POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
You dont think presenting proof Hillary lied about the incident to the American people is nailing her?
You poor thing.

too bad they did nothing of the sort.
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

This was from her first public statement on Sept 12th.

"Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings."


An al Qaeda associated group claimed responsibility and then later retracted it.
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video.

All of those things cannot be true. Only one can be true.
Was she lying when she wrote to Chelsea?
Was she lying when she wrote to the government in Egypt?
Or was she lying when she told Americans it was spontaneous?

She had no incentive to lie to Chelsea or the Egyptian government.
She had incentive to lie to the American people because the attack contradicted the adiministration line that AQ was on the run.

So which is it? Show some intellectual honesty here and answer the question.

Of course they can.

Quote the lie then.
You dont think presenting proof Hillary lied about the incident to the American people is nailing her?
You poor thing.

too bad they did nothing of the sort.
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

This was from her first public statement on Sept 12th.

"Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings."


An al Qaeda associated group claimed responsibility and then later retracted it.
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video.

All of those things cannot be true. Only one can be true.
Was she lying when she wrote to Chelsea?
Was she lying when she wrote to the government in Egypt?
Or was she lying when she told Americans it was spontaneous?

She had no incentive to lie to Chelsea or the Egyptian government.
She had incentive to lie to the American people because the attack contradicted the adiministration line that AQ was on the run.

So which is it? Show some intellectual honesty here and answer the question.

Of course they can.

Quote the lie then.
They can both be true?
The incident was both a spontaneous reaction to a video AND a planned attack by an AQ affiliate?
Wow, you really are heading into lunacy.
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.
too bad they did nothing of the sort.
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

This was from her first public statement on Sept 12th.

"Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings."


An al Qaeda associated group claimed responsibility and then later retracted it.
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video.

All of those things cannot be true. Only one can be true.
Was she lying when she wrote to Chelsea?
Was she lying when she wrote to the government in Egypt?
Or was she lying when she told Americans it was spontaneous?

She had no incentive to lie to Chelsea or the Egyptian government.
She had incentive to lie to the American people because the attack contradicted the adiministration line that AQ was on the run.

So which is it? Show some intellectual honesty here and answer the question.

Of course they can.

Quote the lie then.
They can both be true?
The incident was both a spontaneous reaction to a video AND a planned attack by an AQ affiliate?
Wow, you really are heading into lunacy.

I couldn't help but noticed you forgot to include the actual quote of her lie.
you are a dishonest piece of shit


Reducing you to a foul mouth degenerate. It's just what you do.

Your failure and defeat on this thread is aknowledged and accepted. You tried to deflect to Bush. That failed. You tried to play stupid. That failed. You tried to say two opposite things were both true. That obviously failed. So now you play this card, proving your inability to answer the question and your intellectual dishonesty.
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.

obama didnt "play the possibility of the video playing a part", he and Rice flat out blamed the attack on the video

Rabbi is right, you losers on the left are devoid of intellectual honesty
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.
LOL!!! Now we're down to complete denial of facts. Here's Hillary. Watch at 7:25 and following.
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.

obama didnt "play the possibility of the video playing a part", he and Rice flat out blamed the attack on the video

Rabbi is right, you losers on the left are devoid of intellectual honesty
but Obama/rice is NOT running. So isn't your post intellectually, and blatantly, dishonest.
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.

obama didnt "play the possibility of the video playing a part", he and Rice flat out blamed the attack on the video

Rabbi is right, you losers on the left are devoid of intellectual honesty
but Obama/rice is NOT running. So isn't your post intellectually, and blatantly, dishonest.

but the Dems that ARE RUNNING are STILL parroting that line of BS. so it mattters, and it's YOU being blatantly intellectually dishonest'

try again..................
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

This was from her first public statement on Sept 12th.

"Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings."


An al Qaeda associated group claimed responsibility and then later retracted it.
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video.

All of those things cannot be true. Only one can be true.
Was she lying when she wrote to Chelsea?
Was she lying when she wrote to the government in Egypt?
Or was she lying when she told Americans it was spontaneous?

She had no incentive to lie to Chelsea or the Egyptian government.
She had incentive to lie to the American people because the attack contradicted the adiministration line that AQ was on the run.

So which is it? Show some intellectual honesty here and answer the question.

Of course they can.

Quote the lie then.
They can both be true?
The incident was both a spontaneous reaction to a video AND a planned attack by an AQ affiliate?
Wow, you really are heading into lunacy.

I couldn't help but noticed you forgot to include the actual quote of her lie.
Here she is herself. See at 1:00 and following.
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.

obama didnt "play the possibility of the video playing a part", he and Rice flat out blamed the attack on the video

Rabbi is right, you losers on the left are devoid of intellectual honesty
but Obama/rice is NOT running. So isn't your post intellectually, and blatantly, dishonest.
No one suggests Obama was leading the attack on the embassy. So your post is nonsense.
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.
LOL!!! Now we're down to complete denial of facts. Here's Hillary. Watch at 7:25 and following.

She never said the Libya attack was over the video. She said they were investigating the cause, and then she said the video didn't justify an attack anywhere.
State Dept incompetence under The Hildabeast's "leadership." 600 requests for additional security denied. Smoking gun regarding the video story lie.

Mild to moderate damage that will show up in campaign ads.
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.
LOL!!! Now we're down to complete denial of facts. Here's Hillary. Watch at 7:25 and following.

She never said the Libya attack was over the video. She said they were investigating the cause, and then she said the video didn't justify an attack anywhere.

Yes she did. Lied out of her ass.

Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.
LOL!!! Now we're down to complete denial of facts. Here's Hillary. Watch at 7:25 and following.

She never said the Libya attack was over the video. She said they were investigating the cause, and then she said the video didn't justify an attack anywhere.

yes she did blame it on the video leftard, BEFORE she aditted it wasnt to blame:

Clinton Claims She Didn't Blame Benghazi Attack on a ...
4 days ago - I said some have sought to justify the attack because of the video. .... Hillary lies so easily that even when she is caught with the untruths all over
committee can't prove anything ... 11 hours later, nothing.

1 idiot says Clinton lied and viola, its a fact.

this is why RW's are such losers ...

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