Poll: Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over ‘religious freedom’

Keep dreaming, the Bible is clear on homosexuality.

Whether or not that is true is irrelevant. Your religion doesn't get to make laws that affect the rest of us.

It is true and it's the homos demanding laws be made. Most Christians just want to be left alone but homos just can't help themselves in their quest to be looked at as normal.
You don't speak for "Most Christians".
Time moves on. By now I am ready to accept the union between two people of the same gender as valid. I even have no problem calling it a marriage.

Will the LGBT community be as polite and understanding and not threaten law suits if an establishment prefers not to cater to them because of religious convictions or will they be forever shit disturbers and bullies and imaginary victims?

Only if the establishment advertises the fact that they won't serve me because I'm gay...and only after you get rid of Public Accommodation laws that protect race, religion, country of origin, gender, disability, etc.

Will the LGBT community exercise common sense, logic and decency and find another establishment rather than seek head lines and being obtuse and objectionable and idiotic just because in today's politically correct climate they know they can?

Yes, if the Christian Bigot Community (CBC) advertises their bigotry in advance so that I don't inadvertently give them my gay dollars. We will also make snarky Yelp postiings....

People wearing no shirt and/or no shoes are usually refused service for obvious reasons.
If you are gay, you can walk into any establishment and unless you brag about your sickness nobody will know.
Hence, nobody will refuse to give you service.
Only the in-your-face, obtuse and bullying loud mouths like you are refused service.
After lifetimes of oppression and abuse the LGBT community has finally gained support from the public, the legislatures and the courts to live with the same rights and equal protections as everyone else. Old dinosaurs like you are pissed off that you can not abuse and oppress them anymore without suffering the consequences of legal and economic sanctions. Who can blame these people for telling you to fuck off when you insist on being able to abuse and oppress them.

Bleh, there is nothing normal about it. It goes against nature and God's word. End of it

You really should search what the medical community says about it, since they are the ones who have actually conducted scientific research to find out.

What part of I don't care are you not grasping? You and your fellow fruitferters are never going to convince me it's normal. Carry on with your nonsense.
Time moves on. By now I am ready to accept the union between two people of the same gender as valid. I even have no problem calling it a marriage.

Will the LGBT community be as polite and understanding and not threaten law suits if an establishment prefers not to cater to them because of religious convictions or will they be forever shit disturbers and bullies and imaginary victims?

Only if the establishment advertises the fact that they won't serve me because I'm gay...and only after you get rid of Public Accommodation laws that protect race, religion, country of origin, gender, disability, etc.

Will the LGBT community exercise common sense, logic and decency and find another establishment rather than seek head lines and being obtuse and objectionable and idiotic just because in today's politically correct climate they know they can?

Yes, if the Christian Bigot Community (CBC) advertises their bigotry in advance so that I don't inadvertently give them my gay dollars. We will also make snarky Yelp postiings....

People wearing no shirt and/or no shoes are usually refused service for obvious reasons.
If you are gay, you can walk into any establishment and unless you brag about your sickness nobody will know.
Hence, nobody will refuse to give you service.
Only the in-your-face, obtuse and bullying loud mouths like you are refused service.

Right...I can't have a romantic dinner out with MY wife like you can because then someone might know I'm gay. I can't hold hands with my wife like you can, right? What about the businesses that come into my home? The phone guy, the satellite guy?

Fortunately, I've never been refused service...but I don't look stereotypically gay either. I've known some straight men and women that did look gay though...are they "in your face" because they are perceived to be gay?
People like you want your own sharia law....still waiting for you to quote where the bible says homosexuality is bad...chapter and verse.

Oh, no, no no. People like YOU are the ones who want your own sharia law, where you can FORCE religious vendors to service or host a ceremony that they find offensive, even though any gay couple could quickly and easily just use another vendor. YOU want to leave religious vendors no choice but to either violate their beliefs or get fined or jailed.

But if a religious vendor declines to host or service a gay wedding, he has done nothing that would stop the gay couple from getting married or that would prevent them from using any of the numerous vendors who would be willing to host or service their wedding.

And as for your demand to see proof that the Bible condemns homosexuality, I take it you don't own a Bible? The Bible condemns homosexuality as clearly and plainly as it does adultery and murder, and anyone who claims otherwise is simply lying and trying to distort the plain message of scripture on the issue. A few links on what the Bible teaches about homosexuality and marriage:

What does the Bible say about homosexuality Is homosexuality a sin

Homosexuality is Condemned in the Bible

The Bible and Homosexuality - Christian Research Institute

Bible Verses about Homosexuality

Apologetics Press - Does the Bible Approve of Homosexuality (This link deals with the arguments advanced by liberal theologians who deny that the Bible condemns homosexuality.)

What s wrong with being gay Homosexual behavior versus the Bible ChristianAnswers.Net
No it isn't, it is your speculation. Christianity has many denominations and factions. One group doesn't get to make demands on the other. Westboro doesn't speak for all Christians or even Baptist and a select group of Catholic Priests can't speak for the whole Catholic Church or even Catholics in general. If they did all Catholics would be pedophiles.

Keep dreaming, the Bible is clear on homosexuality.

Whether or not that is true is irrelevant. Your religion doesn't get to make laws that affect the rest of us.

It is true and it's the homos demanding laws be made. Most Christians just want to be left alone but homos just can't help themselves in their quest to be looked at as normal.
You don't speak for "Most Christians".
Time moves on. By now I am ready to accept the union between two people of the same gender as valid. I even have no problem calling it a marriage.

Will the LGBT community be as polite and understanding and not threaten law suits if an establishment prefers not to cater to them because of religious convictions or will they be forever shit disturbers and bullies and imaginary victims?

Only if the establishment advertises the fact that they won't serve me because I'm gay...and only after you get rid of Public Accommodation laws that protect race, religion, country of origin, gender, disability, etc.

Will the LGBT community exercise common sense, logic and decency and find another establishment rather than seek head lines and being obtuse and objectionable and idiotic just because in today's politically correct climate they know they can?

Yes, if the Christian Bigot Community (CBC) advertises their bigotry in advance so that I don't inadvertently give them my gay dollars. We will also make snarky Yelp postiings....

People wearing no shirt and/or no shoes are usually refused service for obvious reasons.
If you are gay, you can walk into any establishment and unless you brag about your sickness nobody will know.
Hence, nobody will refuse to give you service.
Only the in-your-face, obtuse and bullying loud mouths like you are refused service.
After lifetimes of oppression and abuse the LGBT community has finally gained support from the public, the legislatures and the courts to live with the same rights and equal protections as everyone else. Old dinosaurs like you are pissed off that you can not abuse and oppress them anymore without suffering the consequences of legal and economic sanctions. Who can blame these people for telling you to fuck off when you insist on being able to abuse and oppress them.

Bleh, there is nothing normal about it. It goes against nature and God's word. End of it
One of the great things about living in America is that you do not have to be "normal". People like you profess to love America, but you hate allowing Americans to be Americans. You represent everything that is anti American. You want to get rid of the right to religious freedom and force everyone to live by your religion and adhere to the supposed works of your God and how you interpret his alleged words. You want to force people to live the way you think they should live. That is not American. Being American is living with freedom to live life your way and allowing and respecting others to live their way.
Keep dreaming, the Bible is clear on homosexuality.

Whether or not that is true is irrelevant. Your religion doesn't get to make laws that affect the rest of us.

It is true and it's the homos demanding laws be made. Most Christians just want to be left alone but homos just can't help themselves in their quest to be looked at as normal.
You don't speak for "Most Christians".
Time moves on. By now I am ready to accept the union between two people of the same gender as valid. I even have no problem calling it a marriage.

Will the LGBT community be as polite and understanding and not threaten law suits if an establishment prefers not to cater to them because of religious convictions or will they be forever shit disturbers and bullies and imaginary victims?

Only if the establishment advertises the fact that they won't serve me because I'm gay...and only after you get rid of Public Accommodation laws that protect race, religion, country of origin, gender, disability, etc.

Will the LGBT community exercise common sense, logic and decency and find another establishment rather than seek head lines and being obtuse and objectionable and idiotic just because in today's politically correct climate they know they can?

Yes, if the Christian Bigot Community (CBC) advertises their bigotry in advance so that I don't inadvertently give them my gay dollars. We will also make snarky Yelp postiings....

People wearing no shirt and/or no shoes are usually refused service for obvious reasons.
If you are gay, you can walk into any establishment and unless you brag about your sickness nobody will know.
Hence, nobody will refuse to give you service.
Only the in-your-face, obtuse and bullying loud mouths like you are refused service.
After lifetimes of oppression and abuse the LGBT community has finally gained support from the public, the legislatures and the courts to live with the same rights and equal protections as everyone else. Old dinosaurs like you are pissed off that you can not abuse and oppress them anymore without suffering the consequences of legal and economic sanctions. Who can blame these people for telling you to fuck off when you insist on being able to abuse and oppress them.

Bleh, there is nothing normal about it. It goes against nature and God's word. End of it
One of the great things about living in America is that you do not have to be "normal". People like you profess to love America, but you hate allowing Americans to be Americans. You represent everything that is anti American. You want to get rid of the right to religious freedom and force everyone to live by your religion and adhere to the supposed works of your God and how you interpret his alleged words. You want to force people to live the way you think they should live. That is not American. Being American is living with freedom to live life your way and allowing and respecting others to live their way.

AGAIN ...I don't care. Do what you want, get pretend married and play house, just keep it away from our children. When you cross that line then I do care
Christ would tell the homos they are sinning and go and sin no more. That's a fact
No it isn't, it is your speculation. Christianity has many denominations and factions. One group doesn't get to make demands on the other. Westboro doesn't speak for all Christians or even Baptist and a select group of Catholic Priests can't speak for the whole Catholic Church or even Catholics in general. If they did all Catholics would be pedophiles.

Keep dreaming, the Bible is clear on homosexuality.

Whether or not that is true is irrelevant. Your religion doesn't get to make laws that affect the rest of us.

It is true and it's the homos demanding laws be made. Most Christians just want to be left alone but homos just can't help themselves in their quest to be looked at as normal.
You don't speak for "Most Christians".
Time moves on. By now I am ready to accept the union between two people of the same gender as valid. I even have no problem calling it a marriage.

Will the LGBT community be as polite and understanding and not threaten law suits if an establishment prefers not to cater to them because of religious convictions or will they be forever shit disturbers and bullies and imaginary victims?

My posts on this topic acknowledged the legitimacy and validity of all LGBT aspirations, including "marriage", and if you have read them you would know that.

As straight heterosexual person I have no desire to go to any LGBT establishment for meals, entertainment, weddings, companionship or sympathy. Nor would I have the extremely ill manners of bullying and suing those establishments for refusing service to me.

Ill manners, bullying, in-your-face contempt, hypocrisy and claiming unearned and undeserved "right" and bitching about past wrongs seems to be the exclusive purview of the LGBT community.

Only if the establishment advertises the fact that they won't serve me because I'm gay...and only after you get rid of Public Accommodation laws that protect race, religion, country of origin, gender, disability, etc.

Will the LGBT community exercise common sense, logic and decency and find another establishment rather than seek head lines and being obtuse and objectionable and idiotic just because in today's politically correct climate they know they can?

Yes, if the Christian Bigot Community (CBC) advertises their bigotry in advance so that I don't inadvertently give them my gay dollars. We will also make snarky Yelp postiings....

People wearing no shirt and/or no shoes are usually refused service for obvious reasons.
If you are gay, you can walk into any establishment and unless you brag about your sickness nobody will know.
Hence, nobody will refuse to give you service.
Only the in-your-face, obtuse and bullying loud mouths like you are refused service.
After lifetimes of oppression and abuse the LGBT community has finally gained support from the public, the legislatures and the courts to live with the same rights and equal protections as everyone else. Old dinosaurs like you are pissed off that you can not abuse and oppress them anymore without suffering the consequences of legal and economic sanctions. Who can blame these people for telling you to fuck off when you insist on being able to abuse and oppress them.
Another thread for liberals to show hate for Christians....Old
The people promoting discrimination and showing disdain for LGBT's do not speak for Christians, they just insist on using that label. Many Christians and even entire denominations of Protestant religions disagree with the people claiming they are Christians as they spread anti Christ teachings. Christ would not support Christshiria laws.

Christ would tell the homos they are sinning and go and sin no more. That's a fact

Like you, of all people, are qualified to speak FOR christ.

Whether or not that is true is irrelevant. Your religion doesn't get to make laws that affect the rest of us.

It is true and it's the homos demanding laws be made. Most Christians just want to be left alone but homos just can't help themselves in their quest to be looked at as normal.
You don't speak for "Most Christians".
Only if the establishment advertises the fact that they won't serve me because I'm gay...and only after you get rid of Public Accommodation laws that protect race, religion, country of origin, gender, disability, etc.

Yes, if the Christian Bigot Community (CBC) advertises their bigotry in advance so that I don't inadvertently give them my gay dollars. We will also make snarky Yelp postiings....

People wearing no shirt and/or no shoes are usually refused service for obvious reasons.
If you are gay, you can walk into any establishment and unless you brag about your sickness nobody will know.
Hence, nobody will refuse to give you service.
Only the in-your-face, obtuse and bullying loud mouths like you are refused service.
After lifetimes of oppression and abuse the LGBT community has finally gained support from the public, the legislatures and the courts to live with the same rights and equal protections as everyone else. Old dinosaurs like you are pissed off that you can not abuse and oppress them anymore without suffering the consequences of legal and economic sanctions. Who can blame these people for telling you to fuck off when you insist on being able to abuse and oppress them.

Bleh, there is nothing normal about it. It goes against nature and God's word. End of it
One of the great things about living in America is that you do not have to be "normal". People like you profess to love America, but you hate allowing Americans to be Americans. You represent everything that is anti American. You want to get rid of the right to religious freedom and force everyone to live by your religion and adhere to the supposed works of your God and how you interpret his alleged words. You want to force people to live the way you think they should live. That is not American. Being American is living with freedom to live life your way and allowing and respecting others to live their way.

AGAIN ...I don't care. Do what you want, get pretend married and play house, just keep it away from our children. When you cross that line then I do care

And that "line" consists of what? What "it" must be kept from your children? The existence of gay people? If a gay couple kissed goodbye at the airport and your children saw...is that an "it" that crosses your imaginary line?

I don't care if the bigots want to get married, play pretend Christian, have gay babies...they just need to keep that bigotry away from our children. We're trying to raise tolerant, caring, contributing members of society here...
No it isn't, it is your speculation. Christianity has many denominations and factions. One group doesn't get to make demands on the other. Westboro doesn't speak for all Christians or even Baptist and a select group of Catholic Priests can't speak for the whole Catholic Church or even Catholics in general. If they did all Catholics would be pedophiles.

Keep dreaming, the Bible is clear on homosexuality.

Whether or not that is true is irrelevant. Your religion doesn't get to make laws that affect the rest of us.

It is true and it's the homos demanding laws be made. Most Christians just want to be left alone but homos just can't help themselves in their quest to be looked at as normal.
You don't speak for "Most Christians".
Time moves on. By now I am ready to accept the union between two people of the same gender as valid. I even have no problem calling it a marriage.

Will the LGBT community be as polite and understanding and not threaten law suits if an establishment prefers not to cater to them because of religious convictions or will they be forever shit disturbers and bullies and imaginary victims?

Only if the establishment advertises the fact that they won't serve me because I'm gay...and only after you get rid of Public Accommodation laws that protect race, religion, country of origin, gender, disability, etc.

Will the LGBT community exercise common sense, logic and decency and find another establishment rather than seek head lines and being obtuse and objectionable and idiotic just because in today's politically correct climate they know they can?

Yes, if the Christian Bigot Community (CBC) advertises their bigotry in advance so that I don't inadvertently give them my gay dollars. We will also make snarky Yelp postiings....

People wearing no shirt and/or no shoes are usually refused service for obvious reasons.
If you are gay, you can walk into any establishment and unless you brag about your sickness nobody will know.
Hence, nobody will refuse to give you service.
Only the in-your-face, obtuse and bullying loud mouths like you are refused service.
After lifetimes of oppression and abuse the LGBT community has finally gained support from the public, the legislatures and the courts to live with the same rights and equal protections as everyone else. Old dinosaurs like you are pissed off that you can not abuse and oppress them anymore without suffering the consequences of legal and economic sanctions. Who can blame these people for telling you to fuck off when you insist on being able to abuse and oppress them.

Bleh, there is nothing normal about it. It goes against nature and God's word. End of it

And again, you speak authoritatively about something you don't know.

Not picking on you. This board is full of people who are in favor of sharia law and want big government to control the most intimate details of other people's lives.

People like you want your own sharia law....still waiting for you to quote where the bible says homosexuality is bad...chapter and verse.

Oh, no, no no. People like YOU are the ones who want your own sharia law, where you can FORCE religious vendors to service or host a ceremony that they find offensive, even though any gay couple could quickly and easily just use another vendor. YOU want to leave religious vendors no choice but to either violate their beliefs or get fined or jailed.

But if a religious vendor declines to host or service a gay wedding, he has done nothing that would stop the gay couple from getting married or that would prevent them from using any of the numerous vendors who would be willing to host or service their wedding.

And as for your demand to see proof that the Bible condemns homosexuality, I take it you don't own a Bible? The Bible condemns homosexuality as clearly and plainly as it does adultery and murder, and anyone who claims otherwise is simply lying and trying to distort the plain message of scripture on the issue. A few links on what the Bible teaches about homosexuality and marriage:

What does the Bible say about homosexuality Is homosexuality a sin

Homosexuality is Condemned in the Bible

The Bible and Homosexuality - Christian Research Institute

Bible Verses about Homosexuality

Apologetics Press - Does the Bible Approve of Homosexuality (This link deals with the arguments advanced by liberal theologians who deny that the Bible condemns homosexuality.)

What s wrong with being gay Homosexual behavior versus the Bible ChristianAnswers.Net

So's debating. You're gonna burn in heeeelllll....

The Sin of Debate

Be sure to check your list of New Testament sins before casting stones sinners...

The Complete List of (NT) Sins

Somebody bump this for Sassy ;)
Poll Majority of Americans side with LGBT rights over religious freedom LGBTQ Nation

A new national poll finds that a majority of Americans believe businesses should not be allowed to refuse services based on their religious beliefs, suggesting a split over the issue between voters and some of the politicians who represent them.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll released Thursday also found that 52 percent of Americans support allowing same-sex couples to marry, far more than the 32 percent who oppose it.

The poll found solid opposition to allowing businesses to refuse services or refuse to hire people or groups based on religious beliefs.

Fifty-four percent said it was wrong for businesses to refuse services, while 28 percent said they should have that right. And 55 percent said businesses should not have the right to refuse to hire certain people or groups based on the employer’s religious beliefs, while 27 percent said businesses should have the right.

Looks like the American people disagree with the religious right (who have, after all, always been a small minority) on this issue.

A majority of Americans would oppose the Bill of Rights if it wasn't labelled as such. Congress has even voted down bills that were nothing more than reworded versions of the Bill of Rights.
One of the great things about living in America is that you do not have to be "normal". People like you profess to love America, but you hate allowing Americans to be Americans. You represent everything that is anti American. You want to get rid of the right to religious freedom and force everyone to live by your religion and adhere to the supposed works of your God and how you interpret his alleged words. You want to force people to live the way you think they should live. That is not American. Being American is living with freedom to live life your way and allowing and respecting others to live their way.

You are delusional. Seriously. YOU guys are the ones who want to coerce or punish those whose beliefs and values you reject. YOU guys are the ones who are running to lawyers to punish religious vendors whose only "crime" was that they did not want to host or service a ceremony that they believed would violate their religious principles and teachings.

Any gay couple who encounters a reluctant religious vendor still has all the options in the world and are not being forced to do anything that they find morally and spiritually offensive, yet YOU guys are entirely willing to either threaten the religious vendor into doing what you want or to punish them for having the nerve to decline to host or service a ceremony that they find offensive.

Stop pretending that you are upholding American traditions of tolerance and choice and liberty. Liberty and tolerance were never understood to mean a person had some "right" to force another person to host or support a ceremony that they found offensive.

You are using NAZI reasoning to deny religious vendors basic rights that, until just the last few years, were recognized as a sacred and vital part of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

When you sought to change the definition of marriage, you promised everyone over and over and over again that "if you're not gay, gay marriage won't affect you." Yeah, right.
The only poll that counts is the one that put republicans in charge of congress in the biggest landslide in mid term modern history and it was done with more than 850 on line surveys. I expect the only people who responded to Reuters online survey are the ones who felt strongly about homosexual rights and that changes the dynamics of the 850 responses. The questions never mentioned the 1st Amendment that gives Americans the absolute right to practice their religious freedom as they see fit and there was no mention of the rights of evangelical Christians. The poll was about homosexual marriage and hiring practices. I expect that it was conducted mostly on the left coast and in the Bay area. It's no secret that sodomites could get their pepperoni prepared and their wedding cakes made at about a million locations but angry sodomites trolled for discrimination and when they found it they made a federal case out of forcing Americans to violate their religious beliefs. The chicken shit sodomites wouldn't dare try to force Muslems to sell pork or cater to hairy men in dresses, Christians are too easy a target to pass up..
One of the great things about living in America is that you do not have to be "normal". People like you profess to love America, but you hate allowing Americans to be Americans. You represent everything that is anti American. You want to get rid of the right to religious freedom and force everyone to live by your religion and adhere to the supposed works of your God and how you interpret his alleged words. You want to force people to live the way you think they should live. That is not American. Being American is living with freedom to live life your way and allowing and respecting others to live their way.

You are delusional. Seriously. YOU guys are the ones who want to coerce or punish those whose beliefs and values you reject. YOU guys are the ones who are running to lawyers to punish religious vendors whose only "crime" was that they did not want to host or service a ceremony that they believed would violate their religious principles and teachings.

Any gay couple who encounters a reluctant religious vendor still has all the options in the world and are not being forced to do anything that they find morally and spiritually offensive, yet YOU guys are entirely willing to either threaten the religious vendor into doing what you want or to punish them for having the nerve to decline to host or service a ceremony that they find offensive.

Stop pretending that you are upholding American traditions of tolerance and choice and liberty. Liberty and tolerance were never understood to mean a person had some "right" to force another person to host or support a ceremony that they found offensive.

You are using NAZI reasoning to deny religious vendors basic rights that, until just the last few years, were recognized as a sacred and vital part of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

When you sought to change the definition of marriage, you promised everyone over and over and over again that "if you're not gay, gay marriage won't affect you." Yeah, right.
The only poll that counts is the one that put republicans in charge of congress in the biggest landslide in mid term modern history and it was done with more than 850 on line surveys. I expect the only people who responded to Reuters online survey are the ones who felt strongly about homosexual rights and that changes the dynamics of the 850 responses. The questions never mentioned the 1st Amendment that gives Americans the absolute right to practice their religious freedom as they see fit and there was no mention of the rights of evangelical Christians. The poll was about homosexual marriage and hiring practices. I expect that it was conducted mostly on the left coast and in the Bay area. It's no secret that sodomites could get their pepperoni prepared and their wedding cakes made at about a million locations but angry sodomites trolled for discrimination and when they found it they made a federal case out of forcing Americans to violate their religious beliefs. The chicken shit sodomites wouldn't dare try to force Muslems to sell pork or cater to hairy men in dresses, Christians are too easy a target to pass up..

The truth of the matter is the queers are waging war against Christianity. They want Christian churches to accept homosexuality as if it was no different that heterosexuality. They are got state marriage laws overturned, and now they are using that to attack any business that declines to cater to their lifestyle.
"Christians are too easy a target to pass up.."

If only Christians had more than 90% control of the US Congress...

If only...

Do you actually believe that people like Nazi Pelosi and Harry Reid are Christians?
"Christians are too easy a target to pass up.."

If only Christians had more than 90% control of the US Congress...

If only...

Do you actually believe that people like Nazi Pelosi and Harry Reid are Christians?
"Nazi Pelosi" -- There's some real Christianity there. Comparing her to genocidal maniacs.
I'm not fond of her, but to call her a Nazi -- well, this is where people decide how flipped out you are, finger boy.

I also will not be the one to say she - as a Catholic, is not a Christian.

Nor the Mormon, Harry Reid.

Some real judgement going on there. When did you get to decide who the"real" Christians are?

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