Poll near 3/4 GOP doubt Biden won

Huh? Pelosi can't put anyone in jail....she's not law enforcement...?? why oh why would you even say that kind of crazy thing? Seriously Becky???
How dare you call someone who doesn't cotton to spendthrift politicians, It's not my fault you don't know how black this criminal hater's soul is. The card-carrying communist of the 60s is a spendthrift who hijacked an Air Force Jet that costs the american taxpayers a billion dollars per 2 year term, so in case you forgot about all else, here it is:
She's the most corrupt human being IN THE us who orchestrates a criminal deep state into destroying the Constitution of the United States of America and the Executive Branch.

This cow is a damn attention whore. Good God, she's not going to quit until Congresscritters shoot each other to death one of these days. :cranky:



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How dare you call someone who doesn't cotton to spendthrift politicians, It's not my fault you don't know how black this criminal hater's soul is. The card-carrying communist of the 60s is a spendthrift who hijacked an Air Force Jet that costs the american taxpayers a billion dollars per 2 year term, so in case you forgot about all else, here it is:
She's the most corrupt human being IN THE us who orchestrates a criminal deep state into destroying the Constitution of the United States of America and the Executive Branch.
View attachment 582095View attachment 582100View attachment 582103
This cow is a damn attention whore. Good God, she's not going to quit until Congresscritters shoot each other to death one of these days. :cranky:

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The FUCK are you babbling about?

If we suppose everything was legit, I think just the mere shock 81M would support Biden is enough to bring a lot of doubt. If it smells like a rat it's a rat.

I wonder where the heads on other 25% are, perhaps they're idealists of some sort.

The only thing I find shocking about the results of the election is that 74 million Americans voted for 4 more years of chaos, dysfunction, and lies. It's completely incomprehensible as to why anyone would vote for Donald Trump after the train wreck that was his first term.
The only thing I find shocking about the results of the election is that 74 million Americans voted for 4 more years of chaos, dysfunction, and lies. It's completely incomprehensible as to why anyone would vote for Donald Trump after the train wreck that was his first term.

The only thing I find shocking about the results of the election is that 74 million Americans voted for 4 more years of chaos, Do you mean the left's riots, no wars, the lefts pitches on race & snowstorms or COVID? At least Biden will cure cancer.

It's completely incomprehensible as to why anyone would vote for a creepy, unintelligent & unremarkable career politician with dementia and The Giggler too.
How dare you call someone who doesn't cotton to spendthrift politicians, It's not my fault you don't know how black this criminal hater's soul is. The card-carrying communist of the 60s is a spendthrift who hijacked an Air Force Jet that costs the american taxpayers a billion dollars per 2 year term, so in case you forgot about all else, here it is:
She's the most corrupt human being IN THE us who orchestrates a criminal deep state into destroying the Constitution of the United States of America and the Executive Branch.
View attachment 582095View attachment 582100View attachment 582103
This cow is a damn attention whore. Good God, she's not going to quit until Congresscritters shoot each other to death one of these days. :cranky:

View attachment 582102View attachment 582104View attachment 582107View attachment 582120View attachment 582115View attachment 582108
Propaganda, that you foolishly be!ieve, because you've been brainwashed to HATE anything democratic. It seems you are LOST in this hatred that has been pounded in to you, 24/7 with lies and deceit that is so prevalent in the right wing FAKE news and conspiracy!!

Why oh why do you believe in liars? Believe in Satan's spawn....the movement of the antichrist? I never expected that of you! Yes, we have had differences in political positions, and that's normal....but this deep seeded hatred and lie spreading conspiracy crap has devoured your soul, your sanity, and the love of God for all his children, and truth...imho. Wake up! You have been lead astray! I'm not saying the dems are perfect little angels, because they are not....we all fall short of the glory of God, just as right wingers as well.... But at least most dems can recognize truth from fiction, something most of the right wingers can not do at this time because you are under a delusion of untruths, and it is killing our Nation, from within.
Propaganda, that you foolishly be!ieve, because you've been brainwashed to HATE anything democratic. It seems you are LOST in this hatred that has been pounded in to you, 24/7 with lies and deceit that is so prevalent in the right wing FAKE news and conspiracy!!

Why oh why do you believe in liars? Believe in Satan's spawn....the movement of the antichrist? I never expected that of you! Yes, we have had differences in political positions, and that's normal....but this deep seeded hatred and lie spreading conspiracy crap has devoured your soul, your sanity, and the love of God for all his children, and truth...imho. Wake up! You have been lead astray! I'm not saying the dems are perfect little angels, because they are not....we all fall short of the glory of God, just as right wingers as well.... But at least most dems can recognize truth from fiction, something most of the right wingers can not do at this time because you are under a delusion of untruths, and it is killing our Nation, from within.

I too know Beautress to be a kind and decent person, and it kills me to see such people being deceived by Republicans, to their detriment.

We have two churches in my small town where the pastor is telling people not to get vaxxed. That the vaccines are tracking devices for the government. This is WRONG, but people have to be willing to question those in authority. I remember when my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer, her doctor wanted her to do, that she was clearly worried and uncertainly about, and asked if she had expressed these concerns to her doctor. She was shocked that I would suggest such a thing. People like her don't question their "betters", and they accept what they're told by such people.

Republicans have their elected representatives, their neighbours and even their preachers telling them Republicans are God's chosen Party and Democrats are "EVIL" because they support abortion, or gays, or equal rights for minorities. But the First Lie, is that the MSM cannot be believed.
Propaganda, that you foolishly be!ieve, because you've been brainwashed to HATE anything democratic. It seems you are LOST in this hatred that has been pounded in to you, 24/7 with lies and deceit that is so prevalent in the right wing FAKE news and conspiracy!!

Why oh why do you believe in liars? Believe in Satan's spawn....the movement of the antichrist? I never expected that of you! Yes, we have had differences in political positions, and that's normal....but this deep seeded hatred and lie spreading conspiracy crap has devoured your soul, your sanity, and the love of God for all his children, and truth...imho. Wake up! You have been lead astray! I'm not saying the dems are perfect little angels, because they are not....we all fall short of the glory of God, just as right wingers as well.... But at least most dems can recognize truth from fiction, something most of the right wingers can not do at this time because you are under a delusion of untruths, and it is killing our Nation, from within.
You do not have a clue madam what communism is when the originators fall back. It's murder city of anyone who as a discouraging word about them, starting with the formerly supportive press who also are without understanding with what they're dealing with.

Communism means there is only one way, the party's way. Any dissenters are dealt with exactly how Nancy Pelosi dealt with every Republican who didn't kiss her butt, which is most of them. The original people who insert communism into their land are generally over the hill, so the next generation is not all that far away. First they kill the reputation of their target enemies, the people who are in power. When there is nothing left of their reputations, they go for the neck and kill them and their families down to first cousins. Then after the killing is done, they rule a few years, and their trainees to take their place like the ease of ruling people who just STFU as they demand. But that's not enough for layer #2. It's murder city all over the land. A reason for killing might be something as small as sticking one's tongue out at the leader and absolutely must die or people won't respect their power. And after the gatlin guns are quiet, a hundred million people are dead.

Don't you ever ever ever think I will back down from the mob led by Hillary Clinton whose college dissertation was a total fascination with the undisputed power available after the Alinsky method of takeover is accomplished. I'm done trying to get through to you.
If we suppose everything was legit, I think just the mere shock 81M would support Biden is enough to bring a lot of doubt. If it smells like a rat it's a rat.

I wonder where the heads on other 25% are, perhaps they're idealists of some sort.

Reality says............and all conservatives should heed this message..........without proof, we are spitting into the wind. We can believe what we want, but we can NOT bring the Left to bear for a crime we can not prove they committed.

Do we realize that those of us who continue to make this our main focus look crazy?!?!?!

Now I am confident, that each and every one of you can walk and chew gum at the same time. If something comes out, jump it! But, PLEASE be smart and keep this on the back burner until/if something credible comes out.

YOU with all your intelligence, are being sold everywhere as people who are nuts. Step back, and go for their jugular, and it is exposed. Just sell the correct reason these people are incompetent, instead of selling yourself as incompetent because you have no proof.

Do this, and everything may come your way-) Let them continue to paint you as crazies..........even if the truth comes out later...............you might lose if the truth comes out to late. You will win the fight, but lose the war. Be smart..............make them answer questions, for which they have no answers!
Not a good response. When millions of Americans question election integrity, our government should do all it can to address their concerns. It doesn’t appear our government cares. Yet another example we live in a failed state.
Millions on ONE SIDE are dumb enough to believe a lie. The concerns have been long ago answered.

Professor Justin Levitt of Loyola Marymount Law School did an extensive investigation to find voter fraud. He investigated every type of election we have in this county from presidential to local primary elections. He evaluated over 1 billion ballots from 2000 to 2014 and found 31 cases of legitimate voter fraud.

Justin Levitt, The Truth About Voter Fraud, pp.5 Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, copyright 2007, https://www.brennancenter.org/sites/default/files/2019-08/Report_Truth-About-Voter-Fraud.pdf,

Justin Levitt, A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast, Washington Post, August 6, 2014, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...le-incidents-out-of-one-billion-ballots-cast/
You do not have a clue madam what communism is when the originators fall back. It's murder city of anyone who as a discouraging word about them, starting with the formerly supportive press who also are without understanding with what they're dealing with.

Communism means there is only one way, the party's way. Any dissenters are dealt with exactly how Nancy Pelosi dealt with every Republican who didn't kiss her butt, which is most of them. The original people who insert communism into their land are generally over the hill, so the next generation is not all that far away. First they kill the reputation of their target enemies, the people who are in power. When there is nothing left of their reputations, they go for the neck and kill them and their families down to first cousins. Then after the killing is done, they rule a few years, and their trainees to take their place like the ease of ruling people who just STFU as they demand. But that's not enough for layer #2. It's murder city all over the land. A reason for killing might be something as small as sticking one's tongue out at the leader and absolutely must die or people won't respect their power. And after the gatlin guns are quiet, a hundred million people are dead.

Don't you ever ever ever think I will back down from the mob led by Hillary Clinton whose college dissertation was a total fascination with the undisputed power available after the Alinsky method of takeover is accomplished. I'm done trying to get through to you.
Try making sense and quit reading that crap you got from infowars.
Democrats created a system where most things questioned done by their ambassadors of insurrections are not investigated and put those who do on their hind legs. We are shell shocked as Republican voters. Many of your people get into others faces constantly. If you want civility you must be civil. And you are not. And you make damn sure the other side stays that way.
They can’t offer proof because a thorough and fair investigation hasn’t been completed. You can continue to ridicule them as your leaders in the corporate media do, but it only further divides Americans. The consequences will be more violence.

At any rate, my view is it’s all about nothing. Joe is no different from Don, but wingers on both sides can’t see it. Plus I don’t vote. Why would I support a system that supports constant war and which is entirely controlled by big corporations and billionaires.
There was no fraud. The votes were thoroughly checked after the election. On;y idiots keep believing that there hasn't been a fair investigation.
One example out of tens of thousands. The TV program the View. Whoopi had several abortions. No concern for her actions. Yet people forced to pay for it. Human infrastructure forced on us decades ago. On I 95 a real infrastructure there were thousands of cars backed up for 24 hours for miles because of the lack of resources to keep the highways open. The Infrastructure Bill singed and passed that was 1.2 Trillion Dollars only has 110 Billion Dollars assigned for Roads and Bridges when we need near five times more.
Try making sense and quit reading that crap you got from infowars.
I don't read infowars. I pay attention to misdeeds done by the Democrat Party leadership for 4 full years of stinking lies and secrecy. That secrecy consists of multiple informal rewriting of the laws of wisdom replaced by sheltering themselves from the truths their vote-stealing, overstuffing ballots ways that came to my attention in the years 1996-2000 from reading their posts at NYT and Time Magazine in which they boasted about voting 30 times apiece. It is evident they are now depending on inserting millions of false and invalid votes into compromised precincts to overcome the majority millions who voted for Trump. Before the turn of the century they were loading votes for Democrats with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Elmer Fudd multiply registered in every DNC domineered precinct in multiplicate. Now they're using computers and bogus mail in ballots we caught them in the act of doing, but that their codependents of the press refused to print for the big Soros bucks they were receiving under the table that made the cockles on their lousy hearts happy. Future generations will mock their crimes and turn away from the evil ways they are executing with false votes. You think AOC won? I don't. You think Maxine Waters the stalker queen was reelected? I don't.
There was no fraud. The votes were thoroughly checked after the election. On;y idiots keep believing that there hasn't been a fair investigation.
Doubt that. When millions of mail in ballots are counted without any confirmation, the chances of fraud are enormous.
At any rate, it’s all about nothing. Joe is no different from Don on the big issues of the day.
There was no fraud. The votes were thoroughly checked after the election. On;y idiots keep believing that there hasn't been a fair investigation.
Yeah sure. Just keep repeating the msm talking points.
If we suppose everything was legit, I think just the mere shock 81M would support Biden is enough to bring a lot of doubt. If it smells like a rat it's a rat.

I wonder where the heads on other 25% are, perhaps they're idealists of some sort.

And after the 2016 election the same thing happened.
You do not have a clue madam what communism is when the originators fall back. It's murder city of anyone who as a discouraging word about them, starting with the formerly supportive press who also are without understanding with what they're dealing with.

Communism means there is only one way, the party's way. Any dissenters are dealt with exactly how Nancy Pelosi dealt with every Republican who didn't kiss her butt, which is most of them. The original people who insert communism into their land are generally over the hill, so the next generation is not all that far away. First they kill the reputation of their target enemies, the people who are in power. When there is nothing left of their reputations, they go for the neck and kill them and their families down to first cousins. Then after the killing is done, they rule a few years, and their trainees to take their place like the ease of ruling people who just STFU as they demand. But that's not enough for layer #2. It's murder city all over the land. A reason for killing might be something as small as sticking one's tongue out at the leader and absolutely must die or people won't respect their power. And after the gatlin guns are quiet, a hundred million people are dead.

Don't you ever ever ever think I will back down from the mob led by Hillary Clinton whose college dissertation was a total fascination with the undisputed power available after the Alinsky method of takeover is accomplished. I'm done trying to get through to you.

Where have Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton caused any harm to any human being?

The same cannot be said of Donald Trump or the Republican Party - who locked up babies, tore apart families, and lost track of all of them. Who locked up refugees in concentration camps on the border, and allow for profit prison companies to abuse them at will.

Who hid the severity of the virus from the American people and let half a million people die as a result.

Stop being a shill for the Party that destroyed your country.
Where have Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton caused any harm to any human being?

The same cannot be said of Donald Trump or the Republican Party - who locked up babies, tore apart families, and lost track of all of them. Who locked up refugees in concentration camps on the border, and allow for profit prison companies to abuse them at will.

Who hid the severity of the virus from the American people and let half a million people die as a result.

Stop being a shill for the Party that destroyed your country.
Both women have supported the warfare state for decades. It’s impossible to know how many people they were indirectly or directly involved in killing. We know Hillary killed hundreds if not thousands, in her failed coup in Libya.

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