Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Did you have regular contact with both a mother and father in life & think it was important?

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a democrat) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a republican) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a republican) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (Other) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (Other) Yes. But not it was not important to me

  • (Other) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (Other) No. And no, it didn't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
My Dad was killed for nothing in the skies over Vietnam and my mother went batshit crazy when I was 8 so I might as well not have had one
Sometimes no parent would have been better than one or both. Something Sil doesn't get.
Well, society and child psychologists agree that children do best with both a mother and father. The poll reflects that. So it's not just me saying it. You are facing a 90%+ majority paint..
Help for you, we haven't had openly gay parents for that long and the kids live in a society still bigoted against gays, like you, so it is going to take some time and there will be some differences. Common sense say being raised by two gay parents is going to be an issue in certain cases, just like being raised by a single parent or divorced parents. What you don't get, and can't understand, is we are not a society that does the best thing for children. If we were, most would not be allowed to have them, and that includes you who are very psychologically unbalanced.
Nope. Denying marriage to same sex parents only guarantees that their children will never have married parents. Which hurts their children and helps no child.

No thank you. Your idea is foolish by the standards of your own argument. As it doesn't remedy any 'problem' you've cited. It merely hurts and humiliates children by the hundreds of thousands...in exchange for nothing. All while helping no child.

No, that's what your side does, by advocating that children shoulder put into a fraudulent, dysfunctional mockery of a family instead of a genuine family, and by insisting that the mockery is just as valid and just as good.

Again, same sex parents don't magically become opposite sex parents if you deny them marriage.

I'll ask you, for the third time......how does denying marriage to same sex parents help their children?
Help for you, we haven't had openly gay parents for that long and the kids live in a society still bigoted against gays, like you, so it is going to take some time and there will be some differences. Common sense say being raised by two gay parents is going to be an issue in certain cases, just like being raised by a single parent or divorced parents. What you don't get, and can't understand, is we are not a society that does the best thing for children. If we were, most would not be allowed to have them, and that includes you who are very psychologically unbalanced.
That's nice. Glad YOU feel that way. But the poll says that 90%+ people disagree with you. And, I'm not the one sporting a psycho-killer avatar at USMB. Should we take a poll based on our avatars which one of our platforms sports outward signs of insanity?
My Dad was killed for nothing in the skies over Vietnam and my mother went batshit crazy when I was 8 so I might as well not have had one
Sometimes no parent would have been better than one or both. Something Sil doesn't get.
Well, society and child psychologists agree that children do best with both a mother and father. The poll reflects that. So it's not just me saying it. You are facing a 90%+ majority paint..

You still face the same problem you always have, Sil: you can't explain how having unmarried parents benefits the children of same sex parents.

And that's where your argument always, always breaks.
Again, same sex parents don't magically become opposite sex parents if you deny them marriage.

That's interesting...where do you suppose the babies they're "parenting" came from? Were they born out another man's anus (artificial vagina)? Or were they sired by a lesbian's strapon? Poor you. :itsok: Biology alone tells us your platfom is patently insane..
Help for you, we haven't had openly gay parents for that long and the kids live in a society still bigoted against gays, like you, so it is going to take some time and there will be some differences. Common sense say being raised by two gay parents is going to be an issue in certain cases, just like being raised by a single parent or divorced parents. What you don't get, and can't understand, is we are not a society that does the best thing for children. If we were, most would not be allowed to have them, and that includes you who are very psychologically unbalanced.
That's nice. Glad YOU feel that way. But the poll says that 90%+ people disagree with you. And, I'm not the one sporting a psycho-killer avatar at USMB. Should we take a poll based on our avatars which one of our platforms sports outward signs of insanity?

48 threads on the same topic, most with dozens if not hundreds of pages, your own website dedicated to the topic, and you creating your own message board with another 29 threads where you are the only participant in every conversation with yourself.

That's not well.
Again, same sex parents don't magically become opposite sex parents if you deny them marriage.

That's interesting...where do you suppose the babies they're "parenting" came from? Were they born out another man's anus (artificial vagina)? Or were they sired by a lesbian's strapon? Poor you. :itsok: Biology alone tells us your platfom is patently insane..

Probably from the same place they come from when parents adopt. Or when one partner is infertile.

So....how does denying marriage to same sex parents help their children? If this is for the benefit of children, explain the benefit. Because the court has gone into elaborate detail about how your proposal hurts children:

Windsor v. US said:
And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives...

....DOMA also brings financial harm to children of same-sex couples. It raises the cost of health care for families
by taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses. And it denies or reduces benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouse and parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security.

So.....why would you want to hurt children by the tens of thousands in this fashion?
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So this is just a survey to see who had contact with both their mother and father in life. And how important people feel about that for children.

Why wasn't there an option for "yes, I had contact with both parents, Mother and Father, but one was an abusive asshole?"
Because Sil doesn't believe in the real world, where you parents might just be your very worst enemies...
My father ran out on us before I was born, and I grew up with an abusive step-father, and I grew up perfectly normal. Yeah, I've been known to suck dick, but that's neither here nor there. :thup:
What if your choices are this couple...


vs this mother?

What if your choices are this couple...


Which one of those two gay men are going to sit the little baby girl (was she born out of one of their anuses?) down when she's a preteen and discuss with her all the nuances of menstruation? The only way a mother could/would advise her daughter?..childbirth? How to wade through hetero men for "the right one"?

Which one will be the actual mother to the child? Neither? So if those two are "married", they have stripped that little girl of a mother for life as a matter of newly binding contract. Well done, Obergefell.. Except that New York vs Ferber says that no adults can harm a child physically or psychologically in the course of their enjoying a civil right, real or invented last Summer and tacked onto the Constitution by 5 Justices legislating from the Bench...
My Dad was killed for nothing in the skies over Vietnam and my mother went batshit crazy when I was 8 so I might as well not have had one
Sometimes no parent would have been better than one or both. Something Sil doesn't get.
Well, society and child psychologists agree that children do best with both a mother and father. The poll reflects that. So it's not just me saying it. You are facing a 90%+ majority paint..

IDK I certainly did better than I would have with a couple of drunks or addicts as parents
My mother was at least able to keep the house (it was paid for with my Dad's insurance money) and she kept the lights on more often than not

Other than that I was pretty much on my own from 8 until I left for good at 17
What if your choices are this couple...


Which one of those two gay men are going to sit the little baby girl (was she born out of one of their anuses?) down when she's a preteen and discuss with her all the nuances of menstruation? The only way a mother could/would advise her daughter?..childbirth? How to wade through hetero men for "the right one"?

Presumably an aunt, grandmomther, family friend, coach, pastor, mentor, etc. Again, you need to read the Prince's Trust study. Good same sex rolemodels, exactly the kind of folks that can help with those kind of questions.....don't have to be parents. The Prince's Trust runs an extensive mentoring program for exactly that reason.

And again, how would denying her married parents help with *anything* you've just complained about? As the harm you would do to that child would be legion. What would the upside of refusing to allow her parents to marry be?

You've never been able to explain that. Every time I ask.....you run.

With same sex marriage legal in 50 of 50 States, how's that working out for you?
...when she's a preteen and discuss with her all the nuances of menstruation?
Hmmm, I can't wait to here what those are exactly? Who knew it was a secret thing men could not understand? As I remember, my mom had a pretty good understanding of how a penis worked.

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Nuances...particulars known to each matriarchal line. Women of different families have completely different cyclical flows and issues. Just like my farm females all have different cycles peculiar to their unique genetic lines. You didn't know that. You have just made my point.
What if your choices are this couple...


Which one of those two gay men are going to sit the little baby girl (was she born out of one of their anuses?) down when she's a preteen and discuss with her all the nuances of menstruation? The only way a mother could/would advise her daughter?..childbirth? How to wade through hetero men for "the right one"?

Which one will be the actual mother to the child? Neither? So if those two are "married", they have stripped that little girl of a mother for life as a matter of newly binding contract. Well done, Obergefell.. Except that New York vs Ferber says that no adults can harm a child physically or psychologically in the course of their enjoying a civil right, real or invented last Summer and tacked onto the Constitution by 5 Justices legislating from the Bench...
Probably the one that has the most knowledge on the subject. Youre acting like male gynecologists dont exist.

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