldn't force the issue with legislation. We should leave people free to work it out on their own.

Back when Republicans pretended to lean libertarian, they understood that. They used to argue against the social engineering ambitions of Democrats. But now they've joined Democrats in their zeal to make social issues government issues. They don't have a problem with government dictating culture, they just want to be in charge of the dictating.
Ahh yes, libertarianism. The all purpose excuse for moral depravity.
Ahh yes, libertarianism. The all purpose excuse for moral depravity.
Nope. We just don't think the government is there to tell people how to live. It's there to protect our rights, our freedom to live as we want. Even if it sends the moralizing busybodies into a tizzy.
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Nope. We just don't think the government is there to tell people how to live. It's there to protect our rights, our freedom to live as we want. Even if it sends the moralizing busybodies into a tizzy.
Then according your thinking. Let just do away with all criminal law then. That's imposing morality.
Then according your thinking. Let just do away with all criminal law then. That's imposing morality.
No. It's not. Criminal law protects our rights. Murder, for example, isn't against the law because it's a sin. It's against the law because it violates another person's rights. Same with theft, and most other criminal laws.

But the culture warriors don't care about rights. They know how they want society looks and they're willing to use force to get there.
Nope. We just don't think the government is there to tell people how to live. It's there to protect our rights, our freedom to live as we want. Even if it sends the moralizing busybodies into a tizzy.

No. It's not. Criminal law protects our rights. Murder, for example, isn't against the law because it's a sin. It's against the law because it violates another person's rights. Same with theft, and most other criminal laws.

But the culture warriors don't care about rights. They know how they want society looks and they're willing to use force to get there.
I’ll admit, you Lib 2.0’s have some great ideas but sadly they just don’t ‘fit‘ for todays society.
You simply can’t have a welfare society where the productive fund the unproductive and then tell the productive they are not allowed to care about how the unproductive live and behave.
You can’t force me to fund Mexico’s filth and then tell me I should vote in favor of laws that encourage them to smoke weed and do cocaine.

Lib 2.0 / LibTarian ideologies would be perfect in all white, all ambitious, all moral, no welfare, early America. You live and let live hippies are 100 years and 40 million wetbacks too late.
Lib 2.0 / LibTarian ideologies would be perfect in all white, all ambitious, all moral, no welfare, early America. You live and let live hippies are 100 years and 40 million wetbacks too late.
Sigh.... That racist schtick is polluting what's left of your mind.

You've also got it backwards. It's not that libertarianism doesn't work in a pluralistic society. It's the opposite. In fact, in diverse society, live and let live (libertarianism) is the only thing that does work.
Sigh.... That racist schtick is polluting what's left of your mind.

You've also got it backwards. It's not that libertarianism doesn't work in a pluralistic society. It's the opposite. In fact, in diverse society, live and let live (libertarianism) is the only thing that does work.
Be specific, where is such a thing working? Where are good productive people forced to pay bad unproductive people to do bad things and make bad decisions?
What “diverse” community, city, state or nation is clean, safe, productive and united?

We need details and data bud…saying noble words and or because you say so just doesn’t work.

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