Poll suggests Obama is winning the tax debate over GOP

Looks like Republicans are losing ground on one of their main selling points. And it's no wonder given their complete opposition to raising taxes even by the smallest of margins on millionaires; and now this new fiasco of their own doing on the payroll tax cut.

Poll suggests Obama is winning the tax debate over GOP

According to the Washington Post/ABC News survey, 46% of respondents side with Obama on the tax issue, while 41% side with Republicans. Among political independents, Obama wins the tax question by a margin of 49%-32%.

Only because the media champions Obamafuck as a saint..

Every intelligent person knows democrats are all over the map with taxes and especially tax cuts such as payroll taxes.

Presently the democrat solution is spend more and lower taxes and its nothing more than a ploy for votes. They're trying to make republicans look unreasonable.

The democrats plan is pretty fucking retarded, yet the media leaves out the spending part and attempts to portray the democrats as overnight tax cutters in an attempt to paint republicans as flip-floppers or overall opposed to any democrat "solution."

It's nothing more than one big game.
Here is the game...

House to Senate: "lower taxes and cut government"

Senate to House: "Sure, just pass this trillion dollar spending bill and we will agree for a tax cut"

Of course the Senates proposals are a catch 22 because if you spend more you have to raise taxes and republicans aren't going to fall for that shit..

In that scenario republicans are either forced to raise taxes and look like flip-floppers or will collapse the government hence its the republicans fault...

See how that works???

Of course the media paints it in a different way - republicans are against the middle class. That in itself is ironic given that the strong majority of republicans are middle class.
Let the Bush tax cuts expire in Dec of 2012 and raise the rates on the top 10%.

Lets make them permanent :eusa_whistle:

I also see you guys are not saying at what income level you raise taxes, and how much you raise them?

Let's take everything to the 1993 levels which led to Clinton's balanced budget.

Let's take everything to the 1993 levels which led to Clinton's balanced budget.

Take government spending to the same level as 1993?

I'll take that deal in a heartbeat, but I doubt most of the libtards in here will like it.

Nice dodge dumbass. Try not to play around with my posts.

My post was a response to Infidel's question about the TAX RATES.
Polls are pretty meaninless. To many variables.

Most folks want taxes raised as long as its someone elses taxes.

Ask em if they want theirs raised and its a resounding "Hell no."

The dimwitts in DC need to make meaningful spending cuts before they even think of raising taxes on anyone. Raising taxes will not help this economy one bit.
Here is the game...

House to Senate: "lower taxes and cut government"

Senate to House: "Sure, just pass this trillion dollar spending bill and we will agree for a tax cut"

Of course the Senates proposals are a catch 22 because if you spend more you have to raise taxes and republicans aren't going to fall for that shit..

In that scenario republicans are either forced to raise taxes and look like flip-floppers or will collapse the government hence its the republicans fault...

See how that works???

Of course the media paints it in a different way - republicans are against the middle class. That in itself is ironic given that the strong majority of republicans are middle class.

Obama's supporters are mostly the poor that he claims to be protecting, and the wealthy who send him billions in donations. The middle-class are the folks Obama and the Democrats are constantly screwing. They only say they're standing up for them when in reality they've already abandoned their interests long ago.
Here is the game...

House to Senate: "lower taxes and cut government"

Senate to House: "Sure, just pass this trillion dollar spending bill and we will agree for a tax cut"

Of course the Senates proposals are a catch 22 because if you spend more you have to raise taxes and republicans aren't going to fall for that shit..

In that scenario republicans are either forced to raise taxes and look like flip-floppers or will collapse the government hence its the republicans fault...

See how that works???

Of course the media paints it in a different way - republicans are against the middle class. That in itself is ironic given that the strong majority of republicans are middle class.

Obama's supporters are mostly the poor that he claims to be protecting, and the wealthy who send him billions in donations. The middle-class are the folks Obama and the Democrats are constantly screwing. They only say they're standing up for them when in reality they've already abandoned their interests long ago.

"Democrats" have been oppressing people since Thomas Jefferson er James Madison..
Here is the game...

House to Senate: "lower taxes and cut government"

Senate to House: "Sure, just pass this trillion dollar spending bill and we will agree for a tax cut"

Of course the Senates proposals are a catch 22 because if you spend more you have to raise taxes and republicans aren't going to fall for that shit..

In that scenario republicans are either forced to raise taxes and look like flip-floppers or will collapse the government hence its the republicans fault...

See how that works???

Of course the media paints it in a different way - republicans are against the middle class. That in itself is ironic given that the strong majority of republicans are middle class.

Obama's supporters are mostly the poor that he claims to be protecting, and the wealthy who send him billions in donations. The middle-class are the folks Obama and the Democrats are constantly screwing. They only say they're standing up for them when in reality they've already abandoned their interests long ago.

"Democrats" have been oppressing people since Thomas Jefferson er James Madison..

Really? Just who believes in a big, activist gubmint and is REALLY "oppressing" people?

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as abortion.

The GOP is involving itself in personal conversations between patients and doctors. If a patient doesn't want their doctor to ask about guns in the home they can simply not answer or change doctors.

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as euthanaisia.

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as recreational drug use.

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as life and death decision like it did with Terri Schiavo's family.

The GOP is involving itself by trying to prevent gays from getting married.

I always get a big laugh when wingnuts say that the GOP is the party of freedom.
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Looks like Republicans are losing ground on one of their main selling points. And it's no wonder given their complete opposition to raising taxes even by the smallest of margins on millionaires; and now this new fiasco of their own doing on the payroll tax cut.

Poll suggests Obama is winning the tax debate over GOP

According to the Washington Post/ABC News survey, 46% of respondents side with Obama on the tax issue, while 41% side with Republicans. Among political independents, Obama wins the tax question by a margin of 49%-32%.

What is "the tax issue?" Your article doesn't say. We don't how the question was actually phrased in the poll, so the results are meaningless.

Your article is deliberately vague, and there's probably a reason: that is, they are basically lying.

Uh....the link to the poll is in the article. Do I have to do everything for you?

Here. Accuse them of lying. :cuckoo:

Washington Post-ABC News Poll (washingtonpost.com)
Here is the game...

House to Senate: "lower taxes and cut government"

Senate to House: "Sure, just pass this trillion dollar spending bill and we will agree for a tax cut"

Of course the Senates proposals are a catch 22 because if you spend more you have to raise taxes and republicans aren't going to fall for that shit..

In that scenario republicans are either forced to raise taxes and look like flip-floppers or will collapse the government hence its the republicans fault...

See how that works???

Of course the media paints it in a different way - republicans are against the middle class. That in itself is ironic given that the strong majority of republicans are middle class.

Obama's supporters are mostly the poor that he claims to be protecting, and the wealthy who send him billions in donations. The middle-class are the folks Obama and the Democrats are constantly screwing. They only say they're standing up for them when in reality they've already abandoned their interests long ago.

"Democrats" have been oppressing people since Thomas Jefferson er James Madison..

They don't realize that paying them to stay poor is what keeps people repressed
You cons sure are funny. You guys put up any poll that benefits your side and boast about it like it was conducted by your own child. The minute a liberal puts up a poll that benefits the liberal side, it's automatically dismissed as "untrue", "vague", "biased". In other words, you're all a bunch of disingenuous asses. Carry on, clowns.
Payroll tax cuts deplete social security by 111 Billion dollars per year. That's what democrats are voting for. They are "cleverly" destroying social security.
A weighted poll with a highly suspect sampling proves nothing.

The only thing it proves is that the media is willing to lie to help Obama.

When have the Washington Post or ABC ever performed an honest poll?

These are push polls - propaganda, in other words.

Anyone with a brain functioning at least at 40% knows these "polls" are all CRAP intended to sway the ignorant, the uneducated and the weak minded into thinking the majority agree with obama, because these people are sheep and will follow without investigating further for the truth. These people are democrats.
It's important to note that this is the number who approve of Obama's handling of taxes. The respondents weren't asked about the payroll tax cuts specifically, which are much more popular.

So ruining what remains of SS is popular with democrats.

Go figure............
Looks like Republicans are losing ground on one of their main selling points. And it's no wonder given their complete opposition to raising taxes even by the smallest of margins on millionaires; and now this new fiasco of their own doing on the payroll tax cut.

Where would you draw the lines?

At what income level do you raise taxes, and how much do you raise them?

Oh, and one other teenie tiny little question.... after you raise their taxes, do you keep on spending like an idiot with 1/4 of a brain?

Let the Bush tax cuts expire in Dec of 2012 and raise the rates on the top 10%.

Yeah because we ain't gonna get their votes anyway and we can give the money to whatever ACORN is calling themselves these days, to sign up more crack heads.... er, voters.
Obama's supporters are mostly the poor that he claims to be protecting, and the wealthy who send him billions in donations. The middle-class are the folks Obama and the Democrats are constantly screwing. They only say they're standing up for them when in reality they've already abandoned their interests long ago.

"Democrats" have been oppressing people since Thomas Jefferson er James Madison..

Really? Just who believes in a big, activist gubmint and is REALLY "oppressing" people?

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as abortion.

The GOP is involving itself in personal conversations between patients and doctors. If a patient doesn't want their doctor to ask about guns in the home they can simply not answer or change doctors.

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as euthanaisia.

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as recreational drug use.

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as life and death decision like it did with Terri Schiavo's family.

The GOP is involving itself by trying to prevent gays from getting married.

I always get a big laugh when wingnuts say that the GOP is the party of freedom.

Sorry to explain to you that murder is wrong...

Using your own logic I should have the right to put YOU into a wood chipper...

Legally there is no difference, not to mention morally..

I'm intellectually superior to you - therefore I have the right to kill you, or maybe I just don't want you sucking tax dollars so I kill you..

But I suppose in progressiveland precedent is irrelevant.
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Lets make them permanent :eusa_whistle:

I also see you guys are not saying at what income level you raise taxes, and how much you raise them?

I said raise taxes on the top 10%.

And I say, raise taxes 15% on liberals. Class warfare is class warfare.

dayuuuummm I think you've found the answer.. don't you think you'd see a massive exit from the democrat party?? or would they stay and be patriotic? You should start a poll.
Obama's supporters are mostly the poor that he claims to be protecting, and the wealthy who send him billions in donations. The middle-class are the folks Obama and the Democrats are constantly screwing. They only say they're standing up for them when in reality they've already abandoned their interests long ago.

"Democrats" have been oppressing people since Thomas Jefferson er James Madison..

Really? Just who believes in a big, activist gubmint and is REALLY "oppressing" people?

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as abortion.

The GOP is involving itself in personal conversations between patients and doctors. If a patient doesn't want their doctor to ask about guns in the home they can simply not answer or change doctors.

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as euthanaisia.

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as recreational drug use.

The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as life and death decision like it did with Terri Schiavo's family.

The GOP is involving itself by trying to prevent gays from getting married.

I always get a big laugh when wingnuts say that the GOP is the party of freedom.

In other words, the GOP is for the Constitution, the rule of law and morality. Yup!
The GOP is involving itself in personal decisions such as recreational drug use.

You must be one of those libtard morons who thinks it's no ones business if the school bus driver wants to get high right before they drive my kid to school.

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