POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
Ultimately, Gowdy will recommend that Obama and Hillary be tried for treason for covering up a terrorist attack
It's not going to work..........It will never go down that way...................

Never fight an enemy on a hill with no chance of winning..............In the end, they will play the victim status to the hilt..............It serves nothing anymore.
Who the Fuck is saying that except you liberal dweebs................................

The wing nuts are saying it smegma breath.
..you must be some sort of asshole not to see what the screaming ninnies of the Right wing are posting right here on this thread
Who the Fuck is saying that except you liberal dweebs................................

The wing nuts are saying it smegma breath.
..you must be some sort of asshole not to see what the screaming ninnies of the Right wing are posting right here on this thread
You support Lying Sacks of shit...............and the GOP are dumb asses for continuing this........................

You can have your Lying Candidate........................Sell the Snake Oil Lib...............No video did it............The administration, like all it's foreign policies, are miserable failures.....................The world is laughing at him................

The pictures of the embassy in Tripoli? Flying the ISIS Flag............

That is the foreign policy of the current administration and Hillary.............Complete failures..............
Yemen rebels seize U.S. Embassy vehicles as diplomats flee

Yemen rebels seized U.S. Embassy vehicles in the capital of Sanaa on Wednesday as diplomats fled the country and several foreign embassies closed amid deteriorating security conditions.

More than 25 vehicles were taken by Houthi rebels after Americans departed the city's airport, airport officials told the Associated Press.

The Marine Corps said security personnel destroyed their personal weapons before boarding a commercial flight out of Yemen.

They destroyed heavier weapons, such as machine guns, before departing the shuttered U.S. Embassy in an "orderly" evacuation, said Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman. He said "several" vehicles were left behind.

A small number of military personnel not assigned to the embassy remain behind, he said. Staffers at the U.S. Embassy also destroyed files and documents, the Associated Press reported.

Meanwhile, the State Department said it currently had no plans for a government-sponsored evacuation of American citizens but urged extreme caution amid an ongoing risk of kidnapping.

That is the foreign policy of the current administration and Hillary.............Complete failures..............
:bsflag: you are some hysterical right wing ninnie but aren't you all

Media Dismantle Rep. Jim Jordan's "Smoking Gun" Evidence That Clinton Deliberately Misinformed About Benghazi
Media outlets refuted Rep. Jim Jordan's (R-OH) baseless claim that Hillary Clinton deliberately misled the public about the cause of the Benghazi, explaining that his allegations disregarded how intelligence evolved in the immediate aftermath of the attacks and ignored the possibility that "the attacks could be both an example of terrorism and influenced by outrage over the video."
I'm kind of curious as to who is so delusional that they think the GOP "nailed" Hillary or benefitted from the so-called "hearings"
You dont think presenting proof Hillary lied about the incident to the American people is nailing her?
You poor thing.
Your dreaming, or living in this right wing propaganda bubble....

They provided no proof, what so ever that she lied about the attack, none, zero, zip.

A terrorist wannabe al-Qaeda group took credit for the attack, she talked to Chelsea, the following day, this terrorist group reneged, retracted their responsibility for the attack....the admin also received 21 action reports from various Intelligence agencies that attributed the incident to the video.

It was changing by the minute, fluid.....

No one lied.
NOPE, not lying, you just did not watch the hearing and are uninformed on the other hearings on this....

Get out of your right wing bubble and echo chamber and read up on it....
Again............BS.............they pushed the video did it and got called on it................That's a Lie.............they later said it was a terrorist attack after their BS didn't fly......................and you know it.
NO I don't know that they were trying to cover it up, there was no reason to....

in one week or so, after they had more reliable information they came to us and told us all that terrorists did the attack.....1 week...... whoop Dee do.

Right wingers claim Obama did this because he said al-Qaeda was conquered, gone, done etc....

BUT Obama NEVER EVER claimed al-Qaeda was gone, done....there would never be another attack from them....

YOUR Right wing Spin meisters CLAIMED he said something he didn't say....and then made up this as the reason...

How can you not see this?

Btw, where is al-Qaeda.....? Haven't heard about them in years....
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Hysterical numb but right wingers letting Hillary drive them crazy

That is the foreign policy of the current administration and Hillary.............Complete failures..............
:bsflag: you are some hysterical right wing ninnie but aren't you all

Media Dismantle Rep. Jim Jordan's "Smoking Gun" Evidence That Clinton Deliberately Misinformed About Benghazi
Media outlets refuted Rep. Jim Jordan's (R-OH) baseless claim that Hillary Clinton deliberately misled the public about the cause of the Benghazi, explaining that his allegations disregarded how intelligence evolved in the immediate aftermath of the attacks and ignored the possibility that "the attacks could be both an example of terrorism and influenced by outrage over the video."

Over 60% of America think Hillary is a Liar..............that leaves the butt kissing 40% like you who live in Fantasy Land.................

She's a Liar............Obama is a Liar...............and the No cover up is a Lie..................

I don't give a fuck if you disagree with me on that one or not.........................

I also think the GOP are a bunch of dumb asses for taking it this far.................Enjoy your time in the sun............it will not last.
Media Lampoon Benghazi Committee Hearing As "Counterproductive," A "Sham," And "An Embarrassment"

New York Times: The Benghazi Committee Has Been "A Wasteful And Counterproductive Exercise That Accomplished Nothing." The New York Times editorial board called out the "pointless" and "wasteful" committee hearing as having "yielded no new information" and for "quickly and predictably devolv[ing] into a partisan battle." The board encouraged the panel's Democratic members to "walk away" from the "counterproductive exercise that accomplished nothing":
Washington Post: The Benghazi Committee "Further Discredited Itself" During Their "Unfortunate" Hearing. In an editorial,The Washington Post criticized the Republican-led Benghazi committee's October 22 hearing, saying members had, "further discredited" themselves with their "attempt to fuel largely insubstantial suspicions about Hillary Clinton's role" in the attacks:
THE HOUSE Select Committee on Benghazi further discredited itself on Thursday as its Republican members attempted to fuel largely insubstantial suspicions about Hillary Clinton's role in the 2012 Benghazi attacks. Grilling Ms. Clinton all day, they elicited little new information and offered little hope that their inquiry would find anything significant that seven previous investigations didn't. [The Washington Post, 10/22/15]
You dont think presenting proof Hillary lied about the incident to the American people is nailing her?
You poor thing.
Your dreaming, or living in this right wing propaganda bubble....

They provided no proof, what so ever that she lied about the attack, none, zero, zip.

A terrorist wannabe al-Qaeda group took credit for the attack, she talked to Chelsea, the following day, this terrorist group reneged, retracted their responsibility for the attack....the admin also received 21 action reports from various Intelligence agencies that attributed the incident to the video.

It was changing by the minute, fluid.....

No one lied.
NOPE, not lying, you just did not watch the hearing and are uninformed on the other hearings on this....

Get out of your right wing bubble and echo chamber and read up on it....
Again............BS.............they pushed the video did it and got called on it................That's a Lie.............they later said it was a terrorist attack after their BS didn't fly......................and you know it.
NO I don't know that they were trying to cover it up, there was no reason to....

in one week or so, after they had more reliable information they came to us and told us all that terrorists did the attack.....1 week...... whoop Dee do.

Right wingers claim Obama did this because he said al-Qaeda was concurred, gone, done etc....

BUT Obama NEVER EVER claimed al-Qaeda was gone, done....there would never be another attack from them....

YOUR Right wing Spin meisters CLAIMED he said something he didn't say....and then made up this as the reason...

How can you not see this?

Btw, where is al-Qaeda.....? Haven't heard about them in years....
Well they were having a pool party with ISIS in our old embassy in Tripoli.........don't know about now......

Libya is a joke of foreign policy...........the video did it attempt was utter horse hockey...........and a lie.
Now that there has been a few days for the dust to settle, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't hear much from that committee again.

Meanwhile, Hillary has some serious momentum.
MSNBC's Morning Joe: The Hearing Was "A TKO For Hillary Clinton," The Panel Fell "Flat On Its Face."

On the October 23 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough declared the hearing a "TKO for Hillary Clinton," saying the questioners "looked like fools," and the panel fell "flat on its face." Contributor Mike Barnicle agreed with Scarborough and added that "the questioning was largely hostile, angry, [and] disrespectful toward" Clinton. He concluded that if the same committee had investigated Watergate, "Richard Nixon would have finished his term":
You can flood this thread with cut and paste usual shit..................doesn't change that they tried to cover up with a video did it...........

Doesn't cover up the fact that their Foreign Policy is a Joke............

Unless you think handing over embassies to the enemy is good policy.
Reuters: The Hearing "Uncovered No New Revelations."
An October 22 Reuters article noted the committee's failure to produce new material: "The long hearing uncovered no new revelations in a deadly incident that has been the subject of a half-dozen other congressional investigations and an independent inquiry." The article also pointed out that "even some Republicans said Republican lawmakers had swung at Clinton and missed with their aggressive questioning":
You can flood this thread with cut and paste usual shit..................doesn't change that they tried to cover up with a video did it...........

Doesn't cover up the fact that their Foreign Policy is a Joke............

Unless you think handing over embassies to the enemy is good policy.
I am showing you numb nuts media opinion both in political cartoons and statements that demonstrate your version of the Benghazi hearing is a minority opinion held by basically nut bags like you...Benghazi was nothing but a minor tragedy midst ongoing brutal Middle East tragedy set off by the Idiot43 invasion of Iraq...no matter how you screech screed flame or scream Benghazi is done.....
You can flood this thread with cut and paste usual shit..................doesn't change that they tried to cover up with a video did it...........

Doesn't cover up the fact that their Foreign Policy is a Joke............

Unless you think handing over embassies to the enemy is good policy.
I am showing you numb nuts media opinion both in political cartoons and statements that demonstrate your version of the Benghazi hearing is a minority opinion held by basically nut bags like you...Benghazi was nothing but a minor tragedy midst ongoing brutal Middle East tragedy set off by the Idiot43 invasion of Iraq...no matter how you screech screed flame or scream Benghazi is done.....
But Bush...........broken record......

Hey numb nuts........Jeb is tanking in the polls.
You can flood this thread with cut and paste usual shit..................doesn't change that they tried to cover up with a video did it...........

Doesn't cover up the fact that their Foreign Policy is a Joke............

Unless you think handing over embassies to the enemy is good policy.
I am showing you numb nuts media opinion both in political cartoons and statements that demonstrate your version of the Benghazi hearing is a minority opinion held by basically nut bags like you...Benghazi was nothing but a minor tragedy midst ongoing brutal Middle East tragedy set off by the Idiot43 invasion of Iraq...no matter how you screech screed flame or scream Benghazi is done.....
But Bush...........broken record......

Hey numb nuts........Jeb is tanking in the polls.
T-Rump mentions that Bush was POTUS on 9 11 and the GOP goes nuts ...that tells you something............
The idea that at least some of the attackers in Benghazi were inspired by protests over the video was still current in intelligence circles three days after the attacks. The first draft of "talking points" prepared by the CIA, dated Sept. 14, said: "We believe based on currently available information that the attacks in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and subsequently its annex."

But those talking points also said this: "We do know that Islamic extremists with ties to Al Qaeda participated in the attack." (That statement later morphed into a reference to generic "extremists.")

In other words, the attacks could be both an example of terrorism and influenced by outrage over the video -- a seemingly simple concept Republicans still can't wrap their heads around.

To this day, some people believe that outrage over the video was a factor in at least some of the violence in Benghazi. In a major investigative report published in December 2013, the New York Times reported that "contrary to claims by some members of Congress, [the attack] was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam." [Los Angeles Times,10/23/15]
You can flood this thread with cut and paste usual shit..................doesn't change that they tried to cover up with a video did it...........

Doesn't cover up the fact that their Foreign Policy is a Joke............

Unless you think handing over embassies to the enemy is good policy.
I am showing you numb nuts media opinion both in political cartoons and statements that demonstrate your version of the Benghazi hearing is a minority opinion held by basically nut bags like you...Benghazi was nothing but a minor tragedy midst ongoing brutal Middle East tragedy set off by the Idiot43 invasion of Iraq...no matter how you screech screed flame or scream Benghazi is done.....
But Bush...........broken record......

Hey numb nuts........Jeb is tanking in the polls.
T-Rump mentions that Bush was POTUS on 9 11 and the GOP goes nuts ...that tells you something............
I believe Trump is another LIar.........................that answer your question...............

We shifted the balance of power to the Shiites..............The Sunni's are enraged by it..................Bush thought that if he gave them a taste of Freedom they would never give it up......................Problem is that over there they are ruled by Religion and that it's a way of life for them.............and it was Naive to think we could change them............................

I argued this before going in...............I said after 9/11 that we should kill as many as possible for pay back and get the hell out before the dust settled...........................Once our national position of rebuilding Iraq was the policy......even though I don't think we should have done it..............I supported it hoping I was wrong.........

It was wrong to go cold turkey and haul ass...............that guaranteed that Iraq would go up in complete flames........It was only our forces there that kept it at bay then.....................That is another policy error by Obama......

Along with the foolish notion that the FSA could take Assad out and take Syria.....................that policy is a failure.............

Now, the Russians are killing those we consider allies and daring us to do anything about it............Foolish policy, and another failure............................

That is what the current administration.............Utter failure............and Hillary is part of that failure.

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