Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Did you have regular contact with both a mother and father in life & think it was important?

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a democrat) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a republican) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a republican) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (Other) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (Other) Yes. But not it was not important to me

  • (Other) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (Other) No. And no, it didn't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
What if your choices are this couple...


Which one of those two gay men are going to sit the little baby girl (was she born out of one of their anuses?) down when she's a preteen and discuss with her all the nuances of menstruation? .

Wow- you are describing the exact situation of every single dad out there. I guess every daughter being raised by a single dad is being abused by your 'logic'

And exactly what biology book is teaching you that babies come out of anuses?
My folks divorced when I was 5, my mom was remarried when I was 7 and I was raised calling my step-father "Father" - in fact I still do today. Oddly I never had any trouble understanding or 'coping' with the fact that my step-father wasn't my bio father and it never mattered at all to me. Why exactly would it be 'unsettling' or 'difficult' for a child in a gay coupling to know that they're parents did not /actually/ conceive them?

Edit: also my mother never talked to me about jack shit but not "embarrassing" her. She never discussed menstruation, never talked about sex, none of that shit. Hell she couldn't even take time off work to teach me to cook. I turned out just fine - can burn water, but my boys know how to cook so it worked out heh
According to the poll on this thread, you are a rarity. Do you agree?


This forum is full of idiots.
Um, Bob....the capacity to conceive a child isn't what makes good parents. Loving, caring for, providing for and nurturing your child is what makes good parents. All of which a same sex couple can do and an opposite sex couple can do.
Not if you believe that a child needs both genders to have a balanced upbringing.


You're free to believe that all you wish but you still can't stop gay people from raising their biological and adoptive children.

A gay couple cannot have a biological child. I don't have to "stop them". Nature does that.


Gay couples will just use the same avenue as infertile couples. You still can't do a thing about it.

Lol. Gay couples? No such thing. One(or the other) might get pregnant, but NOT as a couple. Like I said, I don't have to "do a thing" about it. Its already done.

Says you. Again, your entire argument has degenerated into ignoring the law, the dictionary, the Supreme Court or anything you don't agree with....and pretending it doesn't exist.

With same sex marriage legal in 50 of 50 States, how's that working out for you?
Says who? If a conscientious Christian cant live his life according to his religion, then the 1st Amendment is less than worthless because he basically has to "drop out" of society, forcing him to become a second class citizen.

He can always move to another country then. The 1rst amendment doesnt stop you from being a christian.
If you can't live your faith, then you aren't free to practice your religion. The 1st becomes nothing more than words.

Sounds like you need a new country if you feel that way.
No, what I need is for the country I am in to start following its own constitution.

No you need a new country. This country is following its own constitution. Your freedom of religion is confined to the boundaries set forth in law. You dont get to sacrifice people in a bon fire just because your religion says so.
When I start using that example, we can discuss it.

Um, Bob....the capacity to conceive a child isn't what makes good parents. Loving, caring for, providing for and nurturing your child is what makes good parents. All of which a same sex couple can do and an opposite sex couple can do.
Not if you believe that a child needs both genders to have a balanced upbringing.


You're free to believe that all you wish but you still can't stop gay people from raising their biological and adoptive children.

A gay couple cannot have a biological child. I don't have to "stop them". Nature does that.


Gay couples will just use the same avenue as infertile couples. You still can't do a thing about it.

Lol. Gay couples? No such thing. One(or the other) might get pregnant, but NOT as a couple. Like I said, I don't have to "do a thing" about it. Its already done.

You do realize typically only one person gets pregnant even with heterosexual couples dont you?
Um, Bob....the capacity to conceive a child isn't what makes good parents. Loving, caring for, providing for and nurturing your child is what makes good parents. All of which a same sex couple can do and an opposite sex couple can do.
Not if you believe that a child needs both genders to have a balanced upbringing.


You're free to believe that all you wish but you still can't stop gay people from raising their biological and adoptive children.

A gay couple cannot have a biological child. I don't have to "stop them". Nature does that.


Gay couples will just use the same avenue as infertile couples. You still can't do a thing about it.

Lol. Gay couples? No such thing. One(or the other) might get pregnant, but NOT as a couple. Like I said, I don't have to "do a thing" about it. Its already done.

Our marriages must truely piss you off. What kind of person is so devoid of their own life that they have to live vicariously thru hating the marriages of others...............so sad for you.
He can always move to another country then. The 1rst amendment doesnt stop you from being a christian.
If you can't live your faith, then you aren't free to practice your religion. The 1st becomes nothing more than words.

Sounds like you need a new country if you feel that way.
No, what I need is for the country I am in to start following its own constitution.

No you need a new country. This country is following its own constitution. Your freedom of religion is confined to the boundaries set forth in law. You dont get to sacrifice people in a bon fire just because your religion says so.
When I start using that example, we can discuss it.

Too late. We are already discussing it because I introduced it.
What if your choices are this couple...


Which one of those two gay men are going to sit the little baby girl (was she born out of one of their anuses?) down when she's a preteen and discuss with her all the nuances of menstruation? .

Wow- you are describing the exact situation of every single dad out there. I guess every daughter being raised by a single dad is being abused by your 'logic'

And exactly what biology book is teaching you that babies come out of anuses?

Or anyone who has ever adopted a girl. Remember, Sil's made up the 'nuances of her unique genetic line' argument.

By sil's own standards......adoptive parents can never marry.
If present direction continues, then it will happen.

The line was crossed when bakers, photographers, and similar businesses were force by law to cater to disgusting homosexual mockeries of weddingsd.

The line was crossed when Christians were told that they didn't get to ignore the law because they suddenly discovered they were Christians when they were asked to bake a cake for a gay couple.

Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.
Then there is no freedom of religion, and America is dead.


The highest law says that there is, but those who are saying that “Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.” are not willing to allow this highest law to be obeyed. Hypocrites!

Of course we all have Freedom of Religion.

That doesn't mean you get to kill your child for disobeying you and not be sent to prison for murder because you claim it is okay because you are just following what the Bible told you.

Christians have to follow the law just like everyone else



Exactly- Wow- Christians don't get to kill their children just because the Bible says that is what should happen to disobedient children.
Another classic. Name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, against their wishes? You can't b/c it hasn't and nor should it happen. Remember, Kim Davis isn't a church.

If present direction continues, then it will happen.

The line was crossed when bakers, photographers, and similar businesses were force by law to cater to disgusting homosexual mockeries of weddingsd.

The line was crossed when Christians were told that they didn't get to ignore the law because they suddenly discovered they were Christians when they were asked to bake a cake for a gay couple.

Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.
Then there is no freedom of religion, and America is dead.


The highest law says that there is, but those who are saying that “Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.” are not willing to allow this highest law to be obeyed. Hypocrites!

The 'highest law'? Which law are you referring to? If its the constitution, it never says that Christians are immune to any law they disagree with. Nor has it been practiced in such a fashion.

With the Supreme Court shooting down the idea that religion makes one immune to any law;

Employment Division said:
..To make an individual's obligation to obey such a law contingent upon the law's coincidence with his religious beliefs, except where the State's interest is 'compelling' - permitting him, by virtue of his beliefs, 'to become a law unto himself,' contradicts both constitutional tradition and common sense.' To adopt a true 'compelling interest' requirement for laws that affect religious practice would lead towards anarchy."

And wouldn't Islam just as thoroughly trump our every law if your conception of the 'highest law' were valid? Does that mean that all US law is subservient and beneath Sharia by your interpretation?

If not, why not?

Do you know how the Muslims practice Sharia law? They don't allow other religions to practice theirs.

Now, who is promoting Sharia law? You or me?

Um, Bob....the capacity to conceive a child isn't what makes good parents. Loving, caring for, providing for and nurturing your child is what makes good parents. All of which a same sex couple can do and an opposite sex couple can do.
Not if you believe that a child needs both genders to have a balanced upbringing.


You're free to believe that all you wish but you still can't stop gay people from raising their biological and adoptive children.

A gay couple cannot have a biological child. I don't have to "stop them". Nature does that.


Gay couples will just use the same avenue as infertile couples. You still can't do a thing about it.

Lol. Gay couples? No such thing. One(or the other) might get pregnant, but NOT as a couple. Like I said, I don't have to "do a thing" about it. Its already done.


And yet gay people are marrying and raising children all over the nation despite your whines on the web. :itsok:

Get over it. Or don't. Either way, it doesn't really matter as gays will continue to marry and raise their families with or without the blessing of some internet random.
What if your choices are this couple...


Which one of those two gay men are going to sit the little baby girl (was she born out of one of their anuses?) down when she's a preteen and discuss with her all the nuances of menstruation? .

Wow- you are describing the exact situation of every single dad out there. I guess every daughter being raised by a single dad is being abused by your 'logic'

And exactly what biology book is teaching you that babies come out of anuses?

Or anyone who has ever adopted a girl. Remember, Sil's made up the 'nuances of her unique genetic line' argument.

By sil's own standards......adoptive parents can never marry.
His argument is in shambles and destroyed. Most of the damage was self inflicted.
My folks divorced when I was 5, my mom was remarried when I was 7 and I was raised calling my step-father "Father" - in fact I still do today. Oddly I never had any trouble understanding or 'coping' with the fact that my step-father wasn't my bio father and it never mattered at all to me. Why exactly would it be 'unsettling' or 'difficult' for a child in a gay coupling to know that they're parents did not /actually/ conceive them?

Edit: also my mother never talked to me about jack shit but not "embarrassing" her. She never discussed menstruation, never talked about sex, none of that shit. Hell she couldn't even take time off work to teach me to cook. I turned out just fine - can burn water, but my boys know how to cook so it worked out heh
According to the poll on this thread, you are a rarity. Do you agree?


This forum is full of idiots.

Why? You think its unnatural for a child to want his birth parents together?

If present direction continues, then it will happen.

The line was crossed when bakers, photographers, and similar businesses were force by law to cater to disgusting homosexual mockeries of weddingsd.

The line was crossed when Christians were told that they didn't get to ignore the law because they suddenly discovered they were Christians when they were asked to bake a cake for a gay couple.

Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.
Then there is no freedom of religion, and America is dead.


The highest law says that there is, but those who are saying that “Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.” are not willing to allow this highest law to be obeyed. Hypocrites!

The 'highest law'? Which law are you referring to? If its the constitution, it never says that Christians are immune to any law they disagree with. Nor has it been practiced in such a fashion.

With the Supreme Court shooting down the idea that religion makes one immune to any law;

Employment Division said:
..To make an individual's obligation to obey such a law contingent upon the law's coincidence with his religious beliefs, except where the State's interest is 'compelling' - permitting him, by virtue of his beliefs, 'to become a law unto himself,' contradicts both constitutional tradition and common sense.' To adopt a true 'compelling interest' requirement for laws that affect religious practice would lead towards anarchy."

And wouldn't Islam just as thoroughly trump our every law if your conception of the 'highest law' were valid? Does that mean that all US law is subservient and beneath Sharia by your interpretation?

If not, why not?

Do you know how the Muslims practice Sharia law? They don't allow other religions to practice theirs.

So to the extent that Sharia allows others to practice their religion....Sharia is supreme over US law?

Again, if religious supremacy over the law isn't limited to your flavor of Christianity. It would encompass *any* religion and any religious belief.

Surely you realize that, yes?

There's a reason why the Supreme Court laughed your 'religious supremacy' argument out of court;

Employment Division said:
..To make an individual's obligation to obey such a law contingent upon the law's coincidence with his religious beliefs, except where the State's interest is 'compelling' - permitting him, by virtue of his beliefs, 'to become a law unto himself,' contradicts both constitutional tradition and common sense.' To adopt a true 'compelling interest' requirement for laws that affect religious practice would lead towards anarchy."

And Scalia was right.

Now, who is promoting Sharia law? You or me?


That would be you. As only you are arguing for religious supremacy over law. I'm saying what Justice Scalia said;

"permitting him, by virtue of his beliefs, 'to become a law unto himself,' contradicts both constitutional tradition and common sense.' "
Remember, all the evidence you ignore.....we can still see it. Pretending none of it exists just demonstrates that your position is founded in willful ignorance

And of course, your insistence that we 'void' all same sex marriages doesn't do a thing to address what you consider the 'problem'. As same sex parents denied marriage are still same sex parents. All denying those parents marriage does is guarantee that their children never have married parents.

Which hurts those children and help no child.

See how that works? Your proposal is worse than useless.

No more so than yours.

On the contrary, the courts have gone into elaborate detail as to all the harms caused to children when you deny their parents marriage. And all the benefits to children when their parents are allowed to marry.

The benefits to those children make my proposal far better than 'useless'. Where as Sil can't even explain how denying marriage same sex parents helps their children. Or any child.

A set of married parents means a father and a mother. You only hurt a child by giving him a mockery of what he needs, in place of what he really needs.

Here are some of the harms caused to children when you deny their parents marriage:

Windsor v. US said:
And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives....

....DOMA also brings financial harm to children of samesex couples. It raises the cost of health care for families by taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses. And it denies or reduces benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouse and parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security.

Now, with some of the serious harms listed, tell us....how does denying marriage to same sex parents help their children?

Sil has never been able to give us any credible answer. And instead insists that they should be harmed. Perhaps you can do better.

I am still waiting also.

I know my marriage hasn't been harmed because gay couples can get married.
I know my daughter is not harmed because children of gay couples can now have married parents.

Who are these fictional children who are harmed because Bob can marry Bill?

Bob appears to have run from the question like it was on fire. Sil has never done any better.

The reason is simple: denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't help their children. As denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't magically transform them into opposite sex parents. It merely guarantees that their children never have married parents.

Which hurts those children and helps none.

I'll answer it. Its very simple. Same sex couples don't have children.

Next question?


Well that is a fine display of your ignorance- my question is how did you get so ignorant?

Here are two couples- with their children- tell me the difference between them:
That's interesting...where do you suppose the babies they're "parenting" came from? Were they born out another man's anus (artificial vagina)? Or were they sired by a lesbian's strapon? Poor you. :itsok: Biology alone tells us your platfom is patently insane..

Liberalism is madness, and the LGBpbWTF branch thereof doubly so.

Remember- we are talking with someone who believes the world was created 6,000 years ago, and women are supposed to be subservient to men.

Relgious Conservativism is madness- and yours triply so.
No more so than yours.

On the contrary, the courts have gone into elaborate detail as to all the harms caused to children when you deny their parents marriage. And all the benefits to children when their parents are allowed to marry.

The benefits to those children make my proposal far better than 'useless'. Where as Sil can't even explain how denying marriage same sex parents helps their children. Or any child.

A set of married parents means a father and a mother. You only hurt a child by giving him a mockery of what he needs, in place of what he really needs.

Here are some of the harms caused to children when you deny their parents marriage:

Windsor v. US said:
And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives....

....DOMA also brings financial harm to children of samesex couples. It raises the cost of health care for families by taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses. And it denies or reduces benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouse and parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security.

Now, with some of the serious harms listed, tell us....how does denying marriage to same sex parents help their children?

Sil has never been able to give us any credible answer. And instead insists that they should be harmed. Perhaps you can do better.

I am still waiting also.

I know my marriage hasn't been harmed because gay couples can get married.
I know my daughter is not harmed because children of gay couples can now have married parents.

Who are these fictional children who are harmed because Bob can marry Bill?

Bob appears to have run from the question like it was on fire. Sil has never done any better.

The reason is simple: denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't help their children. As denying marriage to same sex parents doesn't magically transform them into opposite sex parents. It merely guarantees that their children never have married parents.

Which hurts those children and helps none.

I'll answer it. Its very simple. Same sex couples don't have children.

Next question?


Well that is a fine display of your ignorance- my question is how did you get so ignorant?

Here are two couples- with their children- tell me the difference between them:
View attachment 64547
I'll take the dad on the far right, Alex, for several hundred million dollars.
What if your choices are this couple...


Which one of those two gay men are going to sit the little baby girl (was she born out of one of their anuses?) down when she's a preteen and discuss with her all the nuances of menstruation? .

Wow- you are describing the exact situation of every single dad out there. I guess every daughter being raised by a single dad is being abused by your 'logic'

And exactly what biology book is teaching you that babies come out of anuses?

Or anyone who has ever adopted a girl. Remember, Sil's made up the 'nuances of her unique genetic line' argument.

By sil's own standards......adoptive parents can never marry.

What truly makes a good parent is knowing the nuanced menstruation cycle history of the women in the adopted child's previous family.

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