POLL: The ACHA - Can the GOP govern?

If the ACHA doesn't survive, does it prove the GOP can't govern?

  • It can govern, it just needs more congresspeople like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz first

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • It can govern, this issue is not a big deal

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • It can't govern, it's too divided between Republicans and Libertarians

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • It can't govern, you can't be anti-government and govern

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Other (Explain)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mango. Mango, everywhere.

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
The problem for the ignorant left is that they think "the ability to govern" translates to passing every bill, no matter how flawed, without debate in order to insure some sort of party unity. That's not how government works.

Republicans cannot pass ANY bill

They have been promising a balanced budget, repeal of Obamacare, tax reform, a wall for ten years.....if only they were put in charge

Well, Republicans control the Government....why can't they get the simplest things done?
Universal healthcare for everybody would be a fucking joke…

Better start saving those nickels and dimes to pay your penalty, lol.
Obamacare is not enforced anymore… Fact

Even If You Expect Obamacare To Be Repealed, Don't Skip Paying Tax Penalty Now

IRS weakens enforcement of Obamacare individual mandate: Report

The IRS says taxpayers are still legally required to have health insurance or pay the penalty. It also maintains that it still has
discretion to follow up on a filer not indicating his health-insurance coverage status but, according to Reason, it’s not clear what would cause the agency to do that.

Although the new policy leaves Obamacare’s individual mandate on the books, it may make it easier for individuals to go without coverage while avoiding the penalty. Essentially, if not explicitly, it is a weakening of the mandate enforcement mechanism,” Reason reporter Peter Suderman wrote.

“It’s hard to enforce something without information,” Ryan Ellis, a senior fellow at the Conservative Reform Network, told Reason.

Trump still enforcing Obamacare mandate

The Trump administration is still dutifully enforcing Obamacare's individual mandate, despite early signals it might undermine the unpopular linchpin of the health care law.

Weeks after the close of tax season, the IRS continues to process penalties from potentially millions of taxpayers who refused to purchase health insurance last year.

Questions and Answers on the Individual Shared Responsibility Provision

Individual Shared Responsibility Provision
Tax services all over the country are saying there is no need to pay the mandate... it's not even on the form anymore. LOL
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?

The actions of congress on this issue does reveal that their previous actions were pure showboating bullshit.

And they are certainly having trouble governing on this issue.

BUt the rest of the "Governing" question is going better.

Illegal immigration is down. Deportations are up. Our trading partners are unhappy. Nato is increasing it's defense spending.

Illegal immigration is unchanged, deportations are DOWN from Obama's first term, your trading partners have found new markets which exclude you, and NATO nations have declared you an unreliable ally. They're increasing spending but not buying American weapons.

Read no more Intel for you. No sharing of climate change technology and no access to world markets for American climate change technology (the fastest growing segment of your economy).

1. From that right wing rag the washington post.

Illegal immigration across southwest border down 70 percent under Trump

"Illegal immigration across the southwestern border is down a stunning 76 percent since President Trump was elected, with the flow of children and families dropping even faster as analysts say the administration’s commitment to enforcing the law has changed the reality along the border."

2. Obama lied about deportations. Which you know.

3. LOL! Our trading partners can never replace US, because there is no one in the world with as big of a market willing to be their bitch on trade.

4. They are increasing spending. THey always buy domestic as much as they can. Everyone does.

5. If they want to throw a hissy fit about intel sharing because we aren't being their bitch anymore, we can't stop them. We can stop treating them like allies, if that is what they want.

6. Climate change tech? LOL!

1. You linked to the garbage Washington Times, not the Washington Post.

2. Obama did not lie about deportations. Republicans refused to believe him. There's a difference.

3. Japan and the EU just signed a deal for 40% of the World's trade. Canada and the EU concluded a deal a few months ago. Mexico is negotiating a deal with China. The TPP is going ahead without the US.

4. The US won't be getting the jobs or the money. No one is increasing spending by drastic amounts just re-aligning our military to do without your involvement.

5. You're not allies. You pulled out of the Paris Accord. The US isn't creating clean energy. You're going back to coal. Why should the nation's who create and build the technology share it with those who didn't invest in its creation?

6. Millions of jobs are being created under the Paris Accord. Those that share in its creation, will share in the jobs created. The US is not involved.
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?

The actions of congress on this issue does reveal that their previous actions were pure showboating bullshit.

And they are certainly having trouble governing on this issue.

BUt the rest of the "Governing" question is going better.

Illegal immigration is down. Deportations are up. Our trading partners are unhappy. Nato is increasing it's defense spending.

Illegal immigration is unchanged, deportations are DOWN from Obama's first term, your trading partners have found new markets which exclude you, and NATO nations have declared you an unreliable ally. They're increasing spending but not buying American weapons.

Read no more Intel for you. No sharing of climate change technology and no access to world markets for American climate change technology (the fastest growing segment of your economy).

1. From that right wing rag the washington post.

Illegal immigration across southwest border down 70 percent under Trump

"Illegal immigration across the southwestern border is down a stunning 76 percent since President Trump was elected, with the flow of children and families dropping even faster as analysts say the administration’s commitment to enforcing the law has changed the reality along the border."

2. Obama lied about deportations. Which you know.

3. LOL! Our trading partners can never replace US, because there is no one in the world with as big of a market willing to be their bitch on trade.

4. They are increasing spending. THey always buy domestic as much as they can. Everyone does.

5. If they want to throw a hissy fit about intel sharing because we aren't being their bitch anymore, we can't stop them. We can stop treating them like allies, if that is what they want.

6. Climate change tech? LOL!

1. You linked to the garbage Washington Times, not the Washington Post.

2. Obama did not lie about deportations. Republicans refused to believe him. There's a difference.

3. Japan and the EU just signed a deal for 40% of the World's trade. Canada and the EU concluded a deal a few months ago. Mexico is negotiating a deal with China. The TPP is going ahead without the US.

4. The US won't be getting the jobs or the money. No one is increasing spending by drastic amounts just re-aligning our military to do without your involvement.

5. You're not allies. You pulled out of the Paris Accord. The US isn't creating clean energy. You're going back to coal. Why should the nation's who create and build the technology share it with those who didn't invest in its creation?

6. Millions of jobs are being created under the Paris Accord. Those that share in its creation, will share in the jobs created. The US is not involved.

1. Oops. Illegal inflow still down, deportations still up.

2. Obama lied.

3. None of them are willing to let the others make huge trade surpluses to bolster their weak economics and societies. SO they are all just making headlines to create the ILLUSION that they are ready to deal with a world without America as their bitch.

4. The goal of getting them to spend on their military is not jobs. It is to get them to carry their own fucking weight.

5. Allies are not about gw bullshit, but about national security. It is up to them whether they want to be dicks or allies.

Republicans cannot pass ANY bill

They have been promising a balanced budget, repeal of Obamacare, tax reform, a wall for ten years.....if only they were put in charge

Well, Republicans control the Government....why can't they get the simplest things done?
Universal healthcare for everybody would be a fucking joke…

Better start saving those nickels and dimes to pay your penalty, lol.
Obamacare is not enforced anymore… Fact

Even If You Expect Obamacare To Be Repealed, Don't Skip Paying Tax Penalty Now

IRS weakens enforcement of Obamacare individual mandate: Report

The IRS says taxpayers are still legally required to have health insurance or pay the penalty. It also maintains that it still has
discretion to follow up on a filer not indicating his health-insurance coverage status but, according to Reason, it’s not clear what would cause the agency to do that.

Although the new policy leaves Obamacare’s individual mandate on the books, it may make it easier for individuals to go without coverage while avoiding the penalty. Essentially, if not explicitly, it is a weakening of the mandate enforcement mechanism,” Reason reporter Peter Suderman wrote.

“It’s hard to enforce something without information,” Ryan Ellis, a senior fellow at the Conservative Reform Network, told Reason.

Trump still enforcing Obamacare mandate

The Trump administration is still dutifully enforcing Obamacare's individual mandate, despite early signals it might undermine the unpopular linchpin of the health care law.

Weeks after the close of tax season, the IRS continues to process penalties from potentially millions of taxpayers who refused to purchase health insurance last year.

Questions and Answers on the Individual Shared Responsibility Provision

Individual Shared Responsibility Provision
Tax services all over the country are saying there is no need to pay the mandate... it's not even on the form anymore. LOL

I guess tax services do not read IRS bulletins. I really don't give a shit, but it's a fact it's still enforceable.
Universal healthcare for everybody would be a fucking joke…

Better start saving those nickels and dimes to pay your penalty, lol.
Obamacare is not enforced anymore… Fact

Even If You Expect Obamacare To Be Repealed, Don't Skip Paying Tax Penalty Now

IRS weakens enforcement of Obamacare individual mandate: Report

The IRS says taxpayers are still legally required to have health insurance or pay the penalty. It also maintains that it still has
discretion to follow up on a filer not indicating his health-insurance coverage status but, according to Reason, it’s not clear what would cause the agency to do that.

Although the new policy leaves Obamacare’s individual mandate on the books, it may make it easier for individuals to go without coverage while avoiding the penalty. Essentially, if not explicitly, it is a weakening of the mandate enforcement mechanism,” Reason reporter Peter Suderman wrote.

“It’s hard to enforce something without information,” Ryan Ellis, a senior fellow at the Conservative Reform Network, told Reason.

Trump still enforcing Obamacare mandate

The Trump administration is still dutifully enforcing Obamacare's individual mandate, despite early signals it might undermine the unpopular linchpin of the health care law.

Weeks after the close of tax season, the IRS continues to process penalties from potentially millions of taxpayers who refused to purchase health insurance last year.

Questions and Answers on the Individual Shared Responsibility Provision

Individual Shared Responsibility Provision
Tax services all over the country are saying there is no need to pay the mandate... it's not even on the form anymore. LOL

I guess tax services do not read IRS bulletins. I really don't give a shit, but it's a fact it's still enforceable.
The Trump administration doesn't… Fact

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