POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
What is? That at the same time that she had told her daughter and two world leaders that she knew it was an Al Queda terror attack, she came out and totally lied about it being because of a video?
OMFG! A smoking gun!

Soon we will find her confession on murdering Vince Foster
The question is, do people care if their elected leaders are bald faced liars?
Apparently, the Democratic Party today has gone so far off the moral cliff that they just don't care.

Juan Williams doesn't. On the Five the other night everyone pointed out how Hillary lied about the video tape being the reason for the attack and Juan just shrugged his shoulders and said that's politics. It seemed he thought it was perfectly fine to lie through your teeth to the American people. The rest of the cast sat there stunned. They pressed him on this incredulous and he just said lie, politics same thing. He said look Hillary lied to cover her ass no big deal its just politics. If I had my way I'd make it a violation of the oath of office for a president, VP, speaker of the house, and majority/minority leaders to lie to the American people. The punishment, we boot their ass out of office.
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.

Dems were already likely to take back the Senate. I think this helps the cause as Hillary is going to win this election by a larger margin, which in turn is going to help Democrats across the country. If I were running her campaign, I would make her biggest soundbite "The Republicans have nothing to run on, so all they can come up with is BENGHAZI".
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.

Dems were already likely to take back the Senate. I think this helps the cause as Hillary is going to win this election by a larger margin, which in turn is going to help Democrats across the country. If I were running her campaign, I would make her biggest soundbite "The Republicans have nothing to run on, so all they can come up with is BENGHAZI".
Not too bad
The question is, do people care if their elected leaders are bald faced liars?
Apparently, the Democratic Party today has gone so far off the moral cliff that they just don't care.

Juan Williams doesn't. On the Five the other night everyone pointed out how Hillary lied about the video tape being the reason for the attack and Juan just shrugged his shoulders and said that's politics. It seemed he thought it was perfectly fine to lie through your teeth to the American people. The rest of the cast sat there stunned. They pressed him on this incredulous and he just said lie, politics same thing. He said look Hillary lied to cover her ass no big deal its just politics. If I had my way I'd make it a violation of the oath of office for a president, VP, speaker of the house, and majority/minority leaders to lie to the American people. The punishment, we boot their ass out of office.

Hopefully the FBI will provide Hillary with a rude awaking.
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.

Dems were already likely to take back the Senate. I think this helps the cause as Hillary is going to win this election by a larger margin, which in turn is going to help Democrats across the country. If I were running her campaign, I would make her biggest soundbite "The Republicans have nothing to run on, so all they can come up with is BENGHAZI".
And 'Benghazi' is no longer of any political value to them anymore; the republican nominee would be a fool to invoke it.
The question is, do people care if their elected leaders are bald faced liars?
Apparently, the Democratic Party today has gone so far off the moral cliff that they just don't care.

Juan Williams doesn't. On the Five the other night everyone pointed out how Hillary lied about the video tape being the reason for the attack and Juan just shrugged his shoulders and said that's politics. It seemed he thought it was perfectly fine to lie through your teeth to the American people. The rest of the cast sat there stunned. They pressed him on this incredulous and he just said lie, politics same thing. He said look Hillary lied to cover her ass no big deal its just politics. If I had my way I'd make it a violation of the oath of office for a president, VP, speaker of the house, and majority/minority leaders to lie to the American people. The punishment, we boot their ass out of office.


What was the lie, exactly?

If you want a real live lie?

Where's Issa? Where's Gowdy? Where are the Republicans?
Interesting spin of BS. I did a very quick review of the subjects on the first page and saw 5 threads in which I think that the hearings were the subject. NONE that I saw were started by anyone on the conservative side. Again, it was quick so I may have missed one or two but never the less I don't see a lot of excitement nor a lot of posts on the hearing by the right. Maybe they will come but for now this appears to be a invention of facts.
Not a good analogy brother. Queen Cersei (sp) is still hated pretty much. And for good reason. Fans were glad to see her walk of shame, not to mention the citizens of Westerlos (sp).

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It wasn't really the story that was important more than the event.

That, basically is what Clinton was forced to do.

Endure hate.

They tried every trick in the book to goad her into some sort of a outburst/breakdown. They failed. I'm not a fan of Clinton but credit goes where credit is due.

The thing is they looked like they were going for her and she stood up... Bernie would have loved to look this presidential.. The optics are very good for Clinton... 11 hours makes it better for her...

In the back of everyone's mind, G W Bush would not have stood up to 11 hours of questioning and we made him President.

On its own it will not win an election but she did push the ball up the field...

Two weeks ago she was caught in a negative feedback loop, the debate and this have put her back on the front foot...

It was arguably her best week in Clinton's political career. A hat trick - debate, Biden out, inquisition.
Watching her...I could not help wondering what would have happened with Palin up there being grilled half that long. And the RW thought she was presidential material.

being around Bill for 40 years and around other libs like Obama, Kerry, Pelosi,etc makes you a good liar.
No real effect one way or another..................

The GOP took the issue too far...............Too many investigations, trying to get some in a lie under oath...............

We know they tried to cover it up with the video and made policy and security errors there, but to have one after another with the same results is useless................

The people will forget this before the election next year.

No effect.
I believe she got away with murder. Literally. It's a sign of just how corrupt and immoral our entire society has become.
Really? Interesting...

Do what's your take on Bush, Jr?

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This thread isn't about George W. Bush, Marc. Your party is going to have to eventually face reality. GWB cannot be used as the scapegoat for Benghazi. Not when you have those who are guilty sitting right in front of you waving their hands around screaming, "What does it matter?"

As I said earlier, Hillary Clinton will answer to God for what she's done and the entire world will learn the truth on the same day. What a day that shall be! See you there!
If it's important to you to have a "scapegoat for Benghazi" it now looks like you'll have to find someone other than Hillary.

This game has been played out.

That is just one of the beautiful facts about the truth. The truth is the truth even when no one wants to admit it is the truth! Even when the highest courts in the land deny the truth ( such as marriage is still between one man and one woman irregardless of what a panel of godless Supreme Court judges have to say about it. Such as Hillary Clinton is a liar and a deceiver with blood on her hands. Still the truth.)

Yes, if the entire world is on the wrong road and insisting it is the right road, it is still the wrong road!

And if the no one is on the right road and therein the world insists it is the wrong road, it is still the right road!

There is a way that seemeth right and it leads to hell. The path to heaven is narrow, few will ever find it. Everyone who lies and loves a lie will be in hell. That is the truth. Not liking the truth? Does not change the truth.

The truth is sovereign, it changes not. It is a tough companion, you may one day have to lay down your very life for it but if you do not stand for the truth? You'll be in hell.

Your decision. This world? Or heaven! Which shall it be? You cannot have both.
I believe she got away with murder. Literally. It's a sign of just how corrupt and immoral our entire society has become.
Really? Interesting...

Do what's your take on Bush, Jr?

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This thread isn't about George W. Bush, Marc. Your party is going to have to eventually face reality. GWB cannot be used as the scapegoat for Benghazi. Not when you have those who are guilty sitting right in front of you waving their hands around screaming, "What does it matter?"

As I said earlier, Hillary Clinton will answer to God for what she's done and the entire world will learn the truth on the same day. What a day that shall be! See you there!
If it's important to you to have a "scapegoat for Benghazi" it now looks like you'll have to find someone other than Hillary.

This game has been played out.

That is just one of the beautiful facts about the truth. The truth is the truth even when no one wants to admit it is the truth! Even when the highest courts in the land deny the truth ( such as marriage is still between one man and one woman irregardless of what a panel of godless Supreme Court judges have to say about it. Such as Hillary Clinton is a liar and a deceiver with blood on her hands. Still the truth.)

Yes, if the entire world is on the wrong road and insisting it is the right road, it is still the wrong road!

And if the no one is on the right road and therein the world insists it is the wrong road, it is still the right road!

There is a way that seemeth right and it leads to hell. The path to heaven is narrow, few will ever find it. Everyone who lies and loves a lie will be in hell. That is the truth. Not liking the truth? Does not change the truth.

The truth is sovereign, it changes not. It is a tough companion, you may one day have to lay down your very life for it but if you do not stand for the truth? You'll be in hell.

Your decision. This world? Or heaven! Which shall it be? You cannot have both.
Yes, both ends of the political spectrum love to tell me they have a vice-like grip on The Truth.

If you think that continuing to chase Hillary on this topic is a good idea, by all means, run with it.
I believe she got away with murder. Literally. It's a sign of just how corrupt and immoral our entire society has become.
Really? Interesting...

Do what's your take on Bush, Jr?

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
This thread isn't about George W. Bush, Marc. Your party is going to have to eventually face reality. GWB cannot be used as the scapegoat for Benghazi. Not when you have those who are guilty sitting right in front of you waving their hands around screaming, "What does it matter?"

As I said earlier, Hillary Clinton will answer to God for what she's done and the entire world will learn the truth on the same day. What a day that shall be! See you there!
If it's important to you to have a "scapegoat for Benghazi" it now looks like you'll have to find someone other than Hillary.

This game has been played out.

That is just one of the beautiful facts about the truth. The truth is the truth even when no one wants to admit it is the truth! Even when the highest courts in the land deny the truth ( such as marriage is still between one man and one woman irregardless of what a panel of godless Supreme Court judges have to say about it. Such as Hillary Clinton is a liar and a deceiver with blood on her hands. Still the truth.)

Yes, if the entire world is on the wrong road and insisting it is the right road, it is still the wrong road!

And if the no one is on the right road and therein the world insists it is the wrong road, it is still the right road!

There is a way that seemeth right and it leads to hell. The path to heaven is narrow, few will ever find it. Everyone who lies and loves a lie will be in hell. That is the truth. Not liking the truth? Does not change the truth.

The truth is sovereign, it changes not. It is a tough companion, you may one day have to lay down your very life for it but if you do not stand for the truth? You'll be in hell.

Your decision. This world? Or heaven! Which shall it be? You cannot have both.
Yes, both ends of the political spectrum love to tell me they have a vice-like grip on The Truth.

If you think that continuing to chase Hillary on this topic is a good idea, by all means, run with it.

I am not chasing Hillary! ha! ha! I have no intention of chasing Hillary! Are you serious?

The US government has become evil and corrupt to the core (and the liberal media that serves as it's mouthpiece). Everything is operating exactly as I would expect a godless, evil, corrupt government would operate (*same goes for the liberal media / news reporters). None of this has taken me by surprise. The bible warns us that such a time would come.

I'm just letting you know there will be a day of accountability for Hillary Clinton, for those who have insisted on calling her good while knowing full well what a wicked and evil woman she is. To call evil Good and good Evil is a sin. God isn't grading on a curve here. You'll be judged by your words, your actions and your deeds. You'll be reminded of defending the wicked and their evil actions while accusing the godly and their defense of the truth. You'll be reminded of it and you'll be held accountable for it.

The end of the world is not light years from now as some assume by evidence of how they are living their lives right now. No, the end of the world is your last day on earth when you take your last breath and there is no opportunity to repent, to call upon the Lord and be saved, to change your mind and your direction. The end could come today for some people. If today were your last day on earth what would you do to prepare to meet the Lord Jesus Christ? Want to get on the right road? The narrow road?

Believe the Word of God and obey it.

It is written:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Isaiah 5:20,21
Yes it is. our Society is taking us down into the gutter of the Entitled, give me give me and these snake Politicians can smell it, taste it, and they are out in full force.....
we used to have a great country where things like lying, morals, honesty and HONOR meant something to a person . now look what's in our government and that will tell you where our Society is at. doomed. I lived in a free country as a free person. I just worry about where my children will have to deal with. its been sad to watch over my 60 years.

^^^^^ The whining cry of white privilege!!!!

Wah, I have to share with the Darkies! I don't like that.

Staph, you remind me of the old joke.

A Koch Brother, a Teabagger and a Poor Person are in a restaurant. A waiter brings out a dozen cookies, the Koch brother wolfs down 11 of them and says to the Teabagger -

"That Welfare queen wants half your cookie!!!"
I find it 'interesting; that the OP question is phrased to emphasize the effect on Hillary's personal political future and not what effect it might have on changes within the State Department, personnel and policy.

I found it obvious that several people within the State Department should have at least been FIRED for negligent acts, such as NOT elevating Stevens' requests and reports to the Sect of State and for not only not giving Stevens more security but for REDUCING the size of his security detail. The ARB even identified 4 individuals as being 'at fault' and who should be punished - yet none of them ever were.

I have read where there were 28 recommendations for change made by the ARB and that some of them have been under-taken, as well they should. It was made clear, however, that those 4 individuals identified by the ARB, at least, have no business working in the State Department (or any govt job) due to their extremely poor judgment...and stupidity.

if we were going to have a discussion about our middle east policy, then you might have a point here.

The things is, Democrats and Republicans have the same middle east policy.

Stick our dicks in a hornet's nest, and then wonder why we get stung.

I should also point out that as a result of Bush's policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, 6000 Americans died needlessly. But since none of htem were an ambassador, you guys won't complain about that.

If you want to put blame, i put the blame on Stevens.

"Hey, let's go to a city that is unsecured, where other agencies have pulled out, on the anniversary of 9/11 right after a video that has sparked unrest across the middle east is making the rounds on the internet."

But we aren't going to have that conversation as long as the Zionists and Oil Companies are dictating our foreign policy.

So we might as well resign ourselves to dead soldiers and dead contractors and dead ambassadors.

They knew the job was dangerous when they took it.

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