POLL: Individual Freedom is the foundation of a successful civil society.

Agree or Disagree - individual freedom is the foundation of a successful civil society

  • Disagree, because individual freedom is enjoyed at the collective's expense

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Disagree, because individual freedom doesn't pay a living wage

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
IMO a successfull civil society must have individual freedom.
If it doesnt exist, it isnt successful. Its regressive totalitarian bullshit.
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NOTE: For this poll, individual freedom does not include conduct that unreasonably intrudes on the liberty of others.

Agree because "Any society that places the collective over the individual invariably ends up with the collective being oppressed by the individuals in charge"

I think now matter the good intentions of Socialists and Communists.... history bears out your point over and over again. Good take on that.
Fuck anarchy.
Our constitution got it right.
Basic govt services is all we need from them.
I agree with you, TNH. Our Constitution has been the world's belweather, giving hope to many and horror to those whose answers to everything is chaos. I'm not blaming, it's just that there is a smudgepot of failed ideas that aren't taken seriously when say a socialist republic decides to do good, but first it has to do with a few million people before it can "do all this good." While too much prosperity is occasionally misused, our prosperity has benefitted the world, and when things turn down in our markets, the world tends to panic. That's why it's a good thing to keep things positive in the American market places.

We do have a current situation of concern that was born, unfortunately in some Ivy League schools which will bring America down if we fail to deal with it. I think I found it capsularized in this statement:

The Left that is now building on its occupation of the White House is not motivated by simple differences over policy or by what some conservatives persist in seeing as a “misguided idealism.” Its intention is to destroy the constitutional foundations of American democracy, dismantle traditional American governance and replace traditional American values with the socialist ideals that underpin the structures of totalitarian states. The Left cannot be dissuaded from its course by argumentation, however cogent and convincing it might be. It can only be stopped by a political counterforce that understands the threat it poses and is equipped with strategies to defeat it. The Center exists as a School of Political Warfare to educate that counterforce and provide American patriots with the weapons required to achieve this defeat of the Left. David Horowitz Freedom Center | School For Political Warfare
The Democrat Party no longer worries about this, they wear their pitches making quite braggadocios claims that other failed socialistic societies have inflicted on their own masses but never pan out. Oddly, the strongman factor that did the eliminations of inconvenient adversaries often wind up as the CEO of these countries, and the bloodletting even gets worse.

I don't see how we can fix our universities unless we kick the Marxist takeover bullshitters out of University history and political schools of thought. I think the best qualified purveyors of information might be found among intelligent men who've seen combat due to strongarm dictatorships that began as socialist pushes in institutions of higher learning. And that's what I think.
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While it is true that some anarchist are peaceful people, some are not.

Anarchy is a absence of any rules or regulations. Thus one has to rely on the nature of each individual to co-exist peacefully.

But if one anarchist decides he wants the land and belongings of another one, there is nothing about anarchy that would keep him from taking it.
15,000 gun homicides in one year is the sign of a very uncivil society.
Individualism is fine and good but human beings are social animals and in this time of "diversity" and identity politics, it's become abundantly clear that most people prefer to associate with members of their own tribe.
Individualism is fine and good but human beings are social animals and in this time of "diversity" and identity politics, it's become abundantly clear that most people prefer to associate with members of their own tribe.
Another WN crawls out of the woodwork...
Individual freedom comes from a paid for property and enforced at the end of a gun barrel. YOURS. You'll be dead before the steroid addicts with badges show up with the 20 minute siren warning(s).

When the bell beeps and the camera shows the intruder. Don't miss !
Don't injure. That'll cost you a fortune !

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