POLL: The ACHA - Can the GOP govern?

If the ACHA doesn't survive, does it prove the GOP can't govern?

  • It can govern, it just needs more congresspeople like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz first

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • It can govern, this issue is not a big deal

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • It can't govern, it's too divided between Republicans and Libertarians

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • It can't govern, you can't be anti-government and govern

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Other (Explain)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mango. Mango, everywhere.

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?
Anyone who thought the Rs weren't nothing more than criminals interested only in enriching and empowering themselves, just like the Ds, is delusional.

Wealthy special interests control HC in America. Those same wealthy special interests also own the politicians.
After spending ten years as "The Party of No" Republicans do not know how to say YES

Saying No is easy. Everyone can agree on No
Saying Yes takes agreement on what to vote Yes on. Agreement involves compromise

Something Republicans no longer know how to do
The duopoly is one our biggest failures. Neither party can govern. That much is CLEAR
The duopoly is one our biggest failures. Neither party can govern. That much is CLEAR
Agreed, and I suspect we'll continue to see wild swings back and forth until we do something about that.

Regarding the GOP, I think it's just too badly split to function.
I look at is a good thing. An investment, if you will. The more they eat their own, the higher the chance of implosion.
The republican party is filled with leftists, globalists, nationalists, totalitarians and corporatists. How COULD they function? Lol
The duopoly is one our biggest failures. Neither party can govern. That much is CLEAR
Agreed, and I suspect we'll continue to see wild swings back and forth until we do something about that.

Regarding the GOP, I think it's just too badly split to function.

The problem with the GOP other than being criminals, is the party has too many progressives like the Ds. As such, we have too many progressives in both parties. Also the Rs have too many pussies in it who are afraid of the elite DNC media. They just want to be left alone to continue enriching and empowering themselves.
8 years of fake repeal votes. EIGHT YEARS! Now they have the power & they're as fake as jake

They know how to repeal
They lack the capability to come up with something better
Which is absurd on the face of it. Any one of us could come up with a better plan than Obamacare, since it sucks so bad...but consumers of the elite DNC media (like you) are too dumb to know it.
Republicans need a leader with the capabilities of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi

Both knew what it takes to pass legislation. The crafted bills, negotiated changes, assembled the votes needed to pass

Denny Hastert, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan.....what significant legislation did they actually pass?
I suspect most of them know that you can't assemble something this complicated, deep and expensive when your party's core ideology is forcing you to leave out many ideas.

It's like an artist trying to paint a bold mural with only half a color palette. Trying to slap a bunch of band aids on a pig still leaves a pig.
Republicans need a leader with the capabilities of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi

Both knew what it takes to pass legislation. The crafted bills, negotiated changes, assembled the votes needed to pass

Denny Hastert, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan.....what significant legislation did they actually pass?
You forgot to mention how your Messiah bribed several senators to get Obamacare passed...without one R vote.
8 years of fake repeal votes. EIGHT YEARS! Now they have the power & they're as fake as jake

They know how to repeal
They lack the capability to come up with something better
Which is absurd on the face of it. Any one of us could come up with a better plan than Obamacare, since it sucks so bad...but consumers of the elite DNC media (like you) are too dumb to know it.

You keep saying that and yet Republicans keep coming up with healthcare plans that are just embarrassing

A problem is that when you start your plan with a massive tax cut on the wealthy and insurance companies.....you put yourself in a hole when it comes to providing coverage to the masses
Republicans need a leader with the capabilities of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi

Both knew what it takes to pass legislation. The crafted bills, negotiated changes, assembled the votes needed to pass

Denny Hastert, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan.....what significant legislation did they actually pass?
You forgot to mention how your Messiah bribed several senators to get Obamacare passed...without one R vote.

You have no idea how legislation gets passed do you?
I suspect most of them know that you can't assemble something this complicated, deep and expensive when your party's core ideology is forcing you to leave out many ideas.

It's like an artist trying to paint a bold mural with only half a color palette. Trying to slap a bunch of band aids on a pig still leaves a pig.

A healthcare plan is a third rail that most Republicans do not want to touch
Healthcare for all is an objective Republicans can not embrace. Survival of the Fittest is not a good foundation for a healthcare plan
The duopoly is one our biggest failures. Neither party can govern. That much is CLEAR
Agreed, and I suspect we'll continue to see wild swings back and forth until we do something about that.

Regarding the GOP, I think it's just too badly split to function.

The problem with the GOP other than being criminals, is the party has too many progressives like the Ds. As such, we have too many progressives in both parties. Also the Rs have too many pussies in it who are afraid of the elite DNC media. They just want to be left alone to continue enriching and empowering themselves.

Every time Republicans fail, it's because of the progressives. No, it's not. It's because of Republicans. They have no economic ideas which work for the people.

Your government is supposed to be "Of the people, by the people, for the people" and Republican policies help the wealthy, harm the middle and working class, and destroy the poor.

Instead of accepting responsibility for the mess they created after 6 years of governance by Bush and his cut, spend and make war policies, Republicans blamed progressives for the economic and geopolitical chaos created and then blamed Obama who at least cleaned up the economic mess created, despite being hampered by 8 years of Republicans tying his hands and feet behind his back.

In 6 months, Trump has isolated the US, economically and politically, aligned himself with the one government in the world with the will and the capability to destroy your economy, and alienated your allies and trading partners. And threatening war with North Korea is not a smart solution to anything.

And the idiot right wingers are still blaming progressives. You're too stupid to be one person.

Trump hails G-20 ‘success.’ Others see political chaos and American decline.

Welcome the the decline and fall of the USA.
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?

Of course they can, but one must understand that the differences between the two parties are only cosmetic. It's only a lie and an illusion. That's why nothing ever truly changes.
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?

The actions of congress on this issue does reveal that their previous actions were pure showboating bullshit.

And they are certainly having trouble governing on this issue.

BUt the rest of the "Governing" question is going better.

Illegal immigration is down. Deportations are up. Our trading partners are unhappy. Nato is increasing it's defense spending.

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