Poll: What do you think the minimum voting age should be? And why?

The argument about the current voting age was based on the fact that if if you can draft an 18 year old to fight for his Country you should give him the opportunity to vote for the politicians who put him in harms way. The argument is still valid
Its no good

18 year olds are not mature enough to understand national policy much less decide what the policy should be
If yer old enough to die in a war you are old enough to vote.
Every living being is old enough to die in a war. Are you suggesting that newborn babies should be able to vote? Do you really think they have the maturity level to make a wise choice?
Since the parts of the human brain that control judgement generally do not fully develop until the age of 25, I think it would be wiser to restrict voting to those who are 25 or older.
Well, it is obvious anyone who voted for Trump still has not fully developed mentally. There's nothing we can do about that.
Well, it is obvious anyone who voted for Trump still has not fully developed mentally.
Could you explain the logical reasoning you used to come to that conclusion, or are you suffering from a serious mental illness colloquially known as TDS?

Orange man bad ... is not a logical reasoned argument.
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Since the parts of the human brain that control judgement generally do not fully develop until the age of 25, I think it would be wiser to restrict voting to those who are 25 or older.

What do you think the minimum voting age should be, and why?
If you cannot rent a car…nvm
Since the parts of the human brain that control judgement generally do not fully develop until the age of 25, I think it would be wiser to restrict voting to those who are 25 or older.

What do you think the minimum voting age should be, and why?
I agree with you
You are a legal adult at 18
Not according the dems who think mommy and daddy or the government should be giving free insurance and everything else till you are atleast 26...

If you aren't supporting yourself --then you shouldn't be considered an adult.
Since the parts of the human brain that control judgement generally do not fully develop until the age of 25, I think it would be wiser to restrict voting to those who are 25 or older.

What do you think the minimum voting age should be, and why?

Voting should be restricted to combat veterans only.
So why do you feel that 16 should be the minimum voting age?

Because he's a leftist. He won't admit it, but the Democrat party relies on the politically ignorant to win elections or hold power. That's why they are trying to push mail-in voting. People too lazy to drag their ass to the polls generally don't care much about voting. If you don't care much about something, chances are you are uninformed about it as well.

16 year old kids don't know left from right. They are more interested in the newest rock band that came out, the males are interested in that beautiful girl with the red hair, the newest smart phone to be coming out next month. You won't find many kids that have politics as an interest of theirs because it simply doesn't affect them very much.

So I agree with those who answered 25. At 25, chances are you served in the military or were out in the workforce for a little while. You are out of college and have time to shake off the indoctrination of left-wing professors and teachers. You take notice of not only how much you pay in taxes, but what they are using your money for.
AND Dem propaganda spewed 24/7 by the Dem biased news media.
If it were only that we'd be okay. But the indoctrination starts in public school and carries on into college. In the meantime, people are inundated with Hollywood leftist entertainment, music for the most part, and now it's starting to spread to sports as well. All major social media is totally controlled by leftists. They remove conservative posts and throw conservative posters out of the forum.
Since the parts of the human brain that control judgement generally do not fully develop until the age of 25, I think it would be wiser to restrict voting to those who are 25 or older.

What do you think the minimum voting age should be, and why?
I think more than an age should be considered. Though I would posit that 25 is a good place to start. People should pass an exam composed of several basic questions to determine whether or not they even understand what they're doing when they vote.
Since the parts of the human brain that control judgement generally do not fully develop until the age of 25, I think it would be wiser to restrict voting to those who are 25 or older.

What do you think the minimum voting age should be, and why?
I think that it isn't an age issue about voting.

If you accept any -- ANY -- Government assistance, you should be barred from voting until such time as you no longer take that assistance. The rationale is obvious. No one should be able to vote for their own paycheck from the taxpayer.

If age is the only question, then I'd say 21 unless you are serving in the Armed Forces. Then age doesn't matter. If you're putting your ass on the line, you get to vote.

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