Poll on Trump skipping the debate

Trump yellow or principled

  • Trump is yellow and afraid of a woman

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • Trump principled. Really

    Votes: 15 44.1%

  • Total voters
So what you're saying is that a female reporter was going to "humiliate" Trump by asking "questions?"
Yes, questions such as: "Did you rape your first wife? Divorce lawsuit says you did.....etc." If I agree with the stupidity of marital rape or not is a different issue...
So what you're saying is that a female reporter was going to "humiliate" Trump by asking "questions?"
Yes, questions such as: "Did you rape your first wife? Divorce lawsuit says you did.....etc." If I agree with the stupidity of marital rape or not is a different issue...
So, what is the lame ass excuse for Trump not to be able to answer the question in a rational and responsible way? Is that beyond Trump's ability? Is he really that easy to shake into a frenzied and emotional state of confusion?
So, what is the lame ass excuse for Trump not to be able to answer the question in a rational and responsible way? Is that beyond Trump's ability? Is he really that easy to shake into a frenzied and emotional state of confusion?
What bearing a question like that has on rebuilding the country's economy?
So, what is the lame ass excuse for Trump not to be able to answer the question in a rational and responsible way? Is that beyond Trump's ability? Is he really that easy to shake into a frenzied and emotional state of confusion?
What bearing a question like that has on rebuilding the country's economy?
I am addressing the thread title and OP and ignoring the lame deflection away from the topic of Trump being afraid of some girl he calls a bimbo and has failed to bully into submission.
So what you're saying is that a female reporter was going to "humiliate" Trump by asking "questions?"
Yes, questions such as: "Did you rape your first wife? Divorce lawsuit says you did.....etc." If I agree with the stupidity of marital rape or not is a different issue...

It doesn't show a great deal of intestinal fortitude if he can't handle the heat of a debate. That's small potatoes compared to being President.
It doesn't show a great deal of intestinal fortitude if he can't handle the heat of a debate. That's small potatoes compared to being President.
Has it cross your mind that he retaliates against FOX (by depriving them of millions of viewers) because of their silly press release?
Very simple, Trump A coward, or principled.

False Dichotomy. Trump, for all his steps hasn't missed one. He's calculated the risk and knows his supporters will stay with him, and his detractors will go hysterical and opine on threads attacking him.

What he understands is the first principle of politics, say what you want about me, just be sure to get my name spelled correctly.
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Trump knew that Megyn Kelly is menstruating this week..........good move on Trumps' part.......as he really does know women!

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