Poll on where Board Members stand for or against Abortion (yup, it's a well chosen title)

Poll: where do you stand on government regulation of abortion

  • No abortion: the unborn always has precedence over mother

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Unlimited abortion: woman's choice

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • No abortion after 12 weeks for any reason

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • No abortion after 12 weeks for any reason except for crimes, birth defects, life/health of mom

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • No abortion after 12 weeks for any reason except for birth defects, life/health of mom

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • No abortion after 20 weeks except for crimes, birth defects, life/health of mom

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
Originally I was going to select the 20 week option. As much as I despise abortion its none of my business. I opted for unlimited woman's choice.

Agreed. I would have liked to have the option, "not qualified to answer -- I'm not female".

How about "I'm qualified, that is my son or daughter in there, or my grandson granddaughter in there and as small as they may be right now, I still love them and will protect them."'

How about that as a qualifier.......?
How about you carry the child to term then? If you cant do that then its not your call.
Come on, people, where do you stand on this issue?

Pharmaceutical development is making this a fairly clear choice before 12 weeks. Most of us will have no idea who is and isn't taking the pill that replaces the 'wise or elderly woman of the woods' in story or actual life. Go to Dante, VA, if you want meet one.

Where do you stand on the issue?

I poll first: No abortion after 12 weeks for any reason except for birth defects, life/health of mom 1 vote(s) 100.0%

The rest of the pollees' votes are protected from view.

Before I vote, I wanna know if Planned Parenthood is going to cut me in on some of the organ donor action. I got bills to pay ya know.
Originally I was going to select the 20 week option. As much as I despise abortion its none of my business. I opted for unlimited woman's choice.

Agreed. I would have liked to have the option, "not qualified to answer -- I'm not female".

How about "I'm qualified, that is my son or daughter in there, or my grandson granddaughter in there and as small as they may be right now, I still love them and will protect them."'

How about that as a qualifier.......?
How about you carry the child to term then? If you cant do that then its not your call.
If he is going to be tagged for parental support, you betcha he's got game in this discussion.
Originally I was going to select the 20 week option. As much as I despise abortion its none of my business. I opted for unlimited woman's choice.

Agreed. I would have liked to have the option, "not qualified to answer -- I'm not female".

How about "I'm qualified, that is my son or daughter in there, or my grandson granddaughter in there and as small as they may be right now, I still love them and will protect them."'

How about that as a qualifier.......?
How about you carry the child to term then? If you cant do that then its not your call.
If he is going to be tagged for parental support, you betcha he's got game in this discussion.
Not really. He should have thought about the consequences of having sex prior to getting the woman pregnant. Once he puts it in for some pleasure all of his authority on the issue vanishes.
Originally I was going to select the 20 week option. As much as I despise abortion its none of my business. I opted for unlimited woman's choice.

Agreed. I would have liked to have the option, "not qualified to answer -- I'm not female".

How about "I'm qualified, that is my son or daughter in there, or my grandson granddaughter in there and as small as they may be right now, I still love them and will protect them."'

How about that as a qualifier.......?
How about you carry the child to term then? If you cant do that then its not your call.
If he is going to be tagged for parental support, you betcha he's got game in this discussion.
Not really. He should have thought about the consequences of having sex prior to getting the woman pregnant. Once he puts it in for some pleasure all of his authority on the issue vanishes.
Nope, female horse shit. Clean it up. You and he were in it to win it.
Agreed. I would have liked to have the option, "not qualified to answer -- I'm not female".

How about "I'm qualified, that is my son or daughter in there, or my grandson granddaughter in there and as small as they may be right now, I still love them and will protect them."'

How about that as a qualifier.......?
How about you carry the child to term then? If you cant do that then its not your call.
If he is going to be tagged for parental support, you betcha he's got game in this discussion.
Not really. He should have thought about the consequences of having sex prior to getting the woman pregnant. Once he puts it in for some pleasure all of his authority on the issue vanishes.
Nope, female horse shit. Clean it up. You and he were in it to win it.
What does female horse shit have to do with it? Me and who were in it to win it?
Originally I was going to select the 20 week option. As much as I despise abortion its none of my business. I opted for unlimited woman's choice.

Agreed. I would have liked to have the option, "not qualified to answer -- I'm not female".

How about "I'm qualified, that is my son or daughter in there, or my grandson granddaughter in there and as small as they may be right now, I still love them and will protect them."'

How about that as a qualifier.......?

That uh, still wouldn't make me female.
And I realize there are operations that will, but I'm not interested. Certainly not just for the purpose of answering a poll question.
Those who seek to 'ban' abortion seek only to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

Only a moron believes that...oh yeah...I forgot...you are a moron....

Stopping the murder of an innocent human being is one of the jobs of a government....moron....
It really is the needs of the woman but it seems hard after the fetus begins to stir that a woman would not begin to think of it as life, maybe an unfinished life but still something more than just a seed.
I don't know about all women but at that point for me it became real.
I would not impose that on others, but for me, baring some extreme event in my life, I think after the 20th week it would have been hard to part with it.
Medical and birth defects would always be an option for abortions.
I've seen circumstances where if I had been pregnant, I could understand how an abortion could have been fatal to my self or the child, if not both.
By the half way point it would be harder to consider abortion, but that is just me.
I don't have a right to dictate for other women, but I would prefer to have a guild line where abortions should be by necessity after that point. Necessity may not for some be limited to just medical or birth defect but should not be so easily done in a clinic.
It really should be between the woman and the doctor. If he understand the reason and agrees.....
I don't know that all women can decide if they are prepared to become a mother in just the first three months, I don't think that should be a firm line. There is so much involved emotionally, physically and the outside circumstances of her life that she should have longer to really be sure.
Not likely to be happening....
War, natural disaster, massive injury or illness of family member, a large change in lie or circumstances might be an event that would make a later termination a necessity.
I can imagine that trying to pick up the pieces of a shattered life like after Katrina might make a child a very bad time.
It really has to be the woman's choice.
We live in a society where we don't have large extended family to help out. Being on her own trying to rebuild a home, care for family, suffering a mental breakdown, etc., a woman would not be able to do all thing for all people, or herself, while pregnant.
Everyone has seen the images of the refugees risking life to get to a safe place. Can any woman imagine taking a long arduous risk like that while in the later half of a pregnancy? Even getting out with a small child must take so much out of any parent.
My daughter gave birth during a hurricane. The hospital had power but when she was released we had not water, power, access to bank, limited food, little gas for the car, no way to clean clothes. We managed pooling resources together, but it really could not have happened at a worse time.
If someone become homeless in a store like that, had to clean out or rebuild a home it would make it near impossible to do while pregnant.
I was near late in my seventh month when I have to deal with a massacre and between the smell, rats disease, sanitation and such meant I was risking both our lives. Not my choice, but it had to be done. I managed to return home before I could not longer travel. I would not have wanted to give birth in those conditions.
You can't know what is ahead and that everything will go as planned. You have to make hard choices for yourself, your fetus and other people. Sometimes saving someone else's life means risking the fetus or even loosing it.
It really has be decide by the woman.
Meaningless poll.

Cut to the chase. When does a human being's life begin? It could be as early as conception or as late as death.


My opinion, at conception. One the sperm and egg join, the beginning of human life.
It is a human life, you were once at that stage and everyone else on here.
At one point its also a fish. This doesnt look quite human to me.


almost all vertebrates look like that in development. It will take some time for it to begin to look like something specific.

Basic origins from out dinosaur ancestors.
Not likely to be happening....
War, natural disaster, massive injury or illness of family member, a large change in lie or circumstances might be an event that would make a later termination a necessity.
I can imagine that trying to pick up the pieces of a shattered life like after Katrina might make a child a very bad time.
It really has to be the woman's choice.
We live in a society where we don't have large extended family to help out. Being on her own trying to rebuild a home, care for family, suffering a mental breakdown, etc., a woman would not be able to do all thing for all people, or herself, while pregnant.
Everyone has seen the images of the refugees risking life to get to a safe place. Can any woman imagine taking a long arduous risk like that while in the later half of a pregnancy? Even getting out with a small child must take so much out of any parent.
My daughter gave birth during a hurricane. The hospital had power but when she was released we had not water, power, access to bank, limited food, little gas for the car, no way to clean clothes. We managed pooling resources together, but it really could not have happened at a worse time.
If someone become homeless in a store like that, had to clean out or rebuild a home it would make it near impossible to do while pregnant.
I was near late in my seventh month when I have to deal with a massacre and between the smell, rats disease, sanitation and such meant I was risking both our lives. Not my choice, but it had to be done. I managed to return home before I could not longer travel. I would not have wanted to give birth in those conditions.
You can't know what is ahead and that everything will go as planned. You have to make hard choices for yourself, your fetus and other people. Sometimes saving someone else's life means risking the fetus or even loosing it.
It really has be decide by the woman.

Yup, it is a personal decision for a couple of, if the case may be, the woman to decide. This is not the kind of decision you want the government to be making for you. That's for sure. Talk about the ultimate violation of government on your sovereign being!
I voted for option #4. I don't know why these votes have to be anonymous. Part of the fun of polls is seeing who voted for what, IMO.
They don't have to be as such, but some prefer it, and that's fine by me. It has been interesting to me read the comments.
I'm surprised at how "liberal" the results of this poll are. Jake, if you intended me to stop polling, it worked. I am purposefully not posting polls to leave yours up there.

You owe me

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