POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
Goggle is your friend.

They had months of warnings and the State Department run by Clinton did nothing.

Those same warnings were the reason the Brits and the Red Cross pulled out of LIbya. That's what we should have done.

Our ambassador called for more security which wasn't provided.

Those four good men died because State did nothing. State was run by Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The buck will forever stop at her desk.

Here's the thing about that theory. If Stevens was SOOOO concerned about security in Benghazi, why did he leave his nice safe embassy compound in Tripoli (which for you guys who learned your geography in Home SKule, is the capital of Libya) and go to Benghazi if he KNEW it was such a dangerous place?

Maybe he wasn't as concerned as you guys make it out to be?
The buck will forever stop at her desk.

The buck for 9 11 will forever stop at Moron-Bush 43 's desk.... then the stooge invaded the wrong country..

We know even minutia about Benghazi such as what Clinton told her daughter ...we know next to nothing about 911 .....Eight investigations of Benghazi and one half ass Investigation of the worst attack on the US mainland in history....

The thread isn't about Bush or 9-11.

Its about Clinton and Benghazi.

Get your head out of your ass.

Oh wait. I forgot. That's your usual posture. Never mind. Idiot.
I'm kind of curious as to who is so delusional that they think the GOP "nailed" Hillary or benefitted from the so-called "hearings"
You dont think presenting proof Hillary lied about the incident to the American people is nailing her?
You poor thing.
Your dreaming, or living in this right wing propaganda bubble....

They provided no proof, what so ever that she lied about the attack, none, zero, zip.

A terrorist wannabe al-Qaeda group took credit for the attack, she talked to Chelsea, the following day, this terrorist group reneged, retracted their responsibility for the attack....the admin also received 21 action reports from various Intelligence agencies that attributed the incident to the video.

It was changing by the minute, fluid.....

No one lied.
NOPE, not lying, you just did not watch the hearing and are uninformed on the other hearings on this....

Get out of your right wing bubble and echo chamber and read up on it....
Again............BS.............they pushed the video did it and got called on it................That's a Lie.............they later said it was a terrorist attack after their BS didn't fly......................and you know it.
Your surrender here is noted. You have some floor to sweep or ashtray to empty? Go at it. Spare the rest ofus your stupidity and snark.

Goggle is your friend.

They had months of warnings and the State Department run by Clinton did nothing.

Those same warnings were the reason the Brits and the Red Cross pulled out of LIbya. That's what we should have done.

Our ambassador called for more security which wasn't provided.

Those four good men died because State did nothing. State was run by Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The buck will forever stop at her desk.

Here's the thing about that theory. If Stevens was SOOOO concerned about security in Benghazi, why did he leave his nice safe embassy compound in Tripoli (which for you guys who learned your geography in Home SKule, is the capital of Libya) and go to Benghazi if he KNEW it was such a dangerous place?

Maybe he wasn't as concerned as you guys make it out to be?

Google is your friend.
Everyone who doesn't live under a rock knows they tried to cover it up with a Lie...............The video did it.............

At the same time, the investigation after investigation wasn't going to lead to any dang thing........

Now Hillary can play the innocent VICTIM STATUS............how they didn't lie.............

Politically, it was stupid to continue this, knowing the DOJ and current administration would do a dang thing for the violations of email protocol....................................

Were they a failure before and after Benghazi..........You Betcha....................Did they attempt a cover up.........aka a Lie.......Darn Right You Betcha........................will the extra investigations do a dang thing about it..............Nope.

Except there is no evidence that the Video wasn't a causing factor for the riot. IN fact, there were riots over that video all over the Islamic World that week.

And the guy who masterminded the riot has said that the video was why they attacked.

You see, the thing is, the Weird Mormon Robot looked like a fucking Ghoul when he tried to make politics out of this in 2012, he got slapped down by Candy Crowley when he lied about Obama not using the word "Terrorist". But you guys have had 8 investigations and spent 20 million dollars coming to pretty much the same conclusion.

Hillary did nothing wrong.
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

Except she never said it wasn't a "Terrorist Attack".

So what you have is her public statements were more cautious than her private ones.

Big fucking whoop. I hope so. I would hope that she would wait for the FBI and CIA to do their jobs before she said anything publically.
Just curious - I'm not seeing a great deal of excitement from the GOP about their efforts to get Hillary yesterday. What do you think the hearing did to her presidential chances?

The political side of this only.

I think the only thing the hearings did was showcase her complete incompetence and that of the State Department she ran.

Her State Department had months of warnings about an attack and did absolutely nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Nope. Clinton isn't fit to be POTUS and god help us if she ever gains the White House.
Every benghazi investigating committee concluded there was no warning that this attack was going to happen.

Goggle is your friend.

They had months of warnings and the State Department run by Clinton did nothing.

Those same warnings were the reason the Brits and the Red Cross pulled out of LIbya. That's what we should have done.

Our ambassador called for more security which wasn't provided.

Those four good men died because State did nothing. State was run by Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The buck will forever stop at her desk.
I guess all those republicans on the previous investigative committee's are LYING then....:rolleyes:

They had no warnings on this 9/11 Benghazi attack....

ALL 8 investigations came to the SAME conclusion.
The thread isn't about Bush or 9-11.

Its about Clinton and Benghazi.

Get your head out of your ass.

Oh wait. I forgot. That's your usual posture. Never mind. Idiot.

This thread is about Idiots like you trying to pretend that Benghazi was the worst fuck up ever...the worst Fuck up ever happens to be George W Bush...he failed America in every way that you are trying to say Hillary did ...may I add that I have contempt for total assholes like you:banana::badgrin:
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

Except she never said it wasn't a "Terrorist Attack".

So what you have is her public statements were more cautious than her private ones.

Big fucking whoop. I hope so. I would hope that she would wait for the FBI and CIA to do their jobs before she said anything publically.
LOL. She called it a spontaneous demonstration against an internet video. That was a lie. Do you understand the difference between a lie and the truth? Somehow I doubt it.
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

what there is no denying is that your opinion is a total micro minority opinion of unhinged fools...the National Media [see the political cartoons I have posted] seem united in seeing the Benghazi hearing as rout by Hillary of the bag of Filberts that tried to take her down...
The wing nuts think if they keep screaming and flaming and accusing it will magically convince the Nation that Benghazi was worst than 9 11 LOL its really pathetic in a way
Ultimately, Gowdy will recommend that Obama and Hillary be tried for treason for covering up a terrorist attack
The wing nuts think if they keep screaming and flaming and accusing it will magically convince the Nation that Benghazi was worst than 9 11 LOL its really pathetic in a way
Who the Fuck is saying that except you liberal dweebs................................

I've stated that the GOP carried this too far...................but in the end.........this Administration is incompetent..........and Lied about how it went down because they wanted damage control before an election.................They Lied..............It never was a danged video.................They never should have even gone down that road...............

Just like in Bill's hearings..............he should have just said, Yeah I did Monica..............and been done with it.

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