Poll: only 29% approve of Comey's dismissal

Not only that but his polls are so low, Trump will never be able to win the election...
Not only that but his polls are so low, Trump will never be able to win the election...
The national polls were all correct. Hillary won the popular vote. It was only 3 state polls that got it wrong. State polls have been wrong in elections before. Nothing has changed.
29% sounds reasonable and in the ball park. Imagine all things being equal I figure 33% would approve, 33% disapprove and 34% wouldn't have opinion or else wonder who in the heck is Comey?
Of course those are all Trumpsters. The other adults in the poll know Trump is a sack of garbage.

Poll: Just 29% of Americans approve of Trump's decision to fire Comey
Actually, only 38% of Americans disapprove of the firing, the rest either approve of it or don't have an opinion. That means only hardcore Democrats disapprove and they showed they have no interest or understanding of the issues when they voted for Clinton.
The "no opinion" respondents is common in any poll asking these types of questions. 29% is low no matter how you slice it.
[QUOTE="Billy000, post: 17250699, member: 33739"]It was only 3 state polls that got it wrong. State polls have been wrong in elections before. [/QUOTE]

.....and THAT'S because most people polled were (rightly) ashamed to admit to pollsters that they were so fucking stupid to vote for Trump.
[QUOTE="Billy000, post: 17250699, member: 33739"]It was only 3 state polls that got it wrong. State polls have been wrong in elections before. [/QUOTE]

.....and THAT'S because many people polled were (rightly) ashamed to admit to pollsters that they were so fucking stupid to vote for Trump.
[QUOTE="Billy000, post: 17250699, member: 33739"]It was only 3 state polls that got it wrong. State polls have been wrong in elections before. [/QUOTE]

.....and THAT'S because many people polled were (rightly) ashamed to admit to pollsters that they were so fucking stupid to vote for Trump.
[QUOTE="Billy000, post: 17250699, member: 33739"]It was only 3 state polls that got it wrong. State polls have been wrong in elections before. [/QUOTE]

.....and THAT'S because many people polled were (rightly) ashamed to admit to pollsters that they were so fucking stupid to vote for Trump.
Of course those are all Trumpsters. The other adults in the poll know Trump is a sack of garbage.

Poll: Just 29% of Americans approve of Trump's decision to fire Comey
Actually, only 38% of Americans disapprove of the firing, the rest either approve of it or don't have an opinion. That means only hardcore Democrats disapprove and they showed they have no interest or understanding of the issues when they voted for Clinton.
The "no opinion" respondents is common in any poll asking these types of questions. 29% is low no matter how you slice it.
More evidence the news media has done such a poor job of informing the public that only 29% of the people understand what is going on.
The left wing stupidity... It burns...

You left wing fools are so far behind Trump that you cant even see him anymore...
Of course those are all Trumpsters. The other adults in the poll know Trump is a sack of garbage.

Poll: Just 29% of Americans approve of Trump's decision to fire Comey

It is a garbage poll you picked because it happened to support your agenda and just how many out there do you really think actually bother to know anything about Comey and his problems to have a worthwhile credible opinion anyway? Even you don't! It doesn't mean SHIT what the public thinks anyway. Comey is toast and a new better guy will be in soon and ALL of the investigations will proceed normally now without further liberal meddling.
Trump has no class; no decency.
The way he fired Comey is disgraceful. esp as the leader <sic> of a great nation. Trump is making America un-great.
Being POTUS is not the same as a comedic celebrity on a business show.
Trump should have had a meeting with Comey to discuss their differences. AND that meeting should have it's conclusion made public with comments from both Trump & Comey.
Trump should tell Comey in person if he is fired .
That is civilized.
From the article.

A poll released on Sunday showed how few people support President Donald Trump's decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey, while also acknowledging the extent to which many Americans have no opinion about the decision at all.

A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that just 29% of Americans approve of Trump's decision to fire Comey, compared to 38% who disapprove. Thirty two percent of survey respondents said they had no opinion of Trump's decision to fire America's chief law enforcement officer.

Trump's popularity didn't seem to take a significant hit from the Comey investigation - it dropped one point from last month's NBC/WSJ survey to 39% support. And while 61% of respondents said Trump's decision did not change their opinion of the president, 30% of respondents said they had a less favorable impression of Trump now, versus just 6% who said they had a more favorable view.

Unsurprisingly, support and opposition to the decision has largely split down partisan lines.
Chris Wallace on "FN SUNDAY" mused about McConnell suggesting to Trump to appoint Merritt Garland to the post of FBI Director! You can tell the Majority Leader knows he's going to burn in HELL for the stuff he's pulled and his conscience; what little there is is feeling quite guilty and repentant! Stealing of a SC appointment will go down in historic infamy IMO! Republicans are leaving quite a legacy; FREE THE SLAVES, then try to undermine blacks and other minorities later! Let's be for women's rights initially, but slowly try to take back that power! Let's try to have a consensus on issues, but now everything's got to be passed on a partisan basis with only Republican votes! Talk about a change! I'd be appalled, but the people left in the party might not be redeemable! They seem to like Trump even though he's gotten nothing done! Is this the kind of admin. to be proud of people? Get real! :ack-1: :blahblah: :disbelief:

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