Poll: Percent of Christians drop, those identifying as "none" soars

The a-theists of our time will be no more successful than were the French in the Temple of Reason or the communists. PratchettFan has the handle of it.
You're a bit confused. Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts. That's the domain of religions.
Yours is the second silliest comment of the day. You better go study the French revolutionaries and the Soviet and Chinese communists. They glorified atheism and elevated reason.
Which was subordinate to a political ideology. Communism/Marxism will eliminate the competition of ideas. The authority of the State is total and consuming under Communism and competing ideologies represent a distraction. Atheism was not an attraction that drew people to communism/Marxism, it was imposed by the authoritarian rulers.
Holli has no point is the point. I have no trouble with reason at all and am a big proponent of critical thinking. I simply pointed out that the French revolutionaries and others tried to replace God with Reason. Did not work well.

Of course she had a point. And I quote:
"Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts. That's the domain of religions."

That's got nothing to do with political movements, French or elsewhere. It's a simple observation of what does not exist within a certain non-belief.

And yet we see billboards, holiday displays, etc. The purpose of advertising is to sell something.

Yeah it is. To sell you something you don't need.
--- And?
Holli has no point is the point. I have no trouble with reason at all and am a big proponent of critical thinking. I simply pointed out that the French revolutionaries and others tried to replace God with Reason. Did not work well.

Of course she had a point. And I quote:
"Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts. That's the domain of religions."

That's got nothing to do with political movements, French or elsewhere. It's a simple observation of what does not exist within a certain non-belief.
That's not a point. It is her opinion and nothing else. Who cares?

So it's not a point? Or it is? Pick one. I'm not sure who cares but you took it on an all-expense-paid trip to Russia, China and France...
Pogo, you are supporting an opinion without a foundation. That is what is funny. :rofl:
The a-theists of our time will be no more successful than were the French in the Temple of Reason or the communists. PratchettFan has the handle of it.
You're a bit confused. Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts. That's the domain of religions.
Yours is the second silliest comment of the day. You better go study the French revolutionaries and the Soviet and Chinese communists. They glorified atheism and elevated reason.
Which was subordinate to a political ideology. Communism/Marxism will eliminate the competition of ideas. The authority of the State is total and consuming under Communism and competing ideologies represent a distraction. Atheism was not an attraction that drew people to communism/Marxism, it was imposed by the authoritarian rulers.
Who were atheists. Thank you.
Holli has no point is the point. I have no trouble with reason at all and am a big proponent of critical thinking. I simply pointed out that the French revolutionaries and others tried to replace God with Reason. Did not work well.

Of course she had a point. And I quote:
"Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts. That's the domain of religions."

That's got nothing to do with political movements, French or elsewhere. It's a simple observation of what does not exist within a certain non-belief.
That's not a point. It is her opinion and nothing else. Who cares?

So it's not a point? Or it is? Pick one. I'm not sure who cares but you took it on an all-expense-paid trip to Russia, China and France...
Pogo, you are supporting an opinion without a foundation. That is what is funny. :rofl:

I'm pointing out that your deflection junket to France by way of China has nothing to do with her point.
The deflection junket here is that you want to complain about religion because it makes you unhappy. Go ahead.
I just thought of something else

The last thing anyone wants is this nation 'deconverting' overnight.

There is a good bit of psychological trauma in the process. I seriously doubt some people could survive the process.
It's sad and telling that recognizing the truth should result in 'psychological trauma.'
The a-theists of our time will be no more successful than were the French in the Temple of Reason or the communists. PratchettFan has the handle of it.
You're a bit confused. Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts. That's the domain of religions.

In fact, most free from faith pursue no 'agenda' at all.

It's bizarre how many times the obvious has to be pointed out on these boards.
In the same way, people who are not interested in baseball are not going to be tuning in the MLB TV channel. Kinda goes without saying.
This has to be one of the funniest threads ever. Bunch of nutcases claiming victory cause only 71% of Americans are declaring themselves as christian. Yeah those folks selecting none of your business is SOARING TO PREVIOUSLY UNHEARD OF HEIGHTS... lol
The a-theists of our time will be no more successful than were the French in the Temple of Reason or the communists. PratchettFan has the handle of it.
You're a bit confused. Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts. That's the domain of religions.
Yours is the second silliest comment of the day. You better go study the French revolutionaries and the Soviet and Chinese communists. They glorified atheism and elevated reason.
Which was subordinate to a political ideology. Communism/Marxism will eliminate the competition of ideas. The authority of the State is total and consuming under Communism and competing ideologies represent a distraction. Atheism was not an attraction that drew people to communism/Marxism, it was imposed by the authoritarian rulers.
Who were atheists. Thank you.
Who were ideologues. You're welcome.

In your desperation to vilify the heathen you despise, you make a common mistake of associating totalitarianism (political, not religious), as a means to denigrate non-Christians.

What you can't address is the fact that atheism is imposed under communism/Marxism. It is again in the interest of political ideologues to suppress the competition of ideas and religion competes for associations and alliances that are a threat to State rule.
The only thing more obnoxious than a religious zealot is a militant atheist.:lol:
:) Hollie has no idea what she is saying and not the guts to post the link. Plagiarism? Probably, because she cannot write at that level normally.

Hollie, dear, no one wants to vilify you. What we won't do is tolerate your silliness.
The a-theists of our time will be no more successful than were the French in the Temple of Reason or the communists. PratchettFan has the handle of it.
You're a bit confused. Atheism has no agenda of attracting converts. That's the domain of religions.
Yours is the second silliest comment of the day. You better go study the French revolutionaries and the Soviet and Chinese communists. They glorified atheism and elevated reason.
Which was subordinate to a political ideology. Communism/Marxism will eliminate the competition of ideas. The authority of the State is total and consuming under Communism and competing ideologies represent a distraction. Atheism was not an attraction that drew people to communism/Marxism, it was imposed by the authoritarian rulers.
Who were atheists. Thank you.
Who were ideologues. You're welcome.

In your desperation to vilify the heathen you despise, you make a common mistake of associating totalitarianism (political, not religious), as a means to denigrate non-Christians.

What you can't address is the fact that atheism is imposed under communism/Marxism. It is again in the interest of political ideologues to suppress the competition of ideas and religion competes for associations and alliances that are a threat to State rule.

But they're hardly mutually exclusive. We may have seen several nations (or one nation and its satellites) calling themselves communists and simultaeously pushing state atheism, but it doesn't mean one flows from the other.
The only thing more obnoxious than a religious zealot is a militant atheist.:lol:

"Militant atheist" is a bit like... "loud reader"... :dunno:

What is there to be 'militant' about? It's a simple case of the non-presence of a theory.
:) Hollie has no idea what she is saying and not the guts to post the link. Plagiarism? Probably, because she cannot write at that level normally.

Hollie, dear, no one wants to vilify you. What we won't do is tolerate your silliness.
I was certain that challenges to your extremist beliefs and indefensible babble would cause you to retreat to your usual tactic of childish taunts in place of an actual argument.

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