Poll: More blame Obama for poor economy, unemployment

why wouldn't i neg rep you for the post, nutbar?

poor little freak-a-zoid. :cuckoo:

i do hope you find someone who appreciates your stalking their posts, pretend rabbi.
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Once again, 0bama's opinion of Americans as stupid, short-term memory sheep is really proving to be a GOOD strategy. From what a read in the poll, sticking with the, its Bush's fault still works.

It's not just Bush's fault. As the 2003 Republican drug bill they passed through reconciliation proves. A trillion dollar give-a-way to the drug companies? Add the cost of the two wars, probably more than three trillion, plus the 2.5 trillion dollar tax cut for the rich, plus the cost of rebuilding Iraq, thanks to the Republicans, we are stuck with and we can't even use Iraqi oil money. Then there are the no bid contracts for Iraq.

The list is endless. After all the Republicans have done to bring America to it's kness, if the country still want more, then so be it. But we know that with Republicans in power, the country will not get better. Only worse. What would they do different than what they already did?
Once again, 0bama's opinion of Americans as stupid, short-term memory sheep is really proving to be a GOOD strategy. From what a read in the poll, sticking with the, its Bush's fault still works.

It's not just Bush's fault. As the 2003 Republican drug bill they passed through reconciliation proves. A trillion dollar give-a-way to the drug companies? Add the cost of the two wars, probably more than three trillion, plus the 2.5 trillion dollar tax cut for the rich, plus the cost of rebuilding Iraq, thanks to the Republicans, we are stuck with and we can't even use Iraqi oil money. Then there are the no bid contracts for Iraq.

The list is endless. After all the Republicans have done to bring America to it's kness, if the country still want more, then so be it. But we know that with Republicans in power, the country will not get better. Only worse. What would they do different than what they already did?

Bush was in charge.
why wouldn't i neg rep you for the post, nutbar?

poor little freak-a-zoid. :cuckoo:

i do hope you find someone who appreciates your stalking their posts, pretend rabbi.

Why wouldn't you? Because you have a job, a life, something of substance to contribute in posts, factual and logical arguments to make.
Oops. No, you don't.
I guess you're right. No reason not to.
Enjoy your challah tonight.:cuckoo:
Why do some people think a new pres. is gonna automatically fix something that another admin took eight years to mess up?

The new president has been destroying this economy.

He brought up the unemployment rate to double digits and it's even now still at 9.7%.

No, not Obama,

Look to the Congress, controlled by BOTH Repubs and Dems (mostly dems...but the minority party wasn't AWOL were they?). Who was responsible for writing regulatory law over the Insurance/Banking/Savings&Loan systems?
Last week's jubilant signing of the health care overhaul, Obama's signature domestic initiative, seems to have given the president little boost. Instead, his standing on four personal qualities has sagged, and 50% of those surveyed say he doesn't deserve re-election.

Poll: More blame Obama for poor economy, unemployment - USATODAY.com

Maybe you do another gloating tour Barry, that last one helped you sooooooooo much.

or maybe people need to stop lying and repeating propaganda?
Barry could set the example, since he's the one doing the lying and shooting out the propaganda.
Why do some people think a new pres. is gonna automatically fix something that another admin took eight years to mess up?

The new president has been destroying this economy.

He brought up the unemployment rate to double digits and it's even now still at 9.7%.

It's worse than that. Even the BLS measures it as worse. U6 unemployment includes long term discouraged workers that have given up looking, as well as people who are underemployed (having taken part time or temp jobs to get by). U6 is at 17%.

Shadow Government Stats does a better job than the government of analyzing data. The government keeps changing how things are counted. Shadow stats adjusts for these changes in order to create a consistent picture over time. Actual unemployment/underemployment is approx. 22%.

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Barry could set the example, since he's the one doing the lying and shooting out the propaganda.

I give Obama credit:

He's pretty damn good at it too.
Not according to teh latest polls.

Bah...polls, schmolls.

Historically, as one of the least likely (dare I say "dark horse?") candidates ever to run for office in the USA, he wins at the polling booth.....elections.

He's got plenty of time to get his smoke and mirrors act together before 2012
Why do some people think a new pres. is gonna automatically fix something that another admin took eight years to mess up?

The new president has been destroying this economy.

He brought up the unemployment rate to double digits and it's even now still at 9.7%.

No, not Obama,

Look to the Congress, controlled by BOTH Repubs and Dems (mostly dems...but the minority party wasn't AWOL were they?). Who was responsible for writing regulatory law over the Insurance/Banking/Savings&Loan systems?

The man made the best point.

Only those that are partisan will blame any one party.

We, as Americans voted in members of congress that have proven that they do not represent America as a country. They represent their respective party and their own personal ideologies.

In the meantime, they are blaming each other and have us fighting their battles for them.

Ironically, they then turn around and blame us for creating a divide as we regurgitate their talking points.

Shut up and join forces. WE the people need to replace all of them. We need to make it clear that we are sick and tired of their silly reindeer games.

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