Poll: Obama's Numbers Slip Below 40% Approval Rating. 57% Now Disapprove. Losing Base


May 29, 2010
This is bad news for Obama and the democratic party. It is apparent that the ship is sinking fast and his base is jumping ship. Tommorrow Boehner and the House will pass a new bill with 3 trillion in deficit reduction. After talks this morning with the White House, Obama would not commit to it and for the first time would not state if he would veto it once it reached his desk before Aug 2nd. John Boehner has called his bluff in a epic way. If Obama vetoes this bill, you can say hello President Sarah Palin. He will not be able to run a positive campaign on the economy and energy. His core support jumping ship means he will not get the independent votes either. His speech last night was squarely aimed at them. It was purely political. Well, I guess it is a wait and see situation now until Aug 2nd. If I were him, I would sign the bill. If he doesn't, we default, our credit rating goes to shit and the social security checks do not go out to seniors and veterans causing ,many to starve and die. Ladies and Gentlemen, the affirmative action presidential experiment has failed.

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles - latimes.com
Obama's overall job approval on the economy has slid below 40% for the first time, with 57% disapproving. And strong disapprovers outnumber approvers by better than two-to-one.

White House Holds Back on Veto Threat for Boehner Bill, Republicans See Opening - FoxNews.com
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I hope that every small business in America puts a sign in thier front windows reading "If You Want A Job Here, Vote For(GOP Candidates Name)" or, "We Will Be Accepting Applications In November 2012 On The Assumption That President Butthead Will Lose The Election.
Take a look what's coming out of the White House now that is breaking:

WH's Pfeiffer: Not Raising Debt Ceiling "Could Potentially Put Us Towards A Depression" | RealClearPolitics

WH Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer: "We are seven days away from an unprecedented financial event in this country's history. One that could potentially put us towards a depression because the House Republicans, led by Speaker Boehner, are unwilling to compromise one inch."

It's Obama who's not willing to compromise.
Here's an idea to save a trillion,,,,,FIRE THE CZARS and all the Goverment Workers Obama hired with our childrens future fortunes.
Here's an idea to save a trillion,,,,,FIRE THE CZARS and all the Goverment Workers Obama hired with our childrens future fortunes.

Now now, if we fired all the czars business would begin to prosper.

We cant have that. Dependence is the word of the day.

Leadership vs Reidership a study of opposites.
He just told a gang of thugs and racists over at La Raza that he would like to try and address the problems in our country like a Dictator would. I don't think that helps much. This guy seems lost. Looks like he's desperate for another Golfing Vacation. He's clearly not up to the Job. Most Americans know this.
Obama is more concerned on going to Martha's Vinyard Than Dealing With The Debt Crisis. Hmm and who is gonna pay for this $500,000.00 get-away?
This is bad news for Obama and the democratic party. It is apparent that the ship is sinking fast and his base is jumping ship. Tommorrow Boehner and the House will pass a new bill with 3 trillion in deficit reduction. After talks this morning with the White House, Obama would not commit to it and for the first time would not state if he would veto it once it reached his desk before Aug 2nd. John Boehner has called his bluff in a epic way. If Obama vetoes this bill, you can say hello President Sarah Palin. He will not be able to run a positive campaign on the economy and energy. His core support jumping ship means he will not get the independent votes either. His speech last night was squarely aimed at them. It was purely political. Well, I guess it is a wait and see situation now until Aug 2nd. If I were him, I would sign the bill. If he doesn't, we default, our credit rating goes to shit and the social security checks do not go out to seniors and veterans causing ,many to starve and die. Ladies and Gentlemen, the affirmative action presidential experiment has failed.

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles - latimes.com
Obama's overall job approval on the economy has slid below 40% for the first time, with 57% disapproving. And strong disapprovers outnumber approvers by better than two-to-one.

White House Holds Back on Veto Threat for Boehner Bill, Republicans See Opening - FoxNews.com

why the bad rap on the reputation
This is bad news for Obama and the democratic party. It is apparent that the ship is sinking fast and his base is jumping ship. Tommorrow Boehner and the House will pass a new bill with 3 trillion in deficit reduction. After talks this morning with the White House, Obama would not commit to it and for the first time would not state if he would veto it once it reached his desk before Aug 2nd. John Boehner has called his bluff in a epic way. If Obama vetoes this bill, you can say hello President Sarah Palin. He will not be able to run a positive campaign on the economy and energy. His core support jumping ship means he will not get the independent votes either. His speech last night was squarely aimed at them. It was purely political. Well, I guess it is a wait and see situation now until Aug 2nd. If I were him, I would sign the bill. If he doesn't, we default, our credit rating goes to shit and the social security checks do not go out to seniors and veterans causing ,many to starve and die. Ladies and Gentlemen, the affirmative action presidential experiment has failed.

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles - latimes.com
Obama's overall job approval on the economy has slid below 40% for the first time, with 57% disapproving. And strong disapprovers outnumber approvers by better than two-to-one.

White House Holds Back on Veto Threat for Boehner Bill, Republicans See Opening - FoxNews.com

What's with the bolded?? He would have screwed up just as badly had he been all white, brown or green. The color of his skin is not the problem, dude. :eusa_hand:
Obama is more concerned on going to Martha's Vinyard Than Dealing With The Debt Crisis. Hmm and who is gonna pay for this $500,000.00 get-away?

Maybe he is hoping to find some cash stashed in drawers and trunks and such while antiqueing?
This is bad news for Obama and the democratic party. It is apparent that the ship is sinking fast and his base is jumping ship. Tommorrow Boehner and the House will pass a new bill with 3 trillion in deficit reduction. After talks this morning with the White House, Obama would not commit to it and for the first time would not state if he would veto it once it reached his desk before Aug 2nd. John Boehner has called his bluff in a epic way. If Obama vetoes this bill, you can say hello President Sarah Palin. He will not be able to run a positive campaign on the economy and energy. His core support jumping ship means he will not get the independent votes either. His speech last night was squarely aimed at them. It was purely political. Well, I guess it is a wait and see situation now until Aug 2nd. If I were him, I would sign the bill. If he doesn't, we default, our credit rating goes to shit and the social security checks do not go out to seniors and veterans causing ,many to starve and die. Ladies and Gentlemen, the affirmative action presidential experiment has failed.

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles - latimes.com
Obama's overall job approval on the economy has slid below 40% for the first time, with 57% disapproving. And strong disapprovers outnumber approvers by better than two-to-one.

White House Holds Back on Veto Threat for Boehner Bill, Republicans See Opening - FoxNews.com

why the bad rap on the reputation
It's obvious. The Obama supporting mods here can't stand me to attack him. They also don't like me posting about his ineligibility and especially about Palin.
This is bad news for Obama and the democratic party. It is apparent that the ship is sinking fast and his base is jumping ship. Tommorrow Boehner and the House will pass a new bill with 3 trillion in deficit reduction. After talks this morning with the White House, Obama would not commit to it and for the first time would not state if he would veto it once it reached his desk before Aug 2nd. John Boehner has called his bluff in a epic way. If Obama vetoes this bill, you can say hello President Sarah Palin. He will not be able to run a positive campaign on the economy and energy. His core support jumping ship means he will not get the independent votes either. His speech last night was squarely aimed at them. It was purely political. Well, I guess it is a wait and see situation now until Aug 2nd. If I were him, I would sign the bill. If he doesn't, we default, our credit rating goes to shit and the social security checks do not go out to seniors and veterans causing ,many to starve and die. Ladies and Gentlemen, the affirmative action presidential experiment has failed.

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles - latimes.com
Obama's overall job approval on the economy has slid below 40% for the first time, with 57% disapproving. And strong disapprovers outnumber approvers by better than two-to-one.

White House Holds Back on Veto Threat for Boehner Bill, Republicans See Opening - FoxNews.com

What's with the bolded?? He would have screwed up just as badly had he been all white, brown or green. The color of his skin is not the problem, dude. :eusa_hand:
Oh yes it is.
This is bad news for Obama and the democratic party. It is apparent that the ship is sinking fast and his base is jumping ship. Tommorrow Boehner and the House will pass a new bill with 3 trillion in deficit reduction. After talks this morning with the White House, Obama would not commit to it and for the first time would not state if he would veto it once it reached his desk before Aug 2nd. John Boehner has called his bluff in a epic way. If Obama vetoes this bill, you can say hello President Sarah Palin. He will not be able to run a positive campaign on the economy and energy. His core support jumping ship means he will not get the independent votes either. His speech last night was squarely aimed at them. It was purely political. Well, I guess it is a wait and see situation now until Aug 2nd. If I were him, I would sign the bill. If he doesn't, we default, our credit rating goes to shit and the social security checks do not go out to seniors and veterans causing ,many to starve and die. Ladies and Gentlemen, the affirmative action presidential experiment has failed.

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles - latimes.com
Obama's overall job approval on the economy has slid below 40% for the first time, with 57% disapproving. And strong disapprovers outnumber approvers by better than two-to-one.

White House Holds Back on Veto Threat for Boehner Bill, Republicans See Opening - FoxNews.com

What's with the bolded?? He would have screwed up just as badly had he been all white, brown or green. The color of his skin is not the problem, dude. :eusa_hand:
Oh yes it is.

So if he'd have popped out and favored his mother's side he'd be doing a better job?

I was just watching Fat Ass Chris Matthews (as I usually watch him during commercial breaks from "The Five") Chris Matthews never mentioned Obama's 39% approval rating, Matthews also showed fear of Perry,Romney and Bachmann. He knows it will be down to those three, and did not have anything nice to say about them, JUST THAT THEY WERE ALL TOO BORING? Oh yah? and Obama is as Charasmistic as Bill Clinton? Obamas Speeches and his charisma are as boring as being in a high school history class.
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