Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
The 1619 Project is bogus history, period.
Math is not racist, period.
1619 Project is about math?
one of whom was executed in cold blood by a black cop.

And the race of the cop is important to you -- why?
1. The 1619 Project is bogus history.
3. Math is not racist.
3. Playing the race card by lying about history or math is stupid.
Well math may be racist because it takes some effort and application to master it and that’s just too hard thus unfair thus racist to a certain segment
so again, the demofks are saying blacks are inferior? color me surprised!!! LOL. a kkker will always be a kkker. always something to show they believe blacks are inferior to them.
The 1619 Project is bogus history, period.
Math is not racist, period.
1619 Project is about math?
one of whom was executed in cold blood by a black cop.

And the race of the cop is important to you -- why?
1. The 1619 Project is bogus history.
3. Math is not racist.
3. Playing the race card by lying about history or math is stupid.
Well math may be racist because it takes some effort and application to master it and that’s just too hard thus unfair thus racist to a certain segment
so again, the demofks are saying blacks are inferior? color me surprised!!! LOL. a kkker will always be a kkker. always something to show they believe blacks are inferior to them.
They do have a Massa complex that their minions must be taken care of
Contrary to known reality. The Polls closed Nov. 3. Several states allow mail in votes to be included if they are post marked on or before election day. While the rule change you are referring to was allowed by the courts, the ballots were sequestered in case future court rulings reversed that decision. The number of late arriving ballots was not enough to change the election results.
that's called an audit. And is what is going on. And yet you all are losing your marbles daily in here because of it. You post exactly how it would happen. too fking funny. I can't make this up.

The audit is to confirm post marks!!!!! it's to prove they were even mailed in ballots!!!!!!!!! Were the ballots copied?......... come on man, at least man up and admit the audit is valid based on your own fking post. You don't have the balls to do that, you loser.
The ballots were each verified prior to being counted. That’s already part of the process that was of course already certified by each of the states, dope.
1. Stop lying. How stupid are you? I don't think abortion is murder, its perfectly legal.
2. Your convoluted argument is nonsense.
3. If no one is charged with insurrection, it wasn't an insurrection, period, duh.

One more time. I do not think abortion is murder. Let that sink in before you reply, if you reply.

Did you really think you could lie your way out of this??

You claim you don't think abortion is murder, yet YOU say it is...

Abortion is the murder of babies for convenience.

You claim you're "pro-choice," yet YOU say you're not...

Pro-choice means you want abortions on demand.
That is not what "pro-life" means anyway. Pro-life means against abortions on demand. Pro-choice means you want abortions on demand.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

Now that your lies are thoroughly decimated, tell the forum again how someone who believes abortion is murder even though no one is being charged with murder for a legal abortion -- also believes Insurrection Day wasn't an insurrection because no one's been charged with insurrection.

1. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with bullshit, but I'm pro-choice, at least for this debate. Abortion is legal. Kill all the little democrat larvae you want.
2. So for the record, at least for this debate. I'm pro-choice. Abortion is NOT murder. Deal with it. Your "abortion is murder" argument is hereby voided.
3. Sometimes when I debate pro-life hypocrites I take the other side, for the sake of the debate. Like, if you're pro-life, are you willing to raise a special needs baby?
4. Also, I'm always mystified by hypocrite Catholic bishops that ignore democrats who support abortion. Lately they are discussing prohibiting pro-choice democrats from receiving Holy Communion. I call that progress. If you are pro-choice deal with the religious implications.
There is a rot at the center of the modern Republican party, my friends

Donald Trump’s big lie has spread like a cancer and threatens to envelop one of America’s major political parties. Even worse, it has poisoned our democracy, eroded faith in our elections, which is so detrimental to the future faith people need to have in this democracy
The 1619 Project is bogus history, period.
Math is not racist, period.
1619 Project is about math?
one of whom was executed in cold blood by a black cop.

And the race of the cop is important to you -- why?
1. The 1619 Project is bogus history.
3. Math is not racist.
3. Playing the race card by lying about history or math is stupid.
Well math may be racist because it takes some effort and application to master it and that’s just too hard thus unfair thus racist to a certain segment
Can you say "low IQ" Maxine, for example?
Maybe the whiners didn't see the black gals in the movie "Hidden Figures"?
Something is bullshit, either that movie, or blacks have no excuse for not understanding math.
Then again, the "new math" is ass-backwards, I don't like the way they are teaching math currently.
Yep, how many Republicans are willing to admit the 1/6 attack on the Capital was bad for democracy. Fucking losers, let's hear from you.

They broke the law or they are heroes? Seems an easy choice to make.
No, No....It wasn't an attack it was a protest. Democrats taught us that during the summer riots. Have you forgotten?

George Floyd Protests: A Timeline​

At least six people have been killed in violence connected to the protests that started after Mr. Floyd died in police custody.


That there? ^^^^^^ Why that's a 'protest!' The Democrats and the NYT told us so!!!
Just ask Kamala, Biden, the MSM and the rest of the D.C. swamp rats.
Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, responded on Monday to recent incidents of violence in which at least three people have died during clashes between the president's supporters and anti-racism protester.

"Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting. It's lawlessness, plain and simple."

"Ask yourself: Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really? I want a safe America, safe from COVID, safe from crime and looting, safe from racially motivated violence, safe from bad cops."

I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.

Screen Shot 2021-06-22 at 7.22.56 PM.png

"Election is being rigged by the media, in a coordinated effort with the Clinton campaign,
by putting stories that never happened into news!"
[US election 2016: Trump says election 'rigged at polling places']
17 October 2016

Screen Shot 2019-11-05 at 8.56.52 AM-1.png

"I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including
those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal...!

January 25, 2017

Screen Shot 2020-06-06 at 2.06.26 PM.png

"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote
if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally!"
November 27, 2016

[Trump Claims Without Evidence that 3 to 5 Million Voted Illegally, Vows Investigation | Snopes.com]

Asked what evidence Mr. Trump has specifically, Spicer was unable to provide any information.
“As I said, I think the president has believed that for a while based on 'studies' and 'information' he has.”
Last edited:
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.

View attachment 504522
"Election is being rigged by the media, in a coordinated effort with the Clinton campaign,
by putting stories that never happened into news!"
[US election 2016: Trump says election 'rigged at polling places']
17 October 2016

View attachment 504526
I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal...!
January 25, 2017

View attachment 504527
"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote
if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally!"
November 27, 2016

[Trump Claims Without Evidence that 3 to 5 Million Voted Illegally, Vows Investigation | Snopes.com]

Asked what evidence Mr. Trump has specifically, Spicer was unable to provide any information.
“As I said, I think the president has believed that for a while based on studies and information he has.”​
Democracy deserves to be crapped on. It's been crapping on America for 250 years.
Just ask Kamala, Biden, the MSM and the rest of the D.C. swamp rats.
Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, responded on Monday to recent incidents of violence in which at least three people have died during clashes between the president's supporters and anti-racism protester.

"Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting. It's lawlessness, plain and simple."

"Ask yourself: Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really? I want a safe America, safe from COVID, safe from crime and looting, safe from racially motivated violence, safe from bad cops."

You guys were silent during the summer riots now political power causes you to do an about face. I call bullshit.
"Democracy....... been crapping on America for 250 years."
250 years?
Back to 1771?

Umm, don't mean to put you on the spot, poster 'bripat'....but, but how would you know about British America in 1771 and the 'democracy' that was formalized a few years later?

You got sources?
I guess we should have seen this coming -- "the only way I lose is if they cheat". No evidence, just a handy excuse.
The Cry Baby Loser's history of braying that elections are "fake" or "fixed" or "rigged" with no actual evidence certainly predates his getting the boot in 2020. He had been crapping on democracy long before that.

View attachment 504522
"Election is being rigged by the media, in a coordinated effort with the Clinton campaign,
by putting stories that never happened into news!"
[US election 2016: Trump says election 'rigged at polling places']
17 October 2016

View attachment 504526
"I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including
those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal...!

January 25, 2017

View attachment 504527
"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote
if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally!"
November 27, 2016

[Trump Claims Without Evidence that 3 to 5 Million Voted Illegally, Vows Investigation | Snopes.com]

Asked what evidence Mr. Trump has specifically, Spicer was unable to provide any information.
“As I said, I think the president has believed that for a while based on 'studies' and 'information' he has.”
'thousands of pages of evidence have been posted in this forum, moron.
The ballots were each verified prior to being counted. That’s already part of the process that was of course already certified by each of the states, dope
How do you know?
How do you know?
How do you not?

To prove a point, we need to clarify how many GOP posters support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21".
As opposed to the many of us who supported the 1/6 protest, but NOT the attack on the Capital Building and the threats to Mike Pence and the injuries and deaths and property damage.

Please vote in the poll honestly.
You’re not asking the right question.

my vote….

Not a democrat. Oppose the attack
The right question is?
Something along the lines of, "I'm a GOP voter and I condemn the violence done by my fellow Republicans".

You'll get a 0.0 response rate to that question. A lot of the GOP voters really believe the Trump supporters were just on a Capitol Building tour and doing nothing wrong.
Look at the fucking poll before typing nonsense.
The vote is 16 to 4 of GOP voters opposed to the riot at the capital, not 0.0
Assuming the 4 votes are GOP and not dems.
Read the fucking post you're responding to.

Who committed the acts of violence at the capital?
OK, I re-read it. You said: "You'll get a 0.0 response rate to that question." I showed you that the response was 16-4 (not 0.0)

Prove that "a lot of GOP voters believe "the Trump supporters were just on a Capitol Building tour and doing nothing wrong." (you can't, the poll proves you wrong)

Here is my poll question, and your recommended poll question:
"I'm a GOP voter and I condemn the violence done by my fellow Republicans". (yours)

"I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building" (mine)

Call me illiterate, but I'm not seeing a major difference in those two questions, since the capital riot was obviously by Trump supporters, and FBI instigators.
Yeah shit brains; you didn't post the question I posited. Condemning the violence and explicitly listing the offenders as Trump supporters will get you nowhere with your fellow blobbers. You guys are not living in reality.

As for your illiteracy...you don't see the word "republican" in mine but not yours?

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