Poll: Romney widens lead among small business voters


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
Poll: Romney widens lead among small business voters - The Washington Post

Main Street has already proved an important battleground in the presidential election. So which candidate is winning the favor of small business owners?

Mitt Romney, and it’s not even close, according to a new poll.

Sixty-one percent of small business owners plan to vote for the Republican challenger, more than double the 26 percent who say they will vote for President Obama, shows a survey released Tuesday by Manta. The president’s numbers have fallen six points since May, while Mitt Romney has picked up four points with business owners. In the latest national polls, the candidates are virtually deadlocked.

Obama still has time to make up ground on Main Street, but he will need a solid performance next month in Charlotte. Forty percent of respondents said their vote could swing based on the small business issues — namely taxes, healthcare and regulations — discussed at the conventions, while one in four said they’re still waiting to see what types of initiatives the candidates outline between now and November.

Manta, which hosts the largest online small business community, polled roughly 2,000 small business owners for the latest report, part of its series of political tracking surveys.


Gee, I wonder if all the left wing bulls**t about how Obamacare is going to help small business or not bother it somehow isn't playing out so well.

Looks like Obama has managed to piss off another group. The young are dumping him and the small business community does not appear to be flocking to his campaign.

Whose left.....crack whores like Lakhota ?
Obamas popularity nose dived with small business owners after the "you didn't build that" debacle.

Not sure he can recover from that. I hope he fired that speech writer.
Obamas popularity nose dived with small business owners after the "you didn't build that" debacle.

Not sure he can recover from that. I hope he fired that speech writer.

I think that was the gasser....it wasn't in the speech. He went off message and tried to say something spontaneous and (once again) revealed how he felt about business.

And the poll numbers show that business does not seem to forget so easily.
Obamas popularity nose dived with small business owners after the "you didn't build that" debacle.

Not sure he can recover from that. I hope he fired that speech writer.

Actually, the middle class...those earning $50k and up, tend to be Republicans, while those who earn below $50k, Democrat.

"Over time, it has been shown that the lower the income someone makes, the more they vote Democratic. The higher their income, the more likely they are to vote Republican. In the year 2000 election, people who made less than $15,000 voted democratic by a 3-2 margin. Those who made between $30K to $50K favored the democratic, but only by a light margin. People who made more than $100,000 voted for the Republican candidate by a 5 to 4 margin. Why is this? Republicans tend to be known as the “lower tax” party, so the wealthy tend to vote Republican in the hopes of keeping more of their income. Democrats tend to champion social services which the poor use, such as welfare, so lower income earners would be drawn to them."
Obamas popularity nose dived with small business owners after the "you didn't build that" debacle.

Not sure he can recover from that. I hope he fired that speech writer.

Actually, the middle class...those earning $50k and up, tend to be Republicans, while those who earn below $50k, Democrat.

"Over time, it has been shown that the lower the income someone makes, the more they vote Democratic. The higher their income, the more likely they are to vote Republican. In the year 2000 election, people who made less than $15,000 voted democratic by a 3-2 margin. Those who made between $30K to $50K favored the democratic, but only by a light margin. People who made more than $100,000 voted for the Republican candidate by a 5 to 4 margin. Why is this? Republicans tend to be known as the “lower tax” party, so the wealthy tend to vote Republican in the hopes of keeping more of their income. Democrats tend to champion social services which the poor use, such as welfare, so lower income earners would be drawn to them."

I call bullshit
Obamas popularity nose dived with small business owners after the "you didn't build that" debacle.

Not sure he can recover from that. I hope he fired that speech writer.

Actually, the middle class...those earning $50k and up, tend to be Republicans, while those who earn below $50k, Democrat.

"Over time, it has been shown that the lower the income someone makes, the more they vote Democratic. The higher their income, the more likely they are to vote Republican. In the year 2000 election, people who made less than $15,000 voted democratic by a 3-2 margin. Those who made between $30K to $50K favored the democratic, but only by a light margin. People who made more than $100,000 voted for the Republican candidate by a 5 to 4 margin. Why is this? Republicans tend to be known as the “lower tax” party, so the wealthy tend to vote Republican in the hopes of keeping more of their income. Democrats tend to champion social services which the poor use, such as welfare, so lower income earners would be drawn to them."

I call bullshit

And that makes it so ?

:lol: :lol:

I'm not sure you want to get tied up in this one. PC has chewed up better people than you for breakfast.

But, I am a bit bored and might enjoy the slaughter.

Go ahead....make your point.
Actually, the middle class...those earning $50k and up, tend to be Republicans, while those who earn below $50k, Democrat.

"Over time, it has been shown that the lower the income someone makes, the more they vote Democratic. The higher their income, the more likely they are to vote Republican. In the year 2000 election, people who made less than $15,000 voted democratic by a 3-2 margin. Those who made between $30K to $50K favored the democratic, but only by a light margin. People who made more than $100,000 voted for the Republican candidate by a 5 to 4 margin. Why is this? Republicans tend to be known as the “lower tax” party, so the wealthy tend to vote Republican in the hopes of keeping more of their income. Democrats tend to champion social services which the poor use, such as welfare, so lower income earners would be drawn to them."

I call bullshit

And that makes it so ?

:lol: :lol:

I'm not sure you want to get tied up in this one. PC has chewed up better people than you for breakfast.

But, I am a bit bored and might enjoy the slaughter.

Go ahead....make your point.

I would like to see the source for that. It took me to a doc file, a few paragraphs but no source where the writer got the info.
I call bullshit

And that makes it so ?

:lol: :lol:

I'm not sure you want to get tied up in this one. PC has chewed up better people than you for breakfast.

But, I am a bit bored and might enjoy the slaughter.

Go ahead....make your point.

I would like to see the source for that. It took me to a doc file, a few paragraphs but no source where the writer got the info.

So now you need a file......?

Are you retracting your previous statement ?
And that makes it so ?

:lol: :lol:

I'm not sure you want to get tied up in this one. PC has chewed up better people than you for breakfast.

But, I am a bit bored and might enjoy the slaughter.

Go ahead....make your point.

I would like to see the source for that. It took me to a doc file, a few paragraphs but no source where the writer got the info.

So now you need a file......?

Are you retracting your previous statement ?

Nope. Still sounds like bullshit.

But if I'm wrong, I'll gladly retract.
Obamas popularity nose dived with small business owners after the "you didn't build that" debacle.

Not sure he can recover from that. I hope he fired that speech writer.

Actually, the middle class...those earning $50k and up, tend to be Republicans, while those who earn below $50k, Democrat.

"Over time, it has been shown that the lower the income someone makes, the more they vote Democratic. The higher their income, the more likely they are to vote Republican. In the year 2000 election, people who made less than $15,000 voted democratic by a 3-2 margin. Those who made between $30K to $50K favored the democratic, but only by a light margin. People who made more than $100,000 voted for the Republican candidate by a 5 to 4 margin. Why is this? Republicans tend to be known as the “lower tax” party, so the wealthy tend to vote Republican in the hopes of keeping more of their income. Democrats tend to champion social services which the poor use, such as welfare, so lower income earners would be drawn to them."

According to your numbers, 40% of those making under $15,000 aren't very smart.

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