Independents Now Largest Voter Group in United States

That’s an idea I could eagerly support.
We get the politicians we deserve.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it!"

"Those other politicians spend too much on PORK, but my guy brings home the BACON!"

Congress has a 20 percent approval rating, and yet the House has a 98 percent re-election rate, and the Senate has an 80 percent re-election rate.

If you hate the way things are, look in the mirror for the culprit.
Jesus. This is just how hopelessly dense you fuckers are.

Go cheer for a wrestling match or something.
Let me make this as plain as day to you. I, along with every other REAL AMERICAN are not interested in unity, we want the enemy, which is the Left, to be defeated and permanently marginalized away from politics in general.
Let me make this as plain as day to you. I, along with every other REAL AMERICAN are not interested in unity, we want the enemy, which is the Left, to be defeated and permanently marginalized away from politics in general.
Oh, I know. You dumb motherfuckers are undermining our entire nation - and frankly, you need to be taken down.

Tell me, who do you prefer as your new rulers? The Russians, or the Chinese? Maybe you'll get a pat on the head for selling us out.
It's no secret. The media might want to turn it into an anti Trump tirade but the issue is really about democrats who can't support the old dude.
Oh, I know. You dumb motherfuckers are undermining our entire nation - and frankly, you need to be taken down.

Tell me, who do you prefer as your new rulers? The Russians, or the Chinese? Maybe you'll get a pat on the head for selling us out.
No, we are trying to SAVE this country from Communists like you.
It's no secret. The media might want to turn it into an anti Trump tirade but the issue is really about democrats who can't support the old dude.
Exactly. Or, rather, they say they can't support him. But will anyway because they're askeered. Just like the mindless partisan drones on the right.

The true "vote fraud" we're plagued with is traitorous scum voting "lesser-of-two-evils".
No, we are trying to SAVE this country from Communists like you.
This is where I just see you as a complete assclown. I'm more anti-communist than you can possibly imagine. But you seem like a complete motherfucking idiot, so I doubt you can imagine much at all.
This is where I just see you as a complete assclown. I'm more anti-communist than you can possibly imagine. But you seem like a complete motherfucking idiot, so I doubt you can imagine much at all.
The simple mind of a Trump Nazi is capable of only false dichotomies.

Your either a Trump Nazi like them, or you are a commie baby-flesh-eating Satanist.
The simple mind of a Trump Nazi is capable of only false dichotomies.

Your either a Trump Nazi like them, or you are a commie baby-flesh-eating Satanist.
It all comes back to wrestling.

I'm not even kidding.
Great piece from last year on the rise of independent voters:

Disillusioned With Dems and GOP, Independents Now Largest Voter Group in the US

“Independents began to see that the control of the electoral process by the two parties was fused with the larger economic and social circumstances in the country,” said Jacqueline Salit, president of

“They began to feel that this was a country being run by a set of insiders, that the insiders had control over the political apparatus, and that unless and until we could change and transform the political apparatus, we weren’t going to be able to address issues of economic instability.”

I’m endlessly disappointed by both parties, from the untouchable .1% who answer only to the rich, down to the rank and file who keep them in power, so completely identify with the disillusion expressed in the article, and have been an independent for years.

“There is a consensus that people are tired of polarization and tired of the sort of politics where you’re always voting against something and never for something.”

The endless angry bickering on this site - and on every political site I’ve ever observed - exemplifies the self-defeating behavior independents seek to leave behind.

Can the bitterness, hysteria, ignorance, bigotry, greed and dysfunction endlessly exhibited by both major parties ever be disrupted by independent voters, or are we all trapped in an endless cycle of lesser evil voting?

An independent candidate quoted in the article says:

“Life is going to be difficult for the next generation. We’re not addressing climate change. We’re not addressing inequality in any meaningful way. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin and neither one of them is paying the bills."

"They have created a system that blockades anyone who doesn’t fall on one side or the other. And the best thing that I can do for my kid is do whatever I can to change that outcome.”
Most of the so-called “independents” are really democrats who are ashamed to admit it
Oh, I know. You dumb motherfuckers are undermining our entire nation - and frankly, you need to be taken down.

Tell me, who do you prefer as your new rulers? The Russians, or the Chinese? Maybe you'll get a pat on the head for selling us out.
You're being incredibly stupid.

Some of the discussions on this board are plain old motherfucking retarded.
The thread title is a lie.

The overwhelming majority of this country is highly partisan, and it's getting worse by the day.
Meanwhile back in reality, 1/2 of the population of the nation rarely vote in the general election; it's up near 75% in off year elections.
I am the libertarian that proves you wrong.
There are always exceptions to everything

You may be one of the rare libs who isnt a democrat in disguise

But most of the alleged non partisans around here are anything but what they claim to be

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