POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
So even a poll here shows exactly what I predicted yesterday. Over 70% think the inquisition helped Hillary and 85% say at least it didn't harm her.

Yep, looking more presidential all the time.

What do I hear? Pop! Pop! Pop!

Oh, right wingers heads exploding!
As a start, I would cut:
Department of Uneducation - 50% (Return the funds to states and Commonwealths (there are four Commonwealths) to go directly to upgrading school facilities to meet technology advancements.)
Department of Labor -30%
Department of Commerce - 30%
Combine the two previously referenced departments into one
EPA - 50%
Department of Unjustice - 30%
Homeland InSecurity - 30% (Especially in the administrative area.)
Consumer Financial Board - 50% (Have you seen how much money they spent on n designer furniture)

Every single cut could be accomplished by a freezing on all new hiring, elimination of the abysmally high number of 'Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries positions (all of which do little but sit in large offices writing documents on matters they have no knowledge of)

DOD - A requirement that ALL programs be reviewed and any overlap be combined into one updated grouping, with a corresponding reduction in funding. A reduction in civilian DOD employees and utilization of active duty personnel to fill some of the civilian positions.

A comprehensive review of all government programs. Where more then one agency is part of a program, ex. school lunch programs (four agencies are involved), the programs be combined within one agency and personnel be cut.

This is only an initial list.

Oh, as a thought to resolution to the continuing VA ineptitude, all new hires at the VA, in management, must be former high ranking NCOs such as Sgt. majors, etc. As to physicians for basic health checkups, testing, etc., utilize senior level residents from nearby medical schools. In prior years, a VA hospital in VA followed such a practice.

a good start. very good post:thup:
LMAO Yep, save the money so the Republicans can spend it investigating more fake scandals against any and all democrats.
THE LIE. it was a spontaneous protesters that got out of hand for the 9/11/2012 ATTACK

The truth is:
Obama has been stirring up the middle east for his OWN AGENDA. and that's the reason for all the PROTESTING going on not some damn VIDEO that they claimed.
Barack Obama: The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Who’s Bombed 7 Countries
U.S. jets are bombing Syria again this month, part of an overall pattern of military expansion during the Obama administration that’s seen military involvement in dozens of conflicts.
all of it here:
Barack Obama: The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Who’s Bombed 7 Countries

give us a break. they all lied to cover up us being attacked on 9/11.
so it didn't SULLY Obama's re-election and his legacy. which his ugly legacy will be one of HATE, unrest and us here at home Struggling to get by. Now go vote for Hillary no one give a crap. no one has any HONOR in this day age

All it really shows is that they got it wrong about a protest at the consulate before the attack. Clearly part of the talking points were that extremist came to the consulate with heavy weapons with the goal of attacking it.

The segment clearly shows the widespread nature of the protest going on throughout the ME that week, over the video.

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation."
Just curious - I'm not seeing a great deal of excitement from the GOP about their efforts to get Hillary yesterday. What do you think the hearing did to her presidential chances?

The political side of this only.

I think the net result is good for hillary, though marginally. The republicans bickered, yelled, and often went on random tangents. Hillary was pretty calm and cool. By far the most 'presidential' person in the room. And given Mccarthy's 'lowering Hillary's poll numbers' fiasco and a republican Benghazi investigator that says the investigation is politically driven....the republicans lost their 'investigation' narrative.

Though given this is the 8th round of this shit, it was a hard sell before the omissions by republican sources.
Just curious - I'm not seeing a great deal of excitement from the GOP about their efforts to get Hillary yesterday. What do you think the hearing did to her presidential chances?

The political side of this only.

Seriously, when was the last time a conservative member here posted anything other than something that, in the end, amounted to "we're fucked"? Its almost as if they either don't know what they stand for, don't like what they stand for, or can't see the face they look at in the mirror (or a blend of all 3).
Just curious - I'm not seeing a great deal of excitement from the GOP about their efforts to get Hillary yesterday. What do you think the hearing did to her presidential chances?

The political side of this only.

I think the net result is good for hillary, though marginally. The republicans bickered, yelled, and often went on random tangents. Hillary was pretty calm and cool. By far the most 'presidential' person in the room. And given Mccarthy's 'lowering Hillary's poll numbers' fiasco and a republican Benghazi investigator that says the investigation is politically driven....the republicans lost their 'investigation' narrative.

Though given this is the 8th round of this shit, it was a hard sell before the omissions by republican sources.

Jackson yesterday said the GOP members were"interrogating" Clinton. Even the GOP value whores here readily admit there was no "investigation".
Those who hate her still hate her those who blindly support her still blindly support her to early to tell how the independents feel.
you don't get it. many people complimenting Clinton are independent. You can thank the GOP

Clinton will be getting the indie vote in the general

Madame President

I find it 'interesting; that the OP question is phrased to emphasize the effect on Hillary's personal political future and not what effect it might have on changes within the State Department, personnel and policy.

I found it obvious that several people within the State Department should have at least been FIRED for negligent acts, such as NOT elevating Stevens' requests and reports to the Sect of State and for not only not giving Stevens more security but for REDUCING the size of his security detail. The ARB even identified 4 individuals as being 'at fault' and who should be punished - yet none of them ever were.

I have read where there were 28 recommendations for change made by the ARB and that some of them have been under-taken, as well they should. It was made clear, however, that those 4 individuals identified by the ARB, at least, have no business working in the State Department (or any govt job) due to their extremely poor judgment...and stupidity.

It would seem that allowing four people a one week suspension (with pay) is the price of the loss for four lives. At least, it was one person suspended (with pay) per person who was murdered.
I find it 'interesting; that the OP question is phrased to emphasize the effect on Hillary's personal political future and not what effect it might have on changes within the State Department, personnel and policy.

I found it obvious that several people within the State Department should have at least been FIRED for negligent acts, such as NOT elevating Stevens' requests and reports to the Sect of State and for not only not giving Stevens more security but for REDUCING the size of his security detail. The ARB even identified 4 individuals as being 'at fault' and who should be punished - yet none of them ever were.

I have read where there were 28 recommendations for change made by the ARB and that some of them have been under-taken, as well they should. It was made clear, however, that those 4 individuals identified by the ARB, at least, have no business working in the State Department (or any govt job) due to their extremely poor judgment...and stupidity.

It would seem that allowing four people a one week suspension (with pay) is the price of the loss for four lives. At least, it was one person suspended (with pay) per person who was murdered.
Whatever in the whack-a-doodle world of right wing noise are you talking about now?
So even a poll here shows exactly what I predicted yesterday. Over 70% think the inquisition helped Hillary and 85% say at least it didn't harm her.

Yep, looking more presidential all the time.

What do I hear? Pop! Pop! Pop!

Oh, right wingers heads exploding!

oh stuff it. no right wingers heads are exploding. that's you leftwinger heads for thinking you know what so called, right wingers give a crap about. you read too much left wing hate sites. you don't care too be lied to, then so be it. says more about you leftwingers than it does anyone else
I find it 'interesting; that the OP question is phrased to emphasize the effect on Hillary's personal political future and not what effect it might have on changes within the State Department, personnel and policy.

I found it obvious that several people within the State Department should have at least been FIRED for negligent acts, such as NOT elevating Stevens' requests and reports to the Sect of State and for not only not giving Stevens more security but for REDUCING the size of his security detail. The ARB even identified 4 individuals as being 'at fault' and who should be punished - yet none of them ever were.

I have read where there were 28 recommendations for change made by the ARB and that some of them have been under-taken, as well they should. It was made clear, however, that those 4 individuals identified by the ARB, at least, have no business working in the State Department (or any govt job) due to their extremely poor judgment...and stupidity.

It would seem that allowing four people a one week suspension (with pay) is the price of the loss for four lives. At least, it was one person suspended (with pay) per person who was murdered.
Whatever in the whack-a-doodle world of right wing noise are you talking about now?

What a charmingly polite and civil question. Your manners are simply spectular.

Had you spent any significant time in reading the various and asundry reports (as opposed to focusing on Rep. Gowdy's proceedings) on this matter, you would be aware that four individuals with the Department of State were put on suspension for a week, with pay. It was determined their performance of duties was not up to standard. They were employed in the security area. It was their responsibility to respond to requests.
Here's their plan......Democrats provide a false front that this is all a waste of time and money.....kiss Hillary’s butt at every opportunity instead of asking questions in an attempt to portray Republicans as being on a political witch-hunt.....give Hillary a forum so she can show us all the stuff she knows now after years of boning up...but didn't know before because what difference does it make....as long as Hillary doesn't collapse and is carried out of the hearing on a stretcher...they'll claim they never laid a glove on her.

Quote a Republican whose palm they greased to state as much to make it appear legit.....and declare that this hearing gave her the WhiteHouse. Forget any Justice Department indictments that are pending or the fact that Bernie Sanders is more popular....Hillary has already won folks. It's an absolute conspiracy.

Think enough people will buy this bullshit?

If not....they'll fill the polls with illegal votes.

This is how Banana Republics stay in power.

And of course, when things don't seem to be going your way, just whine and say shit like, "It's an absolute conspiracy".

Whatever in the whack-a-doodle world of right wing noise are you talking about now?

What a charmingly polite and civil question. Your manners are simply spectular.

Had you spent any significant time in reading the various and asundry reports (as opposed to focusing on Rep. Gowdy's proceedings) on this matter, you would be aware that four individuals with the Department of State were put on suspension for a week, with pay. It was determined their performance of duties was not up to standard. They were employed in the security area. It was their responsibility to respond to requests.

What is your point? and please, when and if you answer, resist the temptation to wrap yourself up in the flag or the shrouds of the 4 deceased
Those who hate her still hate her those who blindly support her still blindly support her to early to tell how the independents feel.
you don't get it. many people complimenting Clinton are independent. You can thank the GOP

Clinton will be getting the indie vote in the general

Madame President

You know "many people complimenting Clinton are independent" how? Can you provide a substantiating link?
Those who hate her still hate her those who blindly support her still blindly support her to early to tell how the independents feel.
you don't get it. many people complimenting Clinton are independent. You can thank the GOP

Clinton will be getting the indie vote in the general

Madame President

You know "many people complimenting Clinton are independent" how? Can you provide a substantiating link?


get out more often

hint: it's ALL over the news

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