POLL: Majority Of Voters Want Antifa And BLM Investigated More Than January 6th


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

POLL: Majority Of Voters Want Antifa And BLM Investigated More Than January 6th​

22 Jul 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Since the moment Democrats took power in January of this year, they have painted what happened at the Capitol as a supposed “insurrection.”
They have painted Trump supporters and other conservatives as terrorists. The FBI has spent countless hours and resources rounding up people who were involved. Nancy Pelosi is even forming a new commission in Congress to further investigate.
Despite all of this, a majority of voters would prefer an investigation of the Antifa and BLM rioters who destroyed American cities for months in 2020.
Newsmax reports:
Rasmussen Poll: Majority Want BLM Protests Inquiry, More Than Jan. 6
As House leaders engage in a standoff over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 panel, a poll found that likely voters are more supportive of investigating the social injustice demonstrations that roiled the nation last summer.
A supermajority of likely voters (66%) want the Black Lives Matter and antifa protests investigated, while a majority do not support Pelosi’s inquiry into the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports poll.
Just 49% support Pelosi’s House Jan. 6 panel, and majorities of Blacks and Hispanics back an investigation into the protests that followed the murder of George Floyd by a police officer. The demonstrations sparked violence in a number of U.S. cities.
“Sixty-seven percent of whites, 64% of Black voters, 66% of Hispanics and 62% of other minorities think Congress should investigate the 2020 riots in U.S. cities,” Rasmussen Reports wrote in the analysis of the poll. “Seventy-five percent of Republicans, 60% of Democrats, and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major party say Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests.”
There are some other interesting findings in the poll.
From the Washington Examiner:
– 53% think Congress should award medals to the law enforcement agencies that defended their cities from violent looters and rioters in 2020.
– 62% believe elected officials who downplayed the 2020 rioting and looting deserve to be criticized, a number higher than the 51% who believe politicians deserve criticism for downplaying the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
– 76% of voters believe young people should be taught to comply with police rather than resist or flee arrest.
Democrats are out of step with the majority of the American people.
Their sham investigation is being done for political reasons, plain and simple.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

It's been no secret that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists have been funding and supporting
Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
BLM is a Marxist Jihadist global terrorist organization.
BLM is con game. Co-founder just brought four homes with funds stolen from BLM then resigns. Hypocrites.
Supported by Obama, Biden, Harris, and the PM/DSA Democrat Commie Left.
The numbers in these polls are further support for President Trump winning the election. There is no way Biden could get anywhere near the number of votes claimed with so many knowing BLM and Antifa were criminally responsible for the riots supported by Biden and the rest of the Democrat conglomerate.

Hhahahaha. Loaded question or not?

According to a study of 68 cities by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, in the summer of 2020, there were at least 574 protests that involved acts of violence, including assaults on police officers, looting and arson. More than 2,000 police officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. Should congress investigate the 2020 violent protests that occurred in these cities?

Not one question after listing the facts and figure and about the injuries inflicted on the police on 1-6.

The poll is bias.

Maybe they think that poll is horseshit.
I know it is, doesn't change the responsibility of the representatives. Are you suggesting no one is interested? I know that to be bullshit as well. Polls are always bullshit, I don't care the poll. To suggest people on a phone are who they say they are is hysterical. I agree with no poll. Even when one favors my point of view. None of you are honest enough to make such a statement.

Doesn't matter, you didn't answer me about the elected officials and their responsibility to their constituents.
Hhahahaha. Loaded question or not?

According to a study of 68 cities by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, in the summer of 2020, there were at least 574 protests that involved acts of violence, including assaults on police officers, looting and arson. More than 2,000 police officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. Should congress investigate the 2020 violent protests that occurred in these cities?

Not one question after listing the facts and figure and about the injuries inflicted on the police on 1-6.

The poll is bias.

all polls are bullshit.

POLL: Majority Of Voters Want Antifa And BLM Investigated More Than January 6th​

22 Jul 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Since the moment Democrats took power in January of this year, they have painted what happened at the Capitol as a supposed “insurrection.”
They have painted Trump supporters and other conservatives as terrorists. The FBI has spent countless hours and resources rounding up people who were involved. Nancy Pelosi is even forming a new commission in Congress to further investigate.
Despite all of this, a majority of voters would prefer an investigation of the Antifa and BLM rioters who destroyed American cities for months in 2020.
Newsmax reports:
Rasmussen Poll: Majority Want BLM Protests Inquiry, More Than Jan. 6
As House leaders engage in a standoff over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 panel, a poll found that likely voters are more supportive of investigating the social injustice demonstrations that roiled the nation last summer.
A supermajority of likely voters (66%) want the Black Lives Matter and antifa protests investigated, while a majority do not support Pelosi’s inquiry into the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports poll.
Just 49% support Pelosi’s House Jan. 6 panel, and majorities of Blacks and Hispanics back an investigation into the protests that followed the murder of George Floyd by a police officer. The demonstrations sparked violence in a number of U.S. cities.
“Sixty-seven percent of whites, 64% of Black voters, 66% of Hispanics and 62% of other minorities think Congress should investigate the 2020 riots in U.S. cities,” Rasmussen Reports wrote in the analysis of the poll. “Seventy-five percent of Republicans, 60% of Democrats, and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major party say Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests.”
There are some other interesting findings in the poll.
From the Washington Examiner:
– 53% think Congress should award medals to the law enforcement agencies that defended their cities from violent looters and rioters in 2020.
– 62% believe elected officials who downplayed the 2020 rioting and looting deserve to be criticized, a number higher than the 51% who believe politicians deserve criticism for downplaying the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
– 76% of voters believe young people should be taught to comply with police rather than resist or flee arrest.
Democrats are out of step with the majority of the American people.
Their sham investigation is being done for political reasons, plain and simple.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

It's been no secret that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists have been funding and supporting
Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
BLM is a Marxist Jihadist global terrorist organization.
BLM is con game. Co-founder just brought four homes with funds stolen from BLM then resigns. Hypocrites.
Supported by Obama, Biden, Harris, and the PM/DSA Democrat Commie Left.
The numbers in these polls are further support for President Trump winning the election. There is no way Biden could get anywhere near the number of votes claimed with so many knowing BLM and Antifa were criminally responsible for the riots supported by Biden and the rest of the Democrat conglomerate.



Why waste time investigating 'peaceful protestors'?
Who conducted this poll and who was asked? I note that the "sources" are Gateway Pundit and Newsmax; not very reliable.

Moreover, this is not an either/or situation. An investigative committee must investigate the insurrection of Jan. 6, but an investigation of Antifa and BLM can operate at the same time, as well as a committee to investigate corruption in law enforcement and the judicial system. Most of us can walk and chew gum at the same time.

POLL: Majority Of Voters Want Antifa And BLM Investigated More Than January 6th​

22 Jul 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Since the moment Democrats took power in January of this year, they have painted what happened at the Capitol as a supposed “insurrection.”
They have painted Trump supporters and other conservatives as terrorists. The FBI has spent countless hours and resources rounding up people who were involved. Nancy Pelosi is even forming a new commission in Congress to further investigate.
Despite all of this, a majority of voters would prefer an investigation of the Antifa and BLM rioters who destroyed American cities for months in 2020.
Newsmax reports:
Rasmussen Poll: Majority Want BLM Protests Inquiry, More Than Jan. 6
As House leaders engage in a standoff over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 panel, a poll found that likely voters are more supportive of investigating the social injustice demonstrations that roiled the nation last summer.
A supermajority of likely voters (66%) want the Black Lives Matter and antifa protests investigated, while a majority do not support Pelosi’s inquiry into the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports poll.
Just 49% support Pelosi’s House Jan. 6 panel, and majorities of Blacks and Hispanics back an investigation into the protests that followed the murder of George Floyd by a police officer. The demonstrations sparked violence in a number of U.S. cities.
“Sixty-seven percent of whites, 64% of Black voters, 66% of Hispanics and 62% of other minorities think Congress should investigate the 2020 riots in U.S. cities,” Rasmussen Reports wrote in the analysis of the poll. “Seventy-five percent of Republicans, 60% of Democrats, and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major party say Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests.”
There are some other interesting findings in the poll.
From the Washington Examiner:
– 53% think Congress should award medals to the law enforcement agencies that defended their cities from violent looters and rioters in 2020.
– 62% believe elected officials who downplayed the 2020 rioting and looting deserve to be criticized, a number higher than the 51% who believe politicians deserve criticism for downplaying the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
– 76% of voters believe young people should be taught to comply with police rather than resist or flee arrest.
Democrats are out of step with the majority of the American people.
Their sham investigation is being done for political reasons, plain and simple.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

It's been no secret that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists have been funding and supporting
Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
BLM is a Marxist Jihadist global terrorist organization.
BLM is con game. Co-founder just brought four homes with funds stolen from BLM then resigns. Hypocrites.
Supported by Obama, Biden, Harris, and the PM/DSA Democrat Commie Left.
The numbers in these polls are further support for President Trump winning the election. There is no way Biden could get anywhere near the number of votes claimed with so many knowing BLM and Antifa were criminally responsible for the riots supported by Biden and the rest of the Democrat conglomerate.

In other words the one thousand people ask believe that insurrection was all about people not doing what the police ask them not to do...
I'd kind of like to know if someone or some group financed any of those riots that happened last year across the country and if so, who?

Look to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies, who have funded them and raised money to get them out of jail.
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I agree that it is clearly biased. but then again it's very hard to get any Republicans don't work either complete Trump is who will give him a pass for anything or completely anti-trump there isn't really anyone in the Middle Ground anymore.

Plus I find a very hilarious that the trumper's and Republicans are complaining about bias when they're literally sending up rigged audits with absolutely no oversight and no news coverage even though allowed except for extreme far-right companies one America news they're fake audits are as bad as beyaz as they get. and they have still refuse to allow any third-party verification of any of the so-called evidence they find. Until that happens say that both sides are Baez and I'm so neither side really has any ground Dan them in their complaints.

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