POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
Try to visualize and imagine what would have happened if this guy...if this pathetic creature of stupid
had been subjected to an 11 hour grilling by hostile Democrats like the marathon session Hillary just went through....there would have been a puddle of shit on the floor by lunch time....
Now that the GOP couldnt smear now they are moving to their new theory.

"The FIX is in"

That's the talking point that came out of this so-called hearing.

They said that Hillary was so wonderful that we don't even need an election now.

Just let her sit on her fat ass in her mansion and recover from this harrowing event. No more campaigns needed. No debates. Just turn over the keys to Hillary. The Oval Office is already her's.
What is the GOP doing to provide a positive, visionary, reasonable, workable alternative for the country?

This is, hands down, the funniest fucking question on the internet.
I have the answer.....quit breaking the law and stop lying to the American People. We've already seen 7 plus years of it from Democrats.
Ironically, the GOP has turned Hillary into a Martyr...........stupidity at its best.
Actually, she turned herself into a martyr when she claimed that being a woman was a qualification.

Obama did the same when he immediately tried to focus everyone on racism after he won the nomination.

The focus during this campaign will be the evil, mean, Republican she feels is her worst enemy on the planet.....is picking on a helpless woman.
Hannity shows montage of Obama administration falsely saying video was to blame for Benghazi

What is the GOP doing to provide a positive, visionary, reasonable, workable alternative for the country?

This is, hands down, the funniest fucking question on the internet.
I have the answer.....quit breaking the law and stop lying to the American People. We've already seen 7 plus years of it from Democrats.
Actually, from our perspective, we've seen 7 years of Lying by the Republicans in Congress with one made up scandal after another used for political posturing and done so with MY TAX DOLLARS....

hopefully people will wake up, and demand that the Republicans fund these faux dog and pony shows with the RNC or GOP advertising and marketing funds, instead of making me pay for it....

What is the GOP doing to provide a positive, visionary, reasonable, workable alternative for the country?

This is, hands down, the funniest fucking question on the internet.
I have the answer.....quit breaking the law and stop lying to the American People. We've already seen 7 plus years of it from Democrats.
Actually, from our perspective, we've seen 7 years of Lying by the Republicans in Congress with one made up scandal after another used for political posturing and done so with MY TAX DOLLARS....

hopefully people will wake up, and demand that the Republicans fund these faux dog and pony shows with the RNC or GOP advertising and marketing funds, instead of making me pay for it....

Nope......Obama is in charge of the Department of Justice. Crimes have been committed.....and because the crimes were intended to be committed by Obama's political operatives, no heads will roll. The real problem is....why in the Hell have we allowed ourselves to be put in this position. Personally, I think we need to look at the qualifications for president and make them tougher than a background-check to buy a gun. An FBI background investigation at the TS/SCI level needs to be conducted to see if these assholes have ties to enemies of the state and terrorist groups. I wouldn't want to leave this up to the American people....because most of them aren't paying attention and at least 30 percent of them are up to no good and can't be trusted to render a rational decision.
It really doesn't matter. Bitch lied. Either people KNOW she is a liar or they don't care. Even the lefty "news outlets" couldn't believe she was lying about OBVIOUS things. But next week, they will be salivating on her shit stained panties again.
Waste of money. What isn't, I guess......
tell us again what your right wing masters are telling you in their media circle jerk that she lied about in the hearing, (which would be PURGERY and they could charge her with the crime if she did).
Funny how the right wingers how INSIST on honesty have no problem with Trey Gowdy using FAKE EMAILS to try to smear Hillary. False evidence is against the law and I'm sure is a criminal offense. I hope Hillary files CRIMINAL CHARGES against Gowdy.

The Ethics Committee must throw him out of office for this offense or else just disband because if they don't throw him out then they are USELESS.
As a start, I would cut:
Department of Uneducation - 50% (Return the funds to states and Commonwealths (there are four Commonwealths) to go directly to upgrading school facilities to meet technology advancements.)
Department of Labor -30%
Department of Commerce - 30%
Combine the two previously referenced departments into one
EPA - 50%
Department of Unjustice - 30%
Homeland InSecurity - 30% (Especially in the administrative area.)
Consumer Financial Board - 50% (Have you seen how much money they spent on n designer furniture)

Every single cut could be accomplished by a freezing on all new hiring, elimination of the abysmally high number of 'Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries positions (all of which do little but sit in large offices writing documents on matters they have no knowledge of)

DOD - A requirement that ALL programs be reviewed and any overlap be combined into one updated grouping, with a corresponding reduction in funding. A reduction in civilian DOD employees and utilization of active duty personnel to fill some of the civilian positions.

A comprehensive review of all government programs. Where more then one agency is part of a program, ex. school lunch programs (four agencies are involved), the programs be combined within one agency and personnel be cut.

This is only an initial list.

Oh, as a thought to resolution to the continuing VA ineptitude, all new hires at the VA, in management, must be former high ranking NCOs such as Sgt. majors, etc. As to physicians for basic health checkups, testing, etc., utilize senior level residents from nearby medical schools. In prior years, a VA hospital in VA followed such a practice.

a good start. very good post:thup:

How about if we cut your food stamps? :D
Try to visualize and imagine what would have happened if this guy...if this pathetic creature of stupid
had been subjected to an 11 hour grilling by hostile Democrats like the marathon session Hillary just went through....there would have been a puddle of shit on the floor by lunch time....
:lol: I think Bush was a tough guy. He also had a thick skin. But he may have had a short fuse. No telling what he would have done, but it would have been precious for sure
It really doesn't matter. Bitch lied. Either people KNOW she is a liar or they don't care. Even the lefty "news outlets" couldn't believe she was lying about OBVIOUS things. But next week, they will be salivating on her shit stained panties again.
Waste of money. What isn't, I guess......
tell us again what your right wing masters are telling you in their media circle jerk that she lied about in the hearing, (which would be PURGERY and they could charge her with the crime if she did).
Funny how the right wingers how INSIST on honesty have no problem with Trey Gowdy using FAKE EMAILS to try to smear Hillary. False evidence is against the law and I'm sure is a criminal offense. I hope Hillary files CRIMINAL CHARGES against Gowdy.

The Ethics Committee must throw him out of office for this offense or else just disband because if they don't throw him out then they are USELESS.

fake emails? are you serious? what leftwing site did you get that from? if they were the democrats with their Lapdog lamestream media would be wailing bloody murder. get real. you worry over that but excuse her lying right in your face. that's a slave to a party
It really doesn't matter. Bitch lied. Either people KNOW she is a liar or they don't care. Even the lefty "news outlets" couldn't believe she was lying about OBVIOUS things. But next week, they will be salivating on her shit stained panties again.
Waste of money. What isn't, I guess......
tell us again what your right wing masters are telling you in their media circle jerk that she lied about in the hearing, (which would be PURGERY and they could charge her with the crime if she did).
Funny how the right wingers how INSIST on honesty have no problem with Trey Gowdy using FAKE EMAILS to try to smear Hillary. False evidence is against the law and I'm sure is a criminal offense. I hope Hillary files CRIMINAL CHARGES against Gowdy.

The Ethics Committee must throw him out of office for this offense or else just disband because if they don't throw him out then they are USELESS.

fake emails? are you serious? what leftwing site did you get that from? if they were the democrats with their Lapdog lamestream media would be wailing bloody murder. get real. you worry over that but excuse her lying right in your face. that's a slave to a party
I believe I read, (BUT am not certain) that Gowdy took Hillary's emails and redacted information on them and released them to the public stating that Hillary had 120 emails that he said were classified, making her emails appear to be confidential...

The emails he gave to the CIA to check them out, came back and said NONE, ABSOLUTELY NONE of those emails had classified information in them....

so gowdy, doctored her emails by blackening out stuff, and spun the story to the press that these were all classified emails she had on her server, BEFORE HE GOT CONFIRMATION FROM THE CIA....that they WERE NOT CLASSIFIED.

And this is just ONE of the HUGE LIES the right wing has metastasized in all of their Blog sites and fake news agencies....
I never thought for a minute Hillary was going to be taken down by these hearings, and the idea that Hillary was going to go to jail IMO has been wishful thinking by many Republicans.

She's going to be the nominee, and considering the demo shift, and the fact that there are tens of millions of even regular Americans today that want the government to babysit them, she's likely to be the next president.

Sad, but be prepared for it folks.
I never thought for a minute Hillary was going to be taken down by these hearings, and the idea that Hillary was going to go to jail IMO has been wishful thinking by many Republicans.

She's going to be the nominee, and considering the demo shift, and the fact that there are tens of millions of even regular Americans today that want the government to babysit them, she's likely to be the next president.

Sad, but be prepared for it folks.
They don't want a babysitter, they want a square deal, a level playing field, a fair chance, something that offends your side.
The Benghazi hearings are going to last until December at the least. This thing is far from over. And it seems that all the libs are forgetting the FBI and CIA criminal investigations are still going on. All I hear is :lalala:from the left.
It is posts like this that has people questioning your sanity. No crimes
The Benghazi hearings are going to last until December at the least. This thing is far from over. And it seems that all the libs are forgetting the FBI and CIA criminal investigations are still going on. All I hear is :lalala:from the left.
It is posts like this that has people questioning your sanity. No crimes
When the FBI investigates anything other than crimes, let us know.
When the FBI investigates anything other than crimes, let us know.
actually you imbecile, the FBI often investigates potential crimes and abuses -- this is done when ACCUSATIONS are made.

The right wing noise machine dumbs you down into equating accusations with matters of truth and fact
When the FBI investigates anything other than crimes, let us know.
actually you imbecile, the FBI often investigates potential crimes and abuses -- this is done when ACCUSATIONS are made.

The right wing noise machine dumbs you down into equating accusations with matters of truth and fact
We'll see, Clyde. Hillary lied, people died.

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