Poll: more want to see Trump impeached than approve of his job performance

Sorry, Billyboy. Trump voters still stick by him, and are not swayed by the left wing propaganda effort to make them think they made a mistake. Your numbers are far from accurate, kid.
Analysis | New poll: only 3% of Trump voters regret their vote
Actually, when you look at the more detailed numbers, you'll see that Trump's popularity is eroding. Less Trumpsters greatly approve of Trump's performance than just approve. Of course, yes, his base is still stuck in the cult mentality despite, you know, reality.
Yes we will. So you heard old Hillary may run yet again?
She's completely irrelevant now. I don't know why you repubs can't stop talking about her. It's weird.
Clinton lives in their tiny minds which is odd - for everything else it's a death zone.

Billy you ARE a total 000. How far did you have to go before you found a useless, no-account liberal site like Yahoo to give you the exact "news" you've been searching for?
Rothschild's trying to get some sorta' audience and following for its newly acquired search .....etc.... investment.....

Map showing localized versions of Yahoo! web portals, as of 2008
Once the most popular website in the U.S., Yahoo slowly started to decline since the late 2000s,[16] and on February 21, 2017, Verizon Communications announced its intent to acquire Yahoo's internet business (excluding its stakes in Alibaba Group and Yahoo! Japan) for $4.48 billion[17]—the company was once valued at over $100 billion..................................
In response to these breaches, Bloomberg News reported that Verizon was attempting to re-negotiate the deal to reduce the purchase price by $250 million,[66] causing a 2% increase in Yahoo stock prices.[67] On February 21, 2017, Verizon agreed to lower its purchase price for Yahoo! by $350 million, and share liabilities regarding the investigation into the data breaches.[67]
Sorry, Billyboy. Trump voters still stick by him, and are not swayed by the left wing propaganda effort to make them think they made a mistake. Your numbers are far from accurate, kid.
Analysis | New poll: only 3% of Trump voters regret their vote
Actually, when you look at the more detailed numbers, you'll see that Trump's popularity is eroding. Less Trumpsters greatly approve of Trump's performance than just approve. Of course, yes, his base is still stuck in the cult mentality despite, you know, reality.
Yes we will. So you heard old Hillary may run yet again?
She's completely irrelevant now. I don't know why you repubs can't stop talking about her. It's weird.

Sorry, Billyboy. Trump voters still stick by him, and are not swayed by the left wing propaganda effort to make them think they made a mistake. Your numbers are far from accurate, kid.
Analysis | New poll: only 3% of Trump voters regret their vote
Actually, when you look at the more detailed numbers, you'll see that Trump's popularity is eroding. Less Trumpsters greatly approve of Trump's performance than just approve. Of course, yes, his base is still stuck in the cult mentality despite, you know, reality.
Yes we will. So you heard old Hillary may run yet again?
She's completely irrelevant now. I don't know why you repubs can't stop talking about her. It's weird.
Clinton lives in their tiny minds which is odd - for everything else it's a death zone.

AWESOME! Good to know.
This has to mean we're done hearing; "But, but, but....she won the popular vote!"
Sorry, Billyboy. Trump voters still stick by him, and are not swayed by the left wing propaganda effort to make them think they made a mistake. Your numbers are far from accurate, kid.
Analysis | New poll: only 3% of Trump voters regret their vote
Actually, when you look at the more detailed numbers, you'll see that Trump's popularity is eroding. Less Trumpsters greatly approve of Trump's performance than just approve. Of course, yes, his base is still stuck in the cult mentality despite, you know, reality.
Yes we will. So you heard old Hillary may run yet again?
She's completely irrelevant now. I don't know why you repubs can't stop talking about her. It's weird.

Sorry, Billyboy. Trump voters still stick by him, and are not swayed by the left wing propaganda effort to make them think they made a mistake. Your numbers are far from accurate, kid.
Analysis | New poll: only 3% of Trump voters regret their vote
Actually, when you look at the more detailed numbers, you'll see that Trump's popularity is eroding. Less Trumpsters greatly approve of Trump's performance than just approve. Of course, yes, his base is still stuck in the cult mentality despite, you know, reality.
Yes we will. So you heard old Hillary may run yet again?
She's completely irrelevant now. I don't know why you repubs can't stop talking about her. It's weird.
Clinton lives in their tiny minds which is odd - for everything else it's a death zone.

AWESOME! Good to know.
This has to mean we're done hearing; "But, but, but....she won the popular vote!"
Never. It makes Trump his minions nuts.
Keep posting these polls. If it's good enough for the right on this forum to cherry pick, it's good for us, too.
you'll see that Trump's popularity is eroding.

TRANSLATION: The Left keeps trying to ramp up their negative rhetoric against him. Trump is like that big rolling ball at the beginning of Raiders, they couldn't stop it from rolling, they couldn't get out of its way, and now that it had landed right on top of them, they are laying there telling themselves it doesn't hurt.

And Hillary is still out there playing the victim. Dear God, can the Dems be that stupid to slam their hand in the car door a third time? I sure hope so! Hillary is like a chicken with her head cut off still running around yacking because she doesn't know yet that she was dead on arrival before she even ran the last time! Now all the Dems have to convince America of was that she was just the victim of:

A Trump Conspiracy
The Russians
The Moldavians
James Comey
Barack Obama
James Podesta
The Atlantic Gulfstream
Tight Fitting Panties
Failed Plastic Surgery
Traitors within her organization and
About 70 million Deplorables.
You can't impeach the President based upon what a bunch of dolts want. The left wing dingbats tried that here in Wisconsin with a recall. Their candidate received a bigger beating than the first time around.
They went after Clinton over BS. I wouldn't be making any bets they won't Dump - Trump.
Sorry, Billyboy. Trump voters still stick by him, and are not swayed by the left wing propaganda effort to make them think they made a mistake. Your numbers are far from accurate, kid.
Analysis | New poll: only 3% of Trump voters regret their vote
Actually, when you look at the more detailed numbers, you'll see that Trump's popularity is eroding. Less Trumpsters greatly approve of Trump's performance than just approve. Of course, yes, his base is still stuck in the cult mentality despite, you know, reality.
Yeah, it eroded by 3%. Big fucking deal! You're full of shit, MF. LOL
More people will regret their vote as time goes on.
Yeah, you stick to that if it gives you comfort, dumbass. :lol:
He's correct. Trump will be in the 20's in a year. He's lower than anyone else at this point since they began polling. Only Trump's Daddy's Girls think Daddy can do no wrong.
Bottom line, bitch: Trump will still be appointing SC justices and Hillary won't be. Any questions? :lol:
More people will regret their vote as time goes on.
Yeah, you stick to that if it gives you comfort, dumbass. :lol:
He's correct. Trump will be in the 20's in a year. He's lower than anyone else at this point since they began polling. Only Trump's Daddy's Girls think Daddy can do no wrong.
Bottom line, bitch: Trump will still be appointing SC justices and Hillary won't be. Any questions? :lol:
Yeah, why are you such an idiot?

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