POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
The right wingers have few new talking points. This reminds me of what ahppened on election night 2012

a communal nervous breakdown

The right wing really believed Hillary would do poorly at the hearings.

The hearing was a gift from god who wants to be able to hear America saying

Thank you Madame President
does anyone who has been at usmb for over a month pay attention to the posts of Muddthwithle anymore?
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.
Not a good analogy brother. Queen Cersei (sp) is still hated pretty much. And for good reason. Fans were glad to see her walk of shame, not to mention the citizens of Westerlos (sp).

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It wasn't really the story that was important more than the event.

That, basically is what Clinton was forced to do.

Endure hate.

They tried every trick in the book to goad her into some sort of a outburst/breakdown. They failed. I'm not a fan of Clinton but credit goes where credit is due.

The thing is they looked like they were going for her and she stood up... Bernie would have loved to look this presidential.. The optics are very good for Clinton... 11 hours makes it better for her...

In the back of everyone's mind, G W Bush would not have stood up to 11 hours of questioning and we made him President.

On its own it will not win an election but she did push the ball up the field...

Two weeks ago she was caught in a negative feedback loop, the debate and this have put her back on the front foot...

It was arguably her best week in Clinton's political career. A hat trick - debate, Biden out, inquisition.

Hat trick??

In Clinton's case the bowling term for three-in-a-row is far more appropriate: TURKEY!
Have you seen anything from the dems that's "positive, visionary, reasonable or workable?"

I'd call Trump, Cruz or Carson all of that. Why do you not see that?

Are you showing your left leaning tendencies, Mac?
Well yeah, I do lean Left.

So let's look at the GOP's approach, and I'm talking about the image it is portraying to the public: Cut this, cut that, eliminate that over there. Freeloaders. Rapists. The 47%. Deregulate financial markets after the Meltdown. Okay, what exactly is being said to inspire people?
The country is so far in debt that the light at the end of the tunnel is gone. We are on the fast track to total and complete financial implosion. So you are you trying to tell me things SHOULDN'T be cut? Do you SPEND MORE when YOU run out of money? Don't tell me you're dumb.
I can think of a few trillion dollars that pissed on a Middle East hornet's nest and cost us the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.

But tell us exactly what you would cut and how much it would save.
Well then I take it you're not happy with obama and the dems for getting us in more middle east embroilments since he's taken office.

If I was president, I would sit down with a list of ALL government agencies, and I would start at the top and eliminate every single one, one by one, that was not of vital importance to the nation.

Now tell me EXACTLY what you would cut, if anything, or would just continue the status quo and welcome the impending financial melt down?
I know that none of this would be happening if it were not for us shoving our nose into Iraq & Afghanistan in the first place.

When you can show me exactly you would cut, it will be easier to take the spending complaints seriously.

No cuts come to mind, although I would immediately create a top-priority initiative to maximize the efficiency of all government spending. That would be a nice, long project.

I'd then add two new marginal tax rates on top of existing rates, 44.9% and 49.9%, with new minimum effective tax rates up and down the margins.

Next I'd decrease corporate tax rates to 12% with a 5% minimum effective tax rates.

Then I'd take a massive monkey off the backs of American business and create huge new business opportunities for insurance companies by expanding the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement program to all.

Among many other things, I'll be happy to go into as much detail as you'd like.
I told you exactly what I would do as far as cuts, but you know as well as I do that neither you or I have any idea just how many government agencies there really are, so there's no possible way I could tell you exactly which ones I would cut when I don't know exactly what's all there. I think you know that but you're enjoying this leftist circle jerk so you're playing a little game.

I'd also like to see a flat tax of 15%, and I'd rip obamacare out by it's roots and shit can it.

I'd also work to get us completely out of the middle east meddling business, and I agree attacking Iraq was a mistake. I've said that for years.
Have you seen anything from the dems that's "positive, visionary, reasonable or workable?"

I'd call Trump, Cruz or Carson all of that. Why do you not see that?

Are you showing your left leaning tendencies, Mac?
Well yeah, I do lean Left.

So let's look at the GOP's approach, and I'm talking about the image it is portraying to the public: Cut this, cut that, eliminate that over there. Freeloaders. Rapists. The 47%. Deregulate financial markets after the Meltdown. Okay, what exactly is being said to inspire people?
The country is so far in debt that the light at the end of the tunnel is gone. We are on the fast track to total and complete financial implosion. So you are you trying to tell me things SHOULDN'T be cut? Do you SPEND MORE when YOU run out of money? Don't tell me you're dumb.
I can think of a few trillion dollars that pissed on a Middle East hornet's nest and cost us the lives, limbs and minds of thousands of young American soldiers.

But tell us exactly what you would cut and how much it would save.
Well then I take it you're not happy with obama and the dems for getting us in more middle east embroilments since he's taken office.

If I was president, I would sit down with a list of ALL government agencies, and I would start at the top and eliminate every single one, one by one, that was not of vital importance to the nation.

Now tell me EXACTLY what you would cut, if anything, or would just continue the status quo and welcome the impending financial melt down?
I know that none of this would be happening if it were not for us shoving our nose into Iraq & Afghanistan in the first place.

When you can show me exactly what you would cut, it will be easier to take the spending complaints seriously.

No cuts come to mind, although I would immediately create a top-priority initiative to maximize the efficiency of all government spending. That would be a nice, long project.

I'd then add two new marginal tax rates on top of existing rates, 44.9% and 49.9%, with new minimum effective tax rates up and down the margins.

Next I'd decrease corporate tax rates to 12% with a 5% minimum effective tax rate.

Then I'd take a massive monkey off the backs of American business and create huge new business opportunities for insurance companies by expanding the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement program to all.

Among many other things, I'll be happy to go into as much detail as you'd like.

This has more to do with the Arab Spring......(of which Obama had nothing to do with). Obama is conducting a proxy war in the Middle-East to get rid of dictators....knowing that their replacements will be much worse. Hillary is part of this conspiracy. If she isn't elected it can't continue.....millions of lives will be saved....and that must not happen under any circumstances.
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.
Not a good analogy brother. Queen Cersei (sp) is still hated pretty much. And for good reason. Fans were glad to see her walk of shame, not to mention the citizens of Westerlos (sp).

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

It wasn't really the story that was important more than the event.

That, basically is what Clinton was forced to do.

Endure hate.

They tried every trick in the book to goad her into some sort of a outburst/breakdown. They failed. I'm not a fan of Clinton but credit goes where credit is due.

The thing is they looked like they were going for her and she stood up... Bernie would have loved to look this presidential.. The optics are very good for Clinton... 11 hours makes it better for her...

In the back of everyone's mind, G W Bush would not have stood up to 11 hours of questioning and we made him President.

On its own it will not win an election but she did push the ball up the field...

Two weeks ago she was caught in a negative feedback loop, the debate and this have put her back on the front foot...

It was arguably her best week in Clinton's political career. A hat trick - debate, Biden out, inquisition.
Watching her...I could not help wondering what would have happened with Palin up there being grilled half that long. And the RW thought she was presidential material.
Depends on how it is reported and who you listen too. From what I saw last night she held up under the badgering quite well. So imo, it helped her a bit.
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.
Not a good analogy brother. Queen Cersei (sp) is still hated pretty much. And for good reason. Fans were glad to see her walk of shame, not to mention the citizens of Westerlos (sp).

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

It wasn't really the story that was important more than the event.

That, basically is what Clinton was forced to do.

Endure hate.

omfreakinggawd, have you forgotten how you losers treated MRS. Governor Palin and her children even. go sit down you don't care if you're lied to or that we had another ATTACK on 9/112012 UNDER you poor girl Hillary and that thug Obama and Four people died while they tried to COVER it with everything and anything they could come up. So they blamed it on an INNOCENT American citizen which you all could give a crap less. so get some tissues
Hillary could've pulled the trigger herself, with pictures to prove it and the leaches would still love her.
Much depends on the media or whether you took the time to actually watch most of the hearing itself.
It really doesn't matter. Bitch lied. Either people KNOW she is a liar or they don't care. Even the lefty "news outlets" couldn't believe she was lying about OBVIOUS things. But next week, they will be salivating on her shit stained panties again.
Waste of money. What isn't, I guess......
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.
Not a good analogy brother. Queen Cersei (sp) is still hated pretty much. And for good reason. Fans were glad to see her walk of shame, not to mention the citizens of Westerlos (sp).

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

It wasn't really the story that was important more than the event.

That, basically is what Clinton was forced to do.

Endure hate.

omfreakinggawd, have you forgotten how you losers treated MRS. Governor Palin and her children even. go sit down you don't care if you're lied to or that we had another ATTACK on 9/112012 UNDER you poor girl Hillary and that thug Obama and Four people died while they tried to COVER it with everything and anything they could come up. So they blamed it on an INNOCENT American citizen which you all could give a crap less. so get some tissues
omfreakinggawd, have you forgotten how MRS. Governor Palin put her children up for sale to the highest bidder?
I believe she got away with murder. Literally. It's a sign of just how corrupt and immoral our entire society has become.

Yes it is. our Society is taking us down into the gutter of the Entitled, give me give me and these snake Politicians can smell it, taste it, and they are out in full force.....
we used to have a great country where things like lying, morals, honesty and HONOR meant something to a person . now look what's in our government and that will tell you where our Society is at. doomed. I lived in a free country as a free person. I just worry about where my children will have to deal with. its been sad to watch over my 60 years.
Just curious - I'm not seeing a great deal of excitement from the GOP about their efforts to get Hillary yesterday. What do you think the hearing did to her presidential chances?

The political side of this only.
I figure it's a wash politically. Election is too far away
Ironically, the GOP has turned Hillary into a Martyr...........stupidity at its best.

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