Poll: Is Haiti a shithole?

Is Haiti a shithole?

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A whitey needs to remove its blinders.
A darkie needs to stop being a racist prick.

Two strikes, you never get a hit. Why is that?

11th Annual International Jazz Festival of Port-au-Prince, March 4th – 11th


Festival International de Jazz de Port-au-Prince

About the same or better than New Orleans jazz fests.

OMFG you really are that stupid do you honestly think they will post real images of what outside of tourist areas you idiot. If they did that nobody would want to go gawd dam you are fkn stupid as fk.

if you believe that you've got real logic issues.

Absolutely NO lying about the Clinton crime family...........you just don't want to acknowledge it.

Nope, prove they are. I'm not party driven, or support real crimes done by any politician.

btw: I make RW folks looks like weak thinkers on policies or laws needed to run America.

Chip Tatum and Cody Sodgres and Larry Nichols amassed quite a dossier on what the Clintons were doing in Arkansas. I am currently in the middle of Cody's book and it's quite a read. There isn't much in it that I didn't already know like the cocaine running into the Mena airport and how it was transported using the cover of Tyson chicken trucks. The Hildebeast was using her position at the Rose Law firm to help launder it where it ended up at BCCI.

As far as you making ANY one look "weak"? That's pretty fucking laughable. You don't even have the slightest clue on what has been done to the American people. You don't even understand how this fiat monetary system works. You are a troll......nothing more or less.

Gee, you need to get back to the righie' place and get more of your talking points.

Quick, click below, you're running low on BS conspiracy input.

LMAO! No fan of Alex Jones here at all. I know that douches like you believe the propaganda spewed by the lamestream Operation Mockingbird media. I simply know more than you.

Weak minds will always use infowars as their denial of truth their mentality proves itself because they are to low IQ to realize they can find the same information else where for one, for two half the articles out from infowars are from other sites which links are provided that also proves how fkn stupid they are.

They can't search information for themselves.
They believe the first thing their lover media tells them
gawd they're so fkn dumb.

Cody Snodgres gave Alex Jones first shot to be interviewed, a former third party black -ops for the CIA that was approached about blowing up the Murrah building at a meeting in late 1994. That was six months ago and Alex never got him on. Cody has been doing NUMEROUS interviews on other sites like Caravan To Midnight but all he heard was crickets from Alex Jones. Jones bailed on the Pizzagate story even after it as found that the Comet Ping and Pizza's server had been hacked revealing the selling of child porn using bitcoin that is connected to 8 other servers and some of those are in Europe. He also bailed on Wolfgang Halbig. Infowars has given a lot of good information out but they are too afraid to stick by whistle blowers like the ones mentioned.
I don't know about Haiti, having never been there.

But I've been to Alabama and Texas plenty of times and they're shitholes.

Son, I've been to Haiti, let's just say if you'd ever visit the place you'd never refer to even the crummiest town in Alabama as a shit hole again.
I don't know about Haiti, having never been there.

But I've been to Alabama and Texas plenty of times and they're shitholes.

Son, I've been to Haiti, let's just say if you'd ever visit the place you'd never refer to even the crummiest town in Alabama as a shit hole again.

Why the fuck should I believe you when you say you've been to Haiti?
Nope, prove they are. I'm not party driven, or support real crimes done by any politician.

btw: I make RW folks looks like weak thinkers on policies or laws needed to run America.

Chip Tatum and Cody Sodgres and Larry Nichols amassed quite a dossier on what the Clintons were doing in Arkansas. I am currently in the middle of Cody's book and it's quite a read. There isn't much in it that I didn't already know like the cocaine running into the Mena airport and how it was transported using the cover of Tyson chicken trucks. The Hildebeast was using her position at the Rose Law firm to help launder it where it ended up at BCCI.

As far as you making ANY one look "weak"? That's pretty fucking laughable. You don't even have the slightest clue on what has been done to the American people. You don't even understand how this fiat monetary system works. You are a troll......nothing more or less.

Gee, you need to get back to the righie' place and get more of your talking points.

Quick, click below, you're running low on BS conspiracy input.

LMAO! No fan of Alex Jones here at all. I know that douches like you believe the propaganda spewed by the lamestream Operation Mockingbird media. I simply know more than you.

Weak minds will always use infowars as their denial of truth their mentality proves itself because they are to low IQ to realize they can find the same information else where for one, for two half the articles out from infowars are from other sites which links are provided that also proves how fkn stupid they are.

They can't search information for themselves.
They believe the first thing their lover media tells them
gawd they're so fkn dumb.

Cody Snodgres gave Alex Jones first shot to be interviewed, a former third party black -ops for the CIA that was approached about blowing up the Murrah building at a meeting in late 1994. That was six months ago and Alex never got him on. Cody has been doing NUMEROUS interviews on other sites like Caravan To Midnight but all he heard was crickets from Alex Jones. Jones bailed on the Pizzagate story even after it as found that the Comet Ping and Pizza's server had been hacked revealing the selling of child porn using bitcoin that is connected to 8 other servers and some of those are in Europe. He also bailed on Wolfgang Halbig. Infowars has given a lot of good information out but they are too afraid to stick by whistle blowers like the ones mentioned.

He probably doesn't trust anyone since that one CIA agent set him up for the last stunt which was something about MARS and Pizzagate. I can't think of that CIA agents name. If I were Alex I wouldn't trust anyone either all the do is FK him over , take something he says twist , edit it, and lie he can always prove that is what happens because he shows clips of his FULL vidoe on a topic and then tells how they cut parts of it off.
I don't know about Haiti, having never been there.

But I've been to Alabama and Texas plenty of times and they're shitholes.

Son, I've been to Haiti, let's just say if you'd ever visit the place you'd never refer to even the crummiest town in Alabama as a shit hole again.

Why the fuck should I believe you when you say you've been to Haiti?

I don't care if you believe me or not random internet poster, but riddle me this, why did our own government in 2001 say "Because Haiti is such a shit hole we are issuing special waivers to that Haitians can get the fuck out of the shit hole" and still and yet, in 2018 said Haitians are STILL here? Oh sure, the State Department used prettier language, but you don't see any similar programs for Norwegians, for example, do you?

Haiti is a fucking shit hole and admitting that obvious point won't take away any of your Trump hating street cred.
They will be on equal footing with the rest of the world under Trump's merit-based system, which does not recognize race, gender, or sexual preference.

An equal playing field for one and all. It's beautiful, isn't it?

?? Trump's merit-based system??
Well, it will go like. Entry to America will cost each.
Whitey Pure Fully documented -45K
Whites- No Birth certificate- 245K
Whites- Mixed non-Asain or Muslim-345K
All others 545K
All Muslims- 3 million each, no questions asked. But no guns or bombs coming in.
You must purchase that in/at our America Gun Nutter Shows. No background checks will be done.
ALL Cash only. Delivered to Offshore Banks to hide it from being taxed.

btw: Nazi types get a 15% discount, with providing a non-White head with your racist Whitey
applications to prove you are worthy, like the Great Douche.


When did you move from PLANET IDIOT. Because you seriously need to go back you are one stupid mother fkrs man honest to gawd , Your brain is weak and you are a stockholm syndrome victim. Poor thing.
CNN LMFAO point proved.


Is the list by CNN a lie? They quote the Great Douche words.

Calling those racist statements is nonsense.

A whitey needs to remove its blinders.

A dumb ass needs to face reality from real information and not some made up bs CNN ass wipe information they pull out of their asses and their sheep follow it like a dog sniffing out a steak.

Where's the Clinton Foundation in Haiti?
I don't care if you believe me or not

You should care since it's your anecdote that serves as the basis of your entire argument. So it's entirely consequential that I believe you otherwise you have nothing else there than your own shitty word.

"Believe me, it's bad"
"I don't believe you"
"I don't care that you don't believe me, even though I said 'believe me'"

It's like Waiting for Godot, except really, really stupid.
A whitey needs to remove its blinders.
A darkie needs to stop being a racist prick.

Two strikes, you never get a hit. Why is that?

11th Annual International Jazz Festival of Port-au-Prince, March 4th – 11th


Festival International de Jazz de Port-au-Prince

About the same or better than New Orleans jazz fests.

OMFG you really are that stupid do you honestly think they will post real images of what outside of tourist areas you idiot. If they did that nobody would want to go gawd dam you are fkn stupid as fk.

if you believe that you've got real logic issues.


So, they have some poor looking areas. Well,

97 of 100 poorest counties ARE in Our Racist red states

You can understand why they are called sky over states.
As they look about the same. Them be Whitey Shitholes.

As they are not safer areas like in Haiti, by population.
America has more Shitholes, covering more land area, mostly they are in red states.
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In a normal society it would be considered a bit rude to point out what a shithole Haiti is compared to Norway, but when the Left forces the issue on us through open borders it’s necessary to point this fact out.
In a normal society it would be considered a bit rude to point out what a shithole Haiti is compared to Norway, but when the Left forces the issue on us through open borders it’s necessary to point this fact out.

Why does Trump want socialists from Norway coming to America? I thought you people hated socialism.
According to liberals it's an island paradise. ..... :cool:


That is what the USA is going to look like someday. The elites will be in their sustainable cities and the rest of us will survive in the rural wastelands , polluted land, water and air.

Yes it will because of people like you who vote for lawmakers who want to fling the doors open to third-worlders.
A whitey needs to remove its blinders.
A darkie needs to stop being a racist prick.

Two strikes, you never get a hit. Why is that?

11th Annual International Jazz Festival of Port-au-Prince, March 4th – 11th


Festival International de Jazz de Port-au-Prince

About the same or better than New Orleans jazz fests.

OMFG you really are that stupid do you honestly think they will post real images of what outside of tourist areas you idiot. If they did that nobody would want to go gawd dam you are fkn stupid as fk.

if you believe that you've got real logic issues.


So, they have some poor looking areas. Well,

97 of 100 poorest counties ARE in Our Racist red states

You can understand why they are called sky over states.
As they look about the same. Them be Whitey Shitholes.

As they are not safer areas like in Haiti, by population.
American has more Shitholes, covering more land area, mostly they are red states.

By the way, are you even an American ? Do you even live here ?
A whitey needs to remove its blinders.
A darkie needs to stop being a racist prick.

Two strikes, you never get a hit. Why is that?

11th Annual International Jazz Festival of Port-au-Prince, March 4th – 11th


Festival International de Jazz de Port-au-Prince

About the same or better than New Orleans jazz fests.

OMFG you really are that stupid do you honestly think they will post real images of what outside of tourist areas you idiot. If they did that nobody would want to go gawd dam you are fkn stupid as fk.

if you believe that you've got real logic issues.


So, they have some poor looking areas. Well,

97 of 100 poorest counties ARE in Our Racist red states

You can understand why they are called sky over states.
As they look about the same. Them be Whitey Shitholes.

As they are not safer areas like in Haiti, by population.
American has more Shitholes, covering more land area, mostly they are red states.

By the way, are you even an American ? Do you even live here ?

I'm a little late ....but my vote was YES.

It is a shithole.

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