POLL: Should We Halt Immigration From Some Muslim Nations?...

Would You support Halting Immigration From Some Muslim Nations

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Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
SJ, simply pointing out that the hysteria to stop immigration certainly wasn't an answer for the massacre suffered in Orlando. And I believe I acknowledged that tight controlled vetting is necessary for immigrants from the so-called Muslim nations. SJ can we stop coming out of our corners fighting? Lets not make this either/or.
It would have stopped this attack if his parents had not been allowed to enter.
"Should We Halt Immigration From Some Muslim Nations?"

Setting aside for the moment this is ridiculous, bigoted idiocy, in no way consistent with American values and who we are as a people, and that the notion fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, how exactly will this ‘policy’ be implemented – what ‘criteria’ would be used to determine a ‘Muslim country’ subject to such a ‘ban,’ will non-Muslims living a ‘banned’ country be prohibited from entering the country as well, and just because one ‘Muslim country’ is subject to a ‘ban’ in no way ensures that a terrorist from a ‘non-banned’ country might enter the United States.

And this moronic proposal is even more idiotic given the fact the Orlando murderer was a US citizen, where such an idiotic policy wouldn’t have stopped the crime from taking place.

The threat isn’t ‘terrorists’ coming from ‘some Muslim countries,’ the threat is how far too many on the right are overcome by fear, bigotry, and hate and come up with ridiculous, inane, and un-American ‘proposals’ such as ‘banning’ citizens from ‘some Muslim countries.’
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Some, NO..........All YES.
Banning immigration from specific nations is more tolerable than banning immigration based on religion.

We have done so in the past and set immigration quotas from specific nations today.
I don't think all those taking advantage of this massacre are all upset of the basic bottom line of this massacre.
Gay Latinos killed in a mass murder by a Muslim. That has to be a wet dream for the same crowd who absolutely loved the thread that featured the ISIS tossing gay Muslims off a roof.

You are an ignorant sicko.
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?
His parents weren't. So what you're saying is that we don't have to worry about the muzzies we import, but their children will try to slaughter us all.
The shooter was NOT AN IMMIGRANT.
His parents were, douche bag. All you're saying is that you don't mind if the problem is delayed by one generation. Ask your children how they feel about being slaughtered by the children of these muzzies we import today.
I don't think all those taking advantage of this massacre are all upset of the basic bottom line of this massacre.
Gay Latinos killed in a mass murder by a Muslim. That has to be a wet dream for the same crowd who absolutely loved the thread that featured the ISIS tossing gay Muslims off a roof.

You are an ignorant sicko.
yes....some on the left are terribly mentally ill. For the poster to make such a conclusion, clearly indicates someone living in a false reality.
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?

So thats your reasoning for letting in more terrorist?
Wouldnt it be better to stop the flow and round up the ones we identify that are already here?
At least that way there would be an end,instead of a continuos flow.

The FBi can't keep track of all the terrorists on their suspect list right now. Why would we import 100,000 of these people every year?
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
SJ, simply pointing out that the hysteria to stop immigration certainly wasn't an answer for the massacre suffered in Orlando. And I believe I acknowledged that tight controlled vetting is necessary for immigrants from the so-called Muslim nations. SJ can we stop coming out of our corners fighting? Lets not make this either/or.

ROFL! So the fact that we fucked up 25 years ago means we have to keep making the same mistake? You're an imbecile.

Here is the only true "tightly controlled vetting process:" keep them all out.

What do we possibly have to gain by admitting these savages? Can one of you leftwing douche bags please explain that?
I don't think all those taking advantage of this massacre are all upset of the basic bottom line of this massacre.
Gay Latinos killed in a mass murder by a Muslim. That has to be a wet dream for the same crowd who absolutely loved the thread that featured the ISIS tossing gay Muslims off a roof.

One thing is certain: It's a disaster for Hillary's campaign and the douche bag leftwing agenda.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Where does the Constitution require us to admit any of them? What do we have to gain?
"Should We Halt Immigration From Some Muslim Nations?"

Setting aside for the moment this is ridiculous, bigoted idiocy, in no way consistent with American values and who we are as a people, and that the notion fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, how exactly will this ‘policy’ be implemented – what ‘criteria’ would be used to determine a ‘Muslim country’ subject to such a ‘ban,’ will non-Muslims living a ‘banned’ country be prohibited from entering the country as well, and just because one ‘Muslim country’ is subject to a ‘ban’ in no way ensures that a terrorist from a ‘non-banned’ country might enter the United States.

And this moronic proposal is even more idiotic given the fact the Orlando murderer was a US citizen, where such an idiotic policy wouldn’t have stopped the crime from taking place.

The threat isn’t ‘terrorists’ coming from ‘some Muslim countries,’ the threat is how far too many on the right are overcome by fear, bigotry, and hate and come up with ridiculous, inane, and un-American ‘proposals’ such as ‘banning’ citizens from ‘some Muslim countries.’

You sir are as stupid as you are dishonest. If 29 years ago we would have prevented his obviously readicalized father from coming into this country then he would not have been born here and thus a US citizen would not have killed 50 people in Orlando last weekend. That is called a fact.

Now, you can acknowledge that fact but argue against a ban, that is legit. What you can't do is pretend like preventing this kid's idiotic father from coming into this country wouldn't have prevented this incident.
"Should We Halt Immigration From Some Muslim Nations?"

Setting aside for the moment this is ridiculous, bigoted idiocy, in no way consistent with American values and who we are as a people, and that the notion fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, how exactly will this ‘policy’ be implemented – what ‘criteria’ would be used to determine a ‘Muslim country’ subject to such a ‘ban,’ will non-Muslims living a ‘banned’ country be prohibited from entering the country as well, and just because one ‘Muslim country’ is subject to a ‘ban’ in no way ensures that a terrorist from a ‘non-banned’ country might enter the United States.

And this moronic proposal is even more idiotic given the fact the Orlando murderer was a US citizen, where such an idiotic policy wouldn’t have stopped the crime from taking place.

The threat isn’t ‘terrorists’ coming from ‘some Muslim countries,’ the threat is how far too many on the right are overcome by fear, bigotry, and hate and come up with ridiculous, inane, and un-American ‘proposals’ such as ‘banning’ citizens from ‘some Muslim countries.’

You sir are as stupid as you are dishonest. If 29 years ago we would have prevented his obviously readicalized father from coming into this country then he would not have been born here and thus a US citizen would not have killed 50 people in Orlando last weekend. That is called a fact.

Now, you can acknowledge that fact but argue against a ban, that is legit. What you can't do is pretend like preventing this kid's idiotic father from coming into this country wouldn't have prevented this incident.
Anyone who bleats that he was born in America is simply announcing that he's a douche bag moron.

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