Poll: Is the United States besieged by a Communist Insurrection?

Are we in the middle of Communist Insurrection.

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When the media starts silencing the president - you know - communism is here.

And not just that, BLM, Antifa getting official recognition too. Heck, BLM probably received more donations than any other organization this year.

It won't stop unless people stand up.
When the media starts silencing the president - you know the president is a fucking idiot.
No. The country is beset with intellectual laziness, stupidity, selfishness and gross materialism. Dishonesty and contempt rule politics. The people don't do their job of monitoring government and 'representatives' represent their powerful constituents. It would almost be better if there were a real, virulent "left" (or "right, for that matter) to stimulate things, but that isn't the case. Surely, there are some weak efforts off in the wings, but the fat, complacent middle won't budge, just belches and farts out sentiments of discontent rather randomly and in all directions.
We keep telling ya it's just a good ol color revolution on our own soil
They're playing for keeps


That's a cop who had to resign because leftards went ballistic....he sounds exactly like Maxine waters

He's inciting violence lol

Meanwhile comrades

We keep telling ya it's just a good ol color revolution on our own soil
They're playing for keeps

View attachment 414100

That's a cop who had to resign because leftards went ballistic....he sounds exactly like Maxine waters

He's inciting violence lol

Meanwhile comrades

Democrats are free to promote violence against Republicans. Anything a Democrat says about Republicans or cops should be turned around and done to them.

The United States is besieged by its own Right Wingers gone insane.

Blindly, slavishly following an arrogant, amoral con-man into the dark abyss of autocracy.


God Save the Republic.

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