POLL: Should We Halt Immigration From Some Muslim Nations?...

Would You support Halting Immigration From Some Muslim Nations

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Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Absolutely and we should also take the following steps:
(1) Kick the 2 Muzzies out of congress
(2) Deport all Muzzies
(3) dig up Ali and dump him in the ocean.
(4) take back all Jabbar's trophies and rings
(5) scrutinize Tony Shaloub, he could be a secret one
(6) regurgitate pre-digested Fox & Friends Trumpisms
I don't think all those taking advantage of this massacre are all upset of the basic bottom line of this massacre.
Gay Latinos killed in a mass murder by a Muslim. That has to be a wet dream for the same crowd who absolutely loved the thread that featured the ISIS tossing gay Muslims off a roof.
Deport all muslims.
So if we deport 11 million Latinos and all Muslims, that means a lot of empty spaces all across our land, maybe up to 20 million souls. We ought to be able to pick up a lot of cheap stuff, even free... like the way the NAZIs got all that valuable artworks.
Deport all muslims.
So if we deport 11 million Latinos and all Muslims, that means a lot of empty spaces all across our land, maybe up to 20 million souls. We ought to be able to pick up a lot of cheap stuff, even free... like the way the NAZIs got all that valuable artworks.
I didn't say Latino's, Just the illegal ones. Make it impossible for an illegal to eat, go to school, have a home, or get medical care in the US, they'll leave.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.
I would support a test about an immigrant's level of religious zealotry. For example, if they say living a lifestyle different from their own and within the confines of the law, such as a gay lifestyle, deserves to be punished, then they can stay in their backwards ass hell hole.

As for people who believe that who are already here, there's not much we can do about them but be patient as attitudes continue to shift and the old hatemongers die off.

Good, that's a start. Now , you do realize that when Trump called for a temporary ban he specifically said "until we can figure out a real way to figure out who we're letting in" aka implementing some testing like you just suggested

That's a real question btw, were you aware that is actually what he said? As opposed to what some media reported
No, he specifically said 'Muslims' to rile up hatred among his base. I want a test for everyone. No more religious lunatics coming into the country.
And you think people desperate to get into the US are incapabable of answering questions about faith dishonestly? Lol. It's almost as pointless as asking 'are you an undercover Isis agent?'
I would support a test about an immigrant's level of religious zealotry. For example, if they say living a lifestyle different from their own and within the confines of the law, such as a gay lifestyle, deserves to be punished, then they can stay in their backwards ass hell hole.

As for people who believe that who are already here, there's not much we can do about them but be patient as attitudes continue to shift and the old hatemongers die off.

Good, that's a start. Now , you do realize that when Trump called for a temporary ban he specifically said "until we can figure out a real way to figure out who we're letting in" aka implementing some testing like you just suggested

That's a real question btw, were you aware that is actually what he said? As opposed to what some media reported
No, he specifically said 'Muslims' to rile up hatred among his base. I want a test for everyone. No more religious lunatics coming into the country.
And you think people desperate to get into the US are incapabable of answering questions about faith dishonestly? Lol. It's almost as pointless as asking 'are you an undercover Isis agent?'
Deport all muslims.
So if we deport 11 million Latinos and all Muslims, that means a lot of empty spaces all across our land, maybe up to 20 million souls. We ought to be able to pick up a lot of cheap stuff, even free... like the way the NAZIs got all that valuable artworks.
I didn't say Latino's, Just the illegal ones. Make it impossible for an illegal to eat, go to school, have a home, or get medical care in the US, they'll leave.
I thought that was the latest rule of thumb, about 11 million illegal latinos in America, raping and stealing hub caps all over the place. I believe that's the number one of our Presidential candidates has targeted for deportation. That's been a given for some time. Now if we add all Muslims, and toss in a few Puerto Ricans and Cubans and Pakistanis we'd have some breathing room. I'm not sure how the medical profession or the military would fill the gaps, but I'm pretty sure real American Patriots would fill the gaps so fast, nobody would notice they are gone.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Yes sir

Especially Syria a country the US , and its ally ISIS, destroyed in order to defend Israel. Hillary admitted that was the intent in the recently released emails.
I would support a test about an immigrant's level of religious zealotry. For example, if they say living a lifestyle different from their own and within the confines of the law, such as a gay lifestyle, deserves to be punished, then they can stay in their backwards ass hell hole.

As for people who believe that who are already here, there's not much we can do about them but be patient as attitudes continue to shift and the old hatemongers die off.

Good, that's a start. Now , you do realize that when Trump called for a temporary ban he specifically said "until we can figure out a real way to figure out who we're letting in" aka implementing some testing like you just suggested

That's a real question btw, were you aware that is actually what he said? As opposed to what some media reported
No, he specifically said 'Muslims' to rile up hatred among his base. I want a test for everyone. No more religious lunatics coming into the country.
And you think people desperate to get into the US are incapabable of answering questions about faith dishonestly? Lol. It's almost as pointless as asking 'are you an undercover Isis agent?'
Require all new immigrants to pee on the Quran. The ones that refuse don't get in.
I would support a test about an immigrant's level of religious zealotry. For example, if they say living a lifestyle different from their own and within the confines of the law, such as a gay lifestyle, deserves to be punished, then they can stay in their backwards ass hell hole.

As for people who believe that who are already here, there's not much we can do about them but be patient as attitudes continue to shift and the old hatemongers die off.

Good, that's a start. Now , you do realize that when Trump called for a temporary ban he specifically said "until we can figure out a real way to figure out who we're letting in" aka implementing some testing like you just suggested

That's a real question btw, were you aware that is actually what he said? As opposed to what some media reported
No, he specifically said 'Muslims' to rile up hatred among his base. I want a test for everyone. No more religious lunatics coming into the country.
And you think people desperate to get into the US are incapabable of answering questions about faith dishonestly? Lol. It's almost as pointless as asking 'are you an undercover Isis agent?'
Require all new immigrants to pee on the Quran. The ones that refuse don't get in.
Problem is, Muslims are allowed to deny their religion if it furthers Islam or protects them in some way as an individual Muslim. They won't have any problem peeing on the Quran if it is deemed necessary.
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?
What about his parents? If they had not been allowed here, this would not have happened.

Parents are Afgan Taliban supporters.
That they are bearing their children here to kill us instead of Afghanistan, or Syria, just means the next generation won't have to travel as far to accomplish their goal.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Yes sir

Especially Syria a country the US , and its ally ISIS, destroyed in order to defend Israel. Hillary admitted that was the intent in the recently released emails.

That's a bridge too far. You tend to rational until you're not. Israel had no problem with Assad. They were even in negotiations before the big internal dust-up. We did that to Assad because of the wrong headed "democratization" concept that has left a trail of ruins in most of the Mid-East. Same reason the Hildebeast was all hyped up to kill Khaddafi.. Not on behest of Israel,. And NO -- this thread is not the place to address all that.
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?
What about his parents? If they had not been allowed here, this would not have happened.

Have his parents been part of a Terror attack ? They are from afghan right? Remind me how we got tied up with that place ??

His father is a bigot homophobe that is a supporter of the Taliban among other things according to CBS.

Orlando shooting gunman Omar Mateen father Seddique Mateen a Taliban supporter says God will punish gays

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