Poll on Trump skipping the debate

Trump yellow or principled

  • Trump is yellow and afraid of a woman

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • Trump principled. Really

    Votes: 15 44.1%

  • Total voters
A Trump tantrum.

In negotiations with Putin Trump announced he felt slighted so he is scheduled to pick up all his Legos at 5 am and board Airforce 1 for the return trip home.
Hillary refuses to negotiate with anyone but terrorists and the negotiations are just a dog and pony show put on for the media. The real deals were made through donations to her husband's fund long before she was sworn in as POTUS.
A Trump tantrum.

In negotiations with Putin Trump announced he felt slighted so he is scheduled to pick up all his Legos at 5 am and board Airforce 1 for the return trip home.
Hillary refuses to negotiate with anyone but terrorists and the negotiations are just a dog and pony show put on for the media. The real deals were made through donations to her husband's fund long before she was sworn in as POTUS.
This is just crossing the wire so bear with us folks but our sources are telling us this as well. Donald Trump was caught screaming the well regarded offensive tactic of "I'm rubber your glue" at Putin as he grabbed his Legos & Fled the negotiations. Even before he was on the plane he reportedly called Putin some bad names we can't use here via his Twitter account.
A Trump tantrum.

In negotiations with Putin Trump announced he felt slighted so he is scheduled to pick up all his Legos at 5 am and board Airforce 1 for the return trip home.
Hillary refuses to negotiate with anyone but terrorists and the negotiations are just a dog and pony show put on for the media. The real deals were made through donations to her husband's fund long before she was sworn in as POTUS.
This is just crossing the wire so bear with us folks but our sources are telling us this as well. Donald Trump was caught screaming the well regarded offensive tactic of "I'm rubber your glue" at Putin as he grabbed his Legos & Fled the negotiations. Even before he was on the plane he reportedly called Putin some bad names we can't use here via his Twitter account.
Pull the other leg....
A Trump tantrum.

In negotiations with Putin Trump announced he felt slighted so he is scheduled to pick up all his Legos at 5 am and board Airforce 1 for the return trip home.
Hillary refuses to negotiate with anyone but terrorists and the negotiations are just a dog and pony show put on for the media. The real deals were made through donations to her husband's fund long before she was sworn in as POTUS.
This is just crossing the wire so bear with us folks but our sources are telling us this as well. Donald Trump was caught screaming the well regarded offensive tactic of "I'm rubber your glue" at Putin as he grabbed his Legos & Fled the negotiations. Even before he was on the plane he reportedly called Putin some bad names we can't use here via his Twitter account.
Pull the other leg....
Or vote for Trump. Same fucking outcome
A Trump tantrum.

In negotiations with Putin Trump announced he felt slighted so he is scheduled to pick up all his Legos at 5 am and board Airforce 1 for the return trip home.
Hillary refuses to negotiate with anyone but terrorists and the negotiations are just a dog and pony show put on for the media. The real deals were made through donations to her husband's fund long before she was sworn in as POTUS.
This is just crossing the wire so bear with us folks but our sources are telling us this as well. Donald Trump was caught screaming the well regarded offensive tactic of "I'm rubber your glue" at Putin as he grabbed his Legos & Fled the negotiations. Even before he was on the plane he reportedly called Putin some bad names we can't use here via his Twitter account.
Pull the other leg....
Or vote for Trump. Same fucking outcome
Is that why Obama is writing all of those EOs.

Cuz the Republicans are mean to him?
Running for president means you are going to be asked tough questions and even questions you might think are unfair if you can't handle that you shouldn't be in the race.

Do you know who else skips Fox news debates? Democrats. I hope people remember that he next time they say something about being asked tough questions.
At this point the debates are just another opportunity for the mods and the losers on that stage to trash the frontrunner. Nothing more.

Now they get to show their class, or lack thereof, and take cheapshots at Trump.
A Trump tantrum.

In negotiations with Putin Trump announced he felt slighted so he is scheduled to pick up all his Legos at 5 am and board Airforce 1 for the return trip home.
Hillary refuses to negotiate with anyone but terrorists and the negotiations are just a dog and pony show put on for the media. The real deals were made through donations to her husband's fund long before she was sworn in as POTUS.
This is just crossing the wire so bear with us folks but our sources are telling us this as well. Donald Trump was caught screaming the well regarded offensive tactic of "I'm rubber your glue" at Putin as he grabbed his Legos & Fled the negotiations. Even before he was on the plane he reportedly called Putin some bad names we can't use here via his Twitter account.
Pull the other leg....
Or vote for Trump. Same fucking outcome
Is that why Obama is writing all of those EOs.

Cuz the Republicans are mean to him?
Speaking of Executive orders, it is Rumored that Trump will outlaw late-night tv via EO because he doesn't have time to respond to each insult thrown at him with any insults of his own.
Running for president means you are going to be asked tough questions and even questions you might think are unfair if you can't handle that you shouldn't be in the race.

Do you know who else skips Fox news debates? Democrats. I hope people remember that he next time they say something about being asked tough questions.
They won't. They're hypocrites.
Hillary refuses to negotiate with anyone but terrorists and the negotiations are just a dog and pony show put on for the media. The real deals were made through donations to her husband's fund long before she was sworn in as POTUS.
This is just crossing the wire so bear with us folks but our sources are telling us this as well. Donald Trump was caught screaming the well regarded offensive tactic of "I'm rubber your glue" at Putin as he grabbed his Legos & Fled the negotiations. Even before he was on the plane he reportedly called Putin some bad names we can't use here via his Twitter account.
Pull the other leg....
Or vote for Trump. Same fucking outcome
Is that why Obama is writing all of those EOs.

Cuz the Republicans are mean to him?
Speaking of Executive orders, it is Rumored that Trump will outlaw late-night tv via EO because he doesn't have time to respond to each insult thrown at him with any insults of his own.
No....he'll make the time. He's a workaholic.
Running for president means you are going to be asked tough questions and even questions you might think are unfair if you can't handle that you shouldn't be in the race.

Now THIS is something I would pay money to watch, although Trump would never do it. He is ill-prepared for the tough topics and questions. He would rather softball in a town-hall.

Asked about Ted Cruz's call for a one-on-one debate before Monday's caucuses in Iowa, Lewandowski said the Texas senator's campaign was not the only one to reach out asking if they could participate in the alternate event Trump’s campaign is setting up – a fundraiser for Wounded Warriors and veterans on Thursday night in Des Moines.

Trump's showdown with Fox News escalates
This is just crossing the wire so bear with us folks but our sources are telling us this as well. Donald Trump was caught screaming the well regarded offensive tactic of "I'm rubber your glue" at Putin as he grabbed his Legos & Fled the negotiations. Even before he was on the plane he reportedly called Putin some bad names we can't use here via his Twitter account.
Pull the other leg....
Or vote for Trump. Same fucking outcome
Is that why Obama is writing all of those EOs.

Cuz the Republicans are mean to him?
Speaking of Executive orders, it is Rumored that Trump will outlaw late-night tv via EO because he doesn't have time to respond to each insult thrown at him with any insults of his own.
No....he'll make the time. He's a workaholic.
Now you've just flat out crossed the line buddy. Nobody insults Trump like that and gets away with it. Black choppers inbound
Trump knows he has issues that have been swept under a rug for who knows how long? why deal with them now?

celebrity billionaires are used to having their way, and to heck with everyone else.As long as idiots kiss his butt he'll be happy to drop trou and let them.
Trump knows he has issues that have been swept under a rug for who knows how long? why deal with them now?

celebrity billionaires are used to having their way, and to heck with everyone else.As long as idiots kiss his butt he'll be happy to drop trou and let them.
Replace Trump with Hillary and you'd be 100% on the money.

Everyone takes potshots at him. The debate will be more of the same.

What I'd love to see is a townhall for Hillary that allows followup questions to her obvious lies.
Has Trump tweeted that FNC are a bunch of poopy pants yet?

He's so fucking predictable & immature. You praise him you're the best news/paper/magazine outlet ever. You diss him you're a terrible outlet. All this is subjective and subject to change each time his name is mentioned of course. It is entirely possible to be the best and the worst in the same day in Trump's world.
Trump would be happy to attend a real debate on real issues but he's done playing Fox News games. Fox showed their true intentions both before and after proving Trump made the right call. Here's what's going to happen...

Kasich will bloviate for the 150th time about Ohio

Rubio will spin lies about Christie

Christie will call Rubio a punk

Paul will expose the RINO's and school them on the Constitution WINNER!!

Carson will fall asleep, after the audience

Cruz will crack a few jokes then bore people to death with his SCOTUS presentation style

Bush will face the center viciously attacking Trump only to realize he's not on the stage.

Basically Trump is there for entertainment value....not exactly what you're looking for in a President, is it?

Have you guys given up already?

Well I'm not looking for a lying national security incompetent rapist enabling candidate.
Has Trump tweeted that FNC are a bunch of poopy pants yet?

He's so fucking predictable & immature. You praise him you're the best news/paper/magazine outlet ever. You diss him you're a terrible outlet. All this is subjective and subject to change each time his name is mentioned of course. It is entirely possible to be the best and the worst in the same day in Trump's world.
CNN says Fox is asking Trump to reconsider.

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