POLL: Should We Halt Immigration From Some Muslim Nations?...

Would You support Halting Immigration From Some Muslim Nations

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Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
SJ, simply pointing out that the hysteria to stop immigration certainly wasn't an answer for the massacre suffered in Orlando. And I believe I acknowledged that tight controlled vetting is necessary for immigrants from the so-called Muslim nations. SJ can we stop coming out of our corners fighting? Lets not make this either/or.
It would have stopped this attack if his parents had not been allowed to enter.
SJ, Mateen's parents emigrated during either Carter or Reagan. My friend, we will probably always disagree on a lot of issues, but if we don't face facts squarely without the clutter of rumor, illogical innuendo and wishful thinking, how can we change anything. We have to work together, without a way-back machine, or the coulda, woulda, shoulda, using history as a tool, not a cudgel. Think we can do this..or is our division unrepairable?
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
SJ, simply pointing out that the hysteria to stop immigration certainly wasn't an answer for the massacre suffered in Orlando. And I believe I acknowledged that tight controlled vetting is necessary for immigrants from the so-called Muslim nations. SJ can we stop coming out of our corners fighting? Lets not make this either/or.
It would have stopped this attack if his parents had not been allowed to enter.
SJ, Mateen's parents emigrated during either Carter or Reagan. My friend, we will probably always disagree on a lot of issues, but if we don't face facts squarely without the clutter of rumor, illogical innuendo and wishful thinking, how can we change anything. We have to work together, without a way-back machine, or the coulda, woulda, shoulda, using history as a tool, not a cudgel. Think we can do this..or is our division unrepairable?

Yes, of course we can't go back in time and take back allowing this guy's nut bag father into the country, but what we CAN do is use past events to shape our future policies. Using hindsight it would be awful hard to pretend like letting this guy's father into the country was anything but a mistake. Shouldn't we learn from our mistakes? Don't you learn from mistakes in your personal life? If you date a crazy woman who robs you blind and kills your pet, aren't you a little more cautious about who you date in the future, or do you just throw up your hands and say "that was in the past, we can't change the past?"
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
SJ, simply pointing out that the hysteria to stop immigration certainly wasn't an answer for the massacre suffered in Orlando. And I believe I acknowledged that tight controlled vetting is necessary for immigrants from the so-called Muslim nations. SJ can we stop coming out of our corners fighting? Lets not make this either/or.
It would have stopped this attack if his parents had not been allowed to enter.
SJ, Mateen's parents emigrated during either Carter or Reagan. My friend, we will probably always disagree on a lot of issues, but if we don't face facts squarely without the clutter of rumor, illogical innuendo and wishful thinking, how can we change anything. We have to work together, without a way-back machine, or the coulda, woulda, shoulda, using history as a tool, not a cudgel. Think we can do this..or is our division unrepairable?

Yes, of course we can't go back in time and take back allowing this guy's nut bag father into the country, but what we CAN do is use past events to shape our future policies. Using hindsight it would be awful hard to pretend like letting this guy's father into the country was anything but a mistake. Shouldn't we learn from our mistakes? Don't you learn from mistakes in your personal life? If you date a crazy woman who robs you blind and kills your pet, aren't you a little more cautious about who you date in the future, or do you just throw up your hands and say "that was in the past, we can't change the past?"
Fair, your point is well taken, but with reservation. By extension, if we had stopped Scottish immigration at the same time, there would probably be no Donald Trump either. Problem is, back then we didn't know how we would evolve as a nation to bring us to this point. Back then, the Afghans were no more a threat to us than the Scots. What he need is more foresight, not hindsight.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
SJ, simply pointing out that the hysteria to stop immigration certainly wasn't an answer for the massacre suffered in Orlando. And I believe I acknowledged that tight controlled vetting is necessary for immigrants from the so-called Muslim nations. SJ can we stop coming out of our corners fighting? Lets not make this either/or.
It would have stopped this attack if his parents had not been allowed to enter.
SJ, Mateen's parents emigrated during either Carter or Reagan. My friend, we will probably always disagree on a lot of issues, but if we don't face facts squarely without the clutter of rumor, illogical innuendo and wishful thinking, how can we change anything. We have to work together, without a way-back machine, or the coulda, woulda, shoulda, using history as a tool, not a cudgel. Think we can do this..or is our division unrepairable?

Yes, of course we can't go back in time and take back allowing this guy's nut bag father into the country, but what we CAN do is use past events to shape our future policies. Using hindsight it would be awful hard to pretend like letting this guy's father into the country was anything but a mistake. Shouldn't we learn from our mistakes? Don't you learn from mistakes in your personal life? If you date a crazy woman who robs you blind and kills your pet, aren't you a little more cautious about who you date in the future, or do you just throw up your hands and say "that was in the past, we can't change the past?"
Fair, your point is well taken, but with reservation. By extension, if we had stopped Scottish immigration at the same time, there would probably be no Donald Trump either. Problem is, back then we didn't know how we would evolve as a nation to bring us to this point. Back then, the Afghans were no more a threat to us than the Scots. What he need is more foresight, not hindsight.

That's true, but that isn't what Trump, and those who agree with him, are saying. They are saying , correctly, that past events prove that we need to change what we do in the future.

The comparison to Scottish immigrants is a false one, because Scottish immigrants have never posed a distinct threat to our national security , nor to Americans as a whole, as these Muslims do today.

Also, no one is acting is if ALL Muslims are a danger to Americans.That is a disingenuous argument. The argument is being made that we have no idea who isn't dangerous.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.

I hear ya, but our Immigration System is in shambles. Our Government is allowing thousands in from Islamic Terrorism-havens. It's a pretty scary situation. Personally, i would support a temporary pause on all Immigration. The System is clearly broken. Pause and take some time to reform it.
Banning immigration from specific nations is more tolerable than banning immigration based on religion.

We have done so in the past and set immigration quotas from specific nations today.
Islam is far more than a religion. It has an active political component to it
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

The questions should have been

Should the US CEASE AND DESIST violently intervening in the internal affairs of other nations?

The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT beginning will Truman supplied the Muslims the MOTIVATION to place WE THE PEOPLE in harms way


A wise observation. Yes, we should stop meddling and creating more war and misery around the world. There wouldn't be such an influx of 'refugees' from nations like Syria and Iraq if we hadn't intervened and created so much chaos & carnage there.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

I hear ya, it's more dangerous 'Blow Back' from our constant meddling around the world. That being said, we do need to consider a pause on Immigration from some of these known Terrorism-havens.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Yes sir

Especially Syria a country the US , and its ally ISIS, destroyed in order to defend Israel. Hillary admitted that was the intent in the recently released emails.

Yeah, their interfering in the Syrian Civil War has led to so many more Syrians and Iraqis being slaughtered. They backed some very bad folks over there. Much of the money, weapons, and training led to the creation of ISIS.

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia are the main culprits in it. But Turkey and other nations in the region have contributed as well. It was all about 'Regime Change.' They wanted Assad dead. What a horrific mess.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Yes sir

Especially Syria a country the US , and its ally ISIS, destroyed in order to defend Israel. Hillary admitted that was the intent in the recently released emails.

Yeah, their interfering in the Syrian Civil War has led to so many more Syrians and Iraqis being slaughtered. They backed some very bad folks over there. Much of the money, weapons, and training led to the creation of ISIS.

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia are the main culprits in it. But Turkey and other nations in the region have contributed as well. It was all about 'Regime Change.' They wanted Assad dead. What a horrific mess.

The odd thing is that was 100% Hillary, she talked Obama into it, that is a known fact, and yet Trump is the war monger. LOL
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Where does the Constitution require us to admit any of them? What do we have to gain?

I have to agree somewhat. I'm not seeing an overwhelming upside to allowing so many in from nations like Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan especially. No one has presented an upside that would sway me to support allowing so many in. Seems like a very dangerous crapshoot to me.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
SJ, simply pointing out that the hysteria to stop immigration certainly wasn't an answer for the massacre suffered in Orlando. And I believe I acknowledged that tight controlled vetting is necessary for immigrants from the so-called Muslim nations. SJ can we stop coming out of our corners fighting? Lets not make this either/or.
It would have stopped this attack if his parents had not been allowed to enter.
SJ, Mateen's parents emigrated during either Carter or Reagan. My friend, we will probably always disagree on a lot of issues, but if we don't face facts squarely without the clutter of rumor, illogical innuendo and wishful thinking, how can we change anything. We have to work together, without a way-back machine, or the coulda, woulda, shoulda, using history as a tool, not a cudgel. Think we can do this..or is our division unrepairable?

Sounds about right. But it perfectly illustrates why we need to stop meddling and creating more war and chaos around the world. His parents likely fled Afghanistan during the the time the U.S. was busy creating radical Islamic groups like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Every time we meddle and create more chaos, we take in thousands from those nations we helped destroy. It's a vicious circle for sure.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
SJ, simply pointing out that the hysteria to stop immigration certainly wasn't an answer for the massacre suffered in Orlando. And I believe I acknowledged that tight controlled vetting is necessary for immigrants from the so-called Muslim nations. SJ can we stop coming out of our corners fighting? Lets not make this either/or.
It would have stopped this attack if his parents had not been allowed to enter.
SJ, Mateen's parents emigrated during either Carter or Reagan. My friend, we will probably always disagree on a lot of issues, but if we don't face facts squarely without the clutter of rumor, illogical innuendo and wishful thinking, how can we change anything. We have to work together, without a way-back machine, or the coulda, woulda, shoulda, using history as a tool, not a cudgel. Think we can do this..or is our division unrepairable?

Yes, of course we can't go back in time and take back allowing this guy's nut bag father into the country, but what we CAN do is use past events to shape our future policies. Using hindsight it would be awful hard to pretend like letting this guy's father into the country was anything but a mistake. Shouldn't we learn from our mistakes? Don't you learn from mistakes in your personal life? If you date a crazy woman who robs you blind and kills your pet, aren't you a little more cautious about who you date in the future, or do you just throw up your hands and say "that was in the past, we can't change the past?"

Great point. We certainly haven't learned anything from our past. We continue to meddle and create more war and chaos around the world. His father likely fled Afghanistan during the time the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan were creating radical Islamic orgs like the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

They created them to push the Soviets out of Afghanistan. But boy are we paying for that now. We would have been better off allowing the Soviets to have Afghanistan. There wouldn't have been a 9/11 and Jihad madness we're seeing today.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Where does the Constitution require us to admit any of them? What do we have to gain?

What we have to gain is showing the Iraqis and Afghans and now some Syrians -- that if you stuck your necks out to help us when we were fighting or occupying your country, that we won't abandon you now that you are hunted and abused.

Constitution calls for establishing normal immigration and naturalization. Under the circumstances --- if you cannot screen by NORMAL methods because their host country and their records are gone --- you should NOT be accepting waves of immigrants from a terrorist infested state..

But like I said -- A HALT -- is going too far and would be abused. And THAT is most likely UNConstitutional to make RELIGION any part of that criteria. If you go by countries --- Saudi would have to be on that list. You do that and our asses better not show in the Mid East for a couple centuries..
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.

I hear ya, but our Immigration System is in shambles. Our Government is allowing thousands in from Islamic Terrorism-havens. It's a pretty scary situation. Personally, i would support a temporary pause on all Immigration. The System is clearly broken. Pause and take some time to reform it.

A pause has a more contemplative ring to it.. Especially since the blatant lying about how this "emergency" influx is being vetted is dangerous and needs to be put down. There IS no identity trail back to Syria right now. NONE. Might be a bit better in Iraq, but I doubt you get much information from the Iraqis on legal, medical, personal backgrounds.

So yeah -- ACCELERATED migration should not happen under those conditions.
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.

Just for the record. I voted no to a HALT because a HALT is an admission that government cannot do it's Constitutional duties and PROPERLY vet these people. FIX THAT. Even Trump conditioned a halt to "figuring out what is going on".

However -- i don't want monstrous immigration from these countries under current conditions.

A HALT would make it impossible to rescue "American sympathizers" from the messes we created in Iraq, Afghan, Somalia and other badly handled interventions. People who ASSISTED us while we WERE there are now valid humanitarian refugees. We owe those people.. And turning our backs on them would be a mistake.

Where does the Constitution require us to admit any of them? What do we have to gain?

What we have to gain is showing the Iraqis and Afghans and now some Syrians -- that if you stuck your necks out to help us when we were fighting or occupying your country, that we won't abandon you now that you are hunted and abused.

Constitution calls for establishing normal immigration and naturalization. Under the circumstances --- if you cannot screen by NORMAL methods because their host country and their records are gone --- you should NOT be accepting waves of immigrants from a terrorist infested state..

But like I said -- A HALT -- is going too far and would be abused. And THAT is most likely UNConstitutional to make RELIGION any part of that criteria. If you go by countries --- Saudi would have to be on that list. You do that and our asses better not show in the Mid East for a couple centuries..

Just not seeing enough of an overwhelming upside to sway me to support Immigration from those nations. I only see a very dangerous crapshoot. And we should stop meddling in other nation's internal affairs. If we would stop interfering and causing more war and chaos, we wouldn't have to debate issues like this.
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Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Umm,Paul? If immigration were immediately stopped from the countries you mention, would that have prevented this mass murder? Would it have stopped Virginia Tech? Sandy Hook? Tucson? Aurora? Columbine? Oklahoma? I agree that the utmost caution in vetting prospective immigrants is necessary for the time being, but hysterics is a danger too. This dirtbag was American born, a natural citizen. In our zeal, lets take care to avoid an 'Ox Bow Incident'.
So why bother to prevent any FUTURE attacks? Is that your argument?
SJ, simply pointing out that the hysteria to stop immigration certainly wasn't an answer for the massacre suffered in Orlando. And I believe I acknowledged that tight controlled vetting is necessary for immigrants from the so-called Muslim nations. SJ can we stop coming out of our corners fighting? Lets not make this either/or.
It would have stopped this attack if his parents had not been allowed to enter.
SJ, Mateen's parents emigrated during either Carter or Reagan. My friend, we will probably always disagree on a lot of issues, but if we don't face facts squarely without the clutter of rumor, illogical innuendo and wishful thinking, how can we change anything. We have to work together, without a way-back machine, or the coulda, woulda, shoulda, using history as a tool, not a cudgel. Think we can do this..or is our division unrepairable?
Nobody is talking about dwelling on the past, we're talking about stopping terrorism NOW, and in the future. We are supposed to learn from our mistakes, not continue to make the same ones over and over. If you have a dog that bites you every time you try to pet him you stop trying to pet him. What is so hard to understand about that? Why should we continue to import people who are likely to murder our citizens?
Donald Trump is currently being savaged by the Democrats and Communist/Progressive MSM, for suggesting halting all immigration from Muslim Nations. But what about halting immigration from some Muslim Nations?

Our Government is currently accepting thousands of Immigrants from known Terrorist-havens like Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. How do you feel about it? Thanks.
Absolutely and we should also take the following steps:
(1) Kick the 2 Muzzies out of congress
(2) Deport all Muzzies
(3) dig up Ali and dump him in the ocean.
(4) take back all Jabbar's trophies and rings
(5) scrutinize Tony Shaloub, he could be a secret one
(6) regurgitate pre-digested Fox & Friends Trumpisms
No 1 & 2 is all we need to do, but glad to see you are being creative.

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