POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
in your mind. But in the end, the gop got nothing. And, you may recall, there were posters on this board who were warning that if all the gop went with was Benghazi, we were most likely looking at Hillary as potus.
committee can't prove anything ... 11 hours later, nothing.

1 idiot says Clinton lied and viola, its a fact.

this is why RW's are such losers ...


she's on record telling others it wasnt

that's why YOU'RE a loser
in your mind. But in the end, the gop got nothing. And, you may recall, there were posters on this board who were warning that if all the gop went with was Benghazi, we were most likely looking at Hillary as potus.

we got her admitting the attack wasnt about the video; as you messiah claimed repeatedly, idiot

that isnt nothing
in your mind. But in the end, the gop got nothing. And, you may recall, there were posters on this board who were warning that if all the gop went with was Benghazi, we were most likely looking at Hillary as potus.

It doesn't bother you Hillary lied to the families in front of their children's caskets? It means nothing that there is now absolute proof she lied?

I just want to make sure I understand you.
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.
LOL!!! Now we're down to complete denial of facts. Here's Hillary. Watch at 7:25 and following.

Here is the quote you referred to at 7:25.

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our Embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet."

Words matter. No lie there. Some did. What else you got?
This was from her first public statement on Sept 12th.

"Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings."


An al Qaeda associated group claimed responsibility and then later retracted it.
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video.

All of those things cannot be true. Only one can be true.
Was she lying when she wrote to Chelsea?
Was she lying when she wrote to the government in Egypt?
Or was she lying when she told Americans it was spontaneous?

She had no incentive to lie to Chelsea or the Egyptian government.
She had incentive to lie to the American people because the attack contradicted the adiministration line that AQ was on the run.

So which is it? Show some intellectual honesty here and answer the question.

Of course they can.

Quote the lie then.
They can both be true?
The incident was both a spontaneous reaction to a video AND a planned attack by an AQ affiliate?
Wow, you really are heading into lunacy.

I couldn't help but noticed you forgot to include the actual quote of her lie.
Here she is herself. See at 1:00 and following.

"We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful video....."

Which is true. Anything else?
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.
LOL!!! Now we're down to complete denial of facts. Here's Hillary. Watch at 7:25 and following.

Here is the quote you referred to at 7:25.

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our Embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet."

Words matter. No lie there. Some did. What else you got?

She blamed it on a video. This is established fact. Not just the vid I posted but others have posted vids here as well.
What part of that do you not understand?
You tried to deflect to Bush

Comparing and contrasting the "talking points" used by each administration is hardly a deflection.
LOL. Of course it is. This isnt about comparing and contrasting them, This is about Hillary's lies on Benghazi.

No that is your focus, (non-existent lies that is).
She lied. Are you denying the evidence in the videos posted where she says it's a video?
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.
LOL!!! Now we're down to complete denial of facts. Here's Hillary. Watch at 7:25 and following.

Here is the quote you referred to at 7:25.

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our Embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet."

Words matter. No lie there. Some did. What else you got?

She blamed it on a video. This is established fact. Not just the vid I posted but others have posted vids here as well.
What part of that do you not understand?

They initially speculated that the video was involved. They never denied it was terrorism.

By definition it was terrorism.
You tried to deflect to Bush

Comparing and contrasting the "talking points" used by each administration is hardly a deflection.
LOL. Of course it is. This isnt about comparing and contrasting them, This is about Hillary's lies on Benghazi.

No that is your focus, (non-existent lies that is).
She lied. Are you denying the evidence in the videos posted where she says it's a video?

They never denied it was terrorism.

This is such an unimportant point you idiots have obsessed on for 3 years that that alone proves you have nothing real here.
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.
LOL!!! Now we're down to complete denial of facts. Here's Hillary. Watch at 7:25 and following.

Here is the quote you referred to at 7:25.

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our Embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet."

Words matter. No lie there. Some did. What else you got?

She blamed it on a video. This is established fact. Not just the vid I posted but others have posted vids here as well.
What part of that do you not understand?

They initially speculated that the video was involved. They never denied it was terrorism.

By definition it was terrorism.

BUllshit. They knew from the very beginning it was not the video.
They never denied it was caused by bad felafel either.
Rabbi, "
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video."

Problem with that is she didn't do 3.

But it's true the Obama campaign was going to play the possibility of the video playing a part as long as they could point to some intelligence supporting that story.
LOL!!! Now we're down to complete denial of facts. Here's Hillary. Watch at 7:25 and following.

Here is the quote you referred to at 7:25.

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our Embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet."

Words matter. No lie there. Some did. What else you got?

She blamed it on a video. This is established fact. Not just the vid I posted but others have posted vids here as well.
What part of that do you not understand?

They initially speculated that the video was involved. They never denied it was terrorism.

By definition it was terrorism.

BUllshit. They knew from the very beginning it was not the video.
They never denied it was caused by bad felafel either.

They never denied it was terrorism. That is your lie.
Now that the GOP couldnt smear now they are moving to their new theory.

"The FIX is in"

That's the talking point that came out of this so-called hearing.

They said that Hillary was so wonderful that we don't even need an election now.

Just let her sit on her fat ass in her mansion and recover from this harrowing event. No more campaigns needed. No debates. Just turn over the keys to Hillary. The Oval Office is already her's.
Yes, it is.

And I'll bet your ass is just as fat.
Gawd. I think this Benghazi hearing crap is political, I'm no fan of the GOP, but I can admit that the administration clearly blamed that stupid movie specifically for the attack.

Hillary said it, Obama said it, the press secretary said it at :35 on this video.

There really is nothing wrong with being honest.

Well, it's clips from a hardly non-partisan site, but largely I'd agree that the Obama admin was doing all it could to delay in publically concluding it was a planned attack that had nothing to do with the videos as long as there was any intelligence support for the video story. But that is not what the Hillary derangement syndrome is based upon. Rather, it requires one to conclude Hillary intentionally and deliberately misled Americans. And, at most what the "evidence" shows is she didn't derail the admin spin, and let the admin play it out as long as they could.
Gawd. I think this Benghazi hearing crap is political, I'm no fan of the GOP, but I can admit that the administration clearly blamed that stupid movie specifically for the attack.

Hillary said it, Obama said it, the press secretary said it at :35 on this video.

There really is nothing wrong with being honest.

Mac Mac Mac....they were talking about the attacks on our embassies and the violence that was going on in that area of the world in the first two videos, and in the third from Fox, they were discussing the new York Times, lengthy investigative report after they sent reporters there on the ground..... not the admin?

WHERE DO YOU get that they were discussing Benghazi in the first 2 videos????????
Gawd. I think this Benghazi hearing crap is political, I'm no fan of the GOP, but I can admit that the administration clearly blamed that stupid movie specifically for the attack.

Hillary said it, Obama said it, the press secretary said it at :35 on this video.

There really is nothing wrong with being honest.

Well, it's clips from a hardly non-partisan site, but largely I'd agree that the Obama admin was doing all it could to delay in publically concluding it was a planned attack that had nothing to do with the videos as long as there was any intelligence support for the video story. But that is not what the Hillary derangement syndrome is based upon. Rather, it requires one to conclude Hillary intentionally and deliberately misled Americans. And, at most what the "evidence" shows is she didn't derail the admin spin, and let the admin play it out as long as they could.

Wait. So Hillary didnt mislead Americans, even though she said exactly the same thing as Obama did, which was misleading Americans.
Libs have outdone themselves in spin and rationalization. Let's see them do this the next time someone accuses Bush of lying about intelligence before the Iraq War.
One of the episodes I managed to catch on "Game of Thrones" had a woman walking naked through the streets while people spat on her and threw rotten food. Keeping Hillary Clinton on the stand for over 9 hours and having her endure the absolute hatred of Republican inquisitors was like watching that episode again.

Makes sense, after all Cersei IS in fact guilty as charged. She did in fact have three children through incest with Jaime. She DID in fact murder dozens of people.

Just like Hillary - guilty as fucking sin.

The clown car that currently makes up the Republican Presidential pool and the dysfunction of the Republican congress exemplified in this absolutely meaningless exercise in partisan rancor almost assures that Hillary Clinton will be President. It also might get the Senate back for Democrats and make some gains in the House.

Yet you Communist offer an open and unrepentant career criminal as the alternative. Cersie will never take the throne, nor will her alter-ego, the crook Hilliary.

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