POLL: Serious question for Trump supporters: The Future

Does Trump represent permanent change?

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It's so much entertainment just watching you all be driven absolutely crazy by him. I don't even watch the rallies--why should I? You all are entertainment enough.

Deplorables are pretty entertaining themselves. :auiqs.jpg: Can't get enough.
Who exactly is a deplorable? The lefties shitting on the streets of LA and SF?

Are your googles broken?
NO, your definition

Usually Cult45 members, but any flavor of political extremist will suffice.
no one mention 'isolationism' in this thread but I would not mind trying it Tumbler .
Please vote and expand, thanks.
Even if i did support Trump, it would be his words, not his actions Mac
Not sure what you mean. You support his words, not his actions?

Most of Trumps contingent get off on his speeches Mac

I viewed his Texas cheer leading rally as long as i could stand it

This is the heart of MAGA, to believe and buy into all the jingoistic rhetoric

Ergo, his supporters honestly believe they're 'great again' / 'winning' , simply because they're told so

Despite the inversely proportional devil in the 'action' details


I don't know how someone stands there for hours just to listen to his bitching. I really don't.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

Well Make America Great Again... is a catch phrase. I have little faith in catch phrases.

As far as a significant new direction... I hope not. The policies of limited government, low taxes, and fundamental freedom from government... is what allowed the US to go from the poorest and youngest of nations, to a world super power.

So change direction of the fundamentals of America's founding, can only lead us to a worse place.

So when you say a "new direction".... I want to go in the old direction. The direction this country was founded on, where people are self reliant, and not dependent on the tits of government.

Do I think Trump is moving in that direction? Not really. Some of his policies are good, for sure. But he's not an old school Ronald Reagan Republican.
----------------------------------- no one with any thinking ability support the 'reagan' or any 'bush' as both are 1986 'amnesty people . 'reagan' and all 'bush's' pretty much destroyed the fabric of the USA even if only numbers of third worlders and population density are looked at , USA population in 1972 was about 210 million [census numbers] but in 2010 the number is 310 million , mostly third worlders and that doesn't count illegals Mac and Andy . And TRUMP doesn't really see to be much better as the invasion into the USA continues . --------------- just a comment .

Well I disagree with that.... however.... let me get to the main issue in your post.

You are complaining about The growth of 100 million people, while most of these are immigrants.

You are in fact, absolutely correct.

However, you are making a huge mistake in where you put the blame.

You are blaming government. That is not who is to blame for the fact that our population growth is from foreigners.

If you want to know who is to blame..... you need a mirror. It's the public, which is to blame. The US public owns the full and complete responsibility that our population growth is due to foreigners.


Do you see the problem? The fertility rate, is below the replacement rate.

If it wasn't for immigration, our population, and our country, would be in decline, facing the same problems we see in Japan. It is only because of immigration that we have a growing population.

The reason most of our population growth is due to foreigners, is because we as a society are not having enough children. If every one in this country got married, and if every married couple had 4 kids, the number of immigrants would barely be a statistic worth noting.

And the loss of culture would cease to exist.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

Well Make America Great Again... is a catch phrase. I have little faith in catch phrases.

As far as a significant new direction... I hope not. The policies of limited government, low taxes, and fundamental freedom from government... is what allowed the US to go from the poorest and youngest of nations, to a world super power.

So change direction of the fundamentals of America's founding, can only lead us to a worse place.

So when you say a "new direction".... I want to go in the old direction. The direction this country was founded on, where people are self reliant, and not dependent on the tits of government.

Do I think Trump is moving in that direction? Not really. Some of his policies are good, for sure. But he's not an old school Ronald Reagan Republican.
----------------------------------- no one with any thinking ability support the 'reagan' or any 'bush' as both are 1986 'amnesty people . 'reagan' and all 'bush's' pretty much destroyed the fabric of the USA even if only numbers of third worlders and population density are looked at , USA population in 1972 was about 210 million [census numbers] but in 2010 the number is 310 million , mostly third worlders and that doesn't count illegals Mac and Andy . And TRUMP doesn't really see to be much better as the invasion into the USA continues . --------------- just a comment .

Well I disagree with that.... however.... let me get to the main issue in your post.

You are complaining about The growth of 100 million people, while most of these are immigrants.

You are in fact, absolutely correct.

However, you are making a huge mistake in where you put the blame.

You are blaming government. That is not who is to blame for the fact that our population growth is from foreigners.

If you want to know who is to blame..... you need a mirror. It's the public, which is to blame. The US public owns the full and complete responsibility that our population growth is due to foreigners.

View attachment 286108

Do you see the problem? The fertility rate, is below the replacement rate.

If it wasn't for immigration, our population, and our country, would be in decline, facing the same problems we see in Japan. It is only because of immigration that we have a growing population.

The reason most of our population growth is due to foreigners, is because we as a society are not having enough children. If every one in this country got married, and if every married couple had 4 kids, the number of immigrants would barely be a statistic worth noting.

And the loss of culture would cease to exist.

Don't you think the left's campaign of social engineering women to become more "independent" plays a role?
# 5, Diplomacy as a means to and end as apposed to threats or war.
A 30 present cut in our state deportment no replacements for those that leave.
years worth of development, learning the culture the language & personal relationships lost.
really not such a good idea.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

Well Make America Great Again... is a catch phrase. I have little faith in catch phrases.

As far as a significant new direction... I hope not. The policies of limited government, low taxes, and fundamental freedom from government... is what allowed the US to go from the poorest and youngest of nations, to a world super power.

So change direction of the fundamentals of America's founding, can only lead us to a worse place.

So when you say a "new direction".... I want to go in the old direction. The direction this country was founded on, where people are self reliant, and not dependent on the tits of government.

Do I think Trump is moving in that direction? Not really. Some of his policies are good, for sure. But he's not an old school Ronald Reagan Republican.
----------------------------------- no one with any thinking ability support the 'reagan' or any 'bush' as both are 1986 'amnesty people . 'reagan' and all 'bush's' pretty much destroyed the fabric of the USA even if only numbers of third worlders and population density are looked at , USA population in 1972 was about 210 million [census numbers] but in 2010 the number is 310 million , mostly third worlders and that doesn't count illegals Mac and Andy . And TRUMP doesn't really see to be much better as the invasion into the USA continues . --------------- just a comment .

Well I disagree with that.... however.... let me get to the main issue in your post.

You are complaining about The growth of 100 million people, while most of these are immigrants.

You are in fact, absolutely correct.

However, you are making a huge mistake in where you put the blame.

You are blaming government. That is not who is to blame for the fact that our population growth is from foreigners.

If you want to know who is to blame..... you need a mirror. It's the public, which is to blame. The US public owns the full and complete responsibility that our population growth is due to foreigners.

View attachment 286108

Do you see the problem? The fertility rate, is below the replacement rate.

If it wasn't for immigration, our population, and our country, would be in decline, facing the same problems we see in Japan. It is only because of immigration that we have a growing population.

The reason most of our population growth is due to foreigners, is because we as a society are not having enough children. If every one in this country got married, and if every married couple had 4 kids, the number of immigrants would barely be a statistic worth noting.

And the loss of culture would cease to exist.
------------------------------------- USA Gov just lets the illegals and others into the USA . In fact it was 'dead kennedy' and had to be some repubs that redid USA immigration law in the mid 60s so the blame is on USA Government no matter USA Birth rate . USA Government , Reagan and 'bush' allowed the influx of third world importeds into the USA Andy . And Trump , main reason I support the TRUMP is his 'supreme courts' picks [for whatever good they may do] and other 'judge picks' plus his rebuilding of the USA Military Andy .
and as short reply , USA Government allows the third world imports into the USA no matter USA Birth rates . Last thing I worry about is birth rates as i'd like to see less births and population in the USA . USA now , in 2010 census has 310 million in the USA when in 1970 census it had 210 million Andy .
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

Well Make America Great Again... is a catch phrase. I have little faith in catch phrases.

As far as a significant new direction... I hope not. The policies of limited government, low taxes, and fundamental freedom from government... is what allowed the US to go from the poorest and youngest of nations, to a world super power.

So change direction of the fundamentals of America's founding, can only lead us to a worse place.

So when you say a "new direction".... I want to go in the old direction. The direction this country was founded on, where people are self reliant, and not dependent on the tits of government.

Do I think Trump is moving in that direction? Not really. Some of his policies are good, for sure. But he's not an old school Ronald Reagan Republican.
----------------------------------- no one with any thinking ability support the 'reagan' or any 'bush' as both are 1986 'amnesty people . 'reagan' and all 'bush's' pretty much destroyed the fabric of the USA even if only numbers of third worlders and population density are looked at , USA population in 1972 was about 210 million [census numbers] but in 2010 the number is 310 million , mostly third worlders and that doesn't count illegals Mac and Andy . And TRUMP doesn't really see to be much better as the invasion into the USA continues . --------------- just a comment .

Well I disagree with that.... however.... let me get to the main issue in your post.

You are complaining about The growth of 100 million people, while most of these are immigrants.

You are in fact, absolutely correct.

However, you are making a huge mistake in where you put the blame.

You are blaming government. That is not who is to blame for the fact that our population growth is from foreigners.

If you want to know who is to blame..... you need a mirror. It's the public, which is to blame. The US public owns the full and complete responsibility that our population growth is due to foreigners.

View attachment 286108

Do you see the problem? The fertility rate, is below the replacement rate.

If it wasn't for immigration, our population, and our country, would be in decline, facing the same problems we see in Japan. It is only because of immigration that we have a growing population.

The reason most of our population growth is due to foreigners, is because we as a society are not having enough children. If every one in this country got married, and if every married couple had 4 kids, the number of immigrants would barely be a statistic worth noting.

And the loss of culture would cease to exist.

Don't you think the left's campaign of social engineering women to become more "independent" plays a role?

To some extent, sure. However, people with morals, and people who are religious could easily mitigate that.

The fact remains that the single biggest influence in any woman's life, and especially a man's life... is as it has always been.... the father.

Raise your children with your moral values. Raise your daughters to be humble, respectful and loving.

Additionally, send your kids to private schools, religious schools, or have them taught at home. Of course, actually have them taught, not just sitting at home.

This is the solution.

No matter how destructive the state sponsored schools are, you as a parent will always carry more weight and influence with your kids, than the state ever will. The problem is only that parents simply refuse to accept the responsibility of the power they wield.

By the way, if you doubt that, just look at the Amish. They are able to largely pass on their culture, for 200 years plus.

It is not impossible to do, it's simply that we are too busy watching TV to do it.
And the loss of culture would cease to exist.

Agreed with everything up to here. What culture is going extinct?

We used to have a culture, that people left their doors open at night. We used to have a culture, that people didn't borrow themselves into debt slavery. At one point, even just being in debt was considered an evil. We used to have a culture that everyone stayed married. Even back in just the 1970s, divorce was something you whispered about. We used to understand that there was absolute truth, and right and wrong were a given. Even those that did wrong, understood there was a G-d. I remember watching a goofy video about a brothel from the 1970s. Even the pimp of the brothel, had thanksgiving, and said openly that no matter what people did with their lives, they should be thankful for what they had. We used to have a basic concept of the Protestant, or I would say the American work ethic. We used to believe that living off the hard work of others was shameful, possibly a necessary shame, but a shame nonetheless, and that standing on your own work was the ideal.

All of these things are being eroded by a loss of our culture.

And all of these things would be reduced or even reversed, if people would have children, and raise them with cultural values.
Let's take everything Trump represents, has accomplished and wants to accomplish, and look at it as a whole. Let's also consider his methods, tactics and behaviors, however you see them, good or bad. The whole package.

Trump supporters: Do you think that he and his policies represent something permanent, a significant new direction, something that will last long into the future?

Please vote and expand, thanks.

Well Make America Great Again... is a catch phrase. I have little faith in catch phrases.

As far as a significant new direction... I hope not. The policies of limited government, low taxes, and fundamental freedom from government... is what allowed the US to go from the poorest and youngest of nations, to a world super power.

So change direction of the fundamentals of America's founding, can only lead us to a worse place.

So when you say a "new direction".... I want to go in the old direction. The direction this country was founded on, where people are self reliant, and not dependent on the tits of government.

Do I think Trump is moving in that direction? Not really. Some of his policies are good, for sure. But he's not an old school Ronald Reagan Republican.
----------------------------------- no one with any thinking ability support the 'reagan' or any 'bush' as both are 1986 'amnesty people . 'reagan' and all 'bush's' pretty much destroyed the fabric of the USA even if only numbers of third worlders and population density are looked at , USA population in 1972 was about 210 million [census numbers] but in 2010 the number is 310 million , mostly third worlders and that doesn't count illegals Mac and Andy . And TRUMP doesn't really see to be much better as the invasion into the USA continues . --------------- just a comment .

Well I disagree with that.... however.... let me get to the main issue in your post.

You are complaining about The growth of 100 million people, while most of these are immigrants.

You are in fact, absolutely correct.

However, you are making a huge mistake in where you put the blame.

You are blaming government. That is not who is to blame for the fact that our population growth is from foreigners.

If you want to know who is to blame..... you need a mirror. It's the public, which is to blame. The US public owns the full and complete responsibility that our population growth is due to foreigners.

View attachment 286108

Do you see the problem? The fertility rate, is below the replacement rate.

If it wasn't for immigration, our population, and our country, would be in decline, facing the same problems we see in Japan. It is only because of immigration that we have a growing population.

The reason most of our population growth is due to foreigners, is because we as a society are not having enough children. If every one in this country got married, and if every married couple had 4 kids, the number of immigrants would barely be a statistic worth noting.

And the loss of culture would cease to exist.

Don't you think the left's campaign of social engineering women to become more "independent" plays a role?

To some extent, sure. However, people with morals, and people who are religious could easily mitigate that.

The fact remains that the single biggest influence in any woman's life, and especially a man's life... is as it has always been.... the father.

Raise your children with your moral values. Raise your daughters to be humble, respectful and loving.

Additionally, send your kids to private schools, religious schools, or have them taught at home. Of course, actually have them taught, not just sitting at home.

This is the solution.

No matter how destructive the state sponsored schools are, you as a parent will always carry more weight and influence with your kids, than the state ever will. The problem is only that parents simply refuse to accept the responsibility of the power they wield.

By the way, if you doubt that, just look at the Amish. They are able to largely pass on their culture, for 200 years plus.

It is not impossible to do, it's simply that we are too busy watching TV to do it.

Fewer and fewer Americans identify as Christian or religious. Morals and cultural norms we took for granted are going extinct and being labeled by our "thought leaders" as hateful intolerance. Most people can't afford private education. Women are leading the charge in the leftist social decay movement and feminist judges reign supreme in family courts who overwhelmingly rule in favor of the mother no matter what.
And the loss of culture would cease to exist.

Agreed with everything up to here. What culture is going extinct?

We used to have a culture, that people left their doors open at night. We used to have a culture, that people didn't borrow themselves into debt slavery. At one point, even just being in debt was considered an evil. We used to have a culture that everyone stayed married. Even back in just the 1970s, divorce was something you whispered about. We used to understand that there was absolute truth, and right and wrong were a given. Even those that did wrong, understood there was a G-d. I remember watching a goofy video about a brothel from the 1970s. Even the pimp of the brothel, had thanksgiving, and said openly that no matter what people did with their lives, they should be thankful for what they had. We used to have a basic concept of the Protestant, or I would say the American work ethic. We used to believe that living off the hard work of others was shameful, possibly a necessary shame, but a shame nonetheless, and that standing on your own work was the ideal.

All of these things are being eroded by a loss of our culture.

And all of these things would be reduced or even reversed, if people would have children, and raise them with cultural values.

You're older than I am, so a lot of these perspectives are a bit before my time. Thank you for it, nonetheless.
and as short reply , USA Government allows the third world imports into the USA no matter USA Birth rates . Last thing I worry about is birth rates as i'd like to see less births and population in the USA . USA now , in 2010 census has 310 million in the USA when in 1970 census it had 210 million Andy .

Then I would argue, that immigration is irrelevant... if you don't care about birth rates.

When a population declines, someone is going to replace it. This should be considered a given. If the population goes down... the someone is going to replace the loss of people. Those people who replace it, will influence that culture.

If you have a growing population, the growth will increase the culture, and you will end up assimilating the people that come... instead of them assimilating you.

It's that simple. Either you have a growing population and culture, and you end up assimilating those who come here.... or you have a declining population and culture, and those that come here will assimilate you.

Now I get what you are saying... you would rather ban all immigration, and just have a declining population.... well the result of that would be economic devastation.

Japan is a perfect example. They are about to lose their culture. Why? Because the economic damage from a falling population, sank Japan into a economic lost decade (that is now actually nearly two decades.)

So how did Japan avoid a complete crash of the economy, while having a falling population?

The world is running out of Japanese people

The number of foreign workers skyrocketed over the past decade, from 300,000 in 2007 to nearly 1.3 million in 2017.​

That specific number of immigrant workers, is rather interesting since the decline in population is just about 1.4 Million.

In order to keep the economy going, they have to import workers to replace the loss of people.

America is no different
my only response is thati t is USA Government that is to blame for the influx of imported third worlders and population rise in the USA , And might as well look at 'reagan - bush' , all 'bushs' and all other USA Taxpayer paid politicians and 'dead kennedy' and maybe TRUMP as being the problem . Far to late to do anything about it nowadays Andy.

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