POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
I'm just letting you know there will be a day of accountability for Hillary Clinton, for those who have insisted on calling her good while knowing full well what a wicked and evil woman she is. To call evil Good and good Evil is a sin. God isn't grading on a curve here. You'll be judged by your words, your actions and your deeds. You'll be reminded of defending the wicked and their evil actions while accusing the godly and their defense of the truth. You'll be reminded of it and you'll be held accountable for it.

I think a God who drowns babies really doesn't have any business calling anyone else evil.

Your God is a cosmic Susan Smith.
I'm just letting you know there will be a day of accountability for Hillary Clinton, for those who have insisted on calling her good while knowing full well what a wicked and evil woman she is. To call evil Good and good Evil is a sin. God isn't grading on a curve here. You'll be judged by your words, your actions and your deeds. You'll be reminded of defending the wicked and their evil actions while accusing the godly and their defense of the truth. You'll be reminded of it and you'll be held accountable for it.

I think a God who drowns babies really doesn't have any business calling anyone else evil.

Your God is a cosmic Susan Smith.

I think you are off topic, Joe.
I'm just letting you know there will be a day of accountability for Hillary Clinton, for those who have insisted on calling her good while knowing full well what a wicked and evil woman she is. To call evil Good and good Evil is a sin. God isn't grading on a curve here. You'll be judged by your words, your actions and your deeds. You'll be reminded of defending the wicked and their evil actions while accusing the godly and their defense of the truth. You'll be reminded of it and you'll be held accountable for it.

I think a God who drowns babies really doesn't have any business calling anyone else evil.

Your God is a cosmic Susan Smith.

I think you are off topic, Joe.

you are the one invoking God in this thread.

Here's the thing. I don't think this is a good or evil kind of thing. I do actually think that our actions in Libya were bad policy, the kind of bad policy a lot on the left thought they were putting an end to when they voted for Obama in the first place. But Obama is engaging in the same kind of stupidity that Bush and the first Clinton and Bush's Daddy and Reagan did. Let's get in the middle of someone else's fights.
The question is, do people care if their elected leaders are bald faced liars?
Apparently, the Democratic Party today has gone so far off the moral cliff that they just don't care.

Juan Williams doesn't. On the Five the other night everyone pointed out how Hillary lied about the video tape being the reason for the attack and Juan just shrugged his shoulders and said that's politics. It seemed he thought it was perfectly fine to lie through your teeth to the American people. The rest of the cast sat there stunned. They pressed him on this incredulous and he just said lie, politics same thing. He said look Hillary lied to cover her ass no big deal its just politics. If I had my way I'd make it a violation of the oath of office for a president, VP, speaker of the house, and majority/minority leaders to lie to the American people. The punishment, we boot their ass out of office.

Hopefully the FBI will provide Hillary with a rude awaking.

More wishful thinking from another nut job. Keep dreaming, because it's all you have.
The question is, do people care if their elected leaders are bald faced liars?
Apparently, the Democratic Party today has gone so far off the moral cliff that they just don't care.

Juan Williams doesn't. On the Five the other night everyone pointed out how Hillary lied about the video tape being the reason for the attack and Juan just shrugged his shoulders and said that's politics. It seemed he thought it was perfectly fine to lie through your teeth to the American people. The rest of the cast sat there stunned. They pressed him on this incredulous and he just said lie, politics same thing. He said look Hillary lied to cover her ass no big deal its just politics. If I had my way I'd make it a violation of the oath of office for a president, VP, speaker of the house, and majority/minority leaders to lie to the American people. The punishment, we boot their ass out of office.

Hopefully the FBI will provide Hillary with a rude awaking.

More wishful thinking from another nut job. Keep dreaming, because it's all you have.

Are you saying that the FBI is investigating Hillary without probable cause? :cuckoo:
The GOP tried to break Hillary and they failed miserably. Now everyone knows it just as they know the whole Benghazi thing was political.
Just curious - I'm not seeing a great deal of excitement from the GOP about their efforts to get Hillary yesterday. What do you think the hearing did to her presidential chances?

The political side of this only.

I think the only thing the hearings did was showcase her complete incompetence and that of the State Department she ran.

Her State Department had months of warnings about an attack and did absolutely nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Nope. Clinton isn't fit to be POTUS and god help us if she ever gains the White House.
I think the only thing the hearings did was showcase her complete incompetence and that of the State Department she ran.

Her State Department had months of warnings about an attack and did absolutely nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Nope. Clinton isn't fit to be POTUS and god help us if she ever gains the White House.

again, if you guys had something to offer other than game show hosts and sad Uncle Toms, you could really talk.

So let me get this straight. Bush ignores A memo that specifically says Bin Laden Determine to hit US with Airplanes. 3000 Americans die. Bush lies about WMD's, sends soldiers into Iraq with faulty armor and inadequate troops, and 5000 of them DIE, this is no big deal to Cons..

But Hillary didn't antcipate a riot, and Gosh darn, we will find a scandal in here somewhere.
Just curious - I'm not seeing a great deal of excitement from the GOP about their efforts to get Hillary yesterday. What do you think the hearing did to her presidential chances?

The political side of this only.

I think the only thing the hearings did was showcase her complete incompetence and that of the State Department she ran.

Her State Department had months of warnings about an attack and did absolutely nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Nope. Clinton isn't fit to be POTUS and god help us if she ever gains the White House.
Every benghazi investigating committee concluded there was no warning that this attack was going to happen.
I'm kind of curious as to who is so delusional that they think the GOP "nailed" Hillary or benefitted from the so-called "hearings"
You dont think presenting proof Hillary lied about the incident to the American people is nailing her?
You poor thing.
I'm kind of curious as to who is so delusional that they think the GOP "nailed" Hillary or benefitted from the so-called "hearings"
You dont think presenting proof Hillary lied about the incident to the American people is nailing her?
Are you saying that the FBI is investigating Hillary without probable cause?

Pretty much. also they've said she iisn't a target, but don't worry, this will blow up on your face, too.
True, she is not the target of the fbi investigation, I read they are investigating whether the current state dept are releasing her emails properly for the FOIA REQUESTS, with redaction on emails that were LATER deemed classified...

And the State dept and fbi are duking out what is classified and what is not. The State dept has final say on classification.
Are you saying that the FBI is investigating Hillary without probable cause?

Pretty much. also they've said she iisn't a target, but don't worry, this will blow up on your face, too.

The question has to be asked.
Do we know anything more why those 4 people died now than we did before the investigation started?

Did Clinton not answer all questions posed to her?

This is a simple smearing attempt that has backfired as it was so ham fisted the lowest information voter knows what it is... I would like to thank the GOP to now not only calling to question of their motives when accusing of things over Benghazi but everything you have accused her of.

The crazies here have shouted lies but offered no actual proof of Clinton deliberately lying.

So keep going...
Just curious - I'm not seeing a great deal of excitement from the GOP about their efforts to get Hillary yesterday. What do you think the hearing did to her presidential chances?

The political side of this only.

I think the only thing the hearings did was showcase her complete incompetence and that of the State Department she ran.

Her State Department had months of warnings about an attack and did absolutely nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Nope. Clinton isn't fit to be POTUS and god help us if she ever gains the White House.
Every benghazi investigating committee concluded there was no warning that this attack was going to happen.

Goggle is your friend.

They had months of warnings and the State Department run by Clinton did nothing.

Those same warnings were the reason the Brits and the Red Cross pulled out of LIbya. That's what we should have done.

Our ambassador called for more security which wasn't provided.

Those four good men died because State did nothing. State was run by Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The buck will forever stop at her desk.
You dont think presenting proof Hillary lied about the incident to the American people is nailing her?
You poor thing.

too bad they did nothing of the sort.
Everyone who doesn't live under a rock knows they tried to cover it up with a Lie...............The video did it.............

At the same time, the investigation after investigation wasn't going to lead to any dang thing........

Now Hillary can play the innocent VICTIM STATUS............how they didn't lie.............

Politically, it was stupid to continue this, knowing the DOJ and current administration would do a dang thing for the violations of email protocol....................................

Were they a failure before and after Benghazi..........You Betcha....................Did they attempt a cover up.........aka a Lie.......Darn Right You Betcha........................will the extra investigations do a dang thing about it..............Nope.

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