Poll: Robert Mueller Loses Majority Support After FBI Raids

Your source losses all credibility when they sell MAGA gear from their website store

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This is all over the net.
Course, CNN and the usual suspects will totally ignore it.

Yes, all the far right fake news sites will carry this same story, each of them using the other as their "source". That is how they operate. Then people who are too stupid to know otherwise will think "wow, I saw this story on 9 sites, it must be true"!

Any "news source" that sells merchandise for the sitting POTUS cannot ever be taken as a serious source of information, they are nothing more than a propaganda site.
That's rich. Because everything you people believe is the same sources....either the WaPo or the NYTimes.

You have me mistaken for one of your fellow partisan zealots.

But I do appreciate the fact you were smart enough not to disagree with the way the "news" sites you use operate.
The problem this time however is that the most qualified puppet princess in history was supposed to be selected but something went wrong and the uncooperative, insane orange puppet got selected instead.

It might have turned out differently if Princess Puppet hadn't screwed the pooch and pretended it was a good idea to treat politics like an online forum and started calling prospective voters names ... :dunno:

It might have turned out differently if Princess Puppet hadn't screwed the pooch and pretended it was a good idea to treat politics like an online forum and started calling prospective voters names ... :dunno:


Using an evil server in the basement to hide the incriminating emails of the Clinton money laundering foundation wasn't exactly a brilliant idea either, not to mention pi$$ing off all of the Bernie bros and claiming pneumonia causes you to pass out in public

But I think the biggest problem was that the psycho princess couldn't explain why she deserved to be selected, "It's my turn" isn't exactly a catching campaign slogan

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James Comey is also going down as a Nazi Propagandist. People hate him too.
This is getting good. Can't say as though the Closet Kremlin Commie doesn't deserve it.

He's now going to be subpoenaed.
Your source losses all credibility when they sell MAGA gear from their website store

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
This is all over the net.
Course, CNN and the usual suspects will totally ignore it.

Yes, all the far right fake news sites will carry this same story, each of them using the other as their "source". That is how they operate. Then people who are too stupid to know otherwise will think "wow, I saw this story on 9 sites, it must be true"!

Any "news source" that sells merchandise for the sitting POTUS cannot ever be taken as a serious source of information, they are nothing more than a propaganda site.
That's rich. Because everything you people believe is the same sources....either the WaPo or the NYTimes.

You have me mistaken for one of your fellow partisan zealots.

But I do appreciate the fact you were smart enough not to disagree with the way the "news" sites you use operate.
Not disagreeing is the same as agreeing with nothing or merely an assumption not based in fact.
I can tell you're a mindless zealot for leftist causes who assumes he knows what others are thinking.
Right now there is evidence we are all being played. By whom is debatable, but no source is reliable without proper confirmation.
Your source losses all credibility when they sell MAGA gear from their website store

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
This is all over the net.
Course, CNN and the usual suspects will totally ignore it.

Yes, all the far right fake news sites will carry this same story, each of them using the other as their "source". That is how they operate. Then people who are too stupid to know otherwise will think "wow, I saw this story on 9 sites, it must be true"!

Any "news source" that sells merchandise for the sitting POTUS cannot ever be taken as a serious source of information, they are nothing more than a propaganda site.
Replace "right" with "left" and your post is amazingly accurate.

You claim to be a libertarian, yet you're always supporting Stalinism.
Herr Mewler may have screwed himself and the Dims with his latest outrageous assault on the Constitution.

Robert Mueller Loses Majority Support After FBI Raids Trump's Lawyer

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s raid on President Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen has backfired in the eyes of voters, according to Rasmussen Reports .

Prior to what many are describing as Mueller’s unprecedented stunt, the special counsel and former Obama official was held in high regard by a majority of the public. Back in October, a full 52 percent believed “Mueller’s investigation is an honest attempt to determine criminal wrongdoing.”

That number is now down -6 points to just 46 percent.

Moreover, the number of voters who now see Mueller’s probe is a “partisan witch hunt” has jumped a full +8 points, from 32 percent to 40 percent.

Overall, public opinion moved against Mueller by a full 14 points.

Majority of Americans support Robert Mueller's probe of Russia and ...

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