POLL: Serious question for Trump supporters: The Future

Does Trump represent permanent change?

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the conservative politicians who will no longer be afraid of the press, and who will have learned how to deal with them, but with more polish and skill....

What's with this 2.0 horse shit? The Orange Virus shits all over decorum. He set the office backwards because he doesn't learn anything. Electing conservatives with the ability to learn from their mistakes is all we require.
---------------------------------- and you sound like a wussy Tumbler . TRUMP and family looks are much better than the looks and antics of 'ilham omar' or 'barack Obama' Tumbler .
you and others on the board tout Critical thought as if you practice or exhibit any Critical thought Tumbler .
the conservative politicians who will no longer be afraid of the press, and who will have learned how to deal with them, but with more polish and skill....

What's with this 2.0 horse shit? The Orange Virus shits all over decorum. He set the office backwards because he doesn't learn anything. Electing conservatives with the ability to learn from their mistakes is all we require.
---------------------------------- and you sound like a wussy Tumbler . TRUMP and family looks are much better than the looks and antics of 'ilham omar' or 'barack Obama' Tumbler .

And you sound like a Russian asset with a mouth full of marbles. English much?
Please vote and expand, thanks.
Even if i did support Trump, it would be his words, not his actions Mac
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


Its not even that.

They believe that everyone else is wrong and they are right. Its like talking to 4 y/o children.
When you point out how incorrect whoever their statement is with sources, the sources are biased.
When you point out the sources may be from the Republican Party or a Conservative Leaning publication…they are “never trumpers”….

Again…it’s like dealing with 4 year old children and 9/11 Truthers.

As for the rallies….
That is just entertainment and he may as well be at the Laugh Factory instead of some undersized gymnasium.
------------------------------------------ as I like to point out , we DEPLORABLES elected the TRUMP as President of the USA and his job was / is to run the USA . He has been doing fine as far as we DEPLORABLES are concerned , TRUMP doesn't need or doesn't seem to want your or 'mattis' , 'tillerson' [is it] advice or other advisors or other enemies advice as he fired those 'YAHOOS' didn't he Candy ??
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Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

I don't believe we'll see any permanent scars from Orange policy-wise. Hell, it's been quite some time since I've seen cohesion in any policies from either party. EOs will wipe away most of his legacy.

Any permanent changes we might see will likely be with the character of future candidates. Orange is the new precedent. Our society seems to worship the superficial and outrageous. The lines of decorum are blurred now, so future candidates will likely continue pushing the envelope of incivility. We put up with each other for now. How long will it last?
seems to me that TRUMP may want to run the country all by his independent lonesome rather than run the USA with a committee of enemies , advisors , more enemies and more advisors and I think that is WHY we DEPOLRABLE Elected him to do as he likes for the most part Candy .
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

I don't believe we'll see any permanent scars from Orange policy-wise. Hell, it's been quite some time since I've seen cohesion in any policies from either party. EOs will wipe away most of his legacy.

Any permanent changes we might see will likely be with the character of future candidates. Orange is the new precedent. Our society seems to worship the superficial and outrageous. The lines of decorum are blurred now, so future candidates will likely continue pushing the envelope of incivility. We put up with each other for now. How long will it last?
----------------------------------------- ME , personally I am only looking for another 5 years as he finishs up his current year and a half and then another 4 years after that . And then of course , The PENSE will be fine for whatever length of Service he can get Tumbler .
seems to me that TRUMP may want to run the country all by his independent lonesome rather than run the USA with a committee of enemies , advisors , more enemies and more advisors and I think that is WHY we DEPOLRABLE Elected him to do as he likes for the most part Candy .

Learn how our government works. Perhaps read our fine constitution someday. Otherwise, there are other governments in other countries that might be more in line with your tragically misinformed world view.
OTHER Countries don't matter in the daily running of the USA Tumbler . We DEPLOABLES elected and hired TRUMP to run the USA . Oh yeah , to heck with foreign entities , supposed allies and their ways of doing things Tumbler .
OTHER Countries don't matter in the daily running of the USA Tumbler . We DEPLOABLES elected and hired TRUMP to run the USA . Oh yeah , to heck with foreign entities , supposed allies and their ways of doing things Tumbler .

Isolationism? It's been tried, unsuccessfully, a few times. What else you got, genius?
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

I don't believe we'll see any permanent scars from Orange policy-wise. Hell, it's been quite some time since I've seen cohesion in any policies from either party. EOs will wipe away most of his legacy.

Any permanent changes we might see will likely be with the character of future candidates. Orange is the new precedent. Our society seems to worship the superficial and outrageous. The lines of decorum are blurred now, so future candidates will likely continue pushing the envelope of incivility. We put up with each other for now. How long will it last?
Yeah, I don't know if we're going to stay in kindergarten or if he'll motivate us in the future to have more respect for the office. I wouldn't place any bets on the latter, but that's just me.

His legacy will be his court picks, Supreme and lower. You can be sure the Dems will pack the courts if they end up with enough power to do so.

An ugly period, and he's the poster boy for it.
You can be sure the Dems will pack the courts if they end up with enough power to do so.

I have no doubt about it. Which will open a whole new jar of madness.

It will be interesting for sure when the Democrats find their own version of Trump, a guy who doesn't play coy and doesn't shy away from saying what he and his constituents really think about America. Will probably sound an awful lot like the mainstream media.
You can be sure the Dems will pack the courts if they end up with enough power to do so.

I have no doubt about it. Which will open a whole new jar of madness.

It will be interesting for sure when the Democrats find their own version of Trump, a guy who doesn't play coy and doesn't shy away from saying what he and his constituents really think about America. Will probably sound an awful lot like the mainstream media.
The closest person on the Left to Trump, I'd think, is Joy Behar.

Neither one of them should be within 50 miles of the Oval Office.
It's so much entertainment just watching you all be driven absolutely crazy by him. I don't even watch the rallies--why should I? You all are entertainment enough.

Deplorables are pretty entertaining themselves. :auiqs.jpg: Can't get enough.
Who exactly is a deplorable? The lefties shitting on the streets of LA and SF?

Are your googles broken?
NO, your definition
OTHER Countries don't matter in the daily running of the USA Tumbler . We DEPLOABLES elected and hired TRUMP to run the USA . Oh yeah , to heck with foreign entities , supposed allies and their ways of doing things Tumbler .

Isolationism? It's been tried, unsuccessfully, a few times. What else you got, genius?
------------------------------------------- ISOLATIONISM . Was not mentioned in this thread . I just said that 'allies' , enemies , former big gov employees , foreign entities , united nations , hilary . mrobama should be IGNORED if that what TRUMP decides to do . I'll get you post to see if I am correct Tumbler .
seems to me that TRUMP may want to run the country all by his independent lonesome rather than run the USA with a committee of enemies , advisors , more enemies and more advisors and I think that is WHY we DEPOLRABLE Elected him to do as he likes for the most part Candy .

Learn how our government works. Perhaps read our fine constitution someday. Otherwise, there are other governments in other countries that might be more in line with your tragically misinformed world view.
----------------------------------------- yeah , there you go as you mention other govs and countries as being models for the USA Tumbler .

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