Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

The only outcome that matters comes in November. Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

The only outcome that matters comes in November.

I agree

Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

wishful dreaming.

What happens, happens.

I do expect dems to lose the House tho.

We'll see. I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue in the House. Dems keep it. Right now, there are five Senate seats (4 Republican, 1 Democrat) that are considered toss ups. That could go either way...and Trump? Same mathematical issues this year as in 2016. And who knows, he may even get some sort of last minute assist from his own Roy Cohn AG. :)

I'm betting that the majority of American voters would like to end this madness and get back to some measure of sanity. And the only way to do that is send Trump packing.

And the only way to do that is send Trump packing.
Need someone capable of doing that.

I don't see anyone currently capable.

BTW, you're new (?), I didn't vote for Trump, I won't vote for Trump.

Primary here is in about 2 weeks, and so far, my intent is to write in Gabbard

Yes. New (relatively). Signed up and then work exploded on me. Our primary up here is in 2 weeks as well so I'm guessing we may reside in the same state.
I think Joe, Bernie, and Pete are perfectly capable of taking down Trump. Warren??..meh...maybe. She's always a bit vague on her policies. I wouldn't vote for her anyway.

My choice was Kamala Harris. I think she made a mistake by dropping out early, but when you don't have the money..

Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...

The only outcome that matters comes in November. Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

The only outcome that matters comes in November.

I agree

Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

wishful dreaming.

What happens, happens.

I do expect dems to lose the House tho.

We'll see. I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue in the House. Dems keep it. Right now, there are five Senate seats (4 Republican, 1 Democrat) that are considered toss ups. That could go either way...and Trump? Same mathematical issues this year as in 2016. And who knows, he may even get some sort of last minute assist from his own Roy Cohn AG. :)

I'm betting that the majority of American voters would like to end this madness and get back to some measure of sanity. And the only way to do that is send Trump packing.

LMAO You call a great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across the country insanity?? I call it pretty good for the country myself.

Hell. I'll take that insanity every day of the week. Oh and anyone playing the market, if they know what they are doing, is doing well as well. LOL

The only insanity I see is the Dems push for impeachment which only shows what imbeciles they are.

I didn't see them impeaching Biden when he did exactly what they are accusing Trump of.

Trump will win in 2020 and you can continue being a whiny little shit.
The only outcome that matters comes in November. Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

The only outcome that matters comes in November.

I agree

Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

wishful dreaming.

What happens, happens.

I do expect dems to lose the House tho.

We'll see. I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue in the House. Dems keep it. Right now, there are five Senate seats (4 Republican, 1 Democrat) that are considered toss ups. That could go either way...and Trump? Same mathematical issues this year as in 2016. And who knows, he may even get some sort of last minute assist from his own Roy Cohn AG. :)

I'm betting that the majority of American voters would like to end this madness and get back to some measure of sanity. And the only way to do that is send Trump packing.

And the only way to do that is send Trump packing.
Need someone capable of doing that.

I don't see anyone currently capable.

BTW, you're new (?), I didn't vote for Trump, I won't vote for Trump.

Primary here is in about 2 weeks, and so far, my intent is to write in Gabbard

Yes. New (relatively). Signed up and then work exploded on me. Our primary up here is in 2 weeks as well so I'm guessing we may reside in the same state.
I think Joe, Bernie, and Pete are perfectly capable of taking down Trump. Warren??..meh...maybe. She's always a bit vague on her policies. I wouldn't vote for her anyway.

My choice was Kamala Harris. I think she made a mistake by dropping out early, but when you don't have the money..


Same. I honestly hope my town sees fit to having the capacity to handle the volume of voter traffic that's coming, both in two weeks and in November.
We all know Trump has been doing things that are wrong most of his life, they are well documented. are they legal moral or upstanding that is a question each person must decide for them self's.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...

The only outcome that matters comes in November. Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

The only outcome that matters comes in November.

I agree

Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

wishful dreaming.

What happens, happens.

I do expect dems to lose the House tho.

We'll see. I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue in the House. Dems keep it. Right now, there are five Senate seats (4 Republican, 1 Democrat) that are considered toss ups. That could go either way...and Trump? Same mathematical issues this year as in 2016. And who knows, he may even get some sort of last minute assist from his own Roy Cohn AG. :)

I'm betting that the majority of American voters would like to end this madness and get back to some measure of sanity. And the only way to do that is send Trump packing.

LMAO You call a great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and job all across the country insanity?? I call it pretty good myself.

Hell. I'll take that insanity every day of the week. Oh and anyone playing the market, if they know what they are doing, is doing well as well. LOL

The only insanity I see is the Dems push for impeachment which only shows what imbeciles they are.

I didn't see them impeaching Biden when he did exactly what they are accusing Trump of.

Trump will win in 2020 and you continue being a whiny little shit.

And I guarantee that if Barack Obama was accused of the same things that Trump has been, he'd have already been impeached and removed. That's the funny part of the devotion for Trump and Republicans. If they got a D next to their name, they are evil. If there's an R, they are just and righteous. Whatever.

Oh, and I'm doing well in the market...as are many other people I know...and they all want Trump gone.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...

Yeah um the same half that voted for Hillary right? LOL........

Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
In your dreams, dumbass. In fact quite the opposite is going on. This idiotic impeachmrpent farce is driving even more people out and away from your now defunct party. A good portion of the people at the latest Trump rally in NJ right in the heart of what has been a democratic strong hold had been democrats previously. There were more democratic defectors there than any of your silly assed candidate hopefuls could ever hope to raise.
Fact is you're done and it's already over except for all the screaming, shouting and wailing that is going to go on in November. That's all you have to look forward to unless you come to your senses soon and stop fighting the America first movement.
We all know Trump has been doing things that are wrong most of his life, they are well documented. are they legal moral or upstanding that is a question each person must decide for them self's.

OOOOOOOOOH.....WOOOOOOOOOOOOW......a person did something wrong????? OMG!!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!!
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
In your dreams, dumbass. In fact quite the opposite is going on. This idiotic impeachmrpent farce is driving even more people out and away from your now defunct party. A good portion of the people at the latest Trump rally in NJ right in the heart of what was a democratic string hold had been democrats previously. There were more democratic defectors there than any of your silly assed candidate hopefuls could ever hope to raise.
Fact is you're done and it's already over except for all the screaming, shouting wailing that is going to go on in November. That's all you have to look forward to unless you come to your senses soon and stop fighting the America first movement.

Any post that mentions polls is really not worth the energy it takes to laugh at it.

Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...

Does the punishment you want fit the crime is the better question?

And to me no.

Did Trump do something wrong?

Yes, but is Impeachment the answer?


See you love to spin polls as if they agree he should be convicted and removed...

I bet if you poll a good majority of Republicans they will agree Trump call was stupid, wrong but they will also tell you Impeachment is not the correct course of action during this election year.

Now I know your simplistic mind will reject this and make you scream about how people see him guilty, but in the end Trump will win in November and you will be crying " bu and the polls said "...
Reuters/Ipsos poll October 26 2016...."Hillary far ahead in Electoral votes".
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
The Orange Don would best be served with the "so what" defense. Like all partisan clowns you think most voters are stupid to accept facts you don't like.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
In your dreams, dumbass. In fact quite the opposite is going on. This idiotic impeachmrpent farce is driving even more people out and away from your now defunct party. A good portion of the people at the latest Trump rally in NJ right in the heart of what was a democratic string hold had been democrats previously. There were more democratic defectors there than any of your silly assed candidate hopefuls could ever hope to raise.
Fact is you're done and it's already over except for all the screaming, shouting wailing that is going to go on in November. That's all you have to look forward to unless you come to your senses soon and stop fighting the America first movement.

Any post that mentions polls is really not worth the energy it takes to laugh at it.


You'd think the dumbasses would have learned that in 2016 but that's a key democratic trait, they're just too damned stupid to learn so they keep doing the same stupid shit over and over again. Like digging the hole they're in ever deeper. They're just too stupid to stop digging.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...

Does the punishment you want fit the crime is the better question?

And to me no.

Did Trump do something wrong?

Yes, but is Impeachment the answer?


See you love to spin polls as if they agree he should be convicted and removed...

I bet if you poll a good majority of Republicans they will agree Trump call was stupid, wrong but they will also tell you Impeachment is not the correct course of action during this election year.

Now I know your simplistic mind will reject this and make you scream about how people see him guilty, but in the end Trump will win in November and you will be crying " bu and the polls said "...

Trump did nothing wrong....he is the chief law enforcement officer in the US and has every right to look into wrongdoing especially where it concerns
Tax payer dollars. The left has become so desensitized to illegal activities as to begin to see them as entitlements and rights instead of violations nowadays. They accuse the law keepers of being the law breakers and have been able to get away with it. Trump uncovered a huge money laundering operation that was sucking in tax payer money and redistributing it to politicians kids including Romney BTW...
He had every right....in fact he had an obligation to investigate it....the fact that Biden was also a candidate is Biden's problem not Trump's.

Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

The only outcome that matters comes in November. Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

The only outcome that matters comes in November.

I agree

Sending Trump and as many Republicans as possible packing.

wishful dreaming.

What happens, happens.

I do expect dems to lose the House tho.

We'll see. I expect the trend of the 2018 midterms to continue in the House. Dems keep it. Right now, there are five Senate seats (4 Republican, 1 Democrat) that are considered toss ups. That could go either way...and Trump? Same mathematical issues this year as in 2016. And who knows, he may even get some sort of last minute assist from his own Roy Cohn AG. :)

I'm betting that the majority of American voters would like to end this madness and get back to some measure of sanity. And the only way to do that is send Trump packing.

LMAO You call a great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and job all across the country insanity?? I call it pretty good myself.

Hell. I'll take that insanity every day of the week. Oh and anyone playing the market, if they know what they are doing, is doing well as well. LOL

The only insanity I see is the Dems push for impeachment which only shows what imbeciles they are.

I didn't see them impeaching Biden when he did exactly what they are accusing Trump of.

Trump will win in 2020 and you continue being a whiny little shit.

And I guarantee that if Barack Obama was accused of the same things that Trump has been, he'd have already been impeached and removed. That's the funny part of the devotion for Trump and Republicans. If they got a D next to their name, they are evil. If there's an R, they are just and righteous. Whatever.

Oh, and I'm doing well in the market...as are many other people I know...and they all want Trump gone.

LMAO You think the Dem congress would impeach Barry. If you do your one idiot.

Oh and I doubt all your buddies, unless they are Trump haters, want Trump gone. Trump has doe a great job as POTUS and will do so again in 2020.

Carry on you whiny little shit.
This ain't 2016 folks. trump has a record now. He's no longer the "outsider." trump is about to go through some things and you guys won't like the final ending whether trump wins or loses.
This ain't 2016 folks. trump has a record now. He's no longer the "outsider." trump is about to go through some things and you guys won't like the final ending whether trump wins or loses.

FYI: You're supposed to queue the ominous musical intro before you make the hyperbolic dire predictions.:yapyapyapf:
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...

If you twits are proud of this....you are morons.

After all the nothingburgers you've thrown at him, it should be 80%.

It really proves the Saul Alinsky idea that if you keep repeating it, people will believe it.

That is the objective behind Trump's lies, doubling down, tripling down, and quadrupling down on Donald Trump's lies.
Coul the impeachment cause Donald Trump to be voted out?

It appears that Democrats have been more successful in influencing public opinion than Donald Trump and his lawyers have been.

If more than half of Americans are convinced of Trump's guilt this could also reflect badly on the GOP if they are tarnished by a perception that they were complicit with Mitch McConnell in perverting justice by a bogus senate impeachment hearing.

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong

Poll: More than half of Americans 'increasingly convinced' Trump did something wrong
BY TAL AXELROD - 01/29/20 05:16 PM EST 1,254

More than half of Americans said they are “increasingly convinced” that President Trump committed some wrongdoing in his dealing with Ukraine, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday, amid Trump's ongoing impeachment trial.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they think Trump did something wrong, while 34 percent said they are increasingly convinced of the president’s innocence. ...
Of course he did something wrong. Every president does. Ears committed several acts that should have resulted in his removal. W is without doubt a criminal worthy of a cell in Supermax, let alone impeachment.

I suspect Donnie did nothing approaching the heinous crimes of his two predecessors.

Donald and the Trumplings have been committing crimes since before his inauguration and they still have their sticky fingers in Uncle Sam's wallet.

Bolton has already published his concerns that Donald Trump was applying US foreign policy on the principle of maximizing the personal benefit to Donald Trump and the Trumplings.

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