POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters

Everything is funny to this Lib...............

Just pointing out you support utter failures...................Enjoy the Lying campaign............cause that is all you have.

Everything is funny to this Lib...............

Just pointing out you support utter failures...................Enjoy the Lying campaign............cause that is all you have.
we do not need the Idiot GOP ...all that you believe is funny or stupid or both...

Everything is funny to this Lib...............

Just pointing out you support utter failures...................Enjoy the Lying campaign............cause that is all you have.
we do not need the Idiot GOP ...all that you believe is funny or stupid or both...
Enjoy the Hildabeast and her Lies..................

You will have the joy of referring to her as "Madam President"...
I don't think so yet...............Unless does her bidding which is quite possible...........Bill was elected by Yoda not the people.
Your dreaming, or living in this right wing propaganda bubble....

They provided no proof, what so ever that she lied about the attack, none, zero, zip.

A terrorist wannabe al-Qaeda group took credit for the attack, she talked to Chelsea, the following day, this terrorist group reneged, retracted their responsibility for the attack....the admin also received 21 action reports from various Intelligence agencies that attributed the incident to the video.

It was changing by the minute, fluid.....

No one lied.
NOPE, not lying, you just did not watch the hearing and are uninformed on the other hearings on this....

Get out of your right wing bubble and echo chamber and read up on it....
Again............BS.............they pushed the video did it and got called on it................That's a Lie.............they later said it was a terrorist attack after their BS didn't fly......................and you know it.
NO I don't know that they were trying to cover it up, there was no reason to....

in one week or so, after they had more reliable information they came to us and told us all that terrorists did the attack.....1 week...... whoop Dee do.

Right wingers claim Obama did this because he said al-Qaeda was concurred, gone, done etc....

BUT Obama NEVER EVER claimed al-Qaeda was gone, done....there would never be another attack from them....

YOUR Right wing Spin meisters CLAIMED he said something he didn't say....and then made up this as the reason...

How can you not see this?

Btw, where is al-Qaeda.....? Haven't heard about them in years....
Well they were having a pool party with ISIS in our old embassy in Tripoli.........don't know about now......

Libya is a joke of foreign policy...........the video did it attempt was utter horse hockey...........and a lie.
You are ignoring every single bit about what was going on in the region at the time with the video, the 21 intelligence reports the admin received that said it was the video, and a lot of other information at the time....

The admin, via Rice, did not lie, according to every single Benghazi investigation, ALL 8 of them....they All, including the Repub run house intelligence committee, who have top secret clearance so they saw ALL INTEL, said Rice did not lie.....

So, I have no idea who these sources are that you are using and seem to trust, to form this opinion of yours....?

Did the admin spin the information to put our Nation in its best light, when talking on worldwide tv, where the perps and enemies reside, You betcha they did, and that my dear, is their job....
NOPE, not lying, you just did not watch the hearing and are uninformed on the other hearings on this....

Get out of your right wing bubble and echo chamber and read up on it....
Again............BS.............they pushed the video did it and got called on it................That's a Lie.............they later said it was a terrorist attack after their BS didn't fly......................and you know it.
NO I don't know that they were trying to cover it up, there was no reason to....

in one week or so, after they had more reliable information they came to us and told us all that terrorists did the attack.....1 week...... whoop Dee do.

Right wingers claim Obama did this because he said al-Qaeda was concurred, gone, done etc....

BUT Obama NEVER EVER claimed al-Qaeda was gone, done....there would never be another attack from them....

YOUR Right wing Spin meisters CLAIMED he said something he didn't say....and then made up this as the reason...

How can you not see this?

Btw, where is al-Qaeda.....? Haven't heard about them in years....
Well they were having a pool party with ISIS in our old embassy in Tripoli.........don't know about now......

Libya is a joke of foreign policy...........the video did it attempt was utter horse hockey...........and a lie.
You are ignoring every single bit about what was going on in the region at the time with the video, the 21 intelligence reports the admin received that said it was the video, and a lot of other information at the time....

The admin, via Rice, did not lie, according to every single Benghazi investigation, ALL 8 of them....they All, including the Repub run house intelligence committee, who have top secret clearance so they saw ALL INTEL, said Rice did not lie.....

So, I have no idea who these sources are that you are using and seem to trust, to form this opinion of yours....?

Did the admin spin the information to put our Nation in its best light, when talking on worldwide tv, where the perps and enemies reside, You betcha they did, and that my dear, is their job....
Hello.........I watched the news after the attack and they kept with the Lying Game of a video did it........................

Drink the Kool aide.
You are ignoring every single bit about what was going on in the region at the time with the video, the 21 intelligence reports the admin received that said it was the video, and a lot of other information at the time....

The admin, via Rice, did not lie, according to every single Benghazi investigation, ALL 8 of them....they All, including the Repub run house intelligence committee, who have top secret clearance so they saw ALL INTEL, said Rice did not lie.....

So, I have no idea who these sources are that you are using and seem to trust, to form this opinion of yours....?

Did the admin spin the information to put our Nation in its best light, when talking on worldwide tv, where the perps and enemies reside, You betcha they did, and that my dear, is their job....

that's right.. there was NO LIE... no one actually BLAMED a video... no one ever pretended the attack wasn't TERROR. shameless partisans parsed diplomatic talking points just to make political hay prior to the 2012 elections... and the internet went all atwittah repeating GOP talking point LIES.. for 3 years now we've seen these hacks parrot completely fabricated talking points about a 'cover-up' which never existed...
You are ignoring every single bit about what was going on in the region at the time with the video, the 21 intelligence reports the admin received that said it was the video, and a lot of other information at the time....

The admin, via Rice, did not lie, according to every single Benghazi investigation, ALL 8 of them....they All, including the Repub run house intelligence committee, who have top secret clearance so they saw ALL INTEL, said Rice did not lie.....

So, I have no idea who these sources are that you are using and seem to trust, to form this opinion of yours....?

Did the admin spin the information to put our Nation in its best light, when talking on worldwide tv, where the perps and enemies reside, You betcha they did, and that my dear, is their job....

that's right.. there was NO LIE... no one actually BLAMED a video... shameless partisans parsed diplomatic talking points just to make political hay prior to the 2012 elections... and the internet went all atwittah repeating GOP talking point LIES.. for 3 years now we've seen these hacks parrot completely fabricated talking points about a 'cover-up' which never existed...
I'm just letting you know there will be a day of accountability for Hillary Clinton, for those who have insisted on calling her good while knowing full well what a wicked and evil woman she is. To call evil Good and good Evil is a sin. God isn't grading on a curve here. You'll be judged by your words, your actions and your deeds. You'll be reminded of defending the wicked and their evil actions while accusing the godly and their defense of the truth. You'll be reminded of it and you'll be held accountable for it.

I think a God who drowns babies really doesn't have any business calling anyone else evil.

Your God is a cosmic Susan Smith.

I think you are off topic, Joe.

you are the one invoking God in this thread.

Here's the thing. I don't think this is a good or evil kind of thing. I do actually think that our actions in Libya were bad policy, the kind of bad policy a lot on the left thought they were putting an end to when they voted for Obama in the first place. But Obama is engaging in the same kind of stupidity that Bush and the first Clinton and Bush's Daddy and Reagan did. Let's get in the middle of someone else's fights.

God's name is the One Name that is above every other name (His Name is Jesus Christ) and His Name should be welcome in any discussion. Your slandering God and making up a story against Him is reprehensible, Joe. You'll give an account for your words one day but until then, bringing up slanderous accusations against God's name is an attempt to derail the thread and you know it. As for Hillary getting away with murder? As I said before...........she isn't getting away with anything. She is going to give an account for her actions one day.
You dont think presenting proof Hillary lied about the incident to the American people is nailing her?
You poor thing.

too bad they did nothing of the sort.
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

This was from her first public statement on Sept 12th.

"Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings."


An al Qaeda associated group claimed responsibility and then later retracted it.
The outcome?

Trey Gowdy, aka the banjo player in 'Deliverance',

got to play Ned Beatty's role.
You dont think presenting proof Hillary lied about the incident to the American people is nailing her?
You poor thing.

too bad they did nothing of the sort.
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

This was from her first public statement on Sept 12th.

"Heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our buildings."


An al Qaeda associated group claimed responsibility and then later retracted it.
She told Chelsea it was an AQ affiliate.
She told representatives in Egypt she knew it was a terrorist attack executed by an AQ affiliate.
She told the American people for weeks it was a spontaneous uprising caused by a video.

All of those things cannot be true. Only one can be true.
Was she lying when she wrote to Chelsea?
Was she lying when she wrote to the government in Egypt?
Or was she lying when she told Americans it was spontaneous?

She had no incentive to lie to Chelsea or the Egyptian government.
She had incentive to lie to the American people because the attack contradicted the adiministration line that AQ was on the run.

So which is it? Show some intellectual honesty here and answer the question.
The thread isn't about Bush or 9-11.

Its about Clinton and Benghazi.

Get your head out of your ass.

Oh wait. I forgot. That's your usual posture. Never mind. Idiot.

This thread is about Idiots like you trying to pretend that Benghazi was the worst fuck up ever...the worst Fuck up ever happens to be George W Bush...he failed America in every way that you are trying to say Hillary did ...may I add that I have contempt for total assholes like you:banana::badgrin:

I think the larger issue with President Bush and his administration is how thy use "Talking Points" in the run up to the Iraq invasion and occupation for a full year before the war that killed thousands of our soldiers was launched.
The State Department failed to adequately provide even the minimum standard level of security for Ambassador Stevens.

Mid-Level State Department reps (according to Hillary) never pushed the ttreats made, the call for assassination against Stevens, or his repeated requests for additional manpower to Hillary. This shows that there was not enough hands-own running of the State Department by Hillary. There was obviously a break-down within the State Department and a lack of appropriate management.

Hillary Clinton KNEW the attack was a terrorist attack, telling her own family and Turkish PM so, then created the Video LIE to help cover up the extreme failure. Americans would have understood the fact that it was a terrorist attack, but what they could not / can't stand is their government lying to them in such a heinous way.

I believe Hossfly is right in that the investigations will continue. The Committee may be put on hold while waiting to see if the FBI comes up with any more Benghazi-related e-mails. He is also right in that the FBI investigation will continue. Finally, he is also right about how Liberals have already disregarded these findings, that are damning, but believe the continued legal investigation should be halted. Liberal 'extremists' have already decided that no matter what the FBI or anyone else finds out they have no interest in whatever it is. It could be discovered, IMO, that Hillary Clinton has herself killed someone, and it would not effect the blind liberal support for her as President.
whatever Clinton told anyone and when is a moot point because Gowdy couldn't prove squat about anything ..

just because all the partisan hacks WANT Clinton to be guilty of something doesn't make her guilty ..
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

Except she never said it wasn't a "Terrorist Attack".

So what you have is her public statements were more cautious than her private ones.

Big fucking whoop. I hope so. I would hope that she would wait for the FBI and CIA to do their jobs before she said anything publically.
LOL. She called it a spontaneous demonstration against an internet video. That was a lie. Do you understand the difference between a lie and the truth? Somehow I doubt it.

Actually they suggested, (speculated) that the extremists joined a copycat protest, like the one in Cairo a few hour before, and launched their assault with the protest as cover. They were wrong, there was no protest. Doesn't mean they were intentionally lying because of the election which was two months away.
The thread isn't about Bush or 9-11.

Its about Clinton and Benghazi.

Get your head out of your ass.

Oh wait. I forgot. That's your usual posture. Never mind. Idiot.

This thread is about Idiots like you trying to pretend that Benghazi was the worst fuck up ever...the worst Fuck up ever happens to be George W Bush...he failed America in every way that you are trying to say Hillary did ...may I add that I have contempt for total assholes like you:banana::badgrin:

I think the larger issue with President Bush and his administration is how thy use "Talking Points" in the run up to the Iraq invasion and occupation for a full year before the war that killed thousands of our soldiers was launched.
I think the larger issue is you are a dishonest piece of shit and are now trying to deflect to Bush and the Iraq War, which gets hashed out several times a week on this site.
Denial. Not a river in Egypt.
We have emails from her to Chelsea saying it was a terrorist attack.
We have her public statements saying it was not a terrorist attack.
Only one can be true. Did she lie to Chelsea or did she lie to the American people?

Except she never said it wasn't a "Terrorist Attack".

So what you have is her public statements were more cautious than her private ones.

Big fucking whoop. I hope so. I would hope that she would wait for the FBI and CIA to do their jobs before she said anything publically.
LOL. She called it a spontaneous demonstration against an internet video. That was a lie. Do you understand the difference between a lie and the truth? Somehow I doubt it.

Actually they suggested, (speculated) that the extremists joined a copycat protest, like the one in Cairo a few hour before, and launched their assault with the protest as cover. They were wrong, there was no protest. Doesn't mean they were intentionally lying because of the election which was two months away.
LOL. No. No one suggested that.
Hillary knew it was a planned attack within minutes. But she lied about it being a protest. What about that do you not understand?

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