Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
Of course he did something wrong. Every president does. Ears committed several acts that should have resulted in his removal. W is without doubt a criminal worthy of a cell in Supermax, let alone impeachment.

I suspect Donnie did nothing approaching the heinous crimes of his two predecessors.

Donald and the Trumplings have been committing crimes since before his inauguration and they still have their sticky fingers in Uncle Sam's wallet.

Bolton has already published his concerns that Donald Trump was applying US foreign policy on the principle of maximizing the personal benefit to Donald Trump and the Trumplings.

Ya know after seeing you idiotic shit for awhile now I've decided to take the step of putting your dumb ass on ignore so I don't have to see it anymore. Its obvious that you have shit for brains and will never put anything worth seeing up. Bye now.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
Of course he did something wrong. Every president does. Ears committed several acts that should have resulted in his removal. W is without doubt a criminal worthy of a cell in Supermax, let alone impeachment.

I suspect Donnie did nothing approaching the heinous crimes of his two predecessors.

Donald and the Trumplings have been committing crimes since before his inauguration and they still have their sticky fingers in Uncle Sam's wallet.

Bolton has already published his concerns that Donald Trump was applying US foreign policy on the principle of maximizing the personal benefit to Donald Trump and the Trumplings.
Yes. Donnie is the biggest criminal in the world.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?


LOL!!! We always knew that that was the real goal, to gin up enough smoke that the voters would conclude there there must have been some "fire".

No one every said that lying does not work. That is why you lefties do it.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
Of course he did something wrong. Every president does. Ears committed several acts that should have resulted in his removal. W is without doubt a criminal worthy of a cell in Supermax, let alone impeachment.

I suspect Donnie did nothing approaching the heinous crimes of his two predecessors.

Donald and the Trumplings have been committing crimes since before his inauguration and they still have their sticky fingers in Uncle Sam's wallet.

Bolton has already published his concerns that Donald Trump was applying US foreign policy on the principle of maximizing the personal benefit to Donald Trump and the Trumplings.

I don't recall him doing that. What I do know is that there is a "leak" about his upcoming book. But these leaks are publishing stunts designed to make the public hungry for the day it hits the shelves. Take it with a grain of salt.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
In your dreams, dumbass. In fact quite the opposite is going on. This idiotic impeachmrpent farce is driving even more people out and away from your now defunct party. A good portion of the people at the latest Trump rally in NJ right in the heart of what has been a democratic strong hold had been democrats previously. There were more democratic defectors there than any of your silly assed candidate hopefuls could ever hope to raise.
Fact is you're done and it's already over except for all the screaming, shouting and wailing that is going to go on in November. That's all you have to look forward to unless you come to your senses soon and stop fighting the America first movement.

Actually in spite of all the non-republicans at the NJ rally, it had the least amount of Democrats there (20% I heard) compared to his last two including one here in my state of Ohio, where it was estimated at over 50% non-republicans. But still, he's reinventing Reagan's Democrats.
And I guarantee that if Barack Obama was accused of the same things that Trump has been, he'd have already been impeached and removed.

Hussien did do what Trump is accused of doing. That's what's so aggravating about the whole thing. DumBama did withhold documents subpoenaed by the Republican Congress. DumBama did do a quid pro quo on the same country Trump is accused of.

Republicans didn't do the wrong thing by impeaching him, they did the right thing by allowing a President to withhold or threat to withhold foreign aid. Republicans went to the courts to get the matter settled on the documents.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...

The only outcome that matters comes in November. Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

The only outcome that matters comes in November.

I agree

Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

wishful dreaming.

What happens, happens.

I do expect dems to lose the House tho.

We'll see. I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue in the House. Dems keep it. Right now, there are five Senate seats (4 Republican, 1 Democrat) that are considered toss ups. That could go either way...and Trump? Same mathematical issues this year as in 2016. And who knows, he may even get some sort of last minute assist from his own Roy Cohn AG. :)

I'm betting that the majority of American voters would like to end this madness and get back to some measure of sanity. And the only way to do that is send Trump packing.

Correct, end this madness already! Unemployment is too low, how much more can we take? We have a million and a half jobs more than people to work them, that could increase wages if we keep the illegals out. Speaking of which, a 70% reduction in border crossers since May of last year, and we can't have that. We need to flood this country with uneducated foreigners who can't even speak the language. Our businesses are doing too well, we need to tax them down to reality so they do much worse. Our gasoline prices are too low. We need to follow Warren's plan and stop all fracking which is responsible for our lower fuel prices.

Stop the madness I tell you......
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Gee, that's terrible. I can't see why that is? What do you suppose is causing such results?

Evening News Spin: 100% Negative on Trump Defense, 95% Positive Dems

If you commies didn't have the media and Hollywood in your back pocket, America would wake up to what Democrats are really all about.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Gee, that's terrible. I can't see why that is? What do you suppose is causing such results?

Evening News Spin: 100% Negative on Trump Defense, 95% Positive Dems

If you commies didn't have the media and Hollywood in your back pocket, America would wake up to what Democrats are really all about.

Cleveland is evidently not cleverland.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Gee, that's terrible. I can't see why that is? What do you suppose is causing such results?

Evening News Spin: 100% Negative on Trump Defense, 95% Positive Dems

If you commies didn't have the media and Hollywood in your back pocket, America would wake up to what Democrats are really all about.

Cleveland is evidently not cleverland.

I have no idea WTF that's even supposed to mean.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Gee, that's terrible. I can't see why that is? What do you suppose is causing such results?

Evening News Spin: 100% Negative on Trump Defense, 95% Positive Dems

If you commies didn't have the media and Hollywood in your back pocket, America would wake up to what Democrats are really all about.

Cleveland is evidently not cleverland.

I have no idea WTF that's even supposed to mean.
POLL: fall 2016.......Over 55% believe that Hillary will win in a landslide :abgg2q.jpg:
We all know Trump has been doing things that are wrong most of his life, they are well documented. are they legal moral or upstanding that is a question each person must decide for them self's.

Who is we? ..... Don't make retarded assumptions.

Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
He's going to be re-elected. You get that, right?
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Gee, that's terrible. I can't see why that is? What do you suppose is causing such results?

Evening News Spin: 100% Negative on Trump Defense, 95% Positive Dems

If you commies didn't have the media and Hollywood in your back pocket, America would wake up to what Democrats are really all about.

Trump has high approval ratings despite the 95% negative media campaign against him.

These 'Polls' are rubbish. Time to start organizing deportations and getting rid of the traitors and deviants en masse. Clean them out and we will then have room for some real diversity and progressive politics.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
He's going to be re-elected. You get that, right?
Maybe not. If the dumb Ds don’t nominate another corporatist fraud like O and Hillary, they might win. Bernie is the one.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
He's going to be re-elected. You get that, right?

The only certainty is there will be hell toupee whether or not Donald Trump is reelected.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...

The only outcome that matters comes in November. Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

Yeah, because that would be wonderful for our country and our economy. I can assure you our enemies would love to see this happen.

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