POLL: Is your party Centrist?

Is Your Party Centrist

  • I'm a Republican. Yes, my party is Centrist

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • I'm a Republican. No my party is not Centrist

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I'm a Democrat. Yes, my party is Centrist

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I'm a Democrat. No, my party is not Centrist

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I'm neither, and I bet both parties say they're Centrist.

    Votes: 10 66.7%

  • Total voters
I'm told on another thread (CDZ - Could it be too late for a viable third party?) that the Democratic Party is Centrist. Of course, I've been told the same things by Republicans.

Let's find out!

And feel free to define "Centrist". The working definition for this thread will be "Centrist means that my party strikes a good balance of the priorities and wishes of the largest number of Americans."

If you don't feel your party is Centrist, then, perhaps you feel that it has strayed off too far to its end of the political spectrum and needs to rethink where it is.

Can't you just shut up? Please!

Can you please just shut up?

You want to know why we are in the mess we are in? Do you really want to know?

I doubt you do, but I will give it a try. Of course, there is nothing that can be done except for a start over from scratch and even if we did, the globalists and their agenda is nearly impossible to overcome.

The problem is the false notion that...

1. We are a democracy

2. Voting is a right

We are not a democracy. Democracy can be labeled as mobacracy. The professional politicians have studied the power of group think and that is their bread and butter. As a result of voting being a right, politicians are more likely to be like candy store owners and promising large sweet feasts to the masses.

Where leaders are supposed to be more like doctors that give treatment. Often times that treatment is unpleasant but it is good. However with large swaths of ignorant or brainwashed groups, it is nearly impossible for politicans to sell unpleasant treatments regardless of how good it might be.

Watch and learn and see why we are where we are.

If you see why voting is not supposed to be a right, then you get it. If you think it is better for this country for this REPUBLIC that any idiot has the power to vote then you are a brainwashed tool.

Well, there's a big ol' pile of generalities.

Cool. Maybe you can get specific one day.
I'm told on another thread (CDZ - Could it be too late for a viable third party?) that the Democratic Party is Centrist. Of course, I've been told the same things by Republicans.

Let's find out!

And feel free to define "Centrist". The working definition for this thread will be "Centrist means that my party strikes a good balance of the priorities and wishes of the largest number of Americans."

If you don't feel your party is Centrist, then, perhaps you feel that it has strayed off too far to its end of the political spectrum and needs to rethink where it is.

Can't you just shut up? Please!

Can you please just shut up?

You want to know why we are in the mess we are in? Do you really want to know?

I doubt you do, but I will give it a try. Of course, there is nothing that can be done except for a start over from scratch and even if we did, the globalists and their agenda is nearly impossible to overcome.

The problem is the false notion that...

1. We are a democracy

2. Voting is a right

We are not a democracy. Democracy can be labeled as mobacracy. The professional politicians have studied the power of group think and that is their bread and butter. As a result of voting being a right, politicians are more likely to be like candy store owners and promising large sweet feasts to the masses.

Where leaders are supposed to be more like doctors that give treatment. Often times that treatment is unpleasant but it is good. However with large swaths of ignorant or brainwashed groups, it is nearly impossible for politicans to sell unpleasant treatments regardless of how good it might be.

Watch and learn and see why we are where we are.

If you see why voting is not supposed to be a right, then you get it. If you think it is better for this country for this REPUBLIC that any idiot has the power to vote then you are a brainwashed tool.

Well, there's a big ol' pile of generalities.

Cool. Maybe you can get specific one day.

Fuck you
I'm told on another thread (CDZ - Could it be too late for a viable third party?) that the Democratic Party is Centrist. Of course, I've been told the same things by Republicans.

Let's find out!

And feel free to define "Centrist". The working definition for this thread will be "Centrist means that my party strikes a good balance of the priorities and wishes of the largest number of Americans."

If you don't feel your party is Centrist, then, perhaps you feel that it has strayed off too far to its end of the political spectrum and needs to rethink where it is.

The majority of Americans support democratic ideas. Gerrymandered and voter suppression is why republicans have anything. No matter what these people say, more Americans voted for Clinton than Trump. In the past several midterms democrats got more votes but severely gerrymandered districts help republicans. Republicans are trying to pack courts to get rid of laws that have helped everyone. People need to pay attention to these things and not just rhetoric to understand there is no equivalence.
no....I have no party.
"Centrists" are gutless, intellectually plodding, statist saps.
So if a party were to strike a good balance of the priorities and wishes of the largest number of Americans, that's a bad thing?

Mac, let go buddy...this nation is no longer likeminded at all...multiculturalism / diversity finally fucked us over.
There is no common ground...Sorry
This nation has always been multi cultural. Whites just refused others who lived here equal rights.
Do you really listen to Levin?
Yes, and Hannity and Limbaugh. I want to know what these people are thinking and why.

I think that avoiding the opinions of those with whom I disagree would be cowardly and destructive.
I understand. I do that too. But you said Levin thinks independently.
Do you really listen to Levin?
Yes, and Hannity and Limbaugh. I want to know what these people are thinking and why.

I think that avoiding the opinions of those with whom I disagree would be cowardly and destructive.
I understand. I do that too. But you said Levin thinks independently.
I meant I'd like to see ANY thought that I can't get get by just listening to Levin.
Mac, let go buddy...this nation is no longer likeminded at all...multiculturalism / diversity finally fucked us over.
There is no common ground...Sorry
From your perspective, and within the context of your temperament, and within your universe, yes, I agree.

But that's not everyone. I'll hold out hope that there are still enough people who can pull this country out of the mud.

I should let you know that I commend you for trying your nuts off but I’m telling you, we’ve all been where you’re at some point...then we realized that ship sailed. No nation can be as diverse as this shithole has become and still be united...it’s just not a realistic expectation.
Americans have become foreign on their own soil...entire cities have been taken over by Mexico...and some white guilt whackos side against their fellow countrymen. Ain’t happening bud...real Americans are pissed and they want their country back.
None of this is true. Real Americans have been pissed since your ancestors first invaded.

Do you really listen to Levin?
Yes, and Hannity and Limbaugh. I want to know what these people are thinking and why.

I think that avoiding the opinions of those with whom I disagree would be cowardly and destructive.
I understand. I do that too. But you said Levin thinks independently.
I meant I'd like to see ANY thought that I can't get get by just listening to Levin.

Fair enough. My apologies.
I'm told on another thread (CDZ - Could it be too late for a viable third party?) that the Democratic Party is Centrist. Of course, I've been told the same things by Republicans.

Let's find out!

And feel free to define "Centrist". The working definition for this thread will be "Centrist means that my party strikes a good balance of the priorities and wishes of the largest number of Americans."

If you don't feel your party is Centrist, then, perhaps you feel that it has strayed off too far to its end of the political spectrum and needs to rethink where it is.


It remains to be seen if the Democrats are centrist - they've hit their Tea Party moment and it could pull the party much further left. Then will they follow the Republican model and purge the centrists from their party?

Centrist Democrats strike back at leftward lurch

Democrats aren't even close to a tea party moment. The people who became the tea party voted in the republicans and 2 terms of Bush, supported his wars, his outsourcing jobs, and tax cuts while spending for 2 wars, then decided they didn't like spending when Obama took office.

Democrats are no farther left than they have ever been and there will be no purges.

But I think republicans have gone as far right as they can go. Legitimate republicans are either going to pull the party back, or they will join Justin Amash.
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I'm neither, but I don't think both parties consider themselves centrist.

Also, I don't think health care for all is as much of a left vs. right issue in other countries as it is in the US.

I don't think even all Republicans are against public education, despite the current head at the Dept. of Education.
If this were a football game, I'd say that the Democratic party, as a whole, is playing from their own 10 0r 15 yard line. If Biden gets the nomination, it would be closer to the 30 or 35.

The Republicans are now around their own 40 with Trump in office, but I'd say the party as a whole is closer to the 30.
If this were a football game, I'd say that the Democratic party, as a whole, is playing from their own 10 0r 15 yard line. If Biden gets the nomination, it would be closer to the 30 or 35.

The Republicans are now around their own 40 with Trump in office, but I'd say the party as a whole is closer to the 30.

The Republicans are outside the Stadium. Ronald Reagan would be considered a RINO by today's crazy standards...
If this were a football game, I'd say that the Democratic party, as a whole, is playing from their own 10 0r 15 yard line. If Biden gets the nomination, it would be closer to the 30 or 35.

The Republicans are now around their own 40 with Trump in office, but I'd say the party as a whole is closer to the 30.

The Republicans are outside the Stadium. Ronald Reagan would be considered a RINO by today's crazy standards...
You are going to legalize pedophilia and your bringing up Reagan?

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