POLL: Should We Halt Immigration From Some Muslim Nations?...

Would You support Halting Immigration From Some Muslim Nations

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Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?

So thats your reasoning for letting in more terrorist?
Wouldnt it be better to stop the flow and round up the ones we identify that are already here?
At least that way there would be an end,instead of a continuos flow.
I would support a test about an immigrant's level of religious zealotry. For example, if they say living a lifestyle different from their own and within the confines of the law, such as a gay lifestyle, deserves to be punished, then they can stay in their backwards ass hell hole.

As for people who believe that who are already here, there's not much we can do about them but be patient as attitudes continue to shift and the old hatemongers die off.

So you actually think a muslim intent on getting into America to kill Americans is going to tell you the truth?
I would support a test about an immigrant's level of religious zealotry.

You remind me of the Peter Principle. You reached your level of incompetency long ago. What would you put on your test that a terrorist couldn't lie about?
If they adhere to the Quran, then they want you dead. Period. No moderate shit, no Americanization. Read their freaking instruction manual. Then you'll know exactly why they are here.
More importantly, we have a president that sees the dead Americans and declares he wants a hundred more terrorists brought here every day. Test that lying Muslim first.............
I would support a test about an immigrant's level of religious zealotry. For example, if they say living a lifestyle different from their own and within the confines of the law, such as a gay lifestyle, deserves to be punished, then they can stay in their backwards ass hell hole.

As for people who believe that who are already here, there's not much we can do about them but be patient as attitudes continue to shift and the old hatemongers die off.

Good, that's a start. Now , you do realize that when Trump called for a temporary ban he specifically said "until we can figure out a real way to figure out who we're letting in" aka implementing some testing like you just suggested

That's a real question btw, were you aware that is actually what he said? As opposed to what some media reported
No, he specifically said 'Muslims' to rile up hatred among his base. I want a test for everyone. No more religious lunatics coming into the country.

So , you're issue is with him profiling towards the religion that is actually causing the problems?

You DO realize that profiling is not only an effective police tactic, but it's financially responsible as well, don't you?

Take the TSA , for example, why the hell are they patting down 70 year old women and 6 year old children at random, meanwhile a 25 year old Muslim man walks right on by because "things have to be random" that's just fucking stupid police work. The profile says "a terrorist is almost certainly going to be a Muslim male between the ages of 18-35" That is who the fuck you focus your resources on. So not only does the TSA waste their time on people who are no threat they cause a huge bottleneck because they "have to be fair" and to top it all off they miss most of the dangerous material brought in during tests.

All because idiotic liberals don't understand that profiling works.
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?
What about his parents? If they had not been allowed here, this would not have happened.

Have his parents been part of a Terror attack ? They are from afghan right? Remind me how we got tied up with that place ??
They're muslims, they should not have been allowed to enter our country and if they had been kept out, their lovely son would not have murdered 50 people. Is this too hard for you?
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?
What about his parents? If they had not been allowed here, this would not have happened.

The reports are that this Animal was delighted when the World Trade Centers came down...that would have been when he was about 14 years old...that didn't come from ISIS....it came from his parents.

That is the mistake we are making....we are letting in people from a Culture which hates us. Being Barbarians, they have gotten very good at killing each other...mainly as Sunnis v. Shia...but even the ones that want to get away and start a new life in the Greatest Society thus far established...America...still bring with them their Centuries Old Grudges and Infidel-Hate with them.
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?
What about his parents? If they had not been allowed here, this would not have happened.

The reports are that this Animal was delighted when the World Trade Centers came down...that would have been when he was about 14 years old...that didn't come from ISIS....it came from his parents.

That is the mistake we are making....we are letting in people from a Culture which hates us. Being Barbarians, they have gotten very good at killing each other...mainly as Sunnis v. Shia...but even the ones that want to get away and start a new life in the Greatest Society thus far established...America...still bring with them their Centuries Old Grudges and Infidel-Hate with them.

And yet he was able to get ahold of an AR with no problem .
Obama: Some Americans must die so that I can pat myself on the back for being Muslim friendly. Ditto when it comes to illegals, I know they kill over 3,000 Americans a year but so long as I get patted on the back for siding with illegals tough luck sucks to be you.
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?
What about his parents? If they had not been allowed here, this would not have happened.

The reports are that this Animal was delighted when the World Trade Centers came down...that would have been when he was about 14 years old...that didn't come from ISIS....it came from his parents.

That is the mistake we are making....we are letting in people from a Culture which hates us. Being Barbarians, they have gotten very good at killing each other...mainly as Sunnis v. Shia...but even the ones that want to get away and start a new life in the Greatest Society thus far established...America...still bring with them their Centuries Old Grudges and Infidel-Hate with them.

And yet he was able to get ahold of an AR with no problem .

He could also get hold of enough gasoline to make a fire bomb you idiot. God you gun control nut jobs are dumb.
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?
What about his parents? If they had not been allowed here, this would not have happened.

The reports are that this Animal was delighted when the World Trade Centers came down...that would have been when he was about 14 years old...that didn't come from ISIS....it came from his parents.

That is the mistake we are making....we are letting in people from a Culture which hates us. Being Barbarians, they have gotten very good at killing each other...mainly as Sunnis v. Shia...but even the ones that want to get away and start a new life in the Greatest Society thus far established...America...still bring with them their Centuries Old Grudges and Infidel-Hate with them.

And yet he was able to get ahold of an AR with no problem .

What law would you suggest that would have prevented him from getting an AR you fucking fool. He hadn't been found guilty of ANY wrong doing.

Are you suggesting that we make being an asshole illegal?

I'm for that.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
Ya know the Orlando shooter was born here right?
What about his parents? If they had not been allowed here, this would not have happened.

The reports are that this Animal was delighted when the World Trade Centers came down...that would have been when he was about 14 years old...that didn't come from ISIS....it came from his parents.

That is the mistake we are making....we are letting in people from a Culture which hates us. Being Barbarians, they have gotten very good at killing each other...mainly as Sunnis v. Shia...but even the ones that want to get away and start a new life in the Greatest Society thus far established...America...still bring with them their Centuries Old Grudges and Infidel-Hate with them.

And yet he was able to get ahold of an AR with no problem .

This is because Obama's FBI cleared him and took him off the watch list thus allowing him to buy a gun....even though they had ample notice that this guy was potentially dangerous. He had been to Saudi Arabia...twice...before they started investigating him...his co-workers said he was dangerous...one even quit rather than work with him.

He started his Terroist Career by cheering as the World Trade Center came down.

Obama's FBI had him and let him go out of a deadly sense of Political Correctness.

That he was able to use a gun in his Jihad is mainly on Obama's FBI....no matter what excuses you want to make for them.

Obama's Fucking FBI is so straitjacketed by the Fool Obama himself...that they couldn't stop even this guy...who is anything but a needle in a haystack, like Obama's FBI now wants to claim...he was basically running down the street naked screaming:

"I'm a Terrorist".

Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

The questions should have been

Should the US CEASE AND DESIST violently intervening in the internal affairs of other nations?

The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT beginning will Truman supplied the Muslims the MOTIVATION to place WE THE PEOPLE in harms way

Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Absolutely and we should also take the following steps:
(1) Kick the 2 Muzzies out of congress
(2) Deport all Muzzies
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
SJ, simply pointing out that the hysteria to stop immigration certainly wasn't an answer for the massacre suffered in Orlando. And I believe I acknowledged that tight controlled vetting is necessary for immigrants from the so-called Muslim nations. SJ can we stop coming out of our corners fighting? Lets not make this either/or.

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