Poll: What do you think the minimum voting age should be? And why?

Religion has nothing to do with it. Correct, some people never grow up, but if we moved the voting age we would harness more adult voters because some people don't become an adult until 20, 21, 25. It's why the drinking laws are what they are.

Look back at when the drinking age was raised and see who was pushing it and then tell me religion had nothing to do with it.
Look back at when the drinking age was raised and see who was pushing it and then tell me religion had nothing to do with it.

I know who pushed it. The same people that pushed seat belt laws, BAC to determine who is drunk, and drug testing in the workplace: The insurance companies. The insurance companies run this country.
Correct. It's called an opinion, no different than your opinion.

Then we are in agreement it is an arbitrary thing.

Glad we worked that out.

So tell me, if we can talk about an arbitrary minimum age to vote why not a maximum age as well?
Love watching Republicans trying to block people from voting

It scares them
I am for 16... Mainly because many have a lot more cop on on what really matters...

We have people here talking everyday about fiscal responsibility, saying it debt left to their children, while they are polluting the planet... Polluting the Planet is far more expensive to fix than a National Debt...

This effects 16 year olds....

Education cost and access has serious effect on 16 year olds....

Sorry while 16 yr olds are more immature they probably have a better grasp of misinformation than people still believing Election Fraud or Vaccines are dangerous crap..

Big think is 16yr olds have more skin in the game than a 70 or 80 year old...
Then we are in agreement it is an arbitrary thing.

Glad we worked that out.

So tell me, if we can talk about an arbitrary minimum age to vote why not a maximum age as well?

As I stated, people who worked their entire lives should have a say-so in how their government is run even if they are no longer working.
As I stated, people who worked their entire lives should have a say-so in how their government is run even if they are no longer working.

Yes, I know that is your opinion. But how do we know they have not lost some of their mental capacity and are no longer responsible enough to vote?

I say we make the voting age 25-65.
Not many 18 year olds will vote Republican

Republicans…..Let’s raise the age to 25!
most adults have never joined the military, should they not be allowed to vote either?
Not till they CONTRIBUTE and support themselves----If they can't handle supporting themselves and being a good citizen evidenced by not committing crimes and taking care of their own business then they should not be having a say in how the government is run either. The reason our government is so fucked up is because we allow fucked up people to both be in it and vote for it. Our founders never intended mob rule democracy---they were quite well aware that 1/2 the population had below average iqs and that people are easily corrupted and would vote to take what others earned.
Anyone who doesn’t vote Republican is obviously qualified to vote
I know who pushed it. The same people that pushed seat belt laws, BAC to determine who is drunk, and drug testing in the workplace: The insurance companies. The insurance companies run this country.
Then explain how those liberal countries in Europe have:
  • Drinking starting at 16 (beer and Wine) and 18 for hard stuff
  • Drug testing is banned unless clearly stated in your contract of employment (which is rare)
  • Seat Belt laws are there because of sanity...

Also in UK & Ireland
  • they have bookies(private) with shops on main streets of towns
  • Police are not armed and are statistically 99 times less likely to kill you
So you proclaim that Government are restricting freedom but it is unregulated capitalism mixed with weak lobbying laws..
The champions of
  • unregulated capitalism
  • weak lobbying laws
are the GOP.....

GOP are the champions of money in elections and lobbyists in power halls...
The same age you are required to register for Selective Service, can buy a firearm on your own, can buy alcohol, and the same age you are completely responsible for your own actions.
The same age you are required to register for Selective Service, can buy a firearm on your own, can buy alcohol, and the same age you are completely responsible for your own actions.

It would be interesting if women couldn't do those things.
We wouldn’t have to if more employers offered benefits to new employees
Why are Conservatives so opposed to people being insured?
Insurance is a scam. I hate to break the bad news to you. But for decades it was listed as a bad investment. Even worse, since the Obama health scam has taken in---cost of both insurance and medical care has shot up because of it. Average life expectancy under Obama following the Obama health scam----went down. One of the reason, is that now insurance decides what care you get and what doctors (crappy) that you get to see...which resulted in a rash of Internal medicine and foreign trained doctors that are generally shit and work on how many patients they see not how well they are treated. They are rewarded for keeping costs down and punished for ordering tests that you know the sick need. Before insurance/government got involved...health care was more efficient and costs were much lower. Most people could afford to pay out of pocket to go see a doctor when they needed one.

This said, if you want free insurance---join the military and earn it. It's not taxpayers responsibility to take care of you.
I am for 16... Mainly because many have a lot more cop on on what really matters...

We have people here talking everyday about fiscal responsibility, saying it debt left to their children, while they are polluting the planet... Polluting the Planet is far more expensive to fix than a National Debt...

This effects 16 year olds....

Education cost and access has serious effect on 16 year olds....

Sorry while 16 yr olds are more immature they probably have a better grasp of misinformation than people still believing Election Fraud or Vaccines are dangerous crap..

Big think is 16yr olds have more skin in the game than a 70 or 80 year old...
16 years olds know nothing and are easily manipulated by teachers and peers---hence why the communists and corrupt dems keeping trying to lower the voting age...

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