POLL: The ACHA - Can the GOP govern?

If the ACHA doesn't survive, does it prove the GOP can't govern?

  • It can govern, it just needs more congresspeople like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz first

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • It can govern, this issue is not a big deal

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • It can't govern, it's too divided between Republicans and Libertarians

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • It can't govern, you can't be anti-government and govern

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Other (Explain)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mango. Mango, everywhere.

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?

It says the GOP is not monolithic like the Dims.
They may not be monolithic, but it's time to govern now. If they can't do anything about something as big as the ACA, that sure isn't a good sign.

Oh please!

You have Collins and her gang that are RINOs on social issues, and you have the Rand Paul and his gang that will not spend a dime on any social issues, and you have the same setup in the House. There are plenty of Republicans in the middle, but not enough to win out over Dims obstruction. If 50 votes are required, that gives you room enough for 1 to vote no because they want to repeal, 1 to vote no because they want to replace, and any more in either category means it will not fly!

Trying to get those disparate factions to agree will be a feat for political historians to talk about for centuries.
That's my point, the party is too divided to effectively govern.

No. They can govern, but somebody has got to give in.
You'd think, but everyone is afraid they won't get re-elected and lose their cushy gubmit job.
The duopoly is one our biggest failures. Neither party can govern. That much is CLEAR
agreed. I really hope that Petersen gets the LP nomination in 20. We did better than we ever have in our history with th eweakest and worst candidate we could find(GJ). with good candidates, you could see the LP make some gains on a state level, and maybe even in congress.
I really thought last year would be a GREAT time for other parties to get their foot in the door, so to speak.
Instead, they ran a borderline retard and the green party ran a LWNJ that likes to deface private property SMH
as wacky as this is, I think John Macafee would have done at least twice as good as Mr Bake the cake(you gotta admit, 2016 was more like smackdown than a serious election)
Did you see the LP debates? That young kid is a fucking FIRECRACKER
Was he peterson that you mentioned? I REALLY liked that guy in the debates.
yeah the kid is petersen...that kid is going somewhere
Then im 100% with you man.
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?

Of course they can, but one must understand that the differences between the two parties are only cosmetic. It's only a lie and an illusion. That's why nothing ever truly changes.

Yep, the ACA, the growth of alternative energy, gay marriage and the removal of the last vestiges of the confederacy. None of those are 'real' changes. :laugh2:
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?
Hi stupid ass.

Personally, I have said and I maintain that the GOP cannot do anything.

The day this single payer Trojan horse was passed, was the day that we are destined for single payer.

It became a political third rail issue, just like social security.

It is politically impossible to take away something that was GIVEN to millions of people.

There are hard line conservatives trying to do the right thing. No, Trump is not one of those. He is trying to pass obamacare light, but it won't get passed.

Probably better, considering that the bill Trump is trying to pass will be doomed to failure too. Since it is too much like obamacare.

The obamabots like this mac asshole does not care. They have already shown themselves to ignorant partisan left wing hacks.

The funny thing about this mac asshole is he does not consider himself to be partisan. He is so stupid that he voted for hillary and is proud of it.
You'll notice that several other conservatives/Republicans were happy to provide thoughtful, civil responses to the thread without going drama queen on me.

Maybe try that sometime. It really isn't that tough, ask them.

Yep, it was a pretty civil discussion until this jerk showed up.
I told you the GOP establishment and RINO's were liars. After the Tea Party gave them back the House the GOP establishment took a giant shit on the Tea Party representatives elected to congress. The GOP leadership openly mocked them and made it clear they despised them.
From what I've heard, the health care bill is tied to tax reform in some way.

If they can't get their act together, I wonder if there would be a domino effect.

I think it comes down to the Republicans needing Reconciliation to get their bills passed. Without 60% of the Senate vote, the bill needs to be revenue neutral in order to use reconciliation

Republicans are caught in their own trap. :laugh2:
The dirty little secret is that there is no independent thought allowed in the democrat party. Even when the Speaker makes a foolish statement "you will find out what's in the Bill after it is passed" the democrat minions will sign it because they are ordered to. The last democrat who showed an independent streak was Joe Lieberman and they kicked him out of the party even though he had been the V.P. candidate. Americans are aware of it even though the democrats still play by tired old strategy that was obsolete decades ago. That's why democrats lost almost every important election in the last eight years and continue to lose.

Agree Pelosi is an ass.

If you look back both sides had worked out a plan for everyone over 55 to be put on Medicare and below go through medical underwriting. Taking the older healthy people into Medicare would have saved it, the one deciding vote Liberdick didn't think that was a good idea. The alternative was obamacare. Thanks Liberdick.
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?
Hi stupid ass.

Personally, I have said and I maintain that the GOP cannot do anything.

The day this single payer Trojan horse was passed, was the day that we are destined for single payer.

It became a political third rail issue, just like social security.

It is politically impossible to take away something that was GIVEN to millions of people.

There are hard line conservatives trying to do the right thing. No, Trump is not one of those. He is trying to pass obamacare light, but it won't get passed.

Probably better, considering that the bill Trump is trying to pass will be doomed to failure too. Since it is too much like obamacare.

The obamabots like this mac asshole does not care. They have already shown themselves to ignorant partisan left wing hacks.

The funny thing about this mac asshole is he does not consider himself to be partisan. He is so stupid that he voted for hillary and is proud of it.
You'll notice that several other conservatives/Republicans were happy to provide thoughtful, civil responses to the thread without going drama queen on me.

Maybe try that sometime. It really isn't that tough, ask them.
I did, but I wanted to call you an asshole anyway, since all of your pathetic insinuations reveal your ignorance.

They are stating the right things to do, but as I said, it is a political 3rd rail issue.

Trump, like almost every president won't be able to fulfill all of his campaign promises.

If the republicans REPEAL without replacement, it will be a complete political disaster. The media will have a field day with their robin hood narrative. Endless stories of republicans causing the deaths of millions. Millions with diabetes being kicked off insurance etc.

Imagine a party ending social security. That is what it would be like. It is politically impossible to repeal it.

As I said, we are on track for single payer and there is really nothing they can do about it.

Let's hope they can replace it with something sensible, not single payer. Even Cali didn't pass single payer and the government simply can't afford such thing.
Unfortunately, the replacement is not going to be able to save it. The cockroach in this whole issue is the preexisting condition issue. That is the problem.

Millions right now (including republican voters) are getting coverage that they NEED. If that is taken away from them, it will be a disaster.

Now, if they dont take it away, then the death spiral will continue. The reason for the mandates was to make sure those insurance companies dont go broke in providing treatment for those who NEED IT.

Trump is trying to take away those mandates that are crushing the small business owner. They are getting crushed by the mandates.

Without those mandates, it will be good for the small business owner, but the premiums will sky rocket for those with the preexisting conditions who cannot afford it but NEED it. Right now, MILLIONS have it. Cannot take it away and cannot raise those premiums.

It was a single payer trojan horse and John Roberts is to blame. No need to trying to communicate with the left. They are losers. Ignorant hypocritical losers.

What mandates for the small business owner?
After spending ten years as "The Party of No" Republicans do not know how to say YES

Saying No is easy. Everyone can agree on No
Saying Yes takes agreement on what to vote Yes on. Agreement involves compromise

Something Republicans no longer know how to do

It says the GOP is not monolithic like the Dims.
They may not be monolithic, but it's time to govern now. If they can't do anything about something as big as the ACA, that sure isn't a good sign.

Oh please!

You have Collins and her gang that are RINOs on social issues, and you have the Rand Paul and his gang that will not spend a dime on any social issues, and you have the same setup in the House. There are plenty of Republicans in the middle, but not enough to win out over Dims obstruction. If 50 votes are required, that gives you room enough for 1 to vote no because they want to repeal, 1 to vote no because they want to replace, and any more in either category means it will not fly!

Trying to get those disparate factions to agree will be a feat for political historians to talk about for centuries.
That's my point, the party is too divided to effectively govern.

No. They can govern, but somebody has got to give in.
You'd think, but everyone is afraid they won't get re-elected and lose their cushy gubmit job.

Because they eat their own. Monied interests will primary anyone who doesn't toe the line.
Trump just suggested he'd spend $10 MIL of his own money to defeat Flake.
This is a consequence of inviting money into the process. They're caught in a trap of their own making.
Hi stupid ass.

Personally, I have said and I maintain that the GOP cannot do anything.

The day this single payer Trojan horse was passed, was the day that we are destined for single payer.

It became a political third rail issue, just like social security.

It is politically impossible to take away something that was GIVEN to millions of people.

There are hard line conservatives trying to do the right thing. No, Trump is not one of those. He is trying to pass obamacare light, but it won't get passed.

Probably better, considering that the bill Trump is trying to pass will be doomed to failure too. Since it is too much like obamacare.

The obamabots like this mac asshole does not care. They have already shown themselves to ignorant partisan left wing hacks.

The funny thing about this mac asshole is he does not consider himself to be partisan. He is so stupid that he voted for hillary and is proud of it.
You'll notice that several other conservatives/Republicans were happy to provide thoughtful, civil responses to the thread without going drama queen on me.

Maybe try that sometime. It really isn't that tough, ask them.
I did, but I wanted to call you an asshole anyway, since all of your pathetic insinuations reveal your ignorance.

They are stating the right things to do, but as I said, it is a political 3rd rail issue.

Trump, like almost every president won't be able to fulfill all of his campaign promises.

If the republicans REPEAL without replacement, it will be a complete political disaster. The media will have a field day with their robin hood narrative. Endless stories of republicans causing the deaths of millions. Millions with diabetes being kicked off insurance etc.

Imagine a party ending social security. That is what it would be like. It is politically impossible to repeal it.

As I said, we are on track for single payer and there is really nothing they can do about it.

Let's hope they can replace it with something sensible, not single payer. Even Cali didn't pass single payer and the government simply can't afford such thing.
Unfortunately, the replacement is not going to be able to save it. The cockroach in this whole issue is the preexisting condition issue. That is the problem.

Millions right now (including republican voters) are getting coverage that they NEED. If that is taken away from them, it will be a disaster.

Now, if they dont take it away, then the death spiral will continue. The reason for the mandates was to make sure those insurance companies dont go broke in providing treatment for those who NEED IT.

Trump is trying to take away those mandates that are crushing the small business owner. They are getting crushed by the mandates.

Without those mandates, it will be good for the small business owner, but the premiums will sky rocket for those with the preexisting conditions who cannot afford it but NEED it. Right now, MILLIONS have it. Cannot take it away and cannot raise those premiums.

It was a single payer trojan horse and John Roberts is to blame. No need to trying to communicate with the left. They are losers. Ignorant hypocritical losers.

What mandates for the small business owner?
What Is The Obamacare Employer Mandate?
You'll notice that several other conservatives/Republicans were happy to provide thoughtful, civil responses to the thread without going drama queen on me.

Maybe try that sometime. It really isn't that tough, ask them.
I did, but I wanted to call you an asshole anyway, since all of your pathetic insinuations reveal your ignorance.

They are stating the right things to do, but as I said, it is a political 3rd rail issue.

Trump, like almost every president won't be able to fulfill all of his campaign promises.

If the republicans REPEAL without replacement, it will be a complete political disaster. The media will have a field day with their robin hood narrative. Endless stories of republicans causing the deaths of millions. Millions with diabetes being kicked off insurance etc.

Imagine a party ending social security. That is what it would be like. It is politically impossible to repeal it.

As I said, we are on track for single payer and there is really nothing they can do about it.

Let's hope they can replace it with something sensible, not single payer. Even Cali didn't pass single payer and the government simply can't afford such thing.
Unfortunately, the replacement is not going to be able to save it. The cockroach in this whole issue is the preexisting condition issue. That is the problem.

Millions right now (including republican voters) are getting coverage that they NEED. If that is taken away from them, it will be a disaster.

Now, if they dont take it away, then the death spiral will continue. The reason for the mandates was to make sure those insurance companies dont go broke in providing treatment for those who NEED IT.

Trump is trying to take away those mandates that are crushing the small business owner. They are getting crushed by the mandates.

Without those mandates, it will be good for the small business owner, but the premiums will sky rocket for those with the preexisting conditions who cannot afford it but NEED it. Right now, MILLIONS have it. Cannot take it away and cannot raise those premiums.

It was a single payer trojan horse and John Roberts is to blame. No need to trying to communicate with the left. They are losers. Ignorant hypocritical losers.

What mandates for the small business owner?
What Is The Obamacare Employer Mandate?

You said small business now where is the mandate for small business? I already know all that you posted.
I did, but I wanted to call you an asshole anyway, since all of your pathetic insinuations reveal your ignorance.

They are stating the right things to do, but as I said, it is a political 3rd rail issue.

Trump, like almost every president won't be able to fulfill all of his campaign promises.

If the republicans REPEAL without replacement, it will be a complete political disaster. The media will have a field day with their robin hood narrative. Endless stories of republicans causing the deaths of millions. Millions with diabetes being kicked off insurance etc.

Imagine a party ending social security. That is what it would be like. It is politically impossible to repeal it.

As I said, we are on track for single payer and there is really nothing they can do about it.

Let's hope they can replace it with something sensible, not single payer. Even Cali didn't pass single payer and the government simply can't afford such thing.
Unfortunately, the replacement is not going to be able to save it. The cockroach in this whole issue is the preexisting condition issue. That is the problem.

Millions right now (including republican voters) are getting coverage that they NEED. If that is taken away from them, it will be a disaster.

Now, if they dont take it away, then the death spiral will continue. The reason for the mandates was to make sure those insurance companies dont go broke in providing treatment for those who NEED IT.

Trump is trying to take away those mandates that are crushing the small business owner. They are getting crushed by the mandates.

Without those mandates, it will be good for the small business owner, but the premiums will sky rocket for those with the preexisting conditions who cannot afford it but NEED it. Right now, MILLIONS have it. Cannot take it away and cannot raise those premiums.

It was a single payer trojan horse and John Roberts is to blame. No need to trying to communicate with the left. They are losers. Ignorant hypocritical losers.

What mandates for the small business owner?
What Is The Obamacare Employer Mandate?

You said small business now where is the mandate for small business? I already know all that you posted.
Holy shit.

We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?

Of course they can, but one must understand that the differences between the two parties are only cosmetic. It's only a lie and an illusion. That's why nothing ever truly changes.

Yep, the ACA, the growth of alternative energy, gay marriage and the removal of the last vestiges of the confederacy. None of those are 'real' changes. :laugh2:

The ACA and "Alternative Energies" are abject failures. The two parties are two sides of the same coin, sorry. One party just moves slower than the other, seeing as how you don't have an inquiring mind you've probably never noticed that the Pubs never move on what they say they will. Your naivete is adorable.
The GOP has show itself to be incapable of passing legislation
They have controlled Congress in total for two and a half years and have yet to pass a significant bill
The duopoly is one our biggest failures. Neither party can govern. That much is CLEAR
Agreed, and I suspect we'll continue to see wild swings back and forth until we do something about that.

Regarding the GOP, I think it's just too badly split to function.

The problem with the GOP other than being criminals, is the party has too many progressives like the Ds. As such, we have too many progressives in both parties. Also the Rs have too many pussies in it who are afraid of the elite DNC media. They just want to be left alone to continue enriching and empowering themselves.

Every time Republicans fail, it's because of the progressives. No, it's not. It's because of Republicans. They have no economic ideas which work for the people.

Your government is supposed to be "Of the people, by the people, for the people" and Republican policies help the wealthy, harm the middle and working class, and destroy the poor.

Instead of accepting responsibility for the mess they created after 6 years of governance by Bush and his cut, spend and make war policies, Republicans blamed progressives for the economic and geopolitical chaos created and then blamed Obama who at least cleaned up the economic mess created, despite being hampered by 8 years of Republicans tying his hands and feet behind his back.

In 6 months, Trump has isolated the US, economically and politically, aligned himself with the one government in the world with the will and the capability to destroy your economy, and alienated your allies and trading partners. And threatening war with North Korea is not a smart solution to anything.

And the idiot right wingers are still blaming progressives. You're too stupid to be one person.

Trump hails G-20 ‘success.’ Others see political chaos and American decline.

Welcome the the decline and fall of the USA.
Welcome the the decline and fall of the USA.
people have been saying that every time a crisis has happened in this country since 1776.....surprise!! we are still here....
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?

The actions of congress on this issue does reveal that their previous actions were pure showboating bullshit.

And they are certainly having trouble governing on this issue.

BUt the rest of the "Governing" question is going better.

Illegal immigration is down. Deportations are up. Our trading partners are unhappy. Nato is increasing it's defense spending.

Illegal immigration is unchanged, deportations are DOWN from Obama's first term, your trading partners have found new markets which exclude you, and NATO nations have declared you an unreliable ally. They're increasing spending but not buying American weapons.

Read no more Intel for you. No sharing of climate change technology and no access to world markets for American climate change technology (the fastest growing segment of your economy).
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?

Of course they can, but one must understand that the differences between the two parties are only cosmetic. It's only a lie and an illusion. That's why nothing ever truly changes.

Yep, the ACA, the growth of alternative energy, gay marriage and the removal of the last vestiges of the confederacy. None of those are 'real' changes. :laugh2:

The ACA and "Alternative Energies" are abject failures. The two parties are two sides of the same coin, sorry. One party just moves slower than the other, seeing as how you don't have an inquiring mind you've probably never noticed that the Pubs never move on what they say they will. Your naivete is adorable.
The ACA is the law of the land and was accomplished by Dems. The Repubs are completely incapable of accomplishing anything on that scale.
The percentage of alternative energy production is steadily growing and account for many times more jobs than the coal industry.

The Republicans have done nothing significant in a long time. They have changed nothing. Your idea that both are the same is poorly thought out and foolish.
From what I've heard, the health care bill is tied to tax reform in some way.

If they can't get their act together, I wonder if there would be a domino effect.

If they can't pass a healthcare bill which (on paper) reduces the deficit, they can't pass a tax cut. Republicans passed a law which says you cannot pass legislation which will increase the deficit 10 years down the road.

Without the cuts to Medicaid and the ACA subsidies, they can't cut the ACA taxes meet that standard.

The tax cuts proposed are also problematic because the math depends on the tax cuts generating enough income to pay for themselves (didn't happen for Reagan or Bush II), and any increases in Medicaid and Medicaid Part D.
We were promised for eight (8) years the the GOP had the alternative to the ACA, if we'd only just elect them.

Well, they now have control of the White House, the House, the Senate and State Houses, and it's my understanding that the current Dog Catcher population is primarily GOP as well.

First, as we know, it turns out they never had a plan.

Second, as we know, the "plan" they're trying to roll out is not Repeal & Replace, it's Tweak. That's the best they can do, tweak.

Third, it's 50/50 at best that this "plan" will make it to the President's desk, since the party can't seem to bring its disparate factions together on a deal.

What does the above say about the GOP?

The actions of congress on this issue does reveal that their previous actions were pure showboating bullshit.

And they are certainly having trouble governing on this issue.

BUt the rest of the "Governing" question is going better.

Illegal immigration is down. Deportations are up. Our trading partners are unhappy. Nato is increasing it's defense spending.

Illegal immigration is unchanged, deportations are DOWN from Obama's first term, your trading partners have found new markets which exclude you, and NATO nations have declared you an unreliable ally. They're increasing spending but not buying American weapons.

Read no more Intel for you. No sharing of climate change technology and no access to world markets for American climate change technology (the fastest growing segment of your economy).

1. From that right wing rag the washington post.

Illegal immigration across southwest border down 70 percent under Trump

"Illegal immigration across the southwestern border is down a stunning 76 percent since President Trump was elected, with the flow of children and families dropping even faster as analysts say the administration’s commitment to enforcing the law has changed the reality along the border."

2. Obama lied about deportations. Which you know.

3. LOL! Our trading partners can never replace US, because there is no one in the world with as big of a market willing to be their bitch on trade.

4. They are increasing spending. THey always buy domestic as much as they can. Everyone does.

5. If they want to throw a hissy fit about intel sharing because we aren't being their bitch anymore, we can't stop them. We can stop treating them like allies, if that is what they want.

6. Climate change tech? LOL!

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