Independents Now Largest Voter Group in United States

Great piece from last year on the rise of independent voters:

Disillusioned With Dems and GOP, Independents Now Largest Voter Group in the US

“Independents began to see that the control of the electoral process by the two parties was fused with the larger economic and social circumstances in the country,” said Jacqueline Salit, president of

“They began to feel that this was a country being run by a set of insiders, that the insiders had control over the political apparatus, and that unless and until we could change and transform the political apparatus, we weren’t going to be able to address issues of economic instability.”

I’m endlessly disappointed by both parties, from the untouchable .1% who answer only to the rich, down to the rank and file who keep them in power, so completely identify with the disillusion expressed in the article, and have been an independent for years.

“There is a consensus that people are tired of polarization and tired of the sort of politics where you’re always voting against something and never for something.”

The endless angry bickering on this site - and on every political site I’ve ever observed - exemplifies the self-defeating behavior independents seek to leave behind.

Can the bitterness, hysteria, ignorance, bigotry, greed and dysfunction endlessly exhibited by both major parties ever be disrupted by independent voters, or are we all trapped in an endless cycle of lesser evil voting?

An independent candidate quoted in the article says:

“Life is going to be difficult for the next generation. We’re not addressing climate change. We’re not addressing inequality in any meaningful way. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin and neither one of them is paying the bills."

"They have created a system that blockades anyone who doesn’t fall on one side or the other. And the best thing that I can do for my kid is do whatever I can to change that outcome.”
I won't vote for a Republican or Democrat for this election, neither party is taking the election seriously enough to deserve a vote.
“There is a consensus that people are tired of polarization and tired of the sort of politics where you’re always voting against something and never for something.”

Yep. Sick of it. I've had to vote for a party I very much don't like in the last two elections, and I was ALREADY pissed off.

I still don't think that we can regain control from the nutter bases on the ends unless and until we fix this fucked up electoral system.
You "had" to vote? LOL!!! You could have voted third party if you had really wanted to, you support the two-party system, so spare us your "had" to BS.
Your personal FEELZ / emotions aside….tell us which of Trumps POLICIES were bad for America and Americans?
Energy policy, because if we have cheap electricity than we... No that aint it.

Immigration, cause illegal aliens are... No, that aint it either

Foreign, cause ending wars and bringing... No that aint it either

I guess I have too much common sense, best to leave this question to the democrats
“There is a consensus that people are tired of polarization and tired of the sort of politics where you’re always voting against something and never for something.”

Yep. Sick of it. I've had to vote for a party I very much don't like in the last two elections, and I was ALREADY pissed off.

I still don't think that we can regain control from the nutter bases on the ends unless and until we fix this fucked up electoral system

What do you suggest? How would you fix the current electoral system?
  1. Strict, short term limits
  2. Ranked Choice Voting
  3. Bipartisan Redistricting Commissions
  4. Publicly-funded Election Campaigns
  5. Nonpartisan Primaries
Then we see.
Down with 2 and 5. The rest wouldn't change much and, arguably, would simply preserve the current nonsense:

1. The problem is who we're electing in the first place, not how long they stick around.
3. "Bi" partisan redistricting - further entrenching the two party shitshow.
4. Great. The sitting government decides who qualifies for public funding and who doesn't. What could go wrong?
“There is a consensus that people are tired of polarization and tired of the sort of politics where you’re always voting against something and never for something.”

Yep. Sick of it. I've had to vote for a party I very much don't like in the last two elections, and I was ALREADY pissed off.

I still don't think that we can regain control from the nutter bases on the ends unless and until we fix this fucked up electoral system.
The electoral system gives people with no voice a voice. From your perspective or views it has not stopped your advances. It has only given time to think things over. A third party that is popular impedes on 270 electoral votes though. This is what large government has done. Now it is pettiness and jealousies and victimization that is brought to the forefront endlessly. And the results are that we have privileged groups enamored with equity that steals the spirit from excellence.
  1. Strict, short term limits
  2. Ranked Choice Voting
  3. Bipartisan Redistricting Commissions
  4. Publicly-funded Election Campaigns
  5. Nonpartisan Primaries
Then we see.
For how long have there been calls for most of that if not all.
  1. Strict, short term limits
  2. Ranked Choice Voting
  3. Bipartisan Redistricting Commissions
  4. Publicly-funded Election Campaigns
  5. Nonpartisan Primaries
Then we see.
GAHAHAHA. RCV all but guaran-fucking-tees far Left wins 100% of the time, moron. And primaries are SUPPOSED to be partisan, dumbass.
GAHAHAHA. RCV all but guaran-fucking-tees far Left wins 100% of the time, moron. And primaries are SUPPOSED to be partisan, dumbass.
RCV isn't liberals trying to trick you. :rolleyes:

It's a much better voting system that would heal the idiotic division created by the two-party pissing match.
RCV isn't liberals trying to trick you. :rolleyes:

It's a much better voting system that would heal the idiotic division created by the two-party pissing match.
You FO too. the two party system is better in that we recognize who the enemy is. And it ain't Republicans.
You FO too. the two party system is better in that we recognize who the enemy is. And it ain't Republicans.
Sure. All partisan douchebags are going to say that. But the two-party "system" is a clusterfuck. The sooner we ditch it, the better.
Sure. All partisan douchebags are going to say that. But the two-party "system" is a clusterfuck. The sooner we ditch it, the better.
For what? It's the only way Conservatives can be properly represented. What you and the rest of the loonie Left want is a permanent Far Left ONE PARTY country.
Were it left up to me the bridges leading into DC would look like the Appian Way with moaning politicians.

That’s an idea I could eagerly support.

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