POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
This thread is about Idiots like you trying to pretend that Benghazi was the worst fuck up ever...the worst Fuck up ever happens to be George W Bush...he failed America in every way that you are trying to say Hillary did ...may I add that I have contempt for total assholes like you:banana::badgrin:

I think the larger issue with President Bush and his administration is how thy use "Talking Points" in the run up to the Iraq invasion and occupation for a full year before the war that killed thousands of our soldiers was launched.
As much as you want to divert to Bush and an irrelevant military action, there is no evidence that Bush lied. The intelligence was provided and read by not only the entire congress, but other intelligence agencies and acted upon by our allies such as the UK.

And don't bother responding with conspiracy theory garbage from bullshit websites.

Rice lied about the known use for the aluminum tube Iraq imported in several talking points for the Sunday morning shows.

Assuming that's true, are you okay with electing someone who lies about the assassination of our Ambassador to the presidency?

Well I want the Fish but I'll settle for the Chicken.

I don't think she lied.

But then again, I don't think President Bush lied about Iraq either. His words were carefully crafted to give one impression but in reality he said another. Like linking Saddam to 911 and al Qaeda. He may have use them both in the same paragraph but never actually made that claim.
I agree sort of. W was the potus and center of a campaign to deceive, which included feeding a knowningly discredited Niger uranium story to the press. I think he was complicit in a campaign to deceive if not the chief architect.

I agree that Hillary chose her words very carefully, and she did not explicitly lie. I'm convinced the Obama campaign knew, before they had to have the admin admit it, that the video played no role in motivating the guys who actually killed in Benghazi. But even today, there's no way to know everyone at the annex was part of the pre-planned terrorist attack. So, unless one has derangement syndrome, or unless they think what Obama's campaign did was SO BAD that Hillary should have torpedoed Obama and her own political future (which would evidence derangement syndrome) it's a non-story ...... beyond how the GOP has skillfully pushed her poll numbers, and the absurdity of derangement syndrome itself.
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I think the larger issue with President Bush and his administration is how thy use "Talking Points" in the run up to the Iraq invasion and occupation for a full year before the war that killed thousands of our soldiers was launched.
As much as you want to divert to Bush and an irrelevant military action, there is no evidence that Bush lied. The intelligence was provided and read by not only the entire congress, but other intelligence agencies and acted upon by our allies such as the UK.

And don't bother responding with conspiracy theory garbage from bullshit websites.

Rice lied about the known use for the aluminum tube Iraq imported in several talking points for the Sunday morning shows.

Assuming that's true, are you okay with electing someone who lies about the assassination of our Ambassador to the presidency?

Well I want the Fish but I'll settle for the Chicken.

I don't think she lied.

But then again, I don't think President Bush lied about Iraq either. His words were carefully crafted to give one impression but in reality he said another. Like linking Saddam to 911 and al Qaeda. He may have use them both in the same paragraph but never actually made that claim.
I agree sort of. W was the potus and center of a campaign to deceive, which included feeding a knowningly discredited Niger uranium story to the press. I think he was complicit in a campaign to deceive if not the chief architect.

I agree that Hillary chose her words very carefully, and she did not explicitly lie. I'm convinced the Obama campaign knew, before they had to have the admin admit it, that the video played no role in motivating the guys who actually killed in Benghazi. But even today, there's no way to know everyone at the counselate was part of the pre-planned terrorist attack. So, unless one has derangement syndrome, or unless they think what Obama's campaign did was SO BAD that Hillary should have torpedoed Obama and her own political future (which would evidence derangement syndrome) it's a non-story ...... beyond how the GOP has skillfully pushed her poll numbers, and the absurdity of derangement syndrome itself.

I agree it (the they lied about the video) has always been a phony scandal.
Assuming that's true, are you okay with electing someone who lies about the assassination of our Ambassador to the presidency?

No but I will vote for Hillary Clinton you moron grateful she is not like that or Republican which is worst much worst...

Not all republicans are the same and neither are all democrats. Your blind party allegiance symbolizes what's wrong with this country today. Hillary will not be good for this country, what you saw was a light preview of what her presidency could look like.
Assuming that's true, are you okay with electing someone who lies about the assassination of our Ambassador to the presidency?

No but I will vote for Hillary Clinton you moron grateful she is not like that or Republican which is worst much worst...

Not all republicans are the same and neither are all democrats. Your blind party allegiance symbolizes what's wrong with this country today. Hillary will not be good for this country, what you saw was a light preview of what her presidency could look like.
You do know the Republican clown car of Candidates Right... LOL
I agree it (the they lied about the video) has always been a phony scandal.

There is proof she lied. What does that not matter to so many liberals? Do you remember the countless statements she and Obama made after the attacks, claiming it was caused by a disgusting video? She told family members she would get the filmmaker. Now we have emails proving that she knew it was a planned terrorist attack on the same day it happened.

She is nothing but a liar. And the majority of the country knows it.

It really doesn't matter. Bitch lied. Either people KNOW she is a liar or they don't care. Even the lefty "news outlets" couldn't believe she was lying about OBVIOUS things. But next week, they will be salivating on her shit stained panties again.
Waste of money. What isn't, I guess......
tell us again what your right wing masters are telling you in their media circle jerk that she lied about in the hearing, (which would be PURGERY and they could charge her with the crime if she did).
Funny how the right wingers how INSIST on honesty have no problem with Trey Gowdy using FAKE EMAILS to try to smear Hillary. False evidence is against the law and I'm sure is a criminal offense. I hope Hillary files CRIMINAL CHARGES against Gowdy.

The Ethics Committee must throw him out of office for this offense or else just disband because if they don't throw him out then they are USELESS.
Ohhhhhhh.....so now the talking-point is the emails were faked????

That's a new one.

You swallowed that BS?

Is there ever a point where libs are going to just look at something logically and question the bullshit?

Hillary and Obama kept repeating the lie about the attacks being carried out by a bunch of poor protesters who were upset about a video. And the fact that there had been over 200 violent incidents in the area, including an attack on the consulate, were just coincidences if you believe Hillary's bullshit. Then there is the worst attack happening on the 9/11 anniversary, which is a favorite custom of terrorists.

We'd have to believe that those poor protesters must have found all those weapons since poor people wouldn't be able to afford those. And they knew where the safe house was, which was another amazing coincidence.

The attack was well coordinated and took hours. They carried it out like they knew exactly what they were doing, not something the average poor person would have any experience at doing.

Even if you were to accept Hillary's version (not sure what the current one is), you'd still have to ask why no help was sent for our people. The first excuse was that there wasn't enough time. The second excuse was we didn't have permission. The last excuse was that it was Libyan officials' responsibility. Those excuses were all over the board and none hold water. If it had been someone else's responsibility, there would have been demands for them to act that day. There were none. There were no statements saying we were waiting for permission. There was just the excuse that there wasn't enough time.

So, by that reasoning, police shouldn't bother responding to calls for help because there is no way they can get there before the victim is murdered. Of course, help will be sent anyway. We never stop and ask how long an attack or crime will be committed. Help must be sent because the victims need help. Maybe they'll survive and need medical help. We don't just sit and do nothing, then make up stories about who the perps are.

When our people are in danger and cry for help, we go. Or at least we used to do that. No man or woman left behind was always the rule before Obama and Hillary took the helm. Now, it's all about pretending the attack was something it wasn't and placing blame on the wrong ones. It was a terrorist attack and anyone with a fucking clue knew it was likely. They dropped the ball, then lied and that is what the investigation is all about. It is so wrong the way that was handled, especially when it should have been prevented by evacuating our people prior to 9/11. Other countries got their people out, but we left ours hung out to dry.
LOL. She called it a spontaneous demonstration against an internet video. That was a lie. Do you understand the difference between a lie and the truth? Somehow I doubt it.

Do you have an exact quote in context and not how youare characterizing it? Thanks, buddy.

You do realize there were spontaneous demonstrations against this video in 30 countries, right?
God's name is the One Name that is above every other name (His Name is Jesus Christ) and His Name should be welcome in any discussion. Your slandering God and making up a story against Him is reprehensible, Joe. You'll give an account for your words one day but until then, bringing up slanderous accusations against God's name is an attempt to derail the thread and you know it. As for Hillary getting away with murder? As I said before...........she isn't getting away with anything. She is going to give an account for her actions one day.

if you Sky Pixie existed, he'd have no business judging anyone, as his behavior is worse than the worst criminals in history.

Hitler burns Ann Frank once and he is evil.

God burns Ann Frank for all eternity and he is good.
State Dept incompetence under The Hildabeast's "leadership." 600 requests for additional security denied. Smoking gun regarding the video story lie.

Mild to moderate damage that will show up in campaign ads.

we co uld also talk about how the Republican Congress slashed 100 million out of the State department security budget to secure embassies... but no, let's not talk about that.
She blamed it on a video. This is established fact. Not just the vid I posted but others have posted vids here as well.
What part of that do you not understand?

So? The guy who carried out the attack said it was about the video.

Captured Benghazi Mastermind Says Attack Was Revenge For Video

Well, now there’s someone else talking about the video. And he’s no Liberal. Nope, he’s actually the terrorist mastermind himself, Ahmed Abu Khatallah, who was captured by the U.S. on Sunday. According to theNew York Times, Khatallah said that he was motivated by the video and wanted revenge against Americans.

The Times reporter, David Kirkpatrick wrote,

“What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video.”
Eight "investigations" have found nothing and yesterday was a joke.

It's true, you CAN'T fix 'stupid'.

Liberals SWEAR by the ARB (which only makes since it consisted of State Department hand-picked board members - 4 of the 5 were hand-picked by the State Department - and Hillary's top aid was allowed to make suggestions on what changes should be made prior to the report's release) - they point to the ARB's final report as 'gospel'...

....and even THEY - 4 out of 5 hand-picked State Department partisan Libs - found 'something', issuing recommendations to fix 28 deficiencies / issues and singled out 4 people as being 'at fault' and who should be punished (yet never have been); yet ignorantly partisan nut jobs like LN here still falsely claim 'nothing was found'.

As revealed yesterday, Hillary's own e-mails justified the belief of a majority number of people in this country who think she is the MOST UN-TRUSTWORTHY candidate in the race for President:
- She told her family it was a terrorist attack.
- She told the Prime Minister 'We KNOW' it was a terrorist attack and even what FACTION of Islamic Extremist perpetrated the attack. (It was no coincidence that the guy they finally arrested was from that specific faction)
- She then told the American people it was a protest over a video
- She finally testified before Congress - not under oath - about how she did NOT know what it was, if it was a protest or an attack

It's true, you CAN'T fix 'stupid'.

So true. You display the difficulties in attempting to do so.

Liberals SWEAR by the ARB (which only makes since it consisted of State Department hand-picked board members - 4 of the 5 were hand-picked by the State Department - and Hillary's top aid was allowed to make suggestions on what changes should be made prior to the report's release) - they point to the ARB's final report as 'gospel'...

....and even THEY - 4 out of 5 hand-picked State Department partisan Libs - found 'something', issuing recommendations to fix 28 deficiencies / issues and singled out 4 people as being 'at fault' and who should be punished (yet never have been); yet ignorantly partisan nut jobs like LN here still falsely claim 'nothing was found'.

By law the SoS must appoint four of the five ARB members. No scandal there.

The deficiencies are being addressed.

Benghazi Accountability Review Board Implementation

As well as the four people identified by the ARB.

State could have fired employees over Benghazi attack, says Pickering

Nothing was found holding the SoS or other senior officials directly responsible.

As revealed yesterday, Hillary's own e-mails justified the belief of a majority number of people in this country who think she is the MOST UN-TRUSTWORTHY candidate in the race for President:
- She told her family it was a terrorist attack.
- She told the Prime Minister 'We KNOW' it was a terrorist attack and even what FACTION of Islamic Extremist perpetrated the attack. (It was no coincidence that the guy they finally arrested was from that specific faction)
- She then told the American people it was a protest over a video

When did she tell the American people that the attack in Benghazi resulted from a video?

How are we three years into this and you are still so woefully misinformed even with 8 reports out there?
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HS, did you even watch any of the Committee hearing in which Hillary just testified? Obviously NOT because all of your ignorant questions were answered then...and you were proven wrong THEN.

I just love to watch Liberals get all pissed off at the truth, offended their 'leaders' get busted for lying and corruption, then spew stupid stuff (aka their opinion) in light of facts they have either missed or ignored. You, my friend, just proved to be the 'poster child' for this scenario!
The information exposed in this exchange will sink Hillary and possibly land her in prison.

that is crazy thinking

What is? That at the same time that she had told her daughter and two world leaders that she knew it was an Al Queda terror attack, she came out and totally lied about it being because of a video?

When did she say the attack in Benghazi was a result of the video?
Is there ever a point where libs are going to just look at something logically and question the bullshit?

Hillary and Obama kept repeating the lie about the attacks being carried out by a bunch of poor protesters who were upset about a video. And the fact that there had been over 200 violent incidents in the area, including an attack on the consulate, were just coincidences if you believe Hillary's bullshit. Then there is the worst attack happening on the 9/11 anniversary, which is a favorite custom of terrorists.

We'd have to believe that those poor protesters must have found all those weapons since poor people wouldn't be able to afford those. And they knew where the safe house was, which was another amazing coincidence.

The attack was well coordinated and took hours. They carried it out like they knew exactly what they were doing, not something the average poor person would have any experience at doing.

Even if you were to accept Hillary's version (not sure what the current one is), you'd still have to ask why no help was sent for our people. The first excuse was that there wasn't enough time. The second excuse was we didn't have permission. The last excuse was that it was Libyan officials' responsibility. Those excuses were all over the board and none hold water. If it had been someone else's responsibility, there would have been demands for them to act that day. There were none. There were no statements saying we were waiting for permission. There was just the excuse that there wasn't enough time.

So, by that reasoning, police shouldn't bother responding to calls for help because there is no way they can get there before the victim is murdered. Of course, help will be sent anyway. We never stop and ask how long an attack or crime will be committed. Help must be sent because the victims need help. Maybe they'll survive and need medical help. We don't just sit and do nothing, then make up stories about who the perps are.

When our people are in danger and cry for help, we go. Or at least we used to do that. No man or woman left behind was always the rule before Obama and Hillary took the helm. Now, it's all about pretending the attack was something it wasn't and placing blame on the wrong ones. It was a terrorist attack and anyone with a fucking clue knew it was likely. They dropped the ball, then lied and that is what the investigation is all about. It is so wrong the way that was handled, especially when it should have been prevented by evacuating our people prior to 9/11. Other countries got their people out, but we left ours hung out to dry.

Quite the fantasy story they've built for you.

Here is the reality on Sept 12.

"Yesterday, our U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya was attacked. Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings. American and Libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. Four Americans were killed. They included Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and our Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. "

Read more: Clinton’s Remarks on American Deaths in Libya | IIP Digital

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