Poll shows Americans oppose entitlement cuts to deal with debt problem

Good grief, the Atlantic wire site looks and reads like the National Enquire.

Stephanie, you really need to get out once in awhile.
The Atlantic is a very highly regarded publication that is read around the world. It has top notch contributors from all political avenues.
Now just today you have shown total ignorance regarding The Atlantic, it appears to me that you have never heard of it. Most well informed people have heard of it AND it has been used as a resource by righties on these very boards.
Regarding the poll, yeah that's the ticket,,,that just made it up!!! When push comes to shove, people like to defend what they perceive as something of their own and the Tea Party members are no different. Politically speaking, I'd say they represent a minority, but demographically speaking, I'd care to bet most are Middle Class. The Middle Class would be hit hard economically by Ryan's plan for Medicare. Their cost of health care would go up dramatically as the "voucher" plan of Ryan's doesn't keep up with the cost of health care insurance, it's not even close. Now consider that more and more of the Middle Class lives check-to-check, how in the world does anyone expect that group to be able to continue to afford health care coverage?
The reaction by the Middle Class Tea Baggers doesn't surprise me one bit.

LOL, the Alantic Wire is HIGHLY regarded and read AROUND THE WORLD.
And MOST WELL INFORMED people have heard of the wire, that is why it has only been the last couple of days that WE have articles posted from it.
as for the rest you can say whatever you want.:lol:
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Good grief, the Atlantic wire site looks and reads like the National Enquire.

Stephanie, you really need to get out once in awhile.
The Atlantic is a very highly regarded publication that is read around the world. It has top notch contributors from all political avenues.
Now just today you have shown total ignorance regarding The Atlantic, it appears to me that you have never heard of it. Most well informed people have heard of it AND it has been used as a resource by righties on these very boards.
Regarding the poll, yeah that's the ticket,,,that just made it up!!! When push comes to shove, people like to defend what they perceive as something of their own and the Tea Party members are no different. Politically speaking, I'd say they represent a minority, but demographically speaking, I'd care to bet most are Middle Class. The Middle Class would be hit hard economically by Ryan's plan for Medicare. Their cost of health care would go up dramatically as the "voucher" plan of Ryan's doesn't keep up with the cost of health care insurance, it's not even close. Now consider that more and more of the Middle Class lives check-to-check, how in the world does anyone expect that group to be able to continue to afford health care coverage?
The reaction by the Middle Class Tea Baggers doesn't surprise me one bit.

See... this is why provideing links is a waist of time. You provided a link with the information you read and commented on. Those that disagree with you will not believe it no matter what, and then they attack your link as misinformation.
oh yeah folks, we are SUPPOSE to believe that they POLLED 70% of people who BELONG TO the Tea Party.


That's right.

And in that same poll where they found that 87% of Republicans disapproved of Obama's Presidency, they were clearly lying!
Good grief, the Atlantic wire site looks and reads like the National Enquire.

Stephanie, you really need to get out once in awhile.
The Atlantic is a very highly regarded publication that is read around the world. It has top notch contributors from all political avenues.
Now just today you have shown total ignorance regarding The Atlantic, it appears to me that you have never heard of it. Most well informed people have heard of it AND it has been used as a resource by righties on these very boards.
Regarding the poll, yeah that's the ticket,,,that just made it up!!! When push comes to shove, people like to defend what they perceive as something of their own and the Tea Party members are no different. Politically speaking, I'd say they represent a minority, but demographically speaking, I'd care to bet most are Middle Class. The Middle Class would be hit hard economically by Ryan's plan for Medicare. Their cost of health care would go up dramatically as the "voucher" plan of Ryan's doesn't keep up with the cost of health care insurance, it's not even close. Now consider that more and more of the Middle Class lives check-to-check, how in the world does anyone expect that group to be able to continue to afford health care coverage?
The reaction by the Middle Class Tea Baggers doesn't surprise me one bit.

See... this is why provideing links is a waist of time. You provided a link with the information you read and commented on. Those that disagree with you will not believe it no matter what, and then they attack your link as misinformation.

just because they provided a link to some website means we're just suppose to ACCEPT the article as truth?,
The Tea Party movement is supposed to be the engine driving Republicans' push for sharp cuts to spending and reform entitlements. Representative Paul Ryan's 2012 budget, which passed the House last week, phases out Medicare for people under 55 and turns Medicaid into block grants. But it turns out that Tea Partiers, like most Americans, strongly oppose cutting Medicare and Medicaid. A new McClatchy-Marist poll shows 70 percent of "Tea Party supporters" oppose cutting those programs--and 80 percent of registered voters agree.

70% of Tea Partiers Don't Want to Cut Medicare Either - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

So, when it comes to something like Medicare and I'd guess Social Security, those anti-socialist become socialist.
Oh, ,the irony! :lol:

First? HOW was that poll conducted? And was it accurate? Worthy sample?


Don't be so quick to jump...
The poll is from Marist.

Yea, no dog in the hunt there.

I bet you won't argue with this poll.

Majority of voters disapprove of Obama deficit plan

Marist poll: Majority of voters disapprove of Obama deficit plan | The Poughkeepsie Journal | poughkeepsiejournal.com

"Yea, no dog in the hunt there." Right?

Ideologues, what a crazy bunch they are.

and what do you think of his plan?
oh sheesh, don't tell me. You think he should TAX the rich to fix things.
This is a McClatchy-Marist poll released April 18 , 2011.

4/18: McClatchy-Marist Poll | Home of the Marist Poll: Pebbles and Pundits
http://maristpoll.marist.edu/wp-con...Complete April 18th, 2011 USA Poll Tables.pdf

57% of respondents said that reducing the deficit was the top priority. 27% said that maintaining services and benefits was the top priority.

64% said they supported raising taxes on people who earn more than $250k.

80% said they opposed cutting Medicare and Medicaid, including 73% of Republicans and 70% of Tea Party supporters.

54% said they opposed cutting military spending.

69% said they opposed raising the debt ceiling.
The poll is from Marist.

Yea, no dog in the hunt there.

I bet you won't argue with this poll.

Majority of voters disapprove of Obama deficit plan

Marist poll: Majority of voters disapprove of Obama deficit plan | The Poughkeepsie Journal | poughkeepsiejournal.com

"Yea, no dog in the hunt there." Right?

Ideologues, what a crazy bunch they are.

and what do you think of his plan?
oh sheesh, don't tell me. You think he should TAX the rich to fix things.

Actually, I would be in the group that disagrees with Obama's plan, but then I don't like Ryan's plan either.
NOTE in the 'POLL' how Humans are 'Grouped'

Typical Statist horseshit.

And HOW do these telephone polls tell if they weren't being fed a pile of YAKSQUEEZE?
Let's just stop the niceties here.why don't the left here on this board just step up and be honest and just let it out.The rich should just hand over all their wealth to government and we can be done with it.After all the Left knows how to spend everyone else's money.

Those evil rich are already paying the bulk of the taxes in this country.aparently that doesn't seem to be enough.

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